The Dungeon Con_One Foot in the Grave

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The Dungeon Con_One Foot in the Grave Page 18

by Marty Myers

  Afterwards, Francis and the angels decided to spend the night in the village since so much of the day was gone. This was for Francis’s benefit so that she could sleep in a bed and have a meal. Locke invited her to stay in his house and he and his wife shared their supper with her. Francis was able to draw them into conversation more easily since the angels stayed outside.

  Apostaphus told Francis, “We don’t wish to intrude and we don’t need to eat or sleep so staying in Lock’s house would only make him and his wife uncomfortable. Instead Clarion and I will be much happier watching the stars outside and quietly catching up some more tonight. In the morning we will search for the angel who should oversee this place and let him know what has gone on here. Then we shall resume our travels to where I last sensed the imp who took Hank.”

  In the morning Francis was awoken by Mauldina, Lock’s wife who invited her to break her fast with them and greet the dawn. It was a lot earlier than Francis was used to getting up but she found that she wasn’t as groggy and grumpy as she was used to being in the morning. She decided to try to embrace this new her that apparently was alright getting up early. After all, she was traveling with angels who never slept so the odds of sleeping in anytime soon were practically nil she thought to herself. Once again she didn’t feel like eating much, the apple must still be digesting because otherwise, she would be starving by now.

  Once breakfast was done Mauldina gave her a satchel with some provisions and a bedroll. “ This is for you Saint Francis,” she said, “ as you seem to be traveling without some necessities.” Francis blushed, “Mauldina you didn’t have to. That’s so nice of you and don’t call me Saint Francis. After all, I shared your dinner last night. This whole saint thing is so unexpected. I’m still trying to wrap my own head around it.”

  “ Instead think about it your husband’s change in perspective,” she pointed at Lock. “ He’s an elder and now a holy man since last night. I doubt he is going to go around wanting to be called Your Holiness, Elder Lock or anything.” Locke grimaced as Mauldina smiled at hearing him named as such despite herself. “ True, he would be cross,” she said. “ Just so, Francis said, I am still just Francis.” Francis hugged the kind old woman and her husband and said her goodbyes. “ One day I hope to return here and see you both again. I have to see what becomes of the Gallows Field after its rebirth too.”

  Locke walked with her out of his house and into the village. There they saw Apostaphus and Clarionides standing by a golden glowing full grown apple tree that had sprung up overnight. “ Wow,” Francis exclaimed. “ I didn’t expect anything like that to happen. Apostaphus, I thought when I planted the seed that the excess essence in it would slowly be drawn into powering the protections’ on the town and make them last longer. Was I wrong to anchor the ritual this way?” “ No Francis, that was a novel approach, but I can see what you were thinking of and it could easily have worked out that way. Instead, the celestial energies expressed themselves like this. I have checked over the protections while the tree grew and this appears to be further strengthening and stabilizing them. It’s just not releasing as much energy now as it would have otherwise. However, I think that when the tree stands basking in the light it might actually rebuild its reserves since it is a living thing and then pass it on to perpetuate the protections for a much longer period. Only time will tell.”

  Francis looked at Apostaphus and then turned to Lock, “ I would recommend not allowing anyone to eat of the fruits of this tree unless an angel looks them over and says that it is good for them to do so.” He agreed“ I will do as you say, Francis.” In the meantime, many of the other villagers had turned out to watch them leave Boaden Village and to stare at the marvelous new tree that hadn’t been there yesterday.

  They set off heading north-west up towards the mountains. “ So how do we go about finding the angel who is supposed to be warding this area,” Francis asked. “ I would have thought that those demons showing up and the fight would have attracted his attention and he would have come to investigate before now.” Apostaphus and Clarion shared a look before answering. “ Some of our brethren don’t watch their charges as closely as others do,” Apostaphus said, “and then there is also the fundamental change out on the plains to consider. He could be out there checking on all of that. The great amount of positive energy being released there could even have masked the demons signatures from him during the fight if he was there. It didn’t last very long and we did clean it up rather quickly afterward too so if he was far enough away it might have disappeared before he could get a fix on where it happened.”

  Clarionides spoke up, “ he also might not have returned from the heavens yet, when I was sent to find you yesterday there were still some of the host gathered there from the assembly.” Francis said, “ I can’t believe it has only been a couple days since we arrived here. So much has happened already.” Apostaphus said, “ I have been rethinking our plan to find him just now. It isn’t as urgent to speak with him now as it was when we decided this yesterday. Lock should be able to defend the village long enough to call to us or on one of the other angels. And I believe that the protections we put in place will last several more days than I originally thought based on what I saw this morning.”

  “ With our outcast status as it is and the danger to the village lessened it may be wiser to go about our original mission instead of facing another angel right now.” Looking at Clarion sadly he said, “ I don’t want there to be any chance of a chance encounter with us leading to the council declaring another angel cast out of the host.” Francis thought about it. “ I think your right, we need to hurry up and get to where you last sensed that imp before the trail gets any colder.” With their minds made up and a long journey ahead of them Francis consented once more to being carried by Apostaphus. He picked her up and they flew off towards the mountains to the north.

  Chapter 17

  On down the mountain in the valley where Birch had been teleported. He looked around one last time at their old campsite before setting off for the farmer’s place. As he lopped along a game trail he thought more about his new condition. Unknown to him being this far away from his new master further weakened the bonds effects upon him and since Hank was not yet a very skilled or powerful necromancer, nor had he tried to impose his will too much upon him it was weakening rapidly.

  Was he the same Birch who had just days ago traveled across this valley with his fellows, he wondered. He wasn’t really sure that he was. He felt a lot less about their deaths and even cared about his own less than he would have thought he would. Switching allegiance and serving the forces of Darkness would have been unthinkable to his old self too, he thought. Hank said his mission was important, but should he really help hide them from the Light. He still felt the bond pushing him a bit to do what he had been told. And what he was supposed to do right now wasn’t bad in itself.

  Birch decided to give being undead more time and carried on down the trail. It wasn’t long before he came to edge of the farmer’s fields where he paused to look around before stepping out and approaching the house. “ Hello to the house,” he called out when he was fifty feet or so from its doorway. A young boy opened a shutter and stuck his head out of a window to see who was calling. “ Hey sir, what is it you want?” “ I have come to speak to your dad,” Birch hollered back.

  A minute later an older man stepped out onto the porch and sized up Birch. “ You wanted to speak to me stranger,” he asked? “ Yes I am called Birch, my party and I heard of your tale down at the tavern the other night. We were interested enough in it to go up to the old castle you mentioned to see if there might be something going on up there,” he said. “ I came by to let you know that other than the remains of the castle’s inhabitants left lying around we didn’t find anything unusual up there. Our cleric even insisted we give the dead a proper burial before we departed. Since we have found nothing in these parts to interest us we are planning on heading out in the morning. But I thought I woul
d stop by here first and let everyone know there is nothing to worry about.” The farmer looked stoic throughout Birches tale. “ Thank you for letting us know what you found, would you care to come in and eat with us,” he said. “ No thanks,” Birch replied. “ I must be getting back to my parties camp sight to stand a watch.” Seeing a bit of alarm on the young boy’s face who was hanging on every word, he added. “ Its not because I expect anything to happen here in these parts, its just a habit we have gotten into over the last few years traveling in some of the wilder parts of the realm. Now no one in the group feels at ease camping without a watch set.” “ As you say,” the farmer said. “ Thank you for thinking of stopping by to let us know.”

  Birch said his goodbyes and left. The farmer stood out on the porch and watched the ranger cross the fields and pass out of sight into the trees. Afterwards, Tomas came out of the house from the window he had been listening from and said, “ well that puts an end to thinking that the dirt pile came from the castle dad.” “ Mayhap yes, mayhap no son,” the farmer said. “ All that is certain is that this adventurer wanted it to be known nothing is going on at the castle and he made a special trip back down here to spread that around. I won’t be checking either way.”

  “ Why do you say that dad,” his son asked? “ What reason would he have to tell us differently.” “ Well Tomas,” he said, let’s just suppose he and his party found some treasure up there that’s not so easily moved. They wouldn’t want other adventurers to hear the same story they did which would lead them on up to the castle before they had a chance to take it for themselves would they? Instead, they make sure to come right to the stories source and tell us nothing interesting is going on up there. Ask yourself this. Wouldn’t it have been easier just to leave without going to the bother of notifying us if that were true?” “ So what are we gonna do dad?” His son said. “ Do? were going to do nothing Tomas. Its wisest for us small folk to stay out of other’s business and not borrow troublewhen we can.” Birch in the meantime had made his way back to the old campsite and waited in the dark for his master to retrieve him and after a short time, the clearing was left empty once more.

  Chapter 18

  The Darkness had once more left the dungeon while Birch was in the valley and Hank and Alastor had taken the opportunity to move the scrying pool from the vicinity of the altar room a few doors down the newly made hallway so it was closer to the Great Hall. That made using it less likely to put them close to the Darks frequent visits while disguising their motives. Once they had got it situated they retrieved Birch. “ It looked like you did pretty well with the farmer Birch,” Hank said. “ How did the trip feel to you, any problems?” “No, not really,” Birch said.

  Just then Provoas arrived. “ Ah yes, this is where the scrying pool has gotten off to I see.” He looked over at the three, “ I see you have been busy restructuring the floor as Master Dark has ordered, good. And that you have attempted to cast at a higher level spell of necromancy as well, very good indeed. Hmm, a half elfin wight. How ironic, yes that will do nicely Hank. How I detest elves and their extremely long lives.” Provoas came over and studied Birch closely. “ His spirit seems to have taken decently to his new condition so far. But I see your bindings on him are too loose my boy, we can’t have that.” Provoas focused upon his own bond with Hank and commanded him to tighten his bonds upon the wight. “ You want them tight enough that they won’t ever be able to slip from your control.” Hank grimaced inside, but complied tightening the bond upon Birch as his master commanded. “ But this is your first time casting them after all so I won’t judge you too harshly. Provoas continued, Still it’s a pity you didn’t do anything more than the basic spell work on his geas here as the rest of the raising looks well done. How has he been acting?” Provoas looked over at Hank questioningly.

  “ You know wights are pretty rare these days, the Light has managed to cleanse so much of the areas that they can arise from naturally and blessed so many of the mortals that could be raised, that there just aren’t many potential candidates left. Yes, this one looks like it has potential. What are you planning on doing with him?” “ Master, Hank said, I have been having him use his woodcraft to help us fix any flaws he can see up in the castle and the surrounding area, like getting rid of suspicious footprints and making the place look undisturbed again.”

  “ I have also talked with Alastor about sending him to get some of the things on the list to finish the dungeon since it looked as if you may be too busy with your work for the Darkness to do so.” Hank flinched as he heard his own words and worried they might set Provoas off. Provoas stood still as only the dead can and the tension in the room began to become unbearable before he started moving again. “ Hmm, yes the list,” he said at last. “ It’s true that I have had other matters to attend to at the Dark’s direction. Very well if you and Alastor and this wight can fill the list and finish the dungeon then do so. If you still find something lacking than let me know immediately. The Darkness grows ever more impatient of late. I do not intend to disappoint him.”

  “ Master the only thing is the payment.” Hank found himself saying almost against his will. “ Some of these things must be bought or someone paid to be made up and too my own services need to be paid for.” “ The Portal to the Dark Citadel will be opened in less than a day to bring some of the Dark’s personal troops through to guard the altar room. Here is a key to allow your wight to go through and access one of the smaller treasure vaults close to the gate. You are to create a suitable secure treasure room here before then off of the back of the great room next to my quarters to transfer it to.”

  “ Send him with ten skeletons to carry back the gold but do not get in the way of the master’s minions. He is to show the key to any who challenge him there. The portal will be open only for a few short bells, do not let him be caught on the wrong side when the portal closes for the citadel is highly warded against mystical penetration and if he is left there, there will be no retrieving him until the portal is opened once more.”

  “ Also know that the Dark Citadel does not take kindly to outsiders, even Dark Ones not directly affiliated to its personal host go missing there from time to time. It was the first of the Great Dungeons the Darkness created so long ago with the same ritual that you have undergone Hank. Each one was tweaked and purpose-built to enact some great scheme of the Darkness, some were built to breed great hordes and hosts to be set forth to conquer the surrounding lands and do battle with the Light while others where fortresses meant to hold up in and weather the defeats dealt to us by the Light and their followers. Yet others were designed as traps meant to lure the heroes of the Light in to be consumed and destroyed. While some were repositories meant to safely hold some great dark artifact until it was needed.”

  “ It’s a shame so many of them have been destroyed or sealed up by the Light and their lackeys over the years as they are powerful servants of the Darkness in their own right. In a lot of ways the original, the Dark Citadel was the greatest of them all in her prime. But the many fierce battles fought there have damaged her greatly, with the greatest blow being when they finally managed to kill her demon familiar. Even now as she is, she is still many times more powerful than you are but The forces of Light know of her location and have long planned on marching on her upon sign of the next great conflict, otherwise the master would have no doubt returned to her to fully rebuild her fortifications and rebirth his greatest general there. Be careful in dealing with her, it is likely that you will feel her presence most assuredly when the gate opens as the two dungeons will be briefly touching through the portal. She may become hostile toward you if you are not courteous enough to her. Trust me you will not like what happens if she decides to punish you for any disrespect on your part.”

  “ Also be careful of the Dark’s troops while they are here. they are elite forces and stand high in the hierarchy of the Darkness. Many of them will be dangerous brutal monsters who have not been unleashed upon the world
in many years. They will likely be unpredictable and irritable and quite possibly hungry. Do not allow them to damage you or Alastor.” Provoas instructed him, “ you are the heart of this dungeon and your body is the heart of the Darkness’s current plans so we need you intact for this to work.”

  “ Now before we get into anything else it is time for another magical lesson. You need to learn more about defense. We will practice casting higher level protections and wards both to stop Light attacks and to learn to protect against the forces of Darkness and demonic intrusion as well. We of the Darkness do not always play well with others, even amongst ourselves so you need to be ready for an attack anytime.” The next hour Hank and Alastor were kept busy dueling each other and occasionally Provoas or Birch as they tested their defenses and learned more about which castings worked against what attacks. Provoas even showed them how some defensive spells could be set up so that they were already cast up to the last word or gesture so that they could be set off quickly in case of an unexpected attack. He also showed them how anyone holding a bond over another could channel their magic’s directly into the other’s core to bypass their defenses as well as a warning to them not to underestimate him or the Darkness’s hold upon them. Finally Provoas said he was satisfied they had learned as much as time allowed and that they were to keep sparring amongst themselves at least once a day from now on when time allowed.


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