Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series)

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Her Dragon To Slay (Dragon Guard Series) Page 11

by Julia Mills


  She dropped her head down in the most beautifully submissive pose he had ever seen. He could see her delicate hands clenched into fists while her forearms supported her weight. Kyndel’s pussy squeezed tight around him and shattered his hard fought control as she pushed back against him. He grabbed both her shoulders and began to thrust hard and fast.

  “Oh God, yes! Yes! YES!” her voice louder and louder as he continued to pound into her weeping flesh. She met him thrust for thrust. Their movements were uncoordinated and frantic in their combined efforts to reach ecstasy. Rayne could tell she was close; she just needed a little extra inspiration. His balls drawn uptight, his orgasm beating down on him, he took one of his hands from her shoulders, palmed her breast and squeezed her already hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She went off like a rocket taking him with her. Rayne and his beast roared their release into the trees. She was his and always would be, just as he would always be hers. As long as they were together, all was right with the world.

  Rayne couldn’t find it in his heart to care that in that moment they were being stalked by a crazed band of hunters or that his men were a few hundred yards away. All that mattered was the woman in his arms. He leaned down until he was draped across her back. He moved the collar of her shirt and nipped the little spot behind her ear that he knew from experience was extra sensitive. Her womb grabbed his softening cock and it began to rise again. God, he wished he had days, maybe even months to spend loving this woman. Their time would come, of that he was sure. He just had a few things to take care of first. Right now her safety came first, he had to get them redressed and back with his men.

  As they reentered the fray, his men had the good sense to show no indication they had any idea what had just transpired between them. Even Lance knew better than to smirk in their direction. They’d all heard the stories from the elder couples about the mating call’s effect on a dragon shifter and were well aware of how possessive Rayne would become until the completion of the mating ceremony. He was eternally grateful they had all been taught the same lessons growing up. All drakes were extremely protective of their mates even after the completion of the mating ceremony but before it was a living, breathing entity until she wore his mating mark. The constant need to be near and touch their vibria would never go away but the jealousy would lessen once the bond was complete. The ability to mind speak was another byproduct of the mating ceremony and it gave another level of comfort to both mates when they could touch the others’ mind. The ability to hear their mate’s thoughts and feel their mate’s feelings calmed the drakes and let the vibrias know what their mate needed from them.

  Rayne knew it was getting close to time to begin the hike that would take them closer to his clan’s lair. They needed to be at the highest point in the city by nightfall. He tucked Kyndel close into his side and called to his men, “Everyone get something to eat. Smells like Royce has been busy. We need to be ready to move out in thirty minutes.”

  Rayne guided her over to the fire and saw the surprise on her eyes at the sheer amount of food being prepared. Just when he thought her eyes couldn’t get any larger or any rounder, she got a glimpse of Royce, the oldest and largest of his Force. He stood 6’10” and could have been the all pro defensive line for any NFL team. Not a player, the whole damn line! He knew his intuitive mate had picked up on the innate gentleness of his friend. Anyone could see that inside that huge body resided a gentle giant. He told stories of how he spent the better part of his formative years knocking heads together because all the children insisted on teasing him for his carrot orange hair and massive amounts of freckles. Although kindness and an incredibly even temper shone through his big brown eyes, Rayne could attest to the fierce warrior that inhabited the same space. Royce was not one to be messed with; he had not survived over one hundred and fifty years without knowing how to defend clan and homeland.

  “Sorry, I didn’t get to meet you before. I was busy rounding up enough food to feed these ruffians. Name’s Royce, I’m very pleased to meet the woman that has turned our Commander inside out.” He reached out to shake her hand.

  Rayne stiffened as she took her hand from around his waist to shake hands with Royce. She looked up at him with her patented one eyebrow up “what in the hell’s the matter with you” look and scoffed. Her hand completely disappeared into Royce’s huge paw. It was such a strange sight to see his mate’s delicate hand enveloped by his brethren’s not so delicate one. Hell, Royce could palm a beach ball, after all.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Royce. I’m not sure I have turned your Commander inside out but I can assure you if that iron skillet was empty I would bring him down a peg or two.” He couldn’t deny his mate’s quick wit was amazingly sexy.

  His entire group of men stopped dead in their tracks. He knew they had never heard anyone but his mother, dare to talk to him in that tone of voice. He looked from man to man and suddenly they all burst out laughing. He schooled his features, attempting to appear appalled at her remark but couldn’t keep up the façade as she laughed so hard her eyes began to water. He growled at her for good measure, “Mate…”

  “Don’t you ‘Mate’ me Rayne MacLendon. I can shake hands with anybody I want to. I will not be rude and the way you’re acting is pissing me off.” She huffed and he felt his pride grow at her refusal to back down to him.

  Royce got his laughing under control, “You have quite the woman on your hands there, Commander. Perfect match for you, I must say. I couldn’t be happier for you. Let me get you both something to eat.” Rayne noted he continued to look back and forth between the couple while filling a huge plate to almost overflowing. He assumed it was for them to share and that Royce was playing to the growing need to care for his mate that they had all been taught existed. He would have to thank his oldest brethren when they were alone. His men liked that his woman was feisty. He was more pleased than he wanted to admit that his mate wasn’t afraid to stand up to him or anyone. She was his even match. The Universe did not make mistakes. She was perfect for him. He could see from the looks on the faces of his men that they were all pleased with his good fortune.

  Kyndel smiled at Royce as Rayne took the plate the big man had piled high with food for them. “Thank you, Royce, I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I smelled the food,” she thought for a second. “I just realized I haven’t eaten in almost twenty-four hours,”

  Rayne immediately felt horrible, how had he not thought of feeding her? All he had been able to think about was getting between her thighs. What a shitty mate he was turning out to be, didn’t even think about making sure the single most important person in his life was nourished. Well, that was never going to happen again. He would see to all her needs. She would want for absolutely nothing ever again. He planned to be the best mate ever. He steered her over to another fallen log the parks department had made into a makeshift bench.

  After they were comfortably seated, he lifted a piece of meat to her lips. He would make sure she got her fill, whatever it took. She would never be hungry as long as he drew breath. Kyndel tried to take the meat from his fingers but he quickly moved his hand, placing the food against her lips. She moved her head back, “Rayne, I’m capable of feeding myself.”

  “I’m sure you are, but I’ll feed you to make sure you get your fill.”

  “Rayne, that’s not necessary,” she narrowed her eyes at him. “What’s really going on here?”

  He let out a long suffering sigh and placed the piece of meat back on the plate, “Mo chroí, it’s my responsibility to take care of you, to make sure you have everything you want and need. I was so concerned with making love to you that I neglected to realize you were hungry. I can command men and fight hordes of hunters but the first time I’m supposed to care for my mate, I let her go hungry.”

  He threw his shoulders back, trying to hide the feelings of absolute failure that he was experiencing for the first time in his life. The affectio
n and acceptance he saw in Kyndel’s hypnotic gaze served as a balm against the unfamiliar feelings. Then she placed her hands on either side of his face, “Rayne, I’m quite capable of taking care of myself. You heard me tell Royce I hadn’t even realized I was hungry until I smelled the food cooking.”

  His Kyndel even placed her finger tips over his lips to stop him from interrupting to continue calming him. “And as far as I’m aware, we were both quite concerned with making love. I don’t recall asking you to stop and feed me at any time.”

  She smiled a smile that he hoped to see on her lips every day for the rest of their lives. “I’m a very independent woman, Rayne. I’ve been taking care of myself for quite a while now. I have absolutely loved everything we’ve done together. I would not trade one second of being with you for the best cheeseburger in the world and that’s seriously saying something because I LOVE a good cheeseburger.” His saucy mate winked at him causing him to chuckle, “Besides, I could stand to shed at least twenty pounds.”

  The smile slid from his lips as he removed her hand from his mouth and held it in his lap while her other still cupped his cheek. He leaned into her hand and looked directly into her eyes so there was no mistaking his intent. “You will not lose one ounce. You are absolutely stunning just as you are. Your curves are beautiful. You are soft in all the places a woman should be soft. Your body makes me think of long days and nights spent exploring every curve. You provide a haven for me, mind, body and soul,” he took the hand he was holding, placed it flat over his heart and covered it with his.

  “You have an inner strength that staggers me and so perfectly complements your beautiful exterior. It’s one of the hundreds of reasons I can’t stop thanking the Universe for making you, just for me,” he closed his eyes when the emotions threatened to overwhelm him, “You, m’anamchara, have captured me completely. I will never leave your side.”

  When he opened his eyes it was just in time to see a single tear slide down her cheek. He turned slightly, needing to hold his Kyndel but not wanting to cover her in their dinner. He set the plate on the log beside him and lifted her into his lap tucking her head under his chin. “Why are you crying, mo chroi?”

  Instead of answering his question she asked one of her own, “What are you calling me now? I don’t remember hearing you call me that before.”

  His mate was inquisitive. She would keep him on his toes, for sure. “M’anamchara is my soul mate and Mo chroi means ‘my heart’ because that, my beautiful Kyndel, is exactly what you are.”

  He watched her slow her breathing as she tried to control her emotions. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears that he continued to pray were not from sadness but from the same overwhelming feelings he was having. She placed her hand back over his heart and patted lightly. “You have quite a way with words, Commander.” Her smile was pure sunshine. “They are happy tears, Rayne, only happy tears.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief at her confirmation and gave her one more squeeze before returning her to her seat. He picked up a piece of meat and placed it against her lips. This time she opened without hesitation. Another wave of pride consumed him, without realizing it, his mate had trusted him to care for her. He knew she was independent and used to caring for herself but her care was now his responsibility whether she wanted to accept that fact or not. It was one of the things that was non-negotiable. He was sure the more time they spent together, the more accepting of his care she would become.

  Rayne was so lost in his thoughts, enjoying the simple pleasure of feeding his mate that he missed her picking up a piece of meat and placing it against his lips. He glanced at the meat and then at his mate. She raised her eyebrow at him again. Was there anything cuter than her attempts at intimidating him? “If you can feed me, then I can feed you. Fair is fair, Rayne.” She said with just a bit of sass in her tone.

  “You are right, mo chroi.” He parted his lips and took the meat from her fingers but not before he sucked her finger into his mouth and rubbed just the tip with his tongue. She gasped and pulled her finger from his lips but not before he saw heat bloom in those beautiful emerald eyes of hers.

  He winked and smirked, “Oh, my beautiful mate, the fun we are going to have when time is not an issue.”


  They’d been walking for over an hour, she was sure of that. Thank goodness Rayne had convinced her to wear her hiking boots otherwise her feet would be killing her. She had taken up hiking after about six months of working out. Sometimes she just needed to get outside and exercise instead of being cooped up in the gym. Aidan and Aaron, whom she knew to be twins, had packed up the few supplies Royce had used to cook their delicious meal and were leading their merry band of warriors out of the park. Rayne was walking to her right, always touching her in one way or another. Royce was on her left and Lance and Devon were bringing up the rear. She felt well cocooned surrounded by Rayne and his men.

  Rayne had left her with Royce while he and the others discussed their plans to get their entire party to The Pointe without attracting any attention. She had laughed when she’d caught that part of their conversation. Rayne had given her a look meant to intimidate her into being quiet. She just chuckled, “Fat chance!” she thought. Then she laughed out loud and thought to herself how crazy it was that these behemoths thought they could do anything without attracting attention. Not only were they all HUGE but they were drop dead gorgeous to boot! But when Rayne looked like he was going to pop a vein in his head, she shrugged her shoulders and went back to helping Royce. She knew Rayne still looked at her often, she could feel his eyes like a caress all over her body. It was the weirdest thing. It really felt like he was touching her. She got tingly all over; an ache grew between her legs that made coherent thought almost impossible. She tamped down her unruly thoughts, afraid one of these dragon shifter men of Rayne’s would smell her desire since Rayne had emphasized how amplified their senses were. She really did not want them to know exactly what their Commander did to her body.

  Royce was by far the most easy-going of the bunch. She asked if his dragon was golden red like Rayne’s. He said no but explained that each man’s dragon was colored from their dragon’s original clan. Royce told her his was a great royal blue dragon with green scales woven throughout. If it was anything like she imagined, his dragon was stunning. She told him as much and was immediately embarrassed when he laughed and said, “Stunning? We of the Dragon Guard are not stunning, we are fierce and unstoppable.”

  “I'm sorry. I meant no offense.”

  “Do not fret, Miss Kyndel, I’m only joking with you. I might be biased but I think our dragons are a true sight to behold. There was a time when we weren’t afraid to fly in the daylight. It was a truly spectacular sight to see our scales catching the sun, glittering like diamonds. But colonization and the rise of the hunters and wizards caused us to go into hiding. Now we fly at night unless there is grave danger to one of our own.”

  Kyndel noticed the longer he spoke the more of an accent he let slip. His speech became more formal, from an older time. “Can I ask how old you are, Royce?”

  “Physically, I was one hundred and fifty-six my last birthday and my dragon is over 1800 years old.”

  She almost swallowed her tongue, “How old is Rayne?” She braced herself for his answer.

  “Oh, he is a young one, just turned one hundred and nineteen his last birthday, and his dragon is one of the younger ones as well, only a little over 1400 years.”

  She tried to school her expression to hide her shock but she was sure from the look on his face that she had failed. “OH SHIT!” was her prevalent thought as she remembered she’d had sex, wild crazy once in a lifetime sex, with a one hundred and nineteen year old man and she was actually thinking about doing it again, probably more than once. “How long do you expect to live, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “We can live to be as old as one thousand years, unless our physical body or that of our dragon is mortally wounded and
succumb to the forever death. The soul of the man will return to the Universe and the essence of the dragon will pass to the next male in the family’s bloodline. If the man doesn’t have a successor, the dragon’s essence will pass to the next eligible bloodline. That's why from the time we undergo our transformation, we are looking for our mate. She completes the man and beast in every way possible. This one special woman, created by the Universe for her one Dragon Guardsman, is essential to the continuation of our way of life and our species as a whole, for she holds the seed of life. A Dragon Guard or any dragon shifter, even if he has not completed his training as a Guard, cannot have children with any other than his mate.

  “So you see, Miss Kyndel, you are absolutely essential to Rayne’s survival. Not only because you can bear children but because you are truly the other half of his soul. There will be no other for him. If he loses you or you do not accept him as a mate, he would live a solitary existence. He will never know love. It’s said that his lifespan would be greatly shortened, as well.”

  “WOW! No pressure there, Royce. Thanks for the update.” She thought to herself. “But what will he do when I die years before him?” her voice was barely a whisper as she tried to absorb the information Royce had shared with her.

  “Once you and he have completed the mating ceremony your lifespan will match his, you will live as many years as he does. In some cases more if he goes to the heavens before his time.”

  “Well, I guess that’s a good thing.” She commented, still reeling from everything she had just learned.


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