Never Trust the Rain (Destined for Love: Europe)

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Never Trust the Rain (Destined for Love: Europe) Page 7

by Laura D. Bastian

  “I’d better go in. Jessie might need my help with the baby tonight.”

  “I’ll call ye tomorrow,” Duncan said. Unable to help himself, he kissed her once more. This kiss was shorter than the first, but with more promise in it, and she didn’t pull away first this time. “Thanks for a fabulous day.”

  He stepped back. She opened the door and disappeared inside before he walked back to his car, his mind unable to stop thinking of the girl and wishing he was still standing on her porch holding her right now. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough. He was sure he could get her to go with him somewhere. It didn’t matter where to him, as long as they were together.


  Ami looked at her phone to see the text that woke her was from Duncan. He wasn’t kidding about calling her the next day.

  You up for a tour of a castle?

  Absolutely, Ami replied. She didn’t think Jessie would have any issue with her taking time today to go exploring. Chris was home still for one more day before he went back to work part time as they transitioned into parenting.

  What time?

  Is nine too early?

  No, that should be fine. As long as you don’t expect perfection.

  I don’t expect perfection, but you deliver anyway.

  Ami grinned at his words. Her heart fluttered. After the kiss last night, she’d struggled to fall asleep because she couldn’t stop thinking about it, and here he was, flirting and making her sigh with happiness. She just hoped it wouldn’t come back to bite her.

  This was just a fun vacation with a kissy twist. Nothing had to turn serious. They were adults who could have a little fun and move on when it was time to return to the real world. She typed a quick message into her phone that she would see him soon, and rushed out of the room to go find Jessie and let her know before she got ready for the day.

  “Really?” Jessie asked, blinking over the bowl of oatmeal she had in front of her. “You’re going out with him again?”

  “Yeah. Will that be a problem? I can cancel and stay to help you if you need.” Ami hurried to assure her.

  “No, it’s not that. Chris will be here and Ethan mostly just sleeps so we’re good. I was just thinking that things are kinda moving fast with you two.”

  Ami blushed, hoping Jessie wouldn’t notice. “What do you mean?”

  Jessie put her spoon down and looked into Ami’s eyes. “I don’t know. I can tell you like him. And he’s a nice guy, but I’m worried about you. I mean, he just recently broke it off with a girl and Chris has often talked about what a ladies man he is at work.”

  “Yeah, I’ve kinda noticed he’s always being eyed by the ladies. Or should I say lassies?” Ami joked to try to make light of the situation. “I know he’s a flirt, and I’m not going to fall for him. We have fun together. I’m only here for a few more weeks. It’s not like anything will happen between us.”

  “I guess,” Jessie said. “I just want you to be careful. Have fun, but maybe try not to kiss the guy.” She took a spoonful of her oatmeal after that. Ami hoped she was too occupied to notice the guilty look that crossed her face.

  “Have a good day. I’ll try to not be gone too long. I’m feeling bad I came to help and you don’t really need me much yet.”

  “Oh, no worries,” Jessie said. “As soon as Chris goes back to work, I’ll be using you all the time so I can nap in the days when I’m not feeding him.”

  Ami grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. She took it into her room to eat as she got ready for her castle date with Duncan.

  In less than thirty minutes, she was waiting in the front room to answer the door. She didn’t want to really deal with Chris or Jess if they decided to hang out in the front room after breakfast. They returned to their room with the baby, so she was able to slip out without a lot of fanfare.

  And with Duncan’s compliments on seeing her, she was happy to not have an audience. His words warmed her even more than the sun did.

  “Sorry it was such short notice, but I couldn’t wait to see ye again. And I figured today would be a good day to go see the castle.”

  “Works for me,” Ami said. “It’s on my list of places to see, and you’re an excellent tour guide.”

  It didn’t take them long to get to the castle hill, but they had to park in a lot not far from the hill. “We’ll need to walk from here.” He glanced at her shoes. “Good thing ye’re a sensible woman, because I forgot to tell you how much walking would be involved.”

  “Jessie told me before I came here that I’d want good shoes for any of the sightseeing I did.”

  Duncan nodded. “Wonderful.” He offered her his hand. “Shall we go?”

  “We shall.” She paused a moment. “Do we need an umbrella?”

  He looked at the sky. “Possible. Ye never know.” He unlocked the car, grabbed a compact umbrella from the back seat, and placed it in his deep jacket pocket. “Good thinking.”

  “I just didn’t want to force you to have to buy me another shirt. The shops around here look a little pricier than the other.”

  “Never fear, lass. If it came to it, I’d buy ye dry clothes. I’d never forgive myself if I allowed ye to catch cold because of me.” He took her hand again. “Me mum taught be better than that.”

  Those words reminded him of the girl she’d met that first day. Lorna or something. She hesitated for a moment before bringing her up. “Good thing for Lorna as well. It does seem like you’ve saved a few damsels in distress.”

  “It all comes with the territory.” Duncan shrugged. “Speaking of Lorna, her wedding is in a few weeks, and I don’t have my plus one.” He looked at her before continuing. “I don’t suppose ye’d be willing to go with me.”

  “Really?” Ami asked. “To a Scottish wedding?”

  He nodded.

  “Will it be all fancy and full of men in kilts?”

  “I suppose,” Duncan said.

  “Will you be wearing a kilt?”

  “And if I said yes?” Duncan asked as if unsure.

  “Then I’d say yes.”

  “So ye’ll go with me?”

  “Sure,” Ami said. “But you’ll have to tell me how to behave at a proper Scottish wedding.”

  “I’d imagine it isn’t all that different than any wedding ye’ve been to,” Duncan said.

  “Oh, but it will. We don’t have handsome men in kilts.”

  “Ah, it’s only the ugly ones who wear them, then?”

  Ami giggled, and Duncan pulled her close in a one-sided hug before letting her go so she could walk up the stairs leading to the castle. As she worked her way up the stone steps, she couldn’t help feeling like she was being transported back in time a little. She felt as if all the old world were taking control of the new and hiding away the advances of the real world. She almost wished for a moment that she could see what it looked like when the castle was in use. With the view of the city sprawled out beneath her beautiful enough, she didn’t wish for the past for too long.

  “Do you come here often?” Ami asked.

  “I’ve been a time or two, but not often.”

  “It’s amazing. I wonder what it looked like hundreds of years ago.”

  “Fewer buildings. More trees.”

  “You know what I mean,” Ami said.

  “Aye, I do. And it’s nice to think of the past, but I’m glad I don’t live in it.”

  Ami looked at him. “Do you have things in your past you regret?” As soon as she asked, she wished to take the personal question back, but Duncan didn’t seem to mind.

  “I have a few. Nothing terribly severe, but I do think I’ve grown from the mistakes I’ve made.”

  Ami nodded. Duncan took a step closer and rested his hands on the stone railing she stood next to. “What about you?” he asked. “A question like that needs your response too.”

  “I’m probably like you. A few things I’d wished I’d done differently maybe, but nothing I’m really ashamed of.”

  “Good to know,” D
uncan said. “Ye ready for the tour?” He offered his hand.

  “Absolutely.” She put her hand in his and followed him inside the huge fortress.


  Ami had more energy than Duncan was ready for. He watched in awe at the way she flitted from one exhibit to another. She read the plaques and inscriptions everywhere she saw one, and she asked him questions. Some he could answer, and some he had no idea. He felt a little embarrassed he didn’t know more of the history of his own city.

  Duncan shook his head. “I don’t know much about that.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m probably pestering you with all these questions. Guess I’m just in my teacher brain trying to learn as much as I can so I can share it when I get home. I’ve been told I get a little too obsessed with things.” She stopped talking and turned her attention back to the display in front of her.

  He could tell she was more subdued and he wondered if he had offended her. He took a step closer until his arm brushed hers. Duncan looked at the display of armor. “Who told ye, ye’re obsessed?” he asked softly.

  Ami glanced at him and blinked quickly. “Oh, people. Back home.”

  “Someone close to ye?” Duncan looked into her eyes, searching for the truth. She was obviously unhappy with the memory. He wondered how deep that wound went.

  “Not anymore.”

  “Was it an ex?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “Whoever it was, don’t let it get to ye. I find it refreshing that ye’re so full of life and obsessed with things ye find interesting.”

  “See, you think I’m obsessive too.” She winked at him, but he could tell she was trying to lighten the mood.

  “Well, who wouldn’t be obsessed when ye come to visit Scotland?” He swung his arms out to encompass the area surrounding them. “I mean, there is a lot of fascinating stuff here to see. And I’ll bet if I were to ever come visit yer home, ye’d have some things to show me that I’d find highly interesting.”

  Ami chuckled. “Oh, yes. Arizona has some amazing rocks. You’ll have to come on a vacation to see me and I’ll show you all the dry ground and stunted trees.”

  “See,” Duncan said. “And I’ll do my best to show as much enthusiasm when ye’re my tour guide.”

  Ami chuckled and leaned against him. Duncan took advantage of the opportunity to bring his arm around to hold her against his side. She rested her head on his chest and seemed to melt into him with relief. He wondered again if an ex-boyfriend had made her feel so self-conscious. He couldn’t imagine her any different than she was. Her excitement for life was refreshing. He wished he’d had someone as interesting as her in his life. If Mairi had been one half as lively as Ami, he would never have let her get away.

  Mairi had left him because she wanted her freedom to do whatever she wanted with no one telling her what to do. Did that mean he was controlling, or was she too independent?

  He thought of the woman snuggled into his side and wondered how a relationship with her would work. For now, it was all just fun and games. She would be leaving in a month.

  He squeezed her gently. She shifted into him, turning their embrace into a hug. She rested her head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  The other tourists were far enough away that they stood close together in their own little private world without interruption for a few minutes. When a few tourists made their way closer to where they stood, Ami pulled back.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve gone and turned this into a mess. I don’t know why I’m all weird all of a sudden.”

  “Don’t fret, love,” Duncan said. “I don’t mind at all. Besides, it’s not every day I get to hold a beautiful damsel in a castle.”

  “Ahh, look at you being the hero.”

  “Aye, that’s me,” Duncan said. “But in all honesty, I’m no saintly hero. I’m standing here wondering what my chances are of getting a kiss from the fair maiden.”

  The smile that blossomed on her face was part shy, part vixen, and all welcoming. “I think your chances are pretty high,” Ami whispered. “But is it allowed in here?”

  “If I’m the hero and ye’re the fair maiden, then where else would we go to kiss?”

  “I can think of quite a few places,” Ami said.

  Duncan grinned. Those places could wait. At the moment, he had more important things to take care of. He leaned forward slowly, keeping his eyes locked on hers until they were close enough he couldn’t see straight. That didn’t matter. He didn’t need to see to enjoy her kisses. And her kiss was enough to make him wish he had asked for it in a more private location. With the tourists coming in and out, there was no way they could take their time the way he longed to.

  The woman in his arms was one in a million. He wished things could be different for them.


  Ami was all aflutter. And what on earth was she doing? She shouldn’t be kissing this guy. Not that she didn’t want to. In fact, she didn’t want to stop kissing him. When he took her hand and led her to another place in the castle to continue their tour, she wished she could kiss him again and again. Yet something worried her in the back of her mind. She pushed the concern away, knowing their relationship was only temporary, just a fun diversion while she was on vacation.

  She’d be leaving in a few weeks. Why not let herself have fun? As Duncan took her from room to room, she held some of her questions in, not wanting to bother him with too much. She continued to study the artifacts on display, reading the plaques and taking pictures of some of the more fascinating ones. As they neared another display of some old armor, Ami had Duncan move closer to it so she could get a picture.

  “I need to have a reminder of my Scottish hero when I go home.”

  Duncan obliged and posed near the suit of armor, giving her a smolder that made her think he would be perfect in any movie role.

  “Too bad you can’t try it on,” Ami said.

  “No way. I’d never want to wear something like that.”

  “Why not?” Ami asked. “Don’t you think it would look awesome?”

  “Awesome, sure. But think of the chafing.”

  Ami giggled at how the serious tone in his voice and the teasing expression on his face clashed.

  “Now it’s your turn,” Duncan said, taking her camera from her. “Ye’ll want some memories of yerself being here.” He led her over to the armor and told her to pose. She smiled at the camera, wanting to be sure she didn’t look goofy.

  Only moments after he snapped the picture, an older couple approached. The woman held her hand out. “Would you like me to take a photo of the two of you?”

  Duncan looked at Ami as if wondering what she’d like him to do. Ami looked at the woman and nodded. “Thanks. That’s nice of you.”

  Duncan handed over the camera and joined Ami. When his arm reached around her back and then rested on her hip, she leaned against him again, wanting the closeness and loving the opportunity. She smiled at the camera, feeling more genuine this time than when he’d taken the picture of her. Something about him brought out the joy inside.

  The friendly tourist returned the camera and Ami looked at the display screen. They looked good together.

  “Thank you.” Ami gave the woman a warm smile. This picture would be one she printed and framed to help remember the trip. Not that she’d ever forget it. Too many things were permanently embedded in her mind, not the least of which stood beside her with his arm still around her.

  Outside a few minutes later, Ami sighed. “I still can’t get over the beauty of all of this. And to think they built all this with stones and bricks on top of a cliff.”

  “It took a lot of skill for sure,” Duncan said. “Not to mention years and years.”

  “And look at the view. No matter where you stand, you see something breathtaking.”

  Duncan took a step back and looked to his left, then to his right, and then straight ahead directly at her. “Ye’re right. Breathtaking.”

  His Scottish brogue melted her insides as his words sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine. She smiled. “You’re too good at this.”

  Duncan shrugged. “Guess it comes naturally.”

  Ami knew it had to be true. Just seeing him interact with any woman who came near, and from what Jessie mentioned about him before he’d picked her up, she was sure he was a ladies’ man. Yet whenever they spent time together, he seemed completely devoted to her. It was hard to blend the idea of the two different images of him together.

  If she could just go off what she felt when she was with him, she’d have no worries at all. She’d never felt more accepted and interesting than she did with him. And the fact that he kept complimenting her in such a genuine way, she knew she needed to keep her wits about her. It was probably a good thing she was going home soon. Otherwise, she’d have too much to worry about.


  When they’d finished with the tour of the inside of the castle, Duncan led her outside and down the pathway to the gardens and grounds. Though they’d been there a few hours already, he didn’t want to leave the castle yet. The way she oohed and ahhed about everything made him happy. He loved seeing the castle with new eyes.

  She paused every now and again to take a photo, to read a plaque, or ask him questions here and there. He did himself proud and was able to answer quite a few of them, but she didn’t ask too much.

  When he heard her stomach rumble, he smiled. “Shall we go find a bite to eat?”

  “I’d love that,” Ami said. “But at the same time, I hate to leave.” She turned to look toward the castle once more. He waited patiently for her to get her fill. The place was magnificent and now that he had seen it with her, he would love these memories of the place more than when he’d seen it with his parents.

  If he wasn’t careful, she’d end up replacing all the other images and memories of his favorite places as a child. She had definitely crowded out many of the outings he’d had with Mairi.


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