Never Trust the Rain (Destined for Love: Europe)

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Never Trust the Rain (Destined for Love: Europe) Page 10

by Laura D. Bastian

  “Yes. It’s very nice.”

  They continued walking and Duncan knew the evening would turn out much differently than he had hoped when he first planned to walk with her in the garden. He didn’t know how, but he was sure he had lost her. At the next bench, seeing it open, Duncan led her to it and pulled her down next to him.

  He debated for a moment on what to say, yet the words never solidified for him. He held her hands in his, one hand rubbing the ring finger on her left hand absently before he realized what he was doing.

  He looked up into her eyes, but before he could say anything, Ami sighed.

  “Thanks for bringing me to the wedding with you. I’ve really enjoyed it, but I think...” She paused. “I think maybe it’s time for me to leave.”

  Duncan looked at her for a moment. “You want me to take you home?”

  Ami met his eyes. “Yes, and then we probably shouldn’t see each other again. I’m leaving in just a few days. I have a lot to get done before I go. Need to help Jessie and Chris before I leave. I think it would just be easier if we didn’t make any plans.”

  Duncan swallowed the angry response that threatened to come. He took a slow breath then asked. “Are you breaking up with me?”

  Ami looked at him, then glanced away. “I don’t think it’s really that. I mean, we’ve never defined our relationship. I always thought it was just more for fun. We both knew it was temporary. That I would be leaving soon.”

  “I know,” Duncan said. “But lately, it hasn’t felt temporary. In fact, I’ve not felt this way about a woman in a long time.”

  Ami looked at him. In the dark he wasn’t sure, but her eyes seemed to shine with unshed tears, as if she were struggling to keep her emotions under control. It was a good sign for him. She looked down at their joined hands. “I think it would be better for both of us if we decided to part ways here. Not make any promises about the future that we know we can’t fulfill. I don’t want to go home and nurse this relationship, knowing it will just die out eventually. Long distance never works out.”

  “Have ye ever tried one?” Duncan asked.

  Ami nodded, but didn’t speak.

  “I’m willing to give us a chance,” Duncan said. “Are ye sure you don’t want to try?”

  Ami shook her head. “It wouldn’t be fair to you. I’m not willing to leave my job to relocate here. I doubt I could even get hired. And you shouldn’t have to leave your job to follow me to a country you’ve never been to.”

  Duncan frowned. “Shouldn’t it be my choice? Shouldn’t I get to decide if ye’re something I’m willing to sacrifice for?”

  Ami sighed. “Of course you should. But there isn’t enough basis for us to go on with the short time we’ve known each other. I’m trying to give you a way out. A clean break.”

  “Darlin’,” Duncan said. “I don’t want a way out. In fact, I’m trying to figure a way to get you to let me into yer heart. But I can see it may not be the right time for ye. I can accept that I guess.”

  He brought one hand up and kissed it. “How about we enjoy the rest of the evening. I’ll take ye home after the dancing is done, and won’t bother ye if ye’d rather have some time to yerself, but please don’t shut me out. I’d like to see ye once more before ye leave. Just to say goodbye. Would that be all right?”

  Ami nodded.

  He didn’t want to push her, but he knew his chances of winning her over tonight were slim. Instead, they would have fun, one last hurrah before she had to pack up to go home. Then he would figure out his next move. Because one thing he knew for sure ― he did not want to lose her.


  Ami swayed in his arms, loving the strength he exuded. She wished she had kept her stupid mouth shut on their walk, but she knew it was for the best. He needed to be let go. She didn’t want to go home with hopes of something that would die out and leave her more bitter than any other relationship she’d ever had.

  This way was easier. A clean break. After a night of dancing, of course. She couldn’t insist on him leaving the wedding too early. It would look bad for the best man to take off before all the festivities were done, and she wanted to stay in his arms on the dance floor, enjoying the movements of song without needing to speak to him.

  He was a perfect gentleman and didn’t treat her badly even after she told him they should call it quits. Instead, he danced with her at nearly every song and did his best to keep their conversations light and fun as they interacted with the different guests at the wedding.

  As the night wore on, she noticed a change in him, as if he were relieved to be free of her. The thought gave her a bit of remorse, but strengthened her resolve. It would be a good thing. They could end their relationship on good terms. Duncan kept her busy entertaining wedding guests with her accent and it made the night a giant, fun success for her. As they left the party late into the night, they had returned to their fun and light hearted communication which had defined their friendship from the start.

  He walked her to the car and held the door for her. The ride home was subdued but not unpleasant, and Ami wished she could think of something to say to him. Duncan turned on the radio and sang softly along with the music, burning a sweet hole in her heart.

  “You really should look into pursuing music,” Ami said.

  Duncan just smiled and kept singing. She allowed the words to wash over her and closed her eyes against the long drive, wrapped up in thoughts of Duncan and what might have been if she weren’t so level-headed.

  She woke feeling groggy and confused. She looked at the clock on the dashboard of the car to see it was past two a.m. Duncan had his hand on her arm, probably in an attempt to wake her up. She placed her free hand on his and patted it.

  “You really are amazing,” Ami said. “Thank you for such a wonderful night. And for not blowing things out of proportion.”

  Duncan shrugged. “Would it have done any good?”

  Ami chuckled. “No. But I really appreciate everything. This trip has been better than I ever could have imagined. I’m glad I met you.”

  “And I you. But I do hope you won’t hold to that whole never see each other again. I’d like to be able to stay in contact. Maybe ye’re right, and nothing can come of a romantic relationship, but I think ye’re the best kind of friend and I’d like to keep ye.”

  “Ah,” Ami sighed. “What a sweetie. I’d love to be your friend still.”

  “Wonderful.” Duncan shifted a little to look into her eyes. “And since we’re still coming off the friendly kind of friends stage, I was wondering how ye’d feel about a goodbye kiss?”

  Ami smiled, looking into his eyes. “I think that should be all right.” Her voice was soft and low. She was pleased that it wasn’t panicked or squeaky.

  Duncan lifted his hand and placed it softly against her cheek, leaning closer to her and she moved forward to make it easier. When his lips touched hers, she once again cursed herself for telling him they needed to end the relationship. She allowed all thoughts to leave her so she could just focus on the perfection of his kiss.

  When he pulled away, she sighed. “You sure know how to break a girl’s heart.”

  Duncan chuckled. “It isn’t me, sweetheart. Ye’re the one who put an end to things.”

  “I know,” Ami said. “And you have to know it’s the right choice, but dang, you’re good.”

  “I reserve the right to think ye’re crazy, and will once again oblige ye with a kiss. Just so you can be sure I’m the best.”

  He pulled her closer, yet kissed her softly enough that she didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable in the front seat of the car. His hands remained still, one on her knee while the other cupped the back of her head, but she felt completely encased in his presence.

  She pulled back, knowing if she let him continue, she’d be begging him to reconsider her demand and to let them give it a try.

  “I’d better go inside.”

  Duncan took a slow breath. “I know. Though
I respect yer decision, I wish things could be different for us.”

  She pulled the latch for the door and moved one leg out of the car. “Me too,” she whispered into the night. “Me too.”

  “I’d walk ye to the door, but after what just happened here, I couldn’t promise to let you go. Ye’d be better off if I just watch from afar.”

  Ami nodded and looked into the door before she closed it. “Thank you, Duncan. It was a wonderful night.”

  The best and worst way she could think to end it. Good thing her flight was in just a few days. She’d be busy enough with last minute activities with Jessie, Chris, and Ethan that she could hopefully keep Duncan off her mind.

  But as she stepped into the house and closed the door behind her, she knew that hope was in vain. Duncan would occupy her every thought for a long time to come.


  After texting the friend giving her a ride home, Ami worked her way down the airplane, pulling her carry-on behind her. The flight had been uneventful. Nothing had been able to take her mind off of what she’d left in Scotland. She’d tried reading books and even watching movies, but her mind would wander to all the things she and Duncan had done and she would get all teary eyed.

  She had managed to not burst into tears, which she was sure the guy sitting next to her on the transatlantic flight appreciated even if he didn’t know how close she had been.

  As she stepped out into the arid desert air, she sighed. Though she loved her home, she would miss the rain and coolness of Scotland. One good thing about living in Arizona, she wouldn’t be reminded of Scotland very often, and hopefully that would help her keep her mind off Duncan.

  When her friend’s bright yellow bug pulled up along the curb for passenger pick up, Ami waved at her and pulled her luggage forward. As soon as it was safely stowed in the car, Shelby gave her a hug and asked, “So, tell me everything you did. Did you meet any hot guys?”

  The simple question opened up a floodgate and the only thing Ami could understand was Shelby telling her they’d stop and get some pints of ice cream. When Ami cried even louder, Shelby shook her head. “Okay, we’ll get some quarts. Don’t worry, sweetie, you can tell me all about it.”

  Four hours later, Ami was curled up in a ball on the couch where Shelby had left her to run pick up some groceries and Thai food. The ice pack helped reign the headache in. She was sure her puffy crying eyes would subside enough that when she went outside to run her errands tomorrow she wouldn’t bring any attention to herself.

  She didn’t want to have people asking questions about what was wrong. And hopefully, since she’d already let everything come out with Shelby, she wouldn’t be caught unaware like that again.

  The way Shelby looked at her as she explained her reasons for ending the relationship with Duncan didn’t help her feel confident in her decision.

  She just needed time. In a few weeks, when she had to get to the school and begin setting up her classroom, she should be ready to move on. For now, she’d allow herself a good long cry, subsist on ice cream and takeout, and be miserable for a few days till she pulled herself together.

  Yet this time it felt so much worse. Probably because she was the one to end it when things were actually looking pretty good.

  Stupid Scotland.

  Stupid ocean.

  Stupid choice.


  Duncan took the keys for the rental car and texted Jessie. I’ve got the car. Wish me luck.

  LUCK!! Jessie replied and Duncan smiled. He hoped Ami’s sister was right and that Ami would be happy to see him. Chris and Jessie had cornered him and demanded to know everything that had happened the night of the wedding. At first he thought he was in massive trouble, but when he had explained how Ami had wanted to call it quits and go their separate ways, Jessie had rolled her eyes and given him the third degree.

  After admitting he had fallen hard for Ami, Jessie insisted he do something about it. He was all too happy to listen to her proposal and with a few minor changes on his part, he was ready to follow through with it.

  Chris had been given a job lead from a previous co-worker stationed in Arizona and gave Duncan the opportunity to check it out. When the phone interview went well and they requested an in-person interview, Duncan knew he had to do it.

  He could use it as an excuse for the flight, but the true reason was the girl had stolen his heart. Although she tried to give it back, she still had a tight hold on it. He had to do something about that and see if she’d be willing to give them a go.

  Duncan scrolled through the other text messages from Jessie to find the address to Ami’s school. Jessie said it didn’t start until next week, but assured him Ami would be at the school doing her prep work before the students arrived.

  He loaded his luggage into the rental car, set the address in the GPS, and headed out to face his destiny head on.


  Ami peeked out the classroom door to make sure her principal wasn’t anywhere near. She didn’t have a step stool and didn’t want to walk all the way to the custodian’s office to get one just to hang a poster.

  She held the push pins between her lips and stood on a chair, pressing the poster welcoming her students to another wonderful year against the wall above the hooks where they would hold their backpacks. Deciding to press her luck, she moved the chair over to the other wall to grab another poster explaining the school rules and tucked some more push pins between her lips.

  While pushing the third pin in, she heard the unmistakable sound of someone clearing their throat and she cringed, knowing it was her principal.

  “Ami, you know you can’t stand on the chairs. It’s a liability.”

  “I know,” Ami said, shoving the last pin in since she’d already been caught. “It’s just so much easier.” She turned around and gasped when she saw who was standing next to the principal.

  “I didna know ye were a rule breaker,” Duncan said.

  The principal grinned and turned to Duncan. “See if you can convince her to change her ways.”

  Duncan shook the principal’s hand. “I’m sure hoping to do just that.”

  The principal looked from Ami to Duncan and back to her. She smiled as if to say, Don’t let this guy get away.

  “I’ll show myself out,” the principal said, although neither one of them was really paying her any attention.

  Ami stepped off the chair and took a step toward him. She stopped. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to find you.”


  “Do you really have to ask?” Duncan said.

  Ami stared at him. He took a few steps closer to her, as if not sure what kind of response she’d give him. “You came all this way to catch me on a chair and get me in trouble with my principal?”

  Duncan chuckled and Ami smiled, loving the easy-going manner he had.

  “Aye, love. The whole reason I came was to get ye in trouble.”

  “Well, you’ve succeeded,” Ami replied with mock seriousness.

  Duncan looked to the empty doorway where the principal had disappeared.

  “Not with her, silly.” Ami sighed. “I had just managed to convince myself I was going to be fine without you. Then you show up and I realize what a complete fool I am.”

  “Not as big a fool as I was to let ye leave without fighting for ye. I thought it would be best, that ye knew what you wanted. Maybe ye did, but darlin’, I’m thinking it definitely isn’t right for me. I miss ye. I need ye in my life more than I need the rain. And when I saw ye just now, I think I might need ye more than I need air.”

  “Well, that’s just silly. No one can live without air.”

  “True, and it’s just as true that I can’t live without you. Will ye give us a chance? Let things happen how they may?”

  “Really?” Ami asked. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “As sure as I’ve ever been,” Duncan said, taking a few steps closer to her. She
closed the distance and wrapped her arms around him, feeling better than she had in weeks.

  Whole again.

  When he kissed her, she knew she would never let him get away again. It didn’t matter if she had to leave and move to Scotland with him, or if he decided to uproot himself and move there. The only thing that mattered was that they were together.


  The following summer couldn’t come soon enough, but finally Ami found herself on the banks of the Loch Ness holding a single flower tied with Duncan’s clan tartan fabric as she looked down a small aisle with a few rows of chairs. They were filled with family and friends, but still a small and intimate wedding party.

  She looked up at the darkening skies, not even caring that rain was in the forecast. The dress could take it, and though everyone had told her she should have a backup with a tent for the ceremony, she insisted on being out under the open skies.

  “You can never trust the rain here,” Jessie said.

  “Exactly,” Ami said. “It was the rain that made me fall in love with Scotland, then in turn with Duncan. And if it decides to rain on my wedding day, I can’t imagine a better gift from the heavens.”

  “You’re a little crazy, but I still love ya.” Jessie hugged her. “I’d better go get in my place.” Jessie moved to the place next to her husband so she could help begin the ceremony as the matron of honor. She was followed by the bridesmaids, and then the bagpipes changed their tune for her.

  She smiled at the sound and took her father’s offered arm. With her eyes locked on Duncan’s, she walked down the aisle on a rolled-out tartan rug until she stood in front of the minister beside the man of her dreams.

  Before the officiator could begin, the clouds opened and began to rain on the wedding. Duncan dropped her hand for a moment, and pulled out a huge umbrella from the side of the minister where a large vase filled with flowers for the ceremony stood. She glanced behind her and saw all the guests pull out their umbrellas someone had wisely insisted on providing.


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