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Wrecked Page 10

by Shyla Colt

  “Of course.”

  He brushed their lips together and released his hold on her hair. He moved past her down to their room.

  Gia ran a hand through her mussed hair. The clock had begun to tick down to D-day. If I’m going to meet with her, I’m going to be on point. She walked down the hall and began the longest grooming session she’d ever had since leaving Jamaica. Back then, being buffed, waxed, and plucked had been a bi-weekly event. Dressed in a pair or black leathers, a black tank top, and knee-high biker boots, she looked fierce and formidable. She slicked her hair back into a low ponytail and added smoky cat eyes to her minimal makeup. She added a neutral gloss and stood up straight. I look like an old lady. The thought made her grin. As I should. She walked out of the bathroom and settled on the edge of the bed. “Lefty, it’s time.”

  He moaned and rolled onto his back. “Time?” he asked, throwing his arm over his face.

  “Yes, you need to get up and get dressed.”

  He opened his eyes and blinked. He raked his sleep filled gaze over her and growled. “You

  look like an old lady.”

  “That’s what I am, aren’t I?”

  “Fuck yeah, you are.” He sat up and nipped her lip. “When this is over, I’m going to make

  up for all these days I’ve missed.”


  “Don’t I always deliver?”

  His husky voice made her nipples harden. “Yes, you do.”

  “Don’t tempt me. I need my head in the game right now. Tonight, that ass is mine.” He

  massaged the swell of her ass.

  “Keep rubbing me and we won’t be leaving on time.”

  He grunted, removed his hand, and slid out of bed. “I’ll be ready to go in ten minutes.”

  She waited for him on the couch. Minutes stretched like hours, and by the time he stepped

  out in jeans, a black t-shirt, and his cut…her nerves were worn thin.

  “Let’s ride, babe. Quicker we do this, quicker she’s out of our lives forever.”

  “Where are we meeting?”

  “Taffy’s, it gives us home advantage.”

  She winced. “I think we’re going to have to change the name now.”

  “Agreed. You might love her, but I can’t stand the bitch.”

  She remained quiet. Arguing would do nothing, and he had no memories of her that were

  good. She wasn’t even sure the girl she grew up with was still inside the hollowed out shell she’d seen in the club.

  “You ready, G?” he asked, studying her carefully.

  “I’m ready,” she said, hoping she sounded a hell of a lot more confident than she felt.

  They traveled to the club, met up with Demon and a few other members, then drove to

  Taffy’s. They were the first to arrive.

  Gia opened the doors, slightly numb as they moved to the back.

  Demon posted a few men up front. The rest of the men would stand around in the room,

  ready to jump into the action at the slightest hint of trouble, while she, Lefty, and Demon sat at the table.

  She sat between the two with her hands in her lap. The tension in the room felt thick and

  cloying. She swallowed to moisten her throat. What seemed like centuries later, the sound of footsteps came from the hallway. It’s time. Gia clasped her hands together and kept her face emotionless.

  Mylandra walked into the room with her hips swaying from side to side. Five-inch lime-

  green heels matched the skintight dress with the low cut v-line that showed off her chest and sternum. Her locks fell down to her waist and her make-up was flawless. The years had been kind. No large wrinkles marred her oval-shaped face. Her milk chocolate skin glowed and her full lips twisted into a sneer while painted a bright fuchsia. “I see someone done real well for themselves. Still using the skill I taught you.”

  “We’re here to deal, not reminisce,” Demon sneered.

  “Fine,” Mylandra said while shrugging. “You want something I ‘ave. You offer me


  “No, that’s not how we’re going to play this,” Demon retorted, his voice steady and calm.

  “First, you show us that Taffy is fine and then, if we’re still interested, you can tell us what you want. You’re not going to waste my time playing guessing games. You seem to keep forgetting where you are. This is my space, my rules. You got me?”

  Mylandra’s nostrils flared and her lips pursed. “She’s outside in the car. Whether she’ll

  continue to be fine is up to you.” She set down her phone, placed a call, and set the phone up on its kickstand. “Mark, show them our bargaining tool.”

  A moment later, the massive man with dark brown skin pulled Taffy into the frame by her

  face. Her left eye was swollen shut. Her right eye had a dark ring around it. Her lip was split and her breathing sounded off.

  Gia bit the inside of her cheek to keep from running off at the mouth.

  “Why would we want such damaged goods?”

  “Because you don’t want pretty. If that was the case, you wouldn’t have asked me to make a deal for the ugly bitch. You want me to be up front. I’ll make it clear. There’s no amount of money you can offer me. What I want is to see Jalissa suffer. She stepped out of her place and made me look bad. I’ve had to live with that shit for far too long. Taking it out on Taffy only helped so much.” Mylandra shrugged. “I got bored of it after a time. They’re no use once they’re broken. You want her? Then give up the club and your fancy home.”

  All this time and you still know nothing about me, you evil bitch. I never cared about the money. I only wanted security

  “Taffy’s isn’t hers to give,” Demon said.

  “Then have her sign over the rights,” Mylandra replied.

  Demon opened his mouth to protest.

  “Done,” Gia stated.

  “Oh, you’re speaking for yourself now? How adorable,” Mylandra cooed, treating her like a


  “Nothing about me is adorable and you know it. I’m not scared of you, Mylandra. You want

  me to get rid of my house and sign over Taffy’s, it’s done.”

  Mylandra’s brows shot up, almost meeting at a point. “What?”

  “You heard her,” Lefty said.

  “Looks like we have a deal,” Demon added.

  “No!” Mylandra spat out.

  “Do we have a problem here, Mylandra? You’re here only because you had something we

  wanted . If that’s unavailable to us now, everything changes.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Mylandra growled.

  “I think we both know I’m not the type of man who needs to threaten,” Demon replied all

  too calmly.

  For the first time, Gia saw Mylandra balk.

  Demon gave her a slow smile that even made Gia’s blood run cold. This was the man named

  for the hell-dwelling creature.

  Mylandra blinked. “I want it done now.”

  “It’ll get done on our time schedule. You don’t run shit here,” Demon seethed. His voice

  rumbled in his chest. “You want me to prove my point? ‘Cause I’d love nothing more.”

  Mylandra glanced away. “No, that won’t be necessary. “

  The small child inside her screamed at Demon, begging him to stop. Provoked, Mylandra

  was capable of horrible things. She’s not simply a bogey man anymore.

  “Then, our business here is done. Send Taffy inside, on her own. We’ll draw up the

  paperwork today. The house will be sold when it sells. It’ll be on the market by the end of the week. After you walk out of this club…forget you knew us,” Demon ordered.

  “Or don’t. I’d love to spend some quality time with you. I hear you like to play games. So do I,” Lefty sneered.

  Mylandra stood. “That won’t be necessary. I have what I wanted and you’re taking garbage
r />   off my hands.” She turned on her heels and strode away with her head held high.

  The minute the door closed behind her, Gia released the sigh she’d been holding in and

  rested her head on the cool surface of the table.

  “You alright, babe?” Lefty asked.

  “For the first time, I think I really will be.”

  The door flew open and Gia sat up straight in her seat.

  “If you think I’m going to thank you, you’re fucking out of your mind. You think because

  you bought me like cattle, you own me too? That I feel grateful? Fuck you, Jalissa!”

  “Bitch.” Lefty stood slowly. “Her name is Gia and she just gave up more than you can even

  comprehend. So, sit your mouthy ass down while we figure out what the fuck to do with you.”

  He bared his teeth.

  Taffy paused and then took a step back.

  “It’s okay, she has a right to be mad,” Gia said softly. “I get that. I didn’t try to buy you, Taffy. I saw a way to help you and I took it. I’m not asking you to pretend like everything is fine.

  But at the least…you will show these men respect.”

  “They might have you fooled. But I never met a man who deserved it.”

  “I used to feel the same way. You’ve got a lot to learn. Your life is going to be completely different from today on, but you have to let me help you.” Gia raised her hand. “I didn’t say trust me, or like me. I said let me help you. It’s a whole new world, and if you fail, it’s on your own head. I’ll give you all the tools you need. Remember what you told me? If we give up, Mylandra wins.”

  “She’s been winning for a very long time,” Taffy whispered, glancing down at the floor.

  “And yet, she’s gone now.”

  Taffy glanced up with eyes full of what Gia thought might be hope.

  “We’ll get things figured out and go from there.” She found strength in the knowledge that this was her turn to repay a debt that had weighed heavily on her soul for far too long.

  “You going to bring her home with us?” Lefty asked, arching an eyebrow.

  “For now.”

  “Alright, I’ll have a prospect get a hold of a car and drive you. Give her the run down on the rules?”

  “Of course.”

  “Rules?” Taffy said, instantly on alert.

  “Lefty is…cautious. Let’s talk about the alarm system first.” Gia lead her out of the room, biting her lip to hide her grin. Her man had come through for her in so many ways and it felt damn good. Placing her trust and her heart in his hands had been the best decision of her life.

  She’d been asleep at the wheel and he’d brought her back to consciousness, kicking and

  screaming. She watched him speak with his head close to Demon’s and her heart swelled.

  “It’s different between you two, isn’t it?” Taffy said.


  Taffy nodded. “The way you look at him. It’s more than sex.”

  “Far more. Lefty is my old man. For a motorcycle club, that’s the equivalent to being


  Taffy gasped. “You’d allow yourself to be tied to a man like that?”

  “There wasn’t much allowing to it.” Gia laughed. “We’re more of a meet in the middle type.

  It’s not official, we’ve got kinks to work out and rough edges to smooth. But it’s more than I ever thought I would have.”

  Taffy grunted, retreating back into her shell.

  Gia sighed. We have a long way to go.


  Gia watched the moving truck pull away from the home she now shared with Colm for the

  last time and sighed. An era had ended and a new one had begun.

  “You okay?” he asked, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her to his chest.

  She relaxed against him. “It was starting to get lonely in that house. I’m not sad to see it go.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “Not when I have you here.”

  He smiled. “I’m happy about that. It’s your friend I’d like to evict.”

  Gia sighed. “I’ll get her settled into one of the apartments soon.”

  “Yeah, you need to or I’m going to wring her scrawny neck.”

  “I know, Colm. I’m working on it.”

  He and Taffy were like posturing tomcats eyeing one another whenever they were in the

  same room. Taffy had no problem showing her disdain for both of them, but it’d only been a week and she was hurting. The bruised ribs and fresh wounds were a burr under her saddle.

  “It’s not you I’m pissed at, babe. She has no right to give you shit. You shouldn’t keep

  letting her. She mouths off to the wrong person around here and she’s going to get her ass handed to her.”

  “I know. I’m talking to her about it.”

  “Enough about her. It’s time to celebrate.” He lifted her up into his arms and carried her inside, slamming the door closed with his foot.

  “But the boxes.” She gestured toward the random piles stacked throughout the living room.

  “That’s why we have prospects, babe.”

  Gia laughed. He’d brought joy back into her life. Before Colm, she’d just survived.

  Together, they lived. He captured her mouth and the world fell away. The packing could definitely wait.

  Shyla Colt

  Told once 'You have to be an author, then your craziness becomes eccentrics', Shyla Colt

  has always been in love with the written word and possessed a desire to write. Named after Super Girl in the comics, she often mistakes her mortality for super hero status. So, she holds many hats, Mother, Marine Wife, and writer are her top three. Writing allows her to explore new venues, face her demons and touch others. A huge practitioner of paying it forward and putting in what you want to get out, she hopes to inspire, enlighten, move and entertain you with her work.

  Mixing humor, drama and strong women, often with a paranormal element, she continues to

  soldier ahead in the writing field. One of her favorite things is talking to fans.

  If you'd like to learn more or just drop a line, please check her out at www.shylacolt.com.

  Links Webpage: www.shylacolt.com

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShylaColt Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shylacolt

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