Right There with You

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Right There with You Page 30

by R. J. Sable

  “Would you rather I just rolled over like a little bitch?” Jason laughed, sitting back down in his chair.

  “That'd make our lives a lot simpler, cheers man,” Danny chuckled.

  “I don't think that's the sort of guy Jamie deserves,” Jason shrugged, glancing at me.

  The twins both made retching noises and I laughed at them.

  “You're very cheesy,” I grinned at Jason, standing behind him to rub his shoulders.

  “You love it,” he beamed, tilting his head back to look at me.

  I smiled back and glanced up at the twins. They were frowning at us again.

  “What now?” I sighed with exasperation.

  They didn't say anything, they just kept frowning.

  “You can't seriously be annoyed at me for rubbing his back?” I said with annoyance. “I just did the same for both of you.”

  “That's different!” Rick protested sulkily.

  “How?” I grinned.

  “We're your brothers!” Danny justified.

  “And he's my boyfriend,” I said slowly.

  They didn't stop frowning but they didn't complain any more either. Small victory. I squeezed Jason's shoulders a final time and returned to my chair, taking pity on them. I knew this was new for them as well. I'd have to break them in slowly.

  “You guys want me to make you some food for the trip?” I asked sweetly, trying to ease their moods. The food distraction technique.

  They both stopped frowning at Jason immediately and looked over to me. “Yes, please,” they said in unison.

  I made them two rounds of peanut butter sandwiches each and put them in zip-lock bags.

  “You know Derby's only like an hour and a half away,” Jason said, eyeing the large pile of sandwiches.

  “They'll have eaten them all before they even get to Sheffield,” I laughed, glancing at my brothers.

  “Yeah, but we can always stop for a burger when we get to Chesterfield,” Danny grinned.

  “Is he serious?” Jason asked, looking from them to me and back again.

  “They never joke about food,” I smiled. “Besides, they work out like twice as much as we do. They need it.”

  Jason laughed and shook his head as he helped me put the food away and clean the work surfaces.

  “Look at you two,” Danny grinned. “You're like an old married couple.”

  I grinned at them and handed them a pack of sandwiches each, oddly pleased by the notion.

  “We'd best be getting back,” Rick said as he took his zip-lock bag.

  The newscaster droned on as Jason and I sat in the common room with Adam and Bradley. I leant against Jason's side in a state of utter contentment. I snuggled closer to him and slipped my hand up his t-shirt. Skin on skin, nothing could be better. I ran my fingers through his happy trail.

  “If you don't stop that I'm gonna jump you right here in front of everyone,” he whispered in my ear.

  I felt my cheeks burn as I listened to him. I'm not sure I would object. “You wouldn't dare,” I teased uncertainly.

  “Try me,” he growled quietly with that familiar mischievous look in his eyes.

  I contemplated calling him on it but I chickened out and slid my hand further up his shirt to his chest.

  “Better?” I blinked up at him innocently.

  “Yes and no,” he grinned.

  Jason began running his fingers through my hair and I grinned and leant up to plant a kiss on his lips. “Thank you for today, Jason,” I smiled.

  “What do you mean?” He asked, obviously puzzled.

  “For being relatively well behaved with my brothers, I know it's no fun for you.”

  “Relatively?” He smirked.

  “Well you didn't get in a fight,” I shrugged.

  “True,” he laughed. “I like the twins. They seem like sound guys, even if they do have homicidal tendencies towards me.”

  “I'm glad,” I giggled. “It'd suck if you didn't get on with my brothers.”

  Jason lifted me up from the sofa and we said good night to Adam and Bradley. He insisted on carrying me up the stairs despite my giggled protests.

  “Naked time,” Jason grinned as he set me down in my room and locked the door behind us.

  “As long as its reciprocal,” I agreed.

  He sauntered over to me, the dark desire in his eyes causing a tensing deep within me. He pulled me into his arms, our lips meeting as he held me against him. The heat of his kiss left me breathing heavily. He slipped his hands inside my baby blue shirt and his fingers trailed up my back, undoing my bra clasp as he went. He traced gentle circles around to my front. Gently, he undid the buttons on my blouse, pausing as he reached my breasts to trail his fingers across their tops. He gently slid my blouse and bra straps down over my arms, allowing both to fall to the floor. Kneeling down, he picked them up and threw them artfully onto the desk.

  “I like you in a skirt,” he grinned as he slid his hands over my knitted leggings and up under my denim miniskirt. “These are in the way though,” he pouted as he tugged my leggings down, taking my knickers with them.

  I felt a bit ridiculous stood in front of him wearing nothing but a skirt. Jason stood up and ran his fingers gently over my stomach and between my breasts before cupping my face and kissing me gently.

  “Come here,” he said as he sat down on the bed.

  I moved towards him, assuming he wanted me to sit on his knee but he shook his head. He took my hand and pulled suddenly, it caught me off-guard and I tumbled across his lap. I tried to get up but he put his hand on the small of my back and pushed gently.

  “Stay there,” he said softly, but with a serious edge to his voice.

  I rested my head on my arms, wondering what he was going to do. I felt the fingers of his right hand trailing up my thigh.

  “What are you up to?” I asked inquisitively, turning my head back to look at him.

  “We're going to see if you can hold still,” he grinned and continued his tickling.

  What does he mean by that? My brain starting running through elaborate scenarios but Jason interrupted my train of though.

  “Jamie,” he said, his voice low and seductive. “You remember the rule?”

  “What rule?” I murmured distractedly, enjoying his fingers on my thighs.

  “You have to tell me if you want me to stop,” he said firmly.

  “I promise,” I nodded.

  He seemed satisfied and turned his head back so that he was looking at my skirt-clad behind. I blushed and buried my face in the duvet as he took his hand from my lower back and used it to lift my skirt up, revealing my naked buttocks. I knew it was stupid to be embarrassed, Jason had seen me naked plenty of times but I felt somehow more exposed this way.

  He tucked the bottom of my skirt into the waistband and began stroking and kneading my cheeks gently, his other hand moving closer and closer to the apex of my thighs. Just as I thought he was going to touch me where I needed his hands the most, he began the process all over again, removing his hand to the inside of my knee. I groaned as he reached the top and withdrew his hand once more.

  “Shh, baby, you don't want your flatmates to hear you,” he admonished.

  I clamped my mouth shut, knowing he was right. There was no way I could face them if they'd heard me in the throes of ecstasy. Jason finally took pity on me, slipping his finger gently between my folds, spreading the moisture that had gathered. His left hand continued its gentle kneading and I felt the frustratingly delightful pressure building once more. I was starting to feel like I was always turned on these days, and I knew exactly who was to blame. Not that I'm not complaining.

  “Keep still baby,” Jason ordered as I squirmed against his hand. “I'm not going to tell you again.”

  I frowned, concentrating on keeping still. What does he mean? I kept my teeth clenched shut tightly and my face turned into the duvet to muffle the groans that were threatening to break out.

  It took everything in me not to s
quirm as Jason's thumb began pushing into me whilst his fingers massaged my clit but when he started rotating his thumb inside of me, I couldn't stop myself from pushing up against him. I yelped as I felt Jason's hand landing a quick sharp slap on my ass cheek. I turned my head back in shock, Jason was smiling, his eyes dark.

  “I told you to keep still,” he answered with a smug smirk, his eyes burning.

  I opened my mouth to protest but Jason chose that moment to withdraw his thumb, quickly replacing it with two of his fingers. He began pulsing them in and out of me in a powerful rhythm. I groaned and returned my focus to keeping quiet and still as I enjoyed his fingers inside me. His pace quickened and I felt the muscles inside of me tighten around him as I neared my climax. This feels so good. It's so much tighter in this position.

  Jason withdrew his fingers and my hips bucked back once more, desperate for the release I was so close to. I tensed and cried out as Jason brought his hand down on my backside once more. I closed my eyes tight as I tried to block out the stinging on my cheek. It was made drastically easier as Jason replaced his fingers inside me, his other hand gently stroking my sensitive cheeks.

  He kept up his cruel routine; he'd bring me right up to the edge then stop and spank me every time I moved. It was hard not to move, I was so tightly wound, so close to a much needed orgasm. He kept bringing me so close and then denying me the release I so desperately desired. I was so warm, so needy, and both my cheeks were stinging. Please, please don't stop this time.

  “Please, Jason,” I begged quietly. “Please let me come.”

  I didn't have to open my eyes to know he was grinning. I was mortified that he was making me beg but beyond turned on regardless. I heard him chuckle gently as he pushed his thumb back inside me and used his fingers to tease my clit. This time he didn't stop, his fingers continued their magic until the tension burst. Jason brought his hand down across both cheeks one final time as the orgasm pulsed through my body, wave after wave.

  “Thank you,” I breathed when I was finally able to speak again.

  “You're welcome,” Jason grinned as he rolled me onto the bed and lay down next to me. “How's your ass?”

  I reached back and rubbed my still stinging behind, massaging it gently.

  “Red and a little sore,” I frowned.

  “I told you to stay still,” Jason shrugged as he pulled me onto his chest.

  “You spanked me,” I grumbled, blushing as I rested my cheek against his firm pecks.

  “Why didn't you tell me to stop?”

  Good question. Why didn't I tell him to stop? I'd been too busy craving a climax to even think about asking him to stop.

  “I...I don't know,” I answered honestly.

  “Don't complain then,” he smirked, kissing the top of my head.

  I felt Jason twitch beneath me through the denim of his jeans. I frowned as I realised that once again, he'd given me pleasure without regard for his own satisfaction. It also made me aware that he was still very much clothed.

  “Hey!” I protested, frowning as I looked up at Jason. “I said it had to be reciprocal.”

  “You did,” he grinned, sitting up and pulling me up with him so I was sitting on his lap. I slipped my hands under his t-shirt and began running my fingers through his happy trail.

  “You're not naked though,” Jason pointed out, tugging on my skirt.

  “I might as well be,” I grumbled as I kissed his neck.

  He groaned gently and I took the opportunity to pull away from him and lift his t-shirt over his head. He lay back down on the bed, his hands behind his head, and I bent over him continuing to kiss his neck, traveling down over his pecks. I followed my tongue with my fingers, greedily exploring his tight torso.

  Just as my mouth reached his hipbone, Jason lifted me up over him so that we were face-to-face. He rolled over so that he was on top of me before standing up and removing his jeans and boxers in a simple, graceful manoeuvre. I took a second to admire the sight of him naked in front of me. I blushed and lowered myself onto my knees before him, blinking up and smiling, knowing that he was standing to attention just for me.


  Sunday, 11th November 2012

  I watched Jason's graceful movements as he swam. The light illuminating the water on his muscles with each stroke. I grinned to myself, he's mine.

  “Less ogling, more swimming,” Adam grinned from beside me.

  I grinned back at him and carried on with my laps. Things were going so well between Jason and me. I was giddy just thinking about him. I wonder how long this is going to be enough for him. I knew he was being patient with me and I really appreciated it. I wanted to take the next step, I really did. I don't know what was holding me back. I resolved myself to talk to Jason about it when we got home.

  I changed into my pyjamas whilst Jason was in the bathroom and nipped into the kitchen to make us both a cup of tea.

  “Why are you wearing PJs?” Jason asked as I came back into the bedroom.

  “I didn't think my flatmates would appreciate me naked in the kitchen,” I grinned.

  “I think they would but I'm glad you didn't give them the chance,” he frowned as he accepted the cup of tea.

  “For your eyes only,” I grinned as I sat down next to him.

  “Damn straight,” he frowned, but I could see the humour in his eyes.

  “Jason...” I cooed.

  “Jamie...” he mimicked, turning to face me.

  “Why me?” I blushed, looking down at my fingers.

  “What do you mean, why you?”

  “I mean, you obviously never had trouble getting girls, I don't understand why you're different with me. You could have had any girl.”

  “You're impossible,” he shook his head with a smile. “Firstly, I don't want any other girl, you're the best. I only want you.”

  “Why though?”

  “You mean apart from the fact that you're a beautiful, intelligent woman who never fails to keep me entertained?” He asked wryly. “I was just drawn to you, baby. I can't explain why. The moment I saw you nervously navigating the dance floor that night I knew I had to have you. I just didn't realise what that meant at the time.”

  I frowned, considering his words. “So, that night, you just wanted to... to fuck me?” I managed, blushing even more furiously.

  Jason squirmed awkwardly and I instinctively knew that's exactly what he'd intended to do.

  “I'm not going to lie to you, Jamie. That was the plan. That's all I knew at the time. I've never really had a proper girlfriend-boyfriend relationship until I met you.”

  “Why didn't you?” I asked, suddenly hurt that he hadn't propositioned me. He must have given up pretty easily, wasn't I what he wanted?

  “I'm not sure,” he admitted. “I followed you to the bar, admiring your delicious behind.” He slipped his hand underneath me and squeezed my cheek for emphasis. “But when you turned around and fell into me, looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes, something inside me changed. You looked at me as though you saw everything. Everything inside me, and that worried me.” He looked a little uncomfortable and I understood that not many people knew him as well as I did, and even I didn't think I knew all there was to know. I knew him well enough to know that he was still holding back parts of himself.

  “You looked so scared and nervous. My little squirrel.” He smiled at me. “I just had the most overwhelming urge to hold you tight and keep you safe. The idea of anyone else trying to take you home that night drove me mad.” He stopped talking and held my gaze with his, as if trying to gauge my response to his admission. I squeezed his hand gently, glad to be allowed this rare insight into him.

  “I watched you the rest of the night until you left,” he glanced at me nervously. “I couldn't help myself. I just wanted to know you were okay.”

  “That's kind of sweet in a stalker-ish way,” I grinned at him. I had no idea he'd been experiencing this reaction upon our first meeting. I was too busy worrying
about what a fool I was making of myself in front of his Adonis-like presence.

  “You have no idea how relieved I was when you showed up at the freshers’ fair. I don't think I've ever missed somebody I didn't know before.”

  My heart glowed with his admission and it was a great relief to know I'd affected him in the same way he'd affected me, right from the beginning. I still wasn't addressing the issue though. Am I enough for him? I looked down at my hands, wringing my fingers as I tried to find the right way to ask him.

  “Um, I feel kinda bad though...” I stammered nervously. “I'm sorry that I've not... that we've not-”

  “Jamie,” Jason cut me off, cupping my face in his hand. “Why are you bringing this up?” He looked hurt as I glanced up at him.

  That wasn't my intention at all. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't getting bored with me.

  “Have I been pressuring you?” He asked sadly.

  “No, no, that's not what I meant at all,” I shook my head. “I really want to... to do that with you. I don't want you to get frustrated with me.”

  I looked back down to my hands, blushing once more. Jason took my hand in his and pulled it into his lap.

  “Jamie, you don't have to worry about this. There's no rush. If and when you're ready I promise to make it special for you. But until then, I'm perfectly content just being with you,” he soothed.

  “So you're sure you don't mind waiting?” I asked, feeling the weight lift off my shoulders slightly.

  “Nope,” he grinned. “I know it'll be worth the wait.”

  I blushed as he kissed me gently on the lips.

  “Thank you,” I smiled as he withdrew from the kiss and put his cup down. “I appreciate you being patient with me.”

  “It's not a problem, baby,” he said with his million dollar smile. “Besides, your virginity was the only thing that stopped Karl from killing me last time we saw him.”

  I knew he was joking but I couldn't help frowning, he was right. I knew Ian had said that he liked Jason, and he was putting up with our relationship for now, but I wasn't sure what I could do to convince them to accept Jason and stop threatening him.


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