Risky Pleasures

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Risky Pleasures Page 16

by Brenda Jackson

  A smile touched his lips when his name was called out again and he recognized Xavier’s voice. “Stay put for a second while I let him know we’re down here.”

  Vanessa watched as Cameron raced up the wooden stairs and responded to his friend’s call through the door.

  “Stand back, Cam!”

  He did and then she saw the head of a huge ax slice through the door frame before it was kicked in. And then those two men stood there, the ones who had let her into Cameron’s house earlier. The expressions on their faces showed they were relieved to see he was okay, but they were mad as hell.

  Cameron turned, opened his arms to her and she raced across the cement floor and up the stairs to him. And when he gathered her into his arms, she knew that everything would be all right.

  Later that night, back in her hotel room, Vanessa cuddled close to Cameron in bed. “I’m sorry about your home, Cameron.”

  When Xavier and Kurt had pulled them out of the cellar and they’d had a chance to see the damage, her heart had ached for him. But then that same heart had filled with anger that someone had wanted to do that much harm to the man she loved. He was not intended to survive the attack.

  “I was thinking of rebuilding anyway. I’ve received a number of offers to sell but couldn’t bring myself to part with it. That land is where I spent some of the happiest days with my grandfather and I needed that link.”

  Vanessa nodded, then frowned. “Well, at least they caught those guys.”

  “Yes, and they’re spilling their guts. I can’t believe John McMurray would go that far. The man is truly demented.” McMurray’s arrest had made national news. The shame that had been brought on his family had come from his hands and not Cameron’s.

  “And how on earth were they able to get those types of weapons? Something like that could probably shoot a plane out the sky.”

  “It can, which is why in most states they’re outlawed. I’m just glad that Kurt brought Xavier back here to get his car and saw what was happening.”

  Vanessa nodded. She was, too.

  Cameron glanced down at her. “Did you mean what you said earlier, just before we made it to the cellar? That part about loving me?”

  She smiled. “Yes, I meant every word. You’re not only my sex mate, you’re my soul mate, as well. I do love you, Cameron.”

  “And I love you. Does this mean you’d consider marrying me?”

  She grinned. “Yes, if you ask.”

  He turned toward her in bed, took her hand in his and gazed deep into her eyes. “Vanessa Steele, will you marry me? For better or for worse? Will you be my soul mate and my sex mate? The mother of my children? My best friend? My—”

  She placed her finger to his lips. “Cameron Cody, I will be your everything.”

  He leaned closer, and, right before he captured her lips with his, he whispered huskily, “You already are. You were definitely one risky pleasure worth taking.”

  Sexual Healing

  “Are you okay?”

  Leah Mason glanced up at the man walking beside her and a faint smile touched her lips. “Yes, Reese, I’m okay.”

  She sighed inwardly. No matter how many times he asked her that, her answer would always be the same. But deep down she knew it was a lie. What could be okay about a twenty-three-year-old woman who couldn’t let the man she loved touch her—at least anything beyond a kiss?

  “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  They had reached the front door to his home, and she stopped and turned to him. “Yes, I did.”

  That was not entirely true, either. They had been visiting his family and because no one knew the full story of why she had mysteriously left Newton Grove five years before, breaking Reese’s heart, his family resented the fact he had started seeing her again. She knew they were worried that she would up and leave and break his heart a second time.

  “When we get inside I want you to talk to me, baby.”

  He opened the door, and when they walked into the foyer, he reached out and took hold of her hand and led her to the living room. When they sat down on the sofa he turned to her, tightened his hold on her hand and said in a low tone, “Now tell me what’s up, Leah. And don’t deny something is bothering you because I can feel it.”

  Leah sighed deeply. Not for the first time she wondered why she was blessed with having such a wonderful man in her life. He had always been so attuned to her every thought, want and hurt. And he had tried so hard to take the hurt away.

  It had been six months since he had learned the truth of what had happened to her that fateful night, what had driven her to flee from her family and the man she loved. Since then she and Reese had agreed to take things slowly, rebuilding their relationship one day at a time and giving her time to put behind her what Neil Grunthall had done.

  Reese had been patient, understanding and more supportive than any man had a right to be. But still, after all this time, she hadn’t been able to get beyond being a victim of rape.

  He scooted closer beside her on the sofa, continued to hold her hand and looked deep into her eyes. They sat so close their thighs were touching and she began feeling butterflies go off in her stomach, the first sign of anxiety from a man being too close.

  Inwardly, she fought the feeling that tried to intensify and glanced down at their joined hands for strength. She told herself that he wasn’t an ordinary man. He was Reese, the man she had fallen in love with at seventeen, the man she had given her virginity to just months before her eighteenth birthday and the man she had planned to marry, and they’d have all the babies he wanted to give her.

  He was the also the man who had secretly built his house for her, to give to her as a wedding gift. She hadn’t known about the house when she’d fled town. At the time it would not have mattered. All she’d been able to think of that night was her humiliation, shame, hurt and disgrace.

  Neil, who had seen Reese as his enemy, had raped Leah as a way not only to get back at Reese, but also at Leah’s father for firing him. She had felt that her father and Reese were the last two people she could have gone to with the truth. There was no doubt in her mind that they would have killed Neil with their bare hands, and she couldn’t risk that. So she had run away without telling anyone what had happened. She hadn’t even confided in her sister Jocelyn.


  She smiled when she thought of the older sister she was finally getting closer to. Jocelyn was twenty-seven to her twenty-three. But even with the mere four-year difference in their ages, they had never been close. Jocelyn had always been “Daddy’s” girl, while Leah had been “Mommy’s” girl. Their mother had died when Leah had turned thirteen. That had been the worst period of her life. She had felt so alone. No one seemed to know how badly she was hurting and a part of her had been convinced that no one had cared.

  The only thing she had looked forward to was finishing school and leaving Newton Grove…at least that had been the only thing until Reese and his family had moved to town in her junior year of high school. He had been employed by her father’s construction company. It was during that time that Reese became the focus of her life, her entire universe and the only one she held dear. And Neil had brutally destroyed all of that in one horrible night.


  She glanced up, met the intensity in Reese’s dark eyes. She actually felt it. And she felt something else. Desire. She could feel his passion like a gentle caress to certain parts of her body and although she wanted to respond, a part of her mind would not let her. For some reason, she had a mental block that refused to let Reese tap into what was behind her fears. If only she was strong enough to let go, but she wasn’t. Even after resuming counseling sessions with a therapist, she hadn’t been able to move forward with that part of her life.

  “I’m fine, Reese, really,” she said at last. “But it hurts to know how your family feels about me now, when before we were so close. And it hurts even more to know their present feelings are justified.”

“But they don’t know everything, Leah. They don’t know what happened to make you run away that night,” he said softly, gently squeezing her hand.

  “I know and I can’t get upset with them for how they feel about me. I’m sure they’re wondering why you’re even seeing me again, spending so much time with me.”

  “What I do is my business, Leah, and my family knows that.”

  “Yes, but I still can’t help but feel bad for them. They don’t know the entire story. They’re worried that I will hurt you again.”

  “But you won’t. You promised you would stay in Newton Grove and not return to California, and that we would work things out, and we will.”

  She felt the tears coming and blinked a few times to keep them at bay. “Will we, Reese? It’s been six months and although I’m comfortable with us kissing, I can’t seem to get beyond that and that’s not fair to you. I know you, Reese, just as you know me. You want me. You want to sleep with me and make love to me the way any man would want to with the woman he loves. But I just can’t get beyond certain things.”

  “But you will. I truly believe that. We will continue to take things one day at a time, Leah, and no matter what anyone thinks or how long it takes, you and I are in this for the long haul. We’re going to work through this. I truly believe that.”

  His words gave her some of the strength she needed. Because he believed, she wanted to believe. He was good at feeding her hope and she clung to him. His expectations for them, his belief in their future was what had kept her in Newton Grove when Jocelyn had moved to Charlotte a few months ago after getting married. There was no one here for Leah other than Reese. He was the reason she had remained here instead of returning to California where she had tried to start a new life.

  And he was the reason she had opened a café in town, right next door to his warehouse. It was there that he built his furniture. Reese had a gift when it came to carpentry—connecting his hands to wood. Her father had left him money in his will. The small sum was enough for Reese to start up his own business.

  Leah had made a hefty sum from the sale of her share of the construction company her family had owned. Together, she and Reese had purchased this piece of real estate that had been perfect for both of their needs. It gave her the space she needed to start her restaurant, yet it was comforting to know Reese worked in the building right next door.

  They were now a twosome and did practically everything together. He usually got to the warehouse before she arrived at work, and each morning he would be her first customer before she officially opened. They would sit and talk over coffee and pancakes before her two staff members arrived. And he always dropped in for lunch and then at the end of both of their work days—around three in the afternoon—he would come in and sit while she closed up for the day. Then they would either go to his place or hers for something to eat. Occasionally, they would dine somewhere in town.

  She could not ignore the cold stares she got from all the young women who just couldn’t understand why the town’s most eligible bachelor preferred hanging on to the woman who had broken his heart instead of moving on to someone else.

  Leah sighed, deciding not to think about that any longer. She glanced around. Reese had built this house for her years ago, but when she had left town he’d felt hurt and betrayed. Eventually he’d sold it to Jocelyn. Jocelyn had sold it back to him when she’d gotten married to Sebastian Steele and moved away.

  A part of Leah knew that the reason Reese had wanted the house back was because he was hoping that one day the two of them would live in it as man and wife and raise the family they’d always wanted. He had so many high hopes for them.

  “So why did you bring me here tonight, Reese?” she couldn’t help asking as she continued to glance around.

  “I wanted you to see the changes I’ve made to the place, especially the basement. And I want your opinion about a few things I’m doing to the windows.”

  She nodded and smiled as she stood. “Okay, let me see what you’ve done.”

  A couple of hours later he had taken her home and they were strolling up the walkway to her door. He stood back while she unlocked the door. She knew she didn’t have to ask him if he wanted to come inside for a minute because she knew he did. As always, he would kiss her good-night; it was the closest he was able to get to her.

  “I really like the changes you made to your house, Reese,” she said to break the still quietness of the night.

  “It’s our house, Leah. Always remember that,” he said, unlocking the door for her.

  As soon as she closed the door behind him, he touched her hand and she turned to him. This was a part of their relationship they both looked forward to, the only physical part she felt comfortable with. She always knew that no matter how intense the kiss became, Reese would pull back before things got too out of hand. She admired his ability to stay in control. His control gave her the chance—even if only for a little while—to let go and indulge in at least one facet of her fantasies.

  She gazed into his face thinking as she always did that at twenty-eight he was a handsome man. Tall, broad-shouldered, dark ebony eyes and skin the color of semi-sweet chocolate. She felt his hands move to her waist and instead of feeling panicky, she felt heat fill her insides.

  “Good night, Leah.” His voice was deep and husky.

  “Good night, Reese.”

  And the moment she said the words, he lowered his head and gently captured her mouth with his and she let go, sliding her own hands around his waist.

  She closed her eyes when their lips touched. The kiss reminded her of better times when she had been sexually free and uninhibited. Their tongues mingled, dueled, tangled.

  He made a sound deep within his throat. She heard it and was totally aware he had gotten aroused. She could feel him pressed against her stomach. But she wasn’t afraid of it because in the back of her mind a part of her needed this kiss from Reese as much she needed air to breathe.

  Slowly, he pulled away and she sensed things were getting too heated. She glanced up at him and he smiled. It was a slow, warm smile that touched her all over. Then he reached out and tilted her face up and leaned down and brushed a kiss across her lips one more time.

  “Dream about me tonight, sweetheart.”

  She smiled. “I always do, Reese. I love you so much.”

  “And I love you, too, Leah.”

  And then he was pulling her into his arms, holding her close and she felt it and knew he felt it, too. The need to assure each other of their feelings, their love and the knowledge that what others didn’t understand, they did. What had happened that night five years ago was something they would deal with and work through. Together.

  Moments later he took a step. “Don’t forget that tomorrow I’m leaving for Memphis to pick up supplies. I won’t be back until noon.”

  She nodded. She had forgotten. “Thanks for reminding me.”

  And then giving her one last caress across her lips, he turned and left. And as always, she felt an intense surge of loss with his leaving.

  Leah glanced around her restaurant. It was small but just what she wanted and needed. Already, she and Reese had discussed the possibility of expanding and she was glad there would be no problem doing so.

  Since opening a few months ago for breakfast and lunch, she had begun getting a steady flow of customers. Because the buildings she and Reese had purchased were right off the interstate, truckers stopped by and she had discussed with Reese the possibility of expanding her hours to include dinner.

  “Leah, you have a call.”

  She turned around and smiled over at Marie. A single mother who had recently moved to town, Marie had become a godsend. The hours at the restaurant afforded Marie time to get her two little boys to the bus stop in the morning and to be there to pick them up in the afternoon. “Thanks, Marie, I’ll take it in my office.”

  Leah quickly walked in the back to her office, wondering if it was Jocelyn calling. Although her
sister had moved to Charlotte, they made a point of talking a few times a week. She was happy for Jocelyn. Her sister had found the man of her dreams and was happily married to one of the infamous Steele brothers, Sebastian.

  She smiled as she picked up the phone. “Hello.”

  “Leah, this is Daniel.”

  Leah raised her brow wondering why Reese’s brother would be calling her. “Yes, Daniel, what is it?”

  “It’s about Reese. He asked me to call you. He was involved in an accident on his way back to town and—”

  “An accident!” Panic raced through Leah’s body. “What happened? Is he okay? Where is he?”

  “Yes, he’s okay, just bruised up some. We’re at the hospital. Some trucker fell asleep at the wheel and plowed into him. I understand from the state troopers that things could have been much worse, especially if Reese hadn’t been familiar with the roads and hadn’t been able to retain control of his truck. Otherwise, there’s no way he would have been able to stop the vehicle from going over a cliff.”

  Leah closed her eyes, imagining such a thing happening when she remembered the mountainous roads between Newton Grove and Memphis with all those sharp curves. She began shaking. “Where is he, Daniel? I need to come to him. I need to—”

  “You really don’t need to do anything. The only reason I’m calling is because he asked me to.”

  She paused, hearing the cold bitterness in Reese’s brother’s voice. At that moment, anger suddenly tore into her, but she wouldn’t give in to it. There was a lot about her and Reese’s relationship that Daniel didn’t know. “And I appreciate you calling, but I really need to know what hospital he was taken to.” She needed to see Reese, talk to him and make sure he was all right.

  “There’s no need for you to come here. The doctor has fixed him up and has given me the okay to take him home and that’s what I’m doing. You can call and talk to him later. ’Bye.”

  Leah heard the click in her ear and for the longest time just stood there and stared at the phone. If anyone thought she wasn’t going to find Reese and see for herself that he was all right then they had another think coming.


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