Mine & Ours

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Mine & Ours Page 15

by Alex Tempera

  “I supposed. I have a bad headache.”

  “So, what did you expect would happen?”

  “I don’t know what you mean. I was fucking attacked.”

  “Yes, I know. An old man, wait, and old gay man attacked in the park at the exact same time John and Tim were there. Coincidence?”

  “Of course, I didn’t know they were there.”

  “That’s why you called them a faggot?”

  “They are, aren’t they?”

  “Why did you send the photo to the press?” She sat on the edge of his bed. “Harold, I would’ve never exposed your secrets. You tried to hurt me. You tried to hurt PJ and John. Why? Just to get me in your bed? You never even tried, and now you’re pissed?”

  “Would you have fucked me?” he crossed his arms.

  “No, I never cheated on my husband.”

  “But he cheated on you.”

  “It was part of our agreement. I always knew about my husband. Now, we’ve fallen in love and we’re getting remarried, making a new marriage. Now, you can screw with my career. Make me look bad for loving and forgiving my husband. Make me look bad because I went to a BDSM club. I don’t care what you do. If you and anyone else want to judge me on everything but my work, then do it. I don’t want to serve those who don’t want me to serve them.” she stood up. “Harold, retire. Take a look at the life you have left. You’re the one who screwed up with Sean. Maybe he’d take you back.”

  “He won’t,” Harold sighed. “I did screw up. I hurt you and you were my friend. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. Everything is out of control.”

  “Do you want to see him?”

  “If he’d see me, yes, I would.”

  “He’s in the waiting room. He came the minute I called.” She turned and walked out of the room and faced Sean. “Go on in.”

  Sean walked behind the curtain and closed it around the bed. “Harold?” he gulped.

  “Master, forgive me,” Harold wept.

  Twenty Eight

  Three days later, John knocked on Sydney’s door, “Ma’am?”

  “Please, come in,” she smiled. “What is it?”

  “Judge Maxwell just called. They will provide you with a decision in half an hour.”

  “Oh, is that it?”

  “Judge Bishop is here to see you. He’s waiting in the corridor.”

  “Um. I’ll see him. Will you call PJ and tell him I’m going to be a little late and tell him why. Just tell him I’ll meet him at home.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “John, are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I have something on my mind, but it’s personal. I’m sorry. I’m trying to not let it affect my work. I’ll send in Judge Bishop.”

  “No, he can wait,” she stood up and then sat on her desk. She pointed to the chair in front of her desk. “John, can I help? Lord knows you’ve been my sounding board for years. The least I could do is help you.”

  “You help more than you know. It’s because of you and Paxton that I’m with Tim. I really like him. More than like him.”

  “Does he know?”

  “I know it’s too soon to say the L word, and even to move in with me, but I want him to move in with me. He’s staying at the Hilton and I have plenty of room. My brownstone is really too big for me, but my grandparents left it to me when they died.”

  “Then ask him. Tell him how you feel about him. He could even have his own space, it’s that big. You know, his own office or whatever. John, one thing I have learned over the past ten years, more than that with Paxton, is to be honest. If you really like him and love him and you’re falling for him, tell him. Don’t wait for him to tell you. For the first time in both of your lives, you’re out and proud, and glad to be with each other.”

  “Thanks,” he stood up. “I will. I feel better. I appreciate it.”

  “Remember, Saturday we’d still like for you two to come over. We’ll have dinner, playtime and you two can sleep in the guestroom.”

  “We’ll be there,” he smiled. “Shall I show him in?”

  “Yes, that’s fine. Thank you.” She crossed her arms and waited until Bishop slowly walked into her office. “What brings you here?”

  “I wanted to apologize to you. I came to the courthouse to put in my official retirement papers. I also sent a letter to the press and the committee asking for forgiveness for my actions against you and your family.”

  “I see,” she sighed. “Well, you can go now.”

  “Can’t you accept my apology?”

  “No. I mean, I can let it go, but no, I don’t forgive you. It wasn’t me you went after, it was the man I loved my entire life. That’s not forgivable.”

  “You forgave Paxton for what he did.”

  “That’s because I love him. I’ll always love him. You can go now.”

  “As you wish,” he turned to leave. “Master Donnelly took me back.”

  “Good, I’m glad. No one should ever be judged on what they do behind closed doors as consenting adults.” She watched as he closed the door behind him. “Jerk.” She grabbed her blazer and put it on, and smoothed out her black skirt. She opened the door and headed down the corridor to the elevator.

  She knocked on the door labeled Justice Conference and waited for the clerk to open the door. She headed straight for the table and looked at the panel of judges.

  Judge Maxwell focused on her. “Judge Carlton, it has been decided by this committee of sitting judges that your appointment to the Appellate court be granted. Judge Washington would be happy to support your appointment in the seat recently vacated by Justice Harold Bishop.”’

  Sydney took a deep breath. “Thank you. I appreciate all of your consideration, but after some consideration of my own, I have decided to not accept the appointment. I have decided that after my term is up at the end of this year, I’m leaving the bench.”

  “Judge Sydney, are you sure this is what you want?” Maxwell asked.

  “Yes, in ten months, I will retire my seat. I’m going to start next year back in private practice. My own. I’m honored by your support, but I have made up my mind.”

  “Will you be making another statement to the press?”

  “My clerk is releasing a written press release shortly, thank you.” she nodded.

  “You’re dismissed, Judge Carlton.”

  Sydney turned and headed out of the room.

  Twenty Nine

  Sydney walked into the playroom, and noticed Paxton, completely naked, kneeling in the middle of the room. “What’s this, PJ? Magda said you were waiting for me in here.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said. “I heard what you did.”

  “Oh, I wanted to tell you. How did you know?”

  “It was all over the news and the courthouse. I was downstairs in the courthouse when it spread all over. I had to wrap up my Matthew’s case. Donnelly and I got the word together.”

  “I didn’t know what to do and when I told them, it felt right. I wrote out two press releases and had John submit the one that matched my decision. I’m sorry. I should’ve told you. Now, you’re here, all naked. You want to play?”

  “Yes,” he said. “I shouldn’t have been presumptuous, but since we are playing with Tim and John on Saturday, I’d like for us to play today. I would like to start by rubbing your feet, if you’d allow that, Mistress. I do owe you a foot rub, every day for the rest of your life.”

  “Hmm, that long huh?” she smiled. “Stand first.”

  Paxton stood up. “Mistress?”

  She hugged him tightly and kissed his mouth softly. “I love you, PJ. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  “I understand,” he smiled. “Mistress, may I rub your feet?”

  “Yes,” she sat down on the kneeling pads of the spanking bench and he kneeled at her feet.

  Slowly, with the perfect amount of pressure, he rubbed each of her feet. When he finished, he kissed the top of each foot, and then sucked on each toe. “Thank
you, Mistress,” he put his arms behind his back.

  She opened the drawer to the dresser and opened the box. She pulled out his satin working collar and placed it around his neck. She locked the collar and put the key on its chain around her own neck. She kissed his forehead. “Thank you, my pet,” she whispered. “You knew just what your Mistress needed.”

  “I’m here to please you, Mistress,” he wore his collar proudly, as the satin hugged his throat.

  She stood up, walked over to the dresser, and grabbed her crop. She walked back over to Paxton. “On the bench,” she pointed to the spanking bench.

  He rested his knees on the kneepads and torso on the upper pad.

  She swatted his ass with the crop and watched his erection for a reaction. His cock grew larger and thicker. God, it was so beautiful, she thought, he’s mine. Finally, all mine. She swatted him again, switching ass cheeks. His ass was turning a beautiful red. “From now on, you must always keep track of my swats. Do you understand, my pet?”

  “Yes, Mistress, it was 10.”


  “Swats, Mistress.”

  “Very good, my pet. Now, stand up straight. I want you to stand on the large block over there,” she pointed.

  “Is that new? Oh, sorry,” he said. “Mistress. I apologize.”

  “It is new. I want to be able to be eye level with certain parts of you, my pet.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he walked over and stood on the padded rubberized non-skid wooden block she ordered for the height.

  “Spread your legs one foot apart, hands behind your head, my pet.” He complied easily and put his hands behind his head, interlocking his fingers.

  She gently rubbed her hands over his ass and kissed each cheek. She ran her tongue over the small of his back, just above his ass. She spread his cheeks apart. “pet, relax.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he purred slightly.

  She kissed, sucked, and licked her way toward his asshole. She waited for his response, moaning, groaning, and slightly shuddering. She stuck her tongue in his asshole, fucking him gently with her tongue. He continued to moan and she could feel him trying to balance himself. She walked around and faced his cock. “Did you like that?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” his eyes diverted to hers.

  “I’m going to suck on you long and hard and when you need to release yourself, do so,” she said, taking in his entire long length in one breath. She continued to suck until he released his seed down her throat.

  She looked up at him and his cock was still half-hard. His body shook slightly and she took his hand. She led him over to the bed in the corner of the room. “Lie down, my pet,” She whispered.

  Paxton lay down on his side, and she lay down beside him, taking him in her arms. “I love you so much, my pet. My husband.”

  “I love you, Mistress,” he lay his head on her chest, feeling the warmth of her comfort, of her love, of his wife.

  She held him until his body stopped shaking, and then she gazed into his eyes. “How about a nice hot bubble bath?”

  “Oh, yes, Mistress, I’d like that,” he said.

  “Good, let’s go to our master bath.” She held him as they stood up and headed toward the bath.

  Sydney lay in the tub, the bubbles surrounding her as Paxton stood pouring the bubbles into the large tub of hot water. “Do you wish me to wash you, wife?”

  “I wish for you to join me,” she smiled. “Lay here behind me, so I can lay in your arms.”

  “You wish for me to hold you?” he smiled.

  “Yes, my love, please, hold your wife,” she whispered.

  He climbed in the tub behind her and she lay back in his arms. He wrapped his arms around her body and his legs around her legs. He kissed her hair. “I love you so much, wife.”

  “I know and I love you, husband.”


  A week later, well, on the twenty-ninth, Sydney dressed in her knee high length white dress, and carrying a bouquet of her favorite purple Lady X roses, walked down the main steps of her home toward the rose garden. John waited for her at the beginning of the red-carpeted main aisle of her roses. Several stark white chairs were spread on each side of the aisle, accented by her roses, and were filled with friends and colleagues.

  John led her down the aisle to the white gazebo covered with lavender-colored roses, to where Paxton was standing, with Tim by his side. Paxton took her hand and the two faced Judge Lewis, wearing his black justice robe. “Dear the beloved, we are gathered here today as not just a renewal of a marriage, but the start to a whole new marriage and commitment from both Sydney and Paxton to each other. The connection started at childhood by sharing a simple, but strange snack. Now, years later, their love has grown. Their love has changed. Their love has improved. Now, more than ever these two are completely dedicated to each other. We bring together a man and woman, who love each other unconditionally.”

  “Paxton Ryan Carlton III, do you take Judge Sydney Eleanor Jennings Carlton to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “I do.”

  “Judge Sydney Eleanor Jennings Carlton do you take Paxton Ryan Carlton III to be your lawfully wedded husband?

  “I do,” she said.

  “May we have the rings?” Sydney handed John her bouquet and took the ring from his hand. Paxton took the ring from Tim’s hand. “Very good. Now, your vows. Paxton?”

  “I, Paxton, take you, Sydney, to be my beloved wife, to have and to hold you, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love you always. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days of my life. This is our new beginning. I will love you forever and always, and no matter if I end up in Heaven or Hell, I will always love you.”

  “Slip the ring on her finger, Paxton.”

  Paxton slid the ring on her finger and then kissed it softly. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “Now, Sydney, your vows.”

  “I, Sydney, take you, Paxton, to be my beloved husband to have and to hold you, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love you always. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days of my life. This is our new beginning. I will love you forever and always. I will love you after death, and beyond. And, I’ll always share my snack with you.” She smiled.

  “Now, slip the ring on his finger.”

  She slid the ring on his finger and kissed it softly. “I love you, PJ,” she whispered.

  “Now that Sydney and Paxton have recited their vows to each other and recommitted themselves to each other, by the power vested in me, by the State of New York, I, Justice Derek Lewis, do now pronounce that they are husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Sydney held his face and kissed his mouth softly, as the audience clapped. She took his arm and they walked back down the aisle, with Tim and John following.

  The reception was held in the never-used ballroom of the large house, and Sydney and Paxton sat at the bridal table as their guests mingled, danced, and ate. Paxton smiled. “You sure you don’t want to go away for a honeymoon?”

  “Maybe next weekend we can go for a long drive up North, but I have everything I need right here.”

  “You sure?” he said.

  “Yes,” she kissed him. “You and me. You’re mine, always and forever.”

  “And what about them?” he pointed to John and Tim, who were dancing practically cheek to cheek on the dance floor.

  “They’re still ours,” she kissed him. “And later?”

  “Yes?” he raised his eyebrow.

  “I’m gonna bite you
all over,” she smiled.


  “I promise, after you rub my feet.”

  “Deal,” he took her hand. “Dance with me again, my love.”

  “I’d be honored,” she followed him to the dance floor and held him tightly. They danced, and danced, and even when the rest of the guests lingered out the door, they continued to dance. Sydney looked around and only John and Tim were remaining. “Where’d everyone go?”

  “Club Valkyrie,” John smiled. “Congratulations, boss.”

  “That’s Lady to you,” she smiled.

  “You want to play on your wedding day?” Tim asked.

  “Only if you agree,” Paxton said.

  “Are you going to be a Dom or a sub?” John looked at Paxton and then at Sydney.

  “He’s mine, you’re ours,” she smiled.

  The three men instantly kneeled, but Paxton kneeled and kissed her feet. “As you wish,” Paxton said.

  “As you wish what?” she smiled.

  “Wife, Mistress, Lady, my love, all of the above,” he looked up at her. “All of the above.”


  Alex Tempera is the alter ego of author Amy Shannon. In the quest for a new genre, Amy transformed into Alex to create a new depth of erotica and romance novels. The beauty of a well-written erotica novel is that is contains a thoughtful and romantic storyline as well as beautifully written intimate scenes. Alex’s research into erotica genres and BDSM play and the lifestyle will continue to enter into her stories. Alex's stories do not just revolve around romance sex, but there is always some form of conflict that allows the lovers to realize that they are meant for each other.

  Alex’s websites:






  Other books by Alex Tempera


  “Waiting for Superman”


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