Tripp (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 4)

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Tripp (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 4) Page 14

by S. Nelson

  “I’m not gonna fuck you yet. Not with my cock, anyway.” Widening her legs, I lowered my head until my breath spread over her glistening pussy. “I can see you’re ready for me, but just to make sure. . . .” I slid my tongue between her folds, the taste of her driving me insane.

  There was no slow buildup before her back arched off the bed, her fingers pulling at my hair and thrusting her pussy against me. My tongue slid inside her, followed by two fingers, stroking that sweet spot until her toes literally curled.

  “Oh . . . oh my God . . . yes,” she panted, over and over again. With my free hand, I played with her tits, pinching her nipples and adding to the sensation racking her body. “Tripp. . . .” My name was like a prayer on her lips. A promise. An ode to something bigger.

  I knew as soon as I wrapped my lips around her clit that she’d fall. While I wanted nothing more than for her to come on my tongue, I was also being quite selfish. The wetter she became, the easier it would be for me to push inside her.

  “Does that feel good? Do you wanna come?” I asked, continuing to tease her until she answered.

  “Please,” she panted, her fingers gripping my hair to the point of pain. But I didn’t mind. Not at all. It meant she was close to the edge. All I had to do was finish her off.

  With one final stroke of my tongue, I sucked on her clit and pumped two fingers inside her simultaneously. Reece cried out, her moans the best sound I’d ever heard. The sight of her undid me, my own need to claim her intensifying the longer she rode out her orgasm.

  When she’d finally come back down, she started to laugh. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed. “That was amazing.”

  “Then why are you laughing?” A smile toyed with my lips until I was full-on grinning. Her expression was infectious.

  “Because I can’t believe I’ve missed out on that all these years.” While what she’d said was a compliment, I didn’t ask her to elaborate because the thought of her with another man would torture me.

  “Glad I could be of service.” I moved up the bed and covered her still-quaking body with mine. “Do you know how many times I’ve pictured you like this, legs spread and ready for me?”

  “Probably not as many as I have,” she answered, a sly smirk staring back at me.

  “Oh really?” I laughed at the casualness of her statement. The same woman who blushed when she’d seen me naked for the first time.

  “Yeah, really,” she teasingly taunted. She tried to move up the bed but my weight kept her pinned right where she was.

  “Am I crushing you?”

  “No, but I’m starting to freak out about . . . you know.”

  “My dick?”

  A raised brow from me had her smiling again.


  “Don’t worry. We’ll take it slow.” The last thing I wanted was for her to be so tense she didn’t enjoy herself. But the reality was that my size was sometimes more of a hindrance than a blessing. I know, poor me, but that was the truth of it.

  “Okay,” she said, her muscles already tensing.

  “Try to relax,” I coaxed, kissing her sweetly to let her know everything would be great. We were meant to fit together; it just might take a bit more work on my end to ensure she felt nothing but pleasure.

  Rising up on my forearm to balance myself, I reached for the condom I’d pulled out earlier and quickly sheathed myself. Lining myself up at her entrance, I teased her with my finger one last time to make sure she was completely ready.


  Looking down into her trusting eyes, I knew I was never gonna be the same man ever again. “Yeah?”

  “What’s your real name?”

  Without hesitation that time, I said, “James.”


  Finally. He’d told me his real name. Then again, he couldn’t use the excuse that he didn’t know me well enough, seeing as he was poised to have sex with me.

  Every time I thought about the size of his cock, what it would feel like stretching me open, I tensed. I tried to listen to him and relax, but he wasn’t the one who was gonna get a huge dick shoved inside him. Most women would be ecstatic to find out the guy they were gonna sleep with was well-endowed, but this was going overboard just a bit.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, concern mixed with lust dancing behind his beautiful green eyes.

  “I think so.”

  He lowered his mouth to mine, his tongue sliding over my bottom lip and deliciously teasing me. The thrust of his tongue soon mirrored the thrust of his body. Gentle and patient. If his restraint teetered on the edge, he didn’t show it. Placing his hand under my knee, he widened my legs, pushing my thigh up toward me to open me up a little more.

  “You’re beyond tight, baby,” he groaned, nipping my lip before kissing along my jaw, eventually burying his head in the crook of my neck and panting heavily. “Are you okay? How do you feel?”

  “It hurts a little, but it feels good at the same time.” And it did hurt, even with how wet he’d made me. But it wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be.

  “I have an idea,” he said before pulling out of me. “Come here.” He grabbed my hips and pulled me down the bed. He rested back on his haunches and spread my legs as far apart as possible. His hands braced underneath my knees, pressing my thighs back toward me like he’d just done with my leg moments earlier. “Wrap your hand around me and put me inside you.” When I looked hesitant, he said, “Trust me. Do it.”

  With my hand fully wrapped around his cock, I lined him up at my entrance. He swiveled his hips before pushing back inside me, that time going in with much more ease, although he still took his time. An ache that’d bloomed inside me intensified, my body hungry for every inch of him. After slowly working himself in, we were fully sheathed. I felt so incredibly full. Tripp remained still until he took a few deep breaths and pulled back an inch.

  “I’m gonna start to move now.” His expression looked pained and I wondered if I was somehow inadvertently hurting him.

  “Are you okay?”

  He clenched his jaw. “I’m more than okay. I’m just tryin’ to hold back so I don’t hurt you. But it’s so hard.” The sexiest moan flowed from his incredible lips, seducing me even more than he already had.

  “Yes it is,” I said, laughing after I realized how cheesy my reply was. He chuckled, and whatever tension had existed between us instantly evaporated.

  Every corded muscle of his chest constricted as he rocked in and out of me, the vision in front of me purely animalistic. His lips parted, his eyes hooded as he lost himself to the feel of my body. The sight of Tripp lost in his own bliss was intoxicating, and if I were a woman who could come from an image alone, it would have happened right then.

  Several minutes later Tripp found a steady rhythm, thrusting inside me, gently at first and then a bit more aggressive the more my body opened for him. All traces of pain disappeared. Every time he swiveled his hips, he hit my sweet spot, the strangled “yes” which flew from my lips affirmation enough.

  “Right there?” he asked, hitting the sensitive place inside me over and over. He knew damn well that was the spot.

  “Yes. Oh . . . yes. Right there.” I tried to move with him, but the position he had me in made it near impossible to do so. “Tripp, let go of my legs. I want to feel you against me. Please,” I begged. It didn’t take but a second for him to comply.

  Resting on top of me, some of his body weight held up by his forearms, his mouth found mine again as he fucked me senseless. “I can’t believe you’re takin’ all of me, baby. So fuckin’ good,” he panted. “You feel incredible. So warm. Tight. Do you love my cock?” The only response I could muster was a moan. “Tell me you love my big cock,” he demanded, plunging his tongue into my mouth. I should have known Tripp would talk dirty, his past sexual innuendoes surely laying the groundwork.

  As we continued to taste each other, I felt my body crest on the wave of pleasure, climbing higher and higher until the sensation was so
overwhelming there was nothing to do except count the seconds until my body detonated into the abyss of my impending orgasm.

  I couldn’t believe the words that were about to come out of my mouth, but before I could stop myself, I shouted, “Fuck me harder. I’m right there. Oh my God. Yes . . . I’m right there.” My fingers clenched his tight ass as he picked up his pace, reaching underneath me to pull me closer while he pounded into me, although I suspected he still restrained himself. A twinge of pain erupted but was quickly absorbed by my orgasm. Every nerve inside me fired into the heavens, the feeling so strong and powerful I almost lost my breath. Tripp latched on to my mouth and swallowed my screams, his own moans mixing with mine as he lost himself to his own high.

  When we’d finally come back down, our breath regulated and reality came back into focus. Tripp remained on top of me, his weight starting to crush me the longer he laid there. I tapped his ass. When he still didn’t budge, I slapped his rear.

  “Ow,” he grumbled.

  “You . . . have to . . . move.” My strangled words were enough for him to roll off me.

  “Sorry.” He laughed. “I forget my size sometimes.”

  “You could’ve killed me,” I teased, turning on my side to face him.

  “It’d be a hell of a way to go out, though, don’t ya think?”

  I never answered, the curve of my lips enough to tell him I agreed. To look at him right then was the best sight I’d ever laid eyes on. A thin sheen of sweat covered his large, muscled body, the tips of his hair sticking to his forehead from all of his exertion. I never thought a sweaty man could be alluring, but Tripp had proved me wrong. His semi-erect arousal lay across his belly, the condom he’d worn disposed of in a nearby wastebasket.

  Lost to the image of the man lying next to me, he startled me when he reached out to pull me close. He smiled and kissed my temple, wrapping his arm around me as I snuggled into his side. Without thinking, the pads of my fingers danced over his skin. When I came to a scar, I stopped, but only briefly before continuing on.

  “Does it still hurt?”

  “Sometimes when it rains, but other than that, not really.”

  I decided to continue to be inquisitive, hoping in his contented state that he wouldn’t hold anything back. “I thought all big bad biker boys were inked up. So where’s yours?” I continued to trace his skin, the circling rhythm comforting me enough I felt my eyelids grow heavy.

  “First off,” he said, grabbing my hand and placing it over his manhood, “I ain’t no boy.” He thrust his hips for effect and laughed when I playfully pulled back and smacked his arm. “Second, people usually get inked to tell a story. My wounds are my story.” His words were poetic yet haunting. I couldn’t even imagine what he’d experienced, the horrific ordeal he had to live through. But live he did, which proved Tripp was a fighter. If I hadn’t realized it before, I did in that moment.

  To lighten the mood, I decided on a lighter topic. “Where did you get your nickname from?”

  “Well, if you must know,” he says, licking his lips, “girls were always tripping over themselves to get my attention. Hence the name Tripp.” He stopped talking and just stared at me, and it wasn’t until he grinned that I realized he was just messing with me. Although I had no doubt that women did trip over themselves to gain his interest.

  “Nice one.” I laughed.

  “Seriously, though, I was quite the clumsy fucker when I was younger. I was always trippin’ over my own damn feet. Always fallin’ and breakin’ somethin’. My dad was the one who gave me the nickname.” His eyes darkened for a brief moment, no doubt at the recollection of his father. Before I could inquire, however, his mood switched back to one of lightheartedness.

  “Ready for round two?” He turned his head toward me and captured my lips. I was sore but definitely up for some more of what he was offering.

  “I guess so,” I answered, rolling my eyes on purpose as if his request was an inconvenience. He flipped me on my stomach and slapped my ass, but as soon as his hands parted my legs, his cell rang.


  “Do you have to get it?”

  “Yeah. Shit’s not good right now, and it could be important.”

  Hopping off the bed, he snatched his phone from the end table and strode toward the hall, returning a minute later. He looked pissed while he quickly dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed to pull on his boots. “Look, I have to get goin’, but I promise I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  “Can I ask what it is you have to do?”

  “You can, but that doesn’t mean I can tell you.”

  I shrank back on the bed, annoyed by his statement. I’d dealt with secretiveness before and it only led to bad things.

  Seeing the look on my face, Tripp laced his fingers with mine and tried to make me feel better. “Listen, Reece, when it comes to the club I won’t be able to tell you about a lot of stuff that goes on. I hope you can understand.”

  “I do,” I lied. What else was I gonna say? Demand he tell me everything? We’d only slept together one time, and while I wanted nothing more than to claim Tripp as my man, the truth was we still didn’t know each other all that well.

  “You okay?” he asked, leaning over to give me a parting kiss.


  “You sure?” His questioning gaze comforted me.

  I nodded that time, pressing my lips to his before he rose from the bed.

  “I’ll set the alarm before I go.”

  “Hurry back.” I pouted, disappointed he had to leave so soon after we’d been together. He shot me his sexy grin and winked before disappearing from the room, the close of the front door signifying when he’d left the house.

  Lying back against the headboard, I couldn’t stop my heart from racing to keep up with the adrenaline and giddiness I felt. I knew we’d only just met, but whatever was happening between us was exciting. The sexual chemistry was off the charts, but more than my attraction toward him, I felt safe, which was something completely new for me.

  For the next twenty minutes I lost myself to thoughts of the man who’d just left my bed, and what’d we’d be doing as soon as he returned. Then a sudden noise from downstairs drew my attention. At first I thought I heard something hit against the front door, but then I couldn’t be sure. Sitting up in bed, I strained to listen for any signs that Tripp had returned. When all was silent, I laid back on the bed only to jump to my feet when the alarm shrieked through the air. Wrapping the sheet around me, I raced toward the top of the steps, the front door wide open below.

  I didn’t hear anything over the piercing sound. I should’ve locked myself in the bedroom, but instead I slowly descended the stairs and cautiously peered around the room. After shutting the door, I punched in the code and the alarm finally silenced. I checked out all of the rooms. No one else was in the house, but that realization didn’t stop my heart from pounding against my chest so rapidly I feared having a heart attack right where I stood.


  When I’d walked into the clubhouse, Trigger, Ryder and Jagger were crowded around the door to Chambers, talking quietly while they glanced over at Marek every now and again, who was subsequently slumped over the bar. I knew exactly what’d they’d been discussing. The possible relation between Marek and Sully seemed like the only topic we talked about when together.

  When Stone ripped out a chunk of Psych’s hair and swiped his blood on a piece of cloth, he did so when Marek was in the middle of his break with reality. It wasn’t until the next day that he revealed to his best friend and leader just what he had planned. At first Marek refused, but after a little coaxing he relented, realizing it was better to know either way than to continue to torture himself. He’d given Stone some of his hair as the final step.

  “What the hell are we gonna do with him?” Jagger asked, pacing in front of us like he was the only one put out by the new state of our president. “He can’t go on like this.”

  “We know,” R
yder barked, glaring at the rest of us as if we were the cause of the new shit storm.

  “Calm down. We don’t need to deal with your pissy mood on top of everything else.” Trigger gave Ryder a look before turning his attention to me. “Where are we with the results for that fuckin’ test?”

  “I don’t know. Stone gave the stuff to Adelaide and asked her to put a rush on it. That was a week ago.”

  The tension brewing between the four of us was enough to push any one of us over the edge with anxiety, as if the energy we shared was tangible, feeding on our state of mind.

  “What the fu . . . fuck are ya yellin’ ’bout?” Marek slurred, slapping the top of the bar for emphasis, although with the way he wobbled on top of his seat, I was surprised he had enough energy to even raise his hand. I’d seen Marek fucked up before—actually quite a bit over the years—but never like this, and not for this long. While I completely understood his turmoil, I also knew it was in his and his wife’s best interest to do something about it, and quick. Otherwise, I feared shit was gonna hit the fan, and irreversible damage was gonna be the result.

  No one answered his outburst. In fact, we tried to give him his space, although what he’d been doing with that space had been destructive. From what Stone had told me, Marek and Sully had been fighting—or to be more accurate, Marek had been blowing up at his wife for no reason. None that Sully could understand, at least. He’d barely spent time at his house, only stopping in for a few minutes at a clip before coming back to the clubhouse, where he proceeded to get shit-faced.

  “Trigger!” Marek yelled over his shoulder, almost falling on his ass from the simple movement. Once he righted himself, he shouted, “I need another fuckin’ drink.”

  “Goddammit,” Trigger growled. “I can’t take much more of this.” He continued to grumble to himself as he walked across the room and then behind the bar.

  “And don’t water it down,” our prez ordered.

  “I should water that shit down. Maybe then you’d sober up and take your ass home.” Bold move on Trigger’s part, but someone had to say something.


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