Heavenly Bodies

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Heavenly Bodies Page 5

by Celine Chatillon

  “Hmm… There isn’t anyone nearby who can see us making love out here, is there?” Jenna asked as an afterthought.

  He knelt and tasted the flesh of her belly before proceeding lower. “Only Talbit… and that depends.”

  “Depends? On what?”

  “It depends on whether he got his telescope fixed since the last time we met or not.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  Jenna almost pulled away at the thought of being watched from afar, but Reg’s supple tongue caught her off-guard. Moaning, she collapsed onto the soft sand, relishing the thorough pleasuring of his mouth on her clit.

  “Yes, please, yes!” Her boisterous wails reverberated along the high rock walls as her body bucked against the intimate touch of his tongue. “Fuck me—fuck me hard and fast. Fuck me now.”

  “As you wish, my fair one.”

  Instantly she found herself straddling Reglund’s thick rod, her knees buried in the soft sand, her breasts bouncing in time to the rhythm of the water pounding the rocks below them.

  “You ride me like a professional beast rider.” He clutched her buttocks tightly, ramming his length into her core deeper with each stroke. “Are you sure you’ve never ridden before?”

  “Never like this. Harder, Reg, please. I’m going to… going to…”

  “Patience, my Earth maiden. Your prince yearns for satisfaction as well.”

  “Sorry. Got carried away there.” Jenna slowed her bouncing and began a slow, torturous corkscrew motion of her hips. She bent, giving his nipples her tongue’s attention.

  He groaned, thrusting into her harder. “Ah, tighter than a vise, yet soft as a dove. The whole world trembles at the sight of your beauty—and your touch.”

  “That isn’t the earth shaking. It’s me.”

  The swiftness and intensity of her climax startled her. Jenna threw back her head, babbling his name, shouting incoherently. Somewhere in the midst of her second or third pleasurable peak, Reg’s rapturous song of ecstasy joined with her own. Lights and colors flashed before her eyes as she rode the galloping orgasm, bucking and whooping like a cowgirl. She hoped the folks listening from miles around thoroughly enjoyed their lovemaking symphony.

  Warm and bliss-filled, Jenna curled up beside her favorite Galactic Guerilla and promptly dozed off.

  What only seemed a moment—rather than an hour—later, she awoke. She sat up, gazing upon the mighty Prince Reglund snoring like a baby beside her.

  “Tough ride today, eh?” She laughed, scrambling to her feet. “Well, since I didn’t get a chance to take a shower this morning, I guess it couldn’t hurt to do a little scrubbing up under the waterfall. Too bad I didn’t bring any shampoo.”

  She skipped along the beach toward a spiraling thread of the waterfall cascading into a small, calm pool.

  “Perfect. The current isn’t too fast, and I’m sure the water in the pool isn’t too, too deep. Now, what can I use as a towel…”

  A gentle brushing noise behind her startled her. Jenna halted, then turned slowly around. As if by magic, a bar of sweet-smelling soap, a clear container of a floral-scented shampoo and a thick pile of white towels lay on top of a flat rock at the water’s edge.

  “Those things weren’t there before…” She rubbed her eyes and blinked twice. “Damn. I’m dreaming about the little people in episode forty-two, and how their fairy magic made wishes came true. Oh, well. There’s no need to be rude and not make use of these magical items. The fairies did get pretty pissed with Reg when he didn’t accept their gifts, as I recall.”

  Retrieving the bath goods, she waltzed toward the pool, humming a happy tune. Once there, she slipped into the sun-warmed water and soaped her body thoroughly from top to bottom. She rinsed off, grabbed the shampoo and then swam over to the narrow waterfall to stand under its refreshing spray.

  “Whoa! That’s cold water, all right. My hair will look nice and shiny—especially if this stuff has any hair vitamins or conditioners in it.”

  “I think your hair looks gorgeous without those things anyway,” a deep, smooth voice intoned from somewhere close by. “In fact, I find your whole body simply extraordinary, my dear lady.”

  Jenna gasped and spun around. Lord ‘Ladykiller’ Talbit sat perched on a nearby rock. He raked his dark gaze up and down her curves and twirled his long, black moustache with a brazen tilt to his head. Tapping his high black boots against the stone, he grinned, a hungry tiger toying with his prey. She dove back into the pool to retrieve her towel, located at the other end.

  “I—I didn’t know you were there. I apologize for bathing in your pond and using your soap, but—”

  A series of broad strides landed the corsair-like nobleman next to her towel before Jenna could reach for it. He took a step back from the water’s edge and held it out to her. She frowned at him, staying low in the water.

  “There’s no need for apologies, my dear. I offer this simple hospitality to all young lovers who visit the falls. In fact, if one of my gardeners hadn’t spied your mount traveling along the trail earlier, I think your lovely sonnet would have informed me of your whereabouts eventually.”

  “My sonnet?”

  “Yes. Now, how did that poem you recited to your lover go? ‘Fuck me—fuck me harder’ or similar words to that effect. Not quite in the Columbrian style, but I admit I like it all the same.”

  Jenna blushed. “Why, you filthy, rotten…”

  “Voyeur? Yes, that’s the trouble with living so close to the waterfalls. I do get to see—and hear—some great lovemaking at times. But I don’t always get to partake in the pleasure myself, not unless you and your lover are open to…” He shrugged.

  His meaning was all too clear. She rose up in righteous anger and came after him—and the towel—with fists raised.

  “Why, you dirty-minded bastard. Prince Reglund would never consent to such a despicable—”

  “Good day, Talbit!” Reg called out from behind her. She turned and saw him standing tall and naked, unaffected by their company. “I see you’ve met the fair Jenna, maiden of Earth and formidable bed partner.”

  “Good day to you, oh mighty Prince of the Galactic Realms.”

  Talbit bowed low to his master, then shook his hand and laughed. “I’ve always appreciated your taste in women, Reglund. This feisty one is quite the beauty. Are you sure you would be averse to sharing her?”

  Reg smiled at his sopping wet lover. He accepted the towel from his friend and began vigorously rubbing Jenna’s skin to warm it up. “The choice of where and when and with whom she wishes to use her womanly charms on is entirely up to her. I make no demands of Jenna she isn’t willing to fulfill.”

  Talbit sighed and nodded.

  “But I have to admit that Earth maidens… Well, let me say, Talbit, that the women of Earth can make love like no others in the galaxy. In fact, I would say my fair one here could easily handle both of our needs forthwith and have a most memorable time herself, if she wanted to.”

  Jenna’s jaw dropped. She stared at her beloved fantasy hero in disbelief and shock. “Are you suggesting that I service both of you at the same time?”

  Talbit took a step closer and lightly caressed her cheek. “No, my dear lady. Your prince is suggesting that we both give pleasure to you at the same time.” His hand dropped from her face to her shoulder and gently squeezed it. “But we would never do anything against the lady’s will.”

  The darkly handsome lord walked away from her and began to disrobe. “How about a swim, Reglund? From the looks of your sand-encrusted backside, it looks like you could use a bit of a wash yourself. I brought the soap.”

  “Your generosity is legendary, my dear Talbit.”

  Jenna wrapped the large towel about her body and sat down at the edge of the pool to watch the two men splash about. They playfully scrubbed each other’s back with the soap, then poured shampoo on the others’ hair, rubbing it in. At the sight of so much slick, glistening man-flesh, Jenna began to feel a familiar dampn
ess in her pussy.

  Talbit possessed a mysterious, alluring personality. Although not as beefy as Prince Reglund, he nonetheless possessed a cock worthy of notice, along with a firm ass and broad shoulders. What would it be like to take on both men at once—one honey-blond, one brunette with a wicked sense of hospitality?

  Heck, why should I sit around and idly wonder? Jenna chided herself. This was her dream after all, wasn’t it? And if anything happened she didn’t feel comfortable with, she was certain her champion Prince Reglund would halt the proceedings and defend her honor.

  She stood up, the towel falling about her ankles. Both men ceased their roughhousing, their lust-hungry stares covering her nakedness.

  “I might as well enjoy myself while you gentlemen do.” My voice is not my own, she thought, stepping into the water. She felt wild, untamed, an animal. She was an able predator circling two very delectable morsels, deciding which to eat first. “Isn’t it a lovely pond?”

  “Yes, enchanting.” Talbit gave a sigh of recognition at the beast unleashed within her. “Let us help you with your swim strokes, my lady. I can hold you like this…” He took hold of her under her arms and allowed her head to recline against his shoulders.

  “And I can hold you like this.” Reg cradled her buttocks in one large hand, tenderly stroking her pussy with the other.

  “Hmm, I quite like this stroke.” She brought Talbit’s lips down to meet her own, drawing his tongue into her mouth and opening herself up to his explorations. “I have a feeling you know a few other strokes yourself, Lord Talbit,” she said breathlessly a few minutes later.

  “That I do, my dear lady. With the prince’s permission, shall I demonstrate?”

  Reg nodded and smiled. “By all means, my good fellow. Show this Earth maiden what Columbrians are known for.”

  Talbit’s hands rested on her breasts, rubbing her nipples to eager attention. Jenna arched her back and moaned. Reg spread her legs further apart and began feasting on her clit. She slid downward toward the water and soon found herself floating without any visible means of support.

  “What exactly is my head balancing on?” she wondered.

  Talbit laughed. “Turn and see.” He moved his hands to cradle her head so she could glimpse his engorged cock close up. “You see? Even standing in cool water, your beauty excites me, my dear lady.”

  Jenna’s eyes widened. If the enormous red snake eyeing her wasn’t Talbit’s full erection, she was in for a real treat. She resolved to test her theory. She relaxed her jaw and attempted to swallow his cock whole.

  “Ah, I see what you mean about Earth maidens, Reglund,” he mumbled, moaning. “Yes, yes, my dear lady. Suck on me as hard as you can. What exquisite torture.”

  “And it is nothing compared to the tightness of her cunt, Talbit.” The prince rose from the water. “When she climaxes, she shakes with the might of a hundred ground swells and explodes with all the force of the great volcano of Hardone II.”

  “Hmm… You don’t say? I’ve always enjoyed witnessing great acts of nature.”

  Talbit eased his cock from Jenna’s lips and helped her to her feet. Shaky from their avid attentions, she rested between her two lovers as they led her to the soft sand beach.

  Reg guided Jenna to a kneeling position, his long, wet cock dangling mere inches from her lips. “Shall I demonstrate?”

  “Well, I am your host, and I am most curious… But shouldn’t we let the lady choose whom she wishes to entertain in such a fashion first?” Talbit raised a rakish eyebrow, briskly pumping his cock with the other. “My lady?”

  Without a word, Jenna made her decision. She turned toward the honey-blond god who had rescued her from a life of boredom and slid his long member into her mouth, resuscitating it from the effects of the cold water.

  Reglund titled his head back and gave a long, low moan. “Hmm, exactly what I needed, my fair one. Don’t stop.”

  Talbit laughed. “A very good choice, my lady.”

  The dark lord knelt behind Jenna, gently rubbing his rod against her buttocks, teasing her opening as they adjusted their positions so she could serve both her prince and her host in the best manner possible.

  Just as she thought Talbit might have changed his mind, Jenna experienced his first thrust, bold and deep, superbly thorough in its penetration. She gasped, momentarily losing her hold on Reg’s cock. “Oh, my…”

  Talbit began with a quick staccato of hard strokes, followed by a series of slowly spiraling motions. “Am I pleasuring you, my dear lady?” he politely inquired. “Columbrian women relish being entered in so swift a manner, but it may not be to Earth women’s tastes.”

  The intense pounding of her pussy overwhelmed any pain or surprise she may have felt at first. “No, not at all. It’s just all so… so…”

  Talbit quickened his pace. “So?”


  Jenna allowed her consciousness to drift away in the joy of the moment. Reg guided his eager cock back to her lips, and she greedily began to suck. The sensations enveloping her from literally top to bottom excited her beyond measure. She had never thought herself capable—or even willing—to perform such feats of sexual fulfillment with two handsome men at once.

  Maybe all those years of watching Galactic Guerillas haven’t gone to waste after all? Jenna tilted her hips to meet Talbit’s expert thrusts, relaxing her jaw to accept Reg’s entire length in her mouth. I’ve never experienced such a realistic dream before. I’ve never been able to let go and enjoy myself sexually like this before. I hope I never ever wake up.

  Her juices flowed and her clit quivered; her lovers’ low moans and breathless sighs serenaded her like the sweetest song. Jenna could tell as she greedily sucked and licked his cock that Prince Reglund was being driven closer to the brink by watching his friend fuck her hard from behind. Lord Talbit, meanwhile, grasped her buttocks like a man holding on for dear life, squeezing her cheeks as his spiraling strokes came faster and deeper.

  “Dear friend, I will not pour my seed into your lady if you do not wish it.”

  “Shall we make a pact on that?” Reg responded hoarsely.

  “A Columbrian pact? Just give the word, my prince.”

  Jenna puzzled over what the men had agreed to, but gladly cooperated. Talbit slowed the rhythm of his fucking while Reg guided his length deeper still into her mouth. The pulse of his cock and the taste of his imminent ejaculation cued her as to what was to come next.

  “Ah… the word is given, dear friend.”

  Jenna felt Talbit’s balls grind powerfully against her pussy with his final thrust. Without volition, her cunt muscles trembled and contracted, all thoughts obliterated from her mind as an intense orgasm swept over her, drowning her in excruciating desire along with two hot liquid streams—one exploding across her quivering backside while the other splashed across her flushed face and breasts.

  With a final cry of triumph, the trio collapsed into each other’s arms.

  Jenna giggled, rubbing her lovers’ juices across her fevered skin. “How did you two know I liked to pour warm lotion all over me after a bath?”

  Grinning, her eager-to-please lovers massaged their cum across her curves, covering her neck and shoulders with feather-like kisses.

  “I am surprised that you know of the secret Columbrian pact, my dear lady,” Talbit murmured a few minutes later. “I don’t believe it’s ever been written about or even talked about outside the upper echelon of the galactic nobles.”

  “I didn’t. I just guessed what you two meant to do. It wasn’t difficult, especially…”

  “Especially since we were both dead giveaways.” Reg laughed and sat up. “Earth maidens are as intelligent as they are desirable.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I’m glad Jenna has agreed to stay with us.”

  I’m glad to be here, too. Jenna sighed.

  “You won’t be needing the witch’s portal again anytime soon then, my lord?” Talbit asked.

  “I don’t thi
nk so. Why do you ask?”

  The mischievous twinkle in his dark eyes said it all. “I was thinking of taking a short trip to Earth myself. To absorb their culture and take in a few of their lovely…sights.”

  Laughing, they began to make love anew.

  * * * * * *

  After another bath—and some more water play—the trio finally dressed and headed to Lord Talbit’s castle. A sumptuous spread awaited on a long low dining table along with many curious smiling servants.

  Jenna gasped and her eyes widened as she was seated as guest of honor. It took every ounce of control to keep her tongue in her head, for right in front of her stood a cocoa-skinned man wearing only a black leather shoulder harness and sandals. He bowed low as he served them stuffed wild Columbrian pheasant.

  “Lord Talbit, your servants’ uniforms are… Well, they don’t cover all that much, do they?” she managed at long last.

  “No, they don’t.” He fondled the breast of a busty blonde wench wearing only a short, gauzy pink skirt as she poured them all tall glasses of Columbrian wine. “Saves a lot on laundry.”

  “I imagine it does.”

  Jenna sampled her supper and pronounced it delicious. Their long afternoon of lovemaking had made her ravenous—for both food and amusement. She eagerly motioned for the good-looking servant with the main course to serve her seconds.

  “The lady should save some room for dessert later this evening,” the handsome young man informed her politely. His gaze fell to Jenna’s cleavage. “In fact, I—and many of the other servants here—would be more than happy to let you sample some of the castle’s desserts earlier, if you wish.”

  Her face warmed. It was obvious that Talbit’s telescope had been repaired for some time, and his servants had enjoyed observing their fun and games at the waterfalls. Jenna coughed, then whispered, “All right. I may take you up on that sometime.”

  The servant nodded, then gracefully excused himself. She forced her attention to the conversation at hand.


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