Never Trust the Rain (Destined for Love: Europe)

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Never Trust the Rain (Destined for Love: Europe) Page 3

by Laura D. Bastian

  “Not really. Had a couple of things to do around the place, and a little bit of fix up on my beater, but nothing too pressing.”

  “Do you have plans for tonight?” Ami asked.

  “No. Why, ye looking for something to do?”

  Ami blushed, making her fair skin turn an attractive shade of pink. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I know, love. I just couldn’t help myself. But in all honesty, I wouldn’t mind some company for dinner if you’ve a mind to join me.”

  “You cooking, or are you going to take me out for some haggis?”

  “What’s yer preference?”

  “Do you cook?” Ami asked.

  “A bit. I’m no chef, but I get by.”

  “I’m good at the boxed stuff, or the microwave stuff. I can boil water like a pro.”

  Duncan chuckled. “I’m a might better than that, but I’ve nothing in my pantry to impress ye much. So if we were to do dinner, I think it would have to be haggis at the Crowned Boar.”

  “I’m game. Told my students I’d be trying out all that Scotland has to offer. Now what kind of teacher would I be if I didn’t at least try it?”

  “Then it’s a date. What time shall I come get ye?”

  “I don’t know. What’s normal time for dinner?”

  “We could do six. Will ye be rested enough for dinner by then?”

  Ami covered the yawn that had escaped, prompting his question. “I think that should be fine. I can take a quick nap and be ready to go by six.”


  “What kind of place is it?” Ami asked. “I need to know what kinds of clothes to raid from Jessie’s closet.”

  “Casual, but nice.”

  Ami nodded as if considering what that meant.

  As they pulled into the little neighborhood where Chris and Jessie lived, he was happy to know he’d be able to see her again tonight. He had never been this interested in a woman on such short notice, but something just felt right about their meeting. He was lucky Jessie had gone in to labor so soon. And it was a good thing he hadn’t turned Chris down when he called this morning.

  He helped Ami get her bags from the boot of the car and walked her up to the front steps, pulling the suit case behind him. When she got there, she pulled out the key and looked at it and chuckled. “It has a castle imprinted on it.”

  “Well, a man’s home is his castle.”

  “That’s what my dad always said,” Ami said. “I’ll bet it was Jessie who picked out the key.” She smiled up at him and once again he was happy he’d be seeing her soon. She put the key in the lock and turned the knob. “Thanks so much, Duncan. You’ve really gone above and beyond. I appreciate your help and kindness.”

  “My pleasure. I’ll see ye soon.”

  Ami stepped inside as he walked down the pathway to the car. He glanced back in time to see her look back at him before closing the door.

  Six o’clock couldn’t come fast enough.


  Ami gave herself a tour of the apartment Chris and Jessie had and smiled at the cute way her sister had decorated it. Even though the flat had a definite American feel to it, so many cute things from Scotland dotted the place. She walked down the hallway that led to the bedrooms and peeked in each one. The master bedroom had the bed still unmade. Ami moved in to tidy it up a little. Jessie always loved a perfectly made bed. Coming home from the hospital to a clean room would make her happy.

  When the room was tidied up and the bed covers pulled tight, Ami went to the next room. She flipped the light switch on and took in the decorations. They had decided against finding out the gender of the baby until birth. Not something she was sure she could do if it were her, but they had done a good job decorating in some neutral colors. The cute little animals made Ami think a little bit of Noah’s ark. The crib of beautiful, lightly-stained wood had more of a traditional carving to it rather than anything frilly or whimsical. It would fit Ethan perfectly.

  The colors were also pretty and still gender neutral enough no one would think it odd that a boy lived there. She checked out the supply of baby items, from diapers and wipes to lotions and blankets and sleepers. Jessie was prepared. She wouldn’t need to go out and help get anything ready for when they came home in the next few days.

  Ami worked her way to the next room and saw what she assumed would be hers for the summer. She loved the bedspread Jessie had chosen. The beautiful dark blue with hints of sparkles in the fabric reminded her a little of the night sky. Jessie knew her sister well. She went back into the front room and grabbed her luggage, unpacking it into the dressers and the wardrobe against the wall. The room didn’t have a closet, but this would work well enough.

  After a quick shower, Ami climbed under the covers and set an alarm on her phone before allowing herself to take a nap. Though it was only marginally restful to try sleeping in a new place in the middle of their busy day, she managed a few hours. When her phone alarm woke her, she hurried and pulled her hair into an elegant twist, hoping that if it did rain, it wouldn’t cause much damage.

  She looked through Jessie’s closet, searching for something she could wear that would be casual but nice. Most of the clothes in the front of the closet were maternity, but she did find a cute dress that would work paired with a light sweater she’d found in a drawer.

  It was nice to be able to raid her sister’s closet again. It had been too long. She was still annoyed Chris had accepted this job here. They said it would only be for a few years, but it was still too long. Since she was here, though, she’d enjoy every minute she could. And having someone like Duncan to show her around the area could only be a bonus. Hopefully he wouldn’t get tired of her too soon. If tonight went well, maybe they could go do a few other things since Jessie and Chris probably wouldn’t be up for much sightseeing for a while.


  She was ready to go the moment Duncan knocked on the door, but she forced herself to take her time. She didn’t want to seem too eager. Since he worked with her brother-in-law, there could be some awkwardness if things didn’t turn out right.

  When she opened the door, she smiled brightly at the sight of Duncan standing there in a dark jacket, denim pants, and brown boots. The cool evening air entered the room and she knew she was under dressed.

  “Give me a moment to find a jacket,” Ami said.

  “Good plan,” Duncan said. He stepped into the house when she motioned for him to come in. She hurried into her room and grabbed the waterproof jacket Jessie had suggested she bring with. When she returned to the front room, he was looking at the pictures Jessie and Chris had on their mantle.

  “I’m ready,” Ami said. Duncan smiled. He offered his hand to her and she hesitated a moment before taking it, wondering if it was just him, or if it was some custom or cultural thing. At least there wasn’t any of the kissing on the cheek stuff. She wasn’t sure she would be ready to deal with something like that from him.

  “Then off we go.” He opened the door while keeping a hold of her hand and led her outside to his car. She didn’t make a fool of herself this time because he guided her to the correct side of the car. As he drove through the streets, he gave her a mini tour of some of the things around town. She listened with pleasure to the sound of his accent as he told her about the old buildings and some of the history behind the city.

  Before long, they parked on a side street and he turned off the car. “We’ll have to walk a bit. There’s never enough parking for this place, but I promise the walk is worth it.”

  “You’re making me walk for haggis?”

  “Aye, but it’s not just that, love. It’s everything else they serve. And the atmosphere. Besides, if we walk, we’re sure to give ye a chance for a bit o’ rain on the way back.” He looked up at the sky. “Unless o’ course it gives us a show in the next few minutes.”

  “What a gentleman you are. I totally lucked out with you coming to rescue me at the airport.”

n’t ye, though? I was absolutely yer hero, and woke the sleeping beauty. However, I neglected the kiss, so maybe I’m not so good at the hero stuff.”

  “There doesn’t always have to be a kiss.” Ami immediately regretted the words. Not because she was hoping for a kiss, but because she didn’t think bringing up kissing with a practical stranger was a good idea. And now she couldn’t get it out of her mind.

  She tried to change the subject back to the weather, knowing it was a lame topic, but he’d been the first to bring it up. “Do you really think it will rain tonight?”

  “I wouldna be surprised. The surprises are when it doesn’t.”

  “Duncan!” A high soprano voice called out from somewhere behind them. Ami paused and looked at Duncan, who turned around looking for who had called him.

  “Lorna, how’ve ye been?”

  “Not so bad, dearie,” Lorna said. “It’s good to see ye. It’s been too long.” She moved closer and glanced at Ami with raised brows but ignored her as she gave Duncan a hug.

  “How’s yer mum?”

  “She’s doing great, thanks for asking.”

  “I sure do miss seeing her. I hope to stop by and say hello when I go home next week. We always did have so much fun chatting. Especially about you.”

  Duncan chuckled. “Yea. Get a couple womenfolk together, and they’ve nothing better to do than talk about the men.”

  “Och, it’s not hard to talk about the men. Especially when they happen to be favorites of ours.” Lorna squeezed his arm, glancing at Ami as if forced to acknowledge her. “So who’s this, then?”

  “Ah, she’s a friend of mine. Just arrived from the States today. Thought I’d christen her right away and give her a taste of the Crowned Boar.”

  “Oh, Duncan. How could ye?” She hit him playfully on the shoulder and looked over at Ami. “I hope ye’ve got an iron stomach. He took me there for our first date. It was a nightmare, and I’m used to this kind of cooking.”

  “It had nothing to do with the meal.” Duncan shook his head.

  “True, and ye were such a love, ye took care of me and nursed me back to health while I fought that nasty flu.”

  “I didn’t want me mum getting after me if ye died while in my care.”

  “True. Ye’d have never heard the end of it.” She laughed deeply and then took a long breath. “It was good to see ye, but I’ve got to get home to Liam.”

  “Tell him I said hi, and that I’m still jealous he was able to convince ye to marry him.”

  “Will do. Ye still plan to come to the wedding, don’t ye?”

  “Of course,” Duncan nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  Lorna looked over at Ami and waved. “Was nice meeting ye. Good luck at dinner.”

  Ami blinked as the woman turned and walked away without waiting for a response from Ami. Not that she had a clue of what to say. She looked at Duncan, who watched Lorna walk away with a smile on his face.

  “Were you two a couple?”

  “Och, a long time ago. We grew up in the same town and were always good friends. Then for a while at University, we dated a bit. Didn’t turn out so well. We were much better suited as friends.”

  “Ah.” Their friendship was obvious, but it had also almost bordered on the flirtatious. Ami wasn’t sure what she thought of it. Especially if the other woman was getting married soon. She didn’t have long to mull over the whole thing when another woman called out his name. Duncan turned and though he had a smile on his face, it wasn’t nearly as large as the one he wore when he met Lorna.

  “Mairi,” Duncan said to the beautiful woman who approached them. She held a couple shopping bags in one hand. A large purse hung from her shoulder.

  “Fancy meeting you here, Duncan.” Mairi smiled wide and Ami wondered if her lips would be able to stretch any further. “What have ye been up to?” She glanced over at Ami. “Who’s this?”

  “Ami. She’s visiting Chris and Jessie. You remember them, right?”

  “Oh, of course. Has she ever had that bairn yet? She’s been pregnant for just about forever.”

  “They had a boy this morning,” Duncan said.

  “Oh, good for them,” Mairi said. She immediately dropped the subject. “So I was thinking we should get together and talk. I’m not happy about how things ended between us. What do ye say?”

  “Sure, Mairi. Give me a call on Monday. We can meet sometime.” He glanced at Ami, and then back at Mairi. “If you’ll excuse us.”

  Mairi immediately responded. “Of course. I’ve got loads more to shop. I’ll see ye Monday. Have a good weekend.” She walked past them without looking at Ami.

  Ami turned to Duncan, who kept his eyes straight ahead as they walked. She saw him meet the eyes of another woman who smiled at him. He nodded.

  The guy seemed to really get around. At least she was able to see it right off. Now she could just enjoy the meal with him. Soon Jessie and Chris would be home and she’d be able to focus her attention on the real reason she came.

  And it had nothing whatsoever to do with a handsome Scot who would break her heart in a moment if she wasn’t careful to keep it tucked up nice and safe.


  He couldn’t believe his luck. Running into two former girlfriends while on a date with Ami. At least neither had been too nosy. Though he doubted Mairi would actually call him on Monday, he knew she was only saying that to cause him grief because he was with another woman. She couldn’t care less who he was with. She was the one who left him, claimed he wasn’t giving her enough of his time and that she had other pursuits she’d like to focus on. Especially other men.

  The longer she was gone, the more he realized he didn’t really miss her. Seeing her again hadn’t brought up any feelings other than awkwardness to introduce Ami to her. Of course, Ami really was only a new acquaintance, but if he were honest, he hoped to see her a lot more. She exuded sunshine, and for someone who lived in an area like this, he loved the brightness he felt with her.

  “Here we are,” Duncan said as they reached the Crowned Boar. It wasn’t until they arrived that he realized he hadn’t said a word as they walked. It had only been a minute or two, but it was bad form on his part. He tried to inflect his voice with energy. “Are ye ready for the best Scotland has to offer?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Ami said.

  “Ye’re going to love it. If ye don’t, then I promise to take ye out to a place of yer choice, even if it’s some American chain so you don’t feel so homesick.”

  Ami lifted one corner of her mouth into a half smile. “Aren’t you a sneaky one?”

  “Whatever do you mean?” Duncan asked, trying to play innocent, but pleased she’d caught on to the hint that he’d like to see her again. He didn’t know what it was about her. Even though their date had barely begun, he really wanted to make sure this wasn’t the only one.

  The hostess met them with two menus. “Just the two of ye?”

  Duncan nodded and the hostess motioned for them to follow her. Duncan allowed Ami to go first. He glanced around the room, hoping they wouldn’t see anyone he knew. He wanted a chance to just talk with Ami without needing to field a ton of questions. After making sure they’d be unmolested, he caught up and joined Ami before the hostess set the menus down on the table.

  She took their drink order and left with the promise of sending their server out right away. Ami looked at the menu and Duncan smiled. “Any questions?”

  “Not yet.” After a few minutes, she lifted her eyes and looked at him. “What else should I try with the haggis?”

  “The tatties and neeps are always good.”

  “The what?” Ami asked, looking back down at the menu and up at him again.

  “Potatoes and turnips.”

  “Don’t you do fish and chips?”

  “Of course, but that won’t go well with the haggis.”

  They talked and enjoyed asking questions about each other. Ami didn’t just ask the regular questions a
bout his work or schooling or his family; she asked him questions about what kind of color he liked, where he’d want to go if money were no option, what he wanted to be when he was a kid, and random questions that didn’t seem to tie together.

  “Where are ye getting all these different topics?”

  “It’s something I would do with my kids. I just wanted to see how differently an adult would answer the questions.”

  “Okay, so ye’ve got some from me. What about you? Where would ye like to go if money was no option?”

  “To the moon,” Ami said. “I want to be way out into space and see the stars up close.”

  “Och, that makes my answer of a South African safari sound rather lame.”

  “No, not at all,” Ami said. “It gave me all kinds of information for you. And the fact it would be a tourist safari instead of a hunt means a lot.”

  “Well, good for me then.” Duncan smiled. “How about yer favorite color?”

  “It used to be green, then it became purple, but seeing all the varying shades of green that I’ve seen here just today, there’s a high chance green will reclaim the honored spot.”

  “Have ye always wanted to be a teacher?” Duncan asked.

  “Yeah, pretty much. Didn’t like the way my fourth grade teacher kept us in from recess one time, so I decided I’d become a teacher and always let my kids have recess.”

  Duncan laughed. “And have ye kept that promise?”

  “No. Are you kidding? And give up the best bargaining chip ever?”

  “So ye’ve become a wicked teacher just like the one who inspired ye?”

  “Yup. And I’m not even a little bit sorry about it.”

  “I don’t think I’d have the patience to be a teacher.”

  “Some days it’s a bit difficult, and there are times I wish I had chosen something a little less demanding and soul draining, but most days, it’s so rewarding. I love seeing the spark in a child’s eyes when they finally understand something I’ve been trying to teach them.”


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