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Watch Me (Alpha Four, Book 3)

Page 11

by Mia Dymond

  Thunder raised an arm over his head in what Ace thought was a wave as he opened the door. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be there.”

  Thunder climbed into the truck, settled into the driver’s seat, and then slammed the door and started the engine, effectively avoiding conversation about his current objective. So he wanted to check on Liv? No big deal. He’d never openly admit it to anyone but himself, but Rebel actually had a point when he previously mentioned that she was the only one without twenty-four hour security.

  He drove out of the parking lot and onto the street that would provide a straight route to the Melbourne Palm. He smirked, satisfied that his appearance would take her by surprise. He had a pretty good idea that the good doctor-turned-matchmaker thought she had him all figured out. What she failed to realize however, was that he was a chameleon, skilled in changing everything about him in the blink of an eye. He learned early on that when dealing with a female it was always in his best interest to keep her guessing.

  He steered into the hotel’s parking lot, electing to self-park rather than use the valet. No sense announcing his presence yet – especially since he intended to catch her off guard. Well, in theory anyway. He chuckled under his breath. Who was he kidding? As soon as he stepped foot inside the lobby, someone would alert her to his presence. And since he’d previously given the explicit instructions to announce all visitors, he had only himself to blame.

  Once inside the building, he covered the distance from the lobby to the elevators in mere steps, giving the front desk clerks a simple nod on the way. He cracked a grin when one of them picked up the telephone.

  Satisfied, he rode the elevator to the top floor. When the car came to its final stop, he stepped off and headed for his destination. He gave the last door on the left a determined knock and then waited to hear the slide of the chain and the click of the lock. Instead, Liv’s voice seeped from beneath the door.

  “Come on in, the door’s unlocked.”

  Frowning at her obvious nonchalance about who might be standing on the other side of the door, he turned the knob and stepped inside with the intent of issuing a harsh reprimand. Didn’t she realize they were chasing a lunatic ghost?

  Instead, he damn near swallowed his tongue.

  Dressed in a short, black skirt that kissed the backs of her thighs she stood on top of her desk with both arms stretched in the air. Although her red top was tucked into the band of the skirt, it hugged her torso, emphasizing the outline of her breasts – a generous handful in his estimation. Her short but shapely legs were bare; a pair of the sexiest black shoes he’d ever seen – pumps, if he remembered correctly – squeezed her feet. Problem was, they were at least an inch tall.

  “Damn, Liv.” He closed the door and rushed to the edge of the desk. “Why do you insist on climbing mountains in those things?”

  She simply rolled her sparkling baby blues, obviously not bothered by his concern. “Please, Thunder. The light bulb required changing so I’m taking care of it.”

  “Would you mind coming down? I’ll change it.”

  She frowned. “I’ve just about got it. One more turn and then I’ll replace the globe over the light.”

  He watched both in awe and in fear while her hips swiveled slightly as she gave the bulb another turn and then glanced down at him.

  “You could hand me the globe, if you’d like.”

  He paused momentarily, analyzing his next move. Normally, he would have wrapped both arms around her slight waist while he ignored her squealed protest and then removed her from the desk. He would have the light burning again in seconds – without the desk. This time he did as she requested and handed her the globe – only because once he wrapped his arms around her, he couldn’t be sure what would happen next.

  Damn, the woman tempted him like the devil.

  “Thunder,” she prompted. “The globe?”

  He lifted the ceramic orb and handed it to her, still not convinced she wouldn’t break her neck, or at least an ankle.

  “There.” She said finally. “All done.”

  He glanced at the desk and then the rolling executive’s chair beside it. “Exactly how do you intend to get down?”

  “I’ll step into the chair and then onto the ground.”

  “That’s how you got up there?”

  She nodded.


  “Grasp my shoulders.”


  “My shoulders,” he repeated. “Hold on with both hands and I’ll lift you.”

  “That’s really not necessary. I got up here –“

  “Liv,” he interrupted. “For the love of God, hold on.”

  Her eyes widened and her lips separated as if she might argue, but miraculously she obliged and he lifted her without incident.

  “Thank you,” she said when her feet were on solid ground.

  “Next time kick off your shoes.”

  “Despite what you think, I’ve been maneuvering around in these very well for quite some time.”

  He bit his lip to suppress a grin. The woman had an argument – or explanation – for everything and damned if she didn’t look incredibly sexy while she issued it. He quickly decided a lack of response was best.

  She sat down in her chair and grinned. “Did we have an appointment that I’ve forgotten about?”

  “Nope. I was in the neighborhood.”

  “Oh?” She raised both eyebrows. “And you need a consultation?”

  “No.” He folded himself into the chair in front of her desk. “I wanted to check out the security of this place.”


  “I’m not impressed.”

  “I’m perfectly safe here, Thunder.”

  “The door was unlocked and you invited me inside, sight unseen,” he pointed out.

  “I knew it was you.” She gestured with her head at what he assumed was a computer monitor. “The front desk paged me and I saw you as soon as you stepped off the elevator.”

  Impressive. A camera mounted outside the door tightened security but still …

  “The door was unlocked.”

  “There’s a switch under my desk.”

  Okay, she had him there. “Good to know.”

  “How’s the investigation going?”

  He fought the urge to fidget when she braced her elbows on top of the desk, braided her fingers, and then rested her chin on top. The position placed her pink, pouty lips in the perfect kissable position and it was everything he could do not to lean across the desk and test his theory. Better yet, bend her over the desk and test a new theory altogether.

  The sound of screeching tires sounded in his brain. This was not the time or place to push his limits.

  “We toured the port this morning. No red flags.”

  “I have to admit, it appears to be an impressive project.”

  “Your family still hasn’t offered support.”

  She shook her head, obviously not surprised that he issued a statement instead of a question. “I think you’ve figured out we’re not going to.”

  He nodded in agreement.

  “Christopher’s pride will be hurt for a few days but he’ll recover,” she added.

  “Do you think the public vote will pass?”

  She shrugged. “Depends on who else he can line up behind him.”

  “Ace is convinced he’s behind the sabotage.”

  “I’ve entertained the same thought.” She unfolded her hands and eased back in her chair. “I just can’t figure out how.”

  “He’s most likely not working alone.”

  “Do you have any idea who else is involved?”

  “We haven’t been able to identify anyone yet. Have you heard of any investors in the operation?”

  “None other than the ones who openly voice support - Naranja Farms, for sure.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “We’ve done a thorough check on the company and its employees. Everyone comes up clean.”

  “Carley manages their employee pic
nic every year. In fact, they won’t hire anyone else.”


  Her long, blonde curls swayed against her ribcage as she nodded in agreement. “Joseph and Marietta Pena founded the company twenty years ago with the help of Henry and Charlotte Kensworth and Marietta and Charlotte took care of the particulars until Carley started Let’s Party. They gladly turned it over to her and the Penas are fiercely loyal.”

  “I’m more apt to believe our perp is someone with a more personal interest. Although impressive, Pena’s investment isn’t substantial enough to make or break the business.”

  She released a soft sigh and his cock all but saluted. No way could he sit here much longer without causing himself excruciating pain.

  “He’s a very wise businessman,” she said. “Do you know of any other investors?”

  “Not yet.” Very carefully, he stood and checked his watch. “Call me if you stay late.”

  “That’s really not nec—“

  “I mean it.” He cut off her expected denial and then issued his final ultimatum. “If you can’t agree, I’ll have no choice but to hang out here and help you work.”


  “Yes. I’m an exceptional interrogator.”

  “I’ll bet you are,” she mumbled as he stepped toward the door. “Fine, I’ll call you.”

  “Looking forward to it.”


  Later that evening in the comfort of her living room, Carley released a long sigh of satisfaction. Thanks to Ace, the final touches had been placed on the Governor’s Ball and the only thing left to do was hope that everything proceeded as planned. Normally she spent the evening before an event taking advantage of the calm before the storm but this time her fingers and toes were crossed so hard that they cramped. Relaxation would not come easily.

  She rested her head back against the sofa, determined not to let tension invade her mind. Alpha Four had everything under control and she welcomed the opportunity to turn the worry over to them. Too bad her inner control freak didn’t agree.

  Just about the time she decided to give in and call Chef Arturio for at least the sixth time, the chime of her new alarm system signaled a visitor and since Ace had made sure she was locked in like a prisoner, she was certain it was he that entered.


  She grinned at the deep, smooth tone of his voice. “In here.”

  Several staccato beeps answered as he reset the alarm system before his heavy footsteps announced his presence. She lifted her head to see him standing with one hip braced against the doorway and his arms folded across his chest. Laid back and relaxed. She was extremely jealous.

  He gave her an I-already-know-the-answer smirk as he spoke. “What are you doing in here?”


  “I don’t think so.”

  Although he was absolutely correct, she wasn’t ready to let him know that. “Alright then, how did you come to your conclusion?”

  “I know you.” He shrugged. “Things would be so much easier if you’d leave the details to me.”

  “You think?”

  He nodded.

  “You’re wrong.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  He pushed himself off with one hip and then covered the distance to the sofa in easy, determined steps. He extended a hand and when she accepted, he helped her to stand, placed both hands on her hips, and urged her so near to him that barely a feather would fit between them.

  “You just think you like being in charge.”

  She so wanted to argue. Stomp her feet like a two-year-old and scream her disagreement at the top of her lungs. But, she couldn’t. The hold he had on her heart was simply too strong and honestly, following his lead made her tingle all over.

  Still, sparring with him only made things hotter between them.

  “You think you know so much,” she challenged. “Prove it.”


  He lowered his head and she knew the exact second his lips touched the nape of her neck. Her eyes fluttered closed and she smashed her hips against his.

  Very gently, his lips nipped the sensitive skin until she was sure she would melt from sheer pleasure. First in the middle of the nape, then tiny love bites to the right side, up the length of her neck and finally coming to rest just below her ear.

  Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t stop the delightful moan that left her lips.

  His low, husky chuckle tickled her earlobe. “Like that, do you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  A fog of desire floated across her mind, threatening to whisk her away into his lair of seduction and she had no intention of fighting it. No, this feeling was too intense and way too wonderful to discard.

  She pressed her hips more solidly against his, thrilled to discover the hard evidence to prove he was obviously enjoying this interaction as much as she. Empowered, she slipped a hand between them and palmed the bulge between his legs.

  Her body screamed when he sucked in a quick breath and lifted his lips. “Easy, baby.”

  She responded by molding her hand around him and rubbing in small circles. He thrust into her touch as he framed her face in his hands and seized her mouth with his, as if his next breath of air could only come from her. His tongue pried open her mouth then darted inside to tangle with hers, stroking and exploring while she met his intrusion with pleasure. His body began to rock against her, thigh to thigh, chest to chest, mouth to mouth.

  She moaned again beneath his touch while her body threatened to combust. This man certainly knew the talent of seduction. Slowly, he closed the kiss and gave her lips a final, small peck before lifting his mouth. His chest rose and fell in a rapid rhythm and she had the feeling he was just as dazed as she.

  “You have exactly three seconds to make it to the bedroom and strip naked.”

  Her body pulsed at his order. “Or else?”

  “Or else I take you on this unforgiving, hard floor.”

  “What should I take off first?”

  “All of it.”

  “You know that’s not my style. Perhaps my blouse?”

  “Carley,” he growled as he grasped her elbow and tugged her to the stairs. “If you can’t figure it out, I’ll make the decision for you.”

  “Sounds like fun.” A giggle slipped from her lips as she struggled to keep his pace.

  Once they stood inside her bedroom, Ace pushed the door closed with one foot, led her to the bed, and then eased her to sit on the edge.

  He leaned forward and moved a wayward tendril of hair from her face. “Sure about this?”

  “Well,” she said with a feigned hesitance, “if you don’t have a method, I don’t know if I can go along.”

  A sexy smirk split his lips. “Oh, I have a method.”

  “Then let me see it.”

  As if her permission was all he needed, he wasted no time in kneeling on the floor between her knees and worked the buttons of her blouse free until the garment hung open and the cool bedroom air teased the tops of her breasts. Her nipples peaked behind her bra, stretching toward his touch.

  “Lace,” he murmured as he traced his index finger along the side of one cup and then higher until he pushed the strap off her shoulder.

  Goosebumps danced on her skin at his soft, gentle touch and she bit down on her bottom lip to keep from moaning in sheer delight. Although he had only grazed the surface of her skin, his touch was enough to set her on edge, to fall to her knees and beg him to take her.

  “Don’t worry that pretty, plump lip,” he chided as he moved his hand to run a finger over the surface.

  The moan she intended to prevent slipped free and her tongue left her mouth to wrap his finger, pull it inside, and suck hard.

  His breath hitched and his eyes widened.

  While her tongue continued to dance around his finger, she moved her hands to his shirt and quickly freed each and every button. Her heartbeat quickened at the sight of his sculpted chest, his gl
orious pectorals raised and awaiting her touch. She wasted no time in lifting both hands and running her fingers over the surface. His skin was hot beneath her touch, as if his blood boiled in anticipation of things to come.

  She released his finger and then leaned forward to touch her lips to his flesh. A masculine growl tickled her eardrums just before she felt his fingers tangled in the sides of her hair.

  Empowered by his touch, she pecked the surface of his chest, taking time to pause first at one nipple while her tongue worked the pebbled point and then the other. His fingers tightened and then slight pain at the base of her neck urged her to continue. With one last luscious lick of the surface, she eased herself back and grasped the edges of his shirt and shoved the pesky cotton from his shoulders.

  “Off,” she whispered.

  Without argument, he shrugged free of the clothing and turned slightly to toss it to a nearby chair. It was then a flash of bright blue on his skin caught her attention. He turned to face her again, his green eyes dark and narrowed as if he dared someone to interfere with his mission.

  She dared.


  She placed a hand on his left shoulder and then urged him to turn to the right so that she had a clear view of the earlier color that sparked her curiosity. Within seconds, her question was answered.

  There, on his left shoulder blade, a magnificent wizard graced the skin. In a bold splash of blue, his hooded robe cloaked the strong layer of muscle while a mysterious black mask shielded his eyes. His long, white beard and mustache covered his facial features and flowed to the very edge of his robe. Although the full body of the mystical being was not represented, his left hand peeked from his sleeve, holding a long, wooden staff with a clear globe attached to the very tip. A crystal ball, maybe, to feed him knowledge of things to come. Around the orb, magical sparks flew, painted in gold tones.

  She continued to stroke the ink, mesmerized by the absolute beauty, curious about the meaning behind the creature. “You have a special relationship with him.”

  “He’s magical,” he mumbled. “Saved my ass numerous times.”

  Unable to restrain herself, she traced the edges of the gold sparks with a fingernail. “It’s beautiful,” she murmured.


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