Promise Me

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Promise Me Page 4

by Kristin Mayer

  Jack touched my arm. “It’s on the house, gorgeous. I hope I get that call later.”

  I gave a small smile to Mark and threw back half my drink. The burn of the gin helped take the edge off.

  I turned around and was about to walk off when Jack added, “Hey, don’t forget this.”

  As I looked back, he was waving the napkin with his number on it.

  Maybe he and Missy should hook up.

  He had given me a free drink, so indulgently, I grabbed it, not wanting to insult the poor guy.

  I’m not a total heartless bitch.

  When I turned back around, my eyes locked with the muscled blond jock who had my wits a mess in the first place this evening.

  Payback time.

  I saucily smiled at him as I opened my clutch and ceremoniously put the napkin inside. His eyes widened, and his smile dimmed. Putting my finger to my chin, I tapped it, like I was contemplating whether or not I should call the bartender.

  Finally, one point to me. It’s about damn time I won a round.

  My inner power started returning as I worked the room and talked with everyone. I loved events like this where I could flirt freely without it leading to sex. It was a sort of escape when I got to leave my head and be in the moment, feeling weightless. Before I knew it, I had been given three more numbers, and each and every time I’d added them to my stash, I’d known that Mark was watching. In fact, I’d made sure of it. His eyes had grown darker each time he saw me put one in my purse, which had caused me to smirk at him.

  The room was buzzing with preseason excitement.

  A man came to the door and announced, “Dinner is served.”

  The mumbles of approval filled the air as we started walking toward the double wood doors. Finally, we were going to eat. I was starving for some real food. The agenda for tonight was to go over management changes, expectations for the upcoming preseason, and general housekeeping announcements. From living with Damien and Allison at the beginning of the week, I knew what all was going to be said, but I wanted to show my support. I needed to start melding more with the team since I would be around a lot during the season.

  I saw Monica, the head manager of the PR team. I knew her well, so I started heading toward where she was standing in the middle of the room at a center table.

  A hand wrapped around my hip bone, and a mouth appeared at my ear. “You’d be much happier over in this other seat.”

  Oh, that teasing voice had the alcohol burning away and my sexual desire running to the forefront.

  Mark was leading me to the back of the room.

  “I’m not so sure about that, Sport. I won’t be able to mingle back here.”

  He didn’t respond but kept taking us to the farthest corner of the room.

  I’m letting him do this. I am still in control.

  Whatever cologne he had on was so manly that I wanted to bury my head in his chest to envelop myself in that scent. That alone had me interested to see where he was going with this, so I didn’t press.

  After taking my seat, Mark scooted my chair in, and at the last second, he angled it toward his chair before taking a seat himself. Moments later, Missy joined us. She took the seat right across from us. Her outfit was lower cut than mine, which added more of a slut feel to hers.

  She licked her lips. “So, Mark, are you coming out with all of us afterward?”

  Casually taking a sip of water, I watched the exchange between them. Has he slept with her? For some reason, I didn’t think so. She was acting too desperate to get him with how she was bouncing her breasts and twirling her blonde hair.

  He responded coolly, “Not tonight, Missy, but thanks for the invite.”

  She pouted her lips as people laughed and began ribbing Mark about going. Even back in the corner, the star quarterback received the most attention. Two other cheerleaders joined us, and I internally groaned. At this point, Monica was looking like a much better option to sit with. Shifting in my seat, I was about to make my move.

  Right as dinner was being served, Mark leaned in and whispered, “Don’t leave. Please. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Those words had me wanting to straddle him and ride him to oblivion. Giving him a sassy wink, I smiled and turned my attention to eating. This small exchange caused the three bimbos at the table to focus their attention on me. By the looks in their eyes, they apparently viewed me as competition. I wanted to gloat and say I’d already won, but I refrained and continued eating. They wanted answers and clarification though.

  The cheerleader to the right, April, asked me, “So, how do you know Mark?”

  Sweetly, I replied, “We met at a Vegas gala last year. Since I’m new in town, he took me for a ride yesterday. He’s been very welcoming.”

  Mark almost choked on his water, but all three cheerleaders had relief in their eyes.

  Idiots. I wasn’t sure why I’d said what I had. It had honestly just slipped, but they had seriously started to irritate me, and I didn’t understand why.

  When I spared a glance at Mark, he gave me a panty-dropping wink. That alone might require me to go to the restroom and make myself come quickly before dessert.

  The cheerleaders continued to flirt with Mark, giggling at his every word, but I worked on trying not to let it bother me.

  By the time presentations were about to start, I was on my third glass of wine and feeling good. The lights dimmed, and the microphone was turned on, giving that initial squeak sound that had us all moving our heads back. Everyone at our table turned toward the podium, giving full attention to the managers.

  Frank, one of the team managers, scratched his head and said, “Good evening. Glad you all could make it.”

  Cheers erupted, and after the right amount of pausing, he continued, “We hope you had a good dinner. We have a lot to get through tonight. Let’s get started, shall we?”

  Several agreements filled the room. I took another sip and focused on listening. As the wine glass left my lips, I felt a hand caressing my thigh, and I slightly jumped in surprise. My head snapped in Mark’s direction. He was grinning a devilish smooth smile in almost a challenge. His thumb stroked my inner thigh, and I opened my legs in acceptance, giving him my answer. He had no idea how semi-exhibitionism turned me on. His hand moved slowly up my leg, and I opened as wide as my skirt would allow. When he reached my soaked thong, he sucked in a quiet, harsh breath, and his eyes met mine. It was my turn to smile back when he realized how turned-on I was.

  Mark mouthed, I like you wet.

  In return, I mouthed, I like to be wet.

  He groaned in approval as his fingers dipped beneath my barely there thong and started stroking my cleft. I wanted to lean back and moan, but I kept my eyes trained on the speaker, hearing nothing of what he had to say. First one and then two fingers penetrated my core. Mark’s thumb began stroking me, building me. It was a slow build, and I knew this climax was going to rock my world with how sexually tense I was.

  He wouldn’t send me over the edge, and I was right there—so close yet so far away.

  How long has this been going on? It was the longest build I had ever had, which meant it was going to be a strong orgasm. Just when I thought he was going to finish the deed, he withdrew his hand, and the lights flicked on. Being pissed was the biggest understatement of the year. The night had concluded, and Mark had played me.


  Guys never played me.

  The group at the table was talking about going to a bar, but I wasn’t able to focus exactly on what they were saying because my insides were shaking so hard. I was reeling from what had just happened.

  How did he get the upper hand in this situation?

  I had let my guard down, and he had taken control.

  Arrogant asshole.

  Someone spoke from across the table.

  “Sam, are you coming out with us?”

  Anger boiled and simmered my blood. Paybacks were a bitch, and I was about to exact my revenge.
  “I wish, but I have a date tonight.” I gave a wink and shook my clutch, hoping Mark got my drift. I wanted him to think I was going to call one of the numbers I had collected tonight. “You guys have a wonderful night. I’m really excited to be a part of the team.”

  With that, I left the table to head straight home to relieve myself, but I reveled in the fact that I’d left Mark wondering who would be in my bed tonight. The phone numbers had proven useful after all. I hadn’t waited to hear about Mark’s plans or to see his facial expression.

  The main doors were jammed with the entire team trying to leave. Not caring and needing to get out of here pronto, I headed out another exit door leading to a red-carpeted hallway with mahogany walls. Getting outside was my goal, and one of these doorways had to lead the way. My pace was clipped, and I was getting close to an exit sign when familiar arms came around my waist. Faster than I thought possible, I was pulled into some kind of supply closet.

  Mark started the exchange while his arms were still wrapped around me from my backside. “Where are you going?”

  “To get satisfaction,” I spit back. I was pissed.

  “Sam, I’m sorry. I should have gotten you off. I need to get some things straight between us first, but I can’t keep my hands off of you when I’m around you.”

  “Let me go.”

  I tried to get out of his hold, but his hands held me in place.

  “Wait, hear me out.”

  For whatever reason, this heated exchange was causing me to get hot and bothered all over again. It should have had the opposite effect and dissipated any growing desire, but I was worked up. I maintained my stance though, not giving any indication that I was sexually aroused by him.

  “What could you possibly want from me?” I asked.

  “We both know we burn for each other, Sam. It’s evident. All I want is exclusivity with you, Sam.”

  “We’re not dating, Mark. I’m not the girlfriend type.”

  My eyes were beginning to adjust to the dark, and I made out some shelving along the wall.

  “I’m not asking you to be my damn girlfriend. I heard you the first fifty times when you said you didn’t do that. Call it whatever you want, but we will be exclusive. When one of us ends it, it’s over. I’m not a booty call for when you’re in between men, Sam. I’ll keep you satisfied, but you’ll exclusively be mine to satisfy anytime.”

  My core melted into lava at the words satisfy anytime.

  I needed to confirm what he’d said. “No strings, no expectations. Just great sex with only each other.”

  He grabbed my hips tighter. “Yes, but if we have an event, then we go with each other. I don’t care what you tell people. We aren’t going to do this bullshit of sleeping with each other but taking someone else out to the different obligations we have.”

  His breath was warm against my ear.


  He cut me off. “That’s my offer. Take it or leave it. If you leave it, know that I’m closing the door on us.”

  His tone had such a finality to it that I knew he was serious. He was basically offering me exactly what I wanted, except for the escorting-each-other-to-events clause.

  We’d more than likely both be going anyway, so what’s the big deal?

  This would at least keep me out of any local sex clubs, especially while I learned to work through these emotions that had been brought on by Allison’s pregnancy, unearthing long-forgotten dreams.

  Without another moment’s hesitation, I responded in the dark, “Deal.”

  He spun me around and hiked up my dress in one movement. He unzipped his pants, freeing himself, and then he picked me up and put my back against the wall. “Good decision, Sam.”

  My legs wrapped around him, and he pushed deep inside me, causing a moan of contentment to escape me. His hardened length inside me felt warmer and more intense than normal. He had me so worked up.

  A hand came down on my mouth as he softly said, “Shh…”

  I didn’t care as the sensations continued to rock through me. He pumped me harder. My muscles started to quiver. He moved his hand and covered my mouth with his lips as the orgasm went through my body. After all the sexual buildup, my mind was a complete fog. As the high still coursed through my body, giving me that release I craved, I heard Mark cursing lowly.

  “Fuck, I can’t believe I did that.”

  He was still hard inside me, and I was pinned against the wall of the janitorial closet.

  “Sam, I swear…I’ve never…I’m clean, too. Damn it to hell.”

  He hadn’t worn a condom.

  Shit. My blood ran cold. It was no wonder why it had felt warmer and more intense.

  “Please tell me you didn’t forget, Sport.”


  I knew he hadn’t done it on purpose, but that was a hard, fast rule for me. I disengaged, and he immediately released me.

  I was lost in thought as I said, “Shit, shit, shit.”

  I paced as I felt another crack forming in the wall of the fortress I had built around me. I’d liked having him raw inside me. I’d loved squeezing my inner walls around his dick as he’d gotten harder, but these rules had been made to keep me safe.

  “Sam, this is—”

  I interrupted him, not even wanting to know where he had been going with that sentence, “I’m on birth control.”

  There was an audible sigh of relief in the dark.

  Does he think I’m stupid?

  I stopped pacing when I felt something warm start to slowly trickle down my leg. “Where’s the light?”

  I heard him wrestle with his pockets, and then a light from his phone popped on. I searched and found a clean paper towel to wipe away the cum dripping down my leg.

  “Well, there’s no question about your virility, Sport.”

  He grabbed the towel from me and hastily wiped in between my legs before pulling my skirt down. “My place or yours? You pick.”


  “Sam, I don’t have condoms on me, and after seeing that, I want you now.” His voice was gravelly.

  Breathily, I responded, “Yours.”

  He grabbed my hand and yanked me from the closet. It made me smile that my body could drive him crazy.

  This agreement is looking better by the moment.

  We both lived in the same upscale, gated condo complex. Each unit had a garage, and the floor plan was as big as a medium-sized house but without all the upkeep. It worked well for me.

  We pulled into our condo parking lot, parked our vehicles, and ran up the stairs to his condo door. The moment the door closed, clothes went flying as we devoured each other. Mark picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around him.

  “Mark, fast and hard. Don’t fuck around with making me orgasm this time.”

  He lifted me higher and sucked hard on my nipple. I loved the intense pressure. Mark didn’t say a word as he continued walking, and then he tossed me onto the bed. He pulled a condom out of his drawer, put it on, and walked toward me. Next, he grabbed both my legs and brought me to the edge of the bed. Finally, he entered my body deep.

  “Yes. Faster. Harder. Faster,” I said.

  He complied without a word as he nearly fucked me into oblivion. He was like a well-oiled machine. The stamina was incredible. The friction against my inner walls caused that delicious pre-orgasm feeling to build until I touched my clit, and then I went to the blissful place I loved.

  I have definitely met my match in the sex department.

  Mark collapsed and then rolled off of me. We were both panting hard.

  “Shit, that was hot, Sam.”

  I was still out of breath. “You are quite the fuck buddy.”

  He stared at me for a second and then smiled. “I’m going to take a shower. Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  I admired his fine ass as he walked to the shower. The moment the water started, I took it as my cue, and I left.

  It was
the wee hours of the morning, and I was excited for my head to hit the pillow. I walked through my door, locked it, and then started to strip as I headed to my bed. I noticed that he hadn’t called or texted, which made me smile. Most guys would try to be all cavalier about me getting home safely. That spelled relationship, and I wanted no part of that.

  My head hit the pillow, and I crashed, finally satiated.

  It had been a couple of days since I had left Mark while he was showering. Neither one of us had called or contacted each other, which made me smile. Hopefully, Mark had gotten the point, and he was now only in it for a sexual partnership, like I’d wanted. All my mind could do was try to figure out when I should contact him again for a booty call.

  Needing some fresh air, I headed to where I’d seen a deli a few blocks from the condo complex. Under a blue-and-white striped awning, the word Edna’s was written in cursive on a big glass window. I walked through the door, and the inside was cute, warm, and inviting. The smell was heavenly. Round bistro tables with blue tablecloths were placed around the dining area. I took a seat, and a waitress approached to take my order. While I waited for my food, I stared out the window. My food arrived, and I was midbite through a turkey sandwich when the chair next to me moved.

  “Hey, stranger. Is this seat taken?”

  I looked up, and my mouth instantly watered at the sight of Mark. He was the epitome of a fine man. He had on dark jeans and a T-shirt that outlined his finely toned body when he moved. His blond hair was all messed-up from the wind.

  I gave him a sexy smile as he looked at me.

  “It is now.”

  I took another bite, forcing the conversation back in his court. He casually glanced around and then back at me. He wasn’t staring at me with lust in his eyes. He was looking at me like I was a friend who he’d had a good time with. My heart plummeted a little bit because I wanted him to want me.

  He nodded to someone at the counter as he said, “I come here a lot. Edna makes the best cookies in town.”

  As he was finishing his statement, a waitress came up with some sort of hot sandwich and fruit. “Hey, Mark. Here’s your usual, sweetie. Let me know if need anything else.”


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