Dawn Of The Aakacarns

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Dawn Of The Aakacarns Page 26

by John Buttrick

  “He is in a creative mood,” Anak’s voice resonated. “You Aakacarns will benefit from whatever he does, so let him work.”


  The only way Jubal could think to increase the power of an Aaka was to perform it on an instrument. He picked up his Tubal-flute, wondering how greatly the potential would be increased over performing the same Melody mentally. What scale should be used to measure it?

  Roddy used lightning bolts as a scale. Jubal had his answer. The next question; could he cast two Aakas at once?

  With a Da Capo, it should be possible, he reckoned, but such had never been done before. Best to try at the outset, he could think of no other way to measure the ultimate volume added in crescendo.

  He mentally performed Ranking and then added the Da Capo. Any of Roddy’s compositions could be played on the instrument, but which one? The Melody for distinguishing a Nephilim from and an Anakim came to mind. Potential was harmless and seemed like the perfect choice.

  Jubal brought the instrument to his mouth and began the Aaka. Four notes into the tune something seemed amiss, even though he was performing the piece correctly, so far. Ten notes along and the feeling grew so strong he ceased to play. “What is wrong?” he asked out loud.

  On impulse, he began the notes for Producer, even though it made no sense. The brass instrument could be made into such a device, but it would be silly to alter it to focus only one Melody. “Well,” he figure, “if I do not lock an Aaka into the thing the process should do no harm to the instrument.”

  He continued to play the notes, feeling the power stirring, and when the tune reached the point of summoning potential, he focused Ranking into the brass Tubal-flute. The instrument flared bright blue, almost blinding in its intensity. Footsteps pounded down the hall. Voices were shouting, the door slammed open, and half a score of people flooded into the study. Jubal brought the flute away from his mouth and removed the Da Capo from Ranking, ceasing all potential. “I played the tune louder than usual, but not enough to cause a commotion. What is the matter?”

  Vashti, Pan, Natura, Ares, Cassi, Anak, and Orion, all stood in the forefront of the group and staring wide-eyed. “The strangest thing just happened, didn’t you feel it. It was like being in a pool and having a giant boulder tossed into the middle and shoving waves of water out in all directions, except these were invisible,” the archer responded.

  “Yes, invisible waves that knocked us all off of our feet,” Ares added his testimony.

  Vashti ran over to Jubal. “I thought we agreed you would not over tax yourself.”

  Jubal laid the flute on the table, it was then he noticed three golden lightning bolts on the flute where his right palm had been in contact with the brass. “I did not personally use much potential, at least not for very long, it was the flute that provided the increase in energetic volume. I told all of you in class, well those who are Nephilim, that an Aaka performed on an instrument is more powerful than one performed mentally.”

  Pan cocked his head to the side as if in thought and then laid his finger across his lips. After holding that pose for a few moments, he brought his hand away and straightened up. “Did you perform the Aaka mentally as well as audibly and if you did what was the volume you imaged while physically playing the instrument?”

  Jubal scratched his head. “I was excited, reacting to a sudden impulse, so I imagine if it could have been heard audibly, it would have been at full volume. But the duration lasted barely more than three repeats of the melody before I ceased the potential.”

  “Apparently that is long enough,” Pan replied. “I have never tried mentally performing an Aaka at full volume while focusing the potential into or through the instrument I am playing. The very idea is redundant. Do one or the other; but both? That does not make sense.”

  “It does if your goal is to knock a bunch of people onto their butts,” Ares stated and then nodded approvingly. “I like it. The simplest Aaka performed in that manner could quell a mob without my having to focus energy beyond my body.” Doing so would help with his being in charge of security and the Weapocarns.

  Anak stepped around the son of Zeus. “What, may I ask, was the goal of the experiment?”

  Jubal thought about what he did and the result. “To increase the amount of potential an Aakacarn can wield and I think I just did. The instrument added three bolts to my three.”

  “You just now wielded six bolts of potential!” Ares stated, eyes widened, indicating he hungered to do the same. “That is thirty-six times more power than I could wield.”

  “Do not get overly excited,” Jubal cautioned him. “I have only begun to study this area of Aaka theory. I suspect the instrument added three bolts because I am a Three-bolt Aakacarn. If Pan plays and mentally focuses a Melody through his flute at full volume, perhaps the result would be four bolts, him being a Two-bolt. You, on the other hand, might do the same thing and find you wield two.”

  “That does not seem fair,” Ares complained.

  “It is twice what you can command unaided,” Natura pointed out.

  She then played, Potential, on her flute, and soon glowed, probably the brightest moss green ever seen, and was sending out slight ripples. All of the Nephilim in the room bloomed in their individual radiances, but none as brightly as her. She ceased to play. “I am a One-bolt Aakacarn and just succeeded in wielding two bolts of potential using the technique Jubal described; that is my best estimate of the amount I summoned, but it confirms his theory.”

  “I believe the invisible waves also occurred during the earthquake when Jubal and then all of you Nephilim began wielding potential,” Anak brought up an interesting point.

  Cassi nodded. “With all the shaking going on because of the quake, I could not be sure, but we did feel something like what you did a little while ago. The sensation ceased when the Aakacarns and you finally set everyone back on the ground and ceased what you were doing.”

  Jubal nodded. “A ripple effect caused by the harmonic waves. It is like the vibration caused when we pluck a string, yet this is not audible, but obviously can be felt.”

  “No matter how hard you pluck a lyre, you cannot knock someone over with the sound,” Ares seemed to think he had a good point.

  Jubal smiled at his nephew. “Do you want me to pick up my lyre and use it as a crescendo?”

  Ares eyed the Tubal-flute, obviously thinking of what had brought him to the room. “No, I’ll just accept the fact.”

  “A wise decision,” Anak congratulated him.

  Jubal glanced at Vashti and laughed, causing her to do the same.

  “What other experiments do you have in mind?” His wife inquired after catching her breath. “Whatever they are, I hope you can do them without sweeping us off our feet.”

  Jubal glanced at the brass flute, but did not draw anyone’s attention to the lightning bolts. “I will conduct a few more tests, but promise to keep my mental volume at a minimum.”

  “Vashti, you will learn along with the rest of us what he learns; after his curiosity is satisfied and he can be certain of the facts,” Pan rightly stated. “I suggest we leave him be for a while, at least until the other guests arrive and his presence is required.”

  “What guests?” Jubal wanted to know. They would distract him right while he was on the verge of creating something new. Perhaps he could fob them off on his wife. “Who and how many are coming?”

  Ares chuckled. “No one important is coming; only the two ancients, the six eldest of the elders, all of the judges, and most of my fellow administrators.”


  Jubal changed into his white robe and then, having some time alone before the guests he could not ignore showed up, decided to examine the Tubal-flute more closely while his wife visited with Natura and the others. They would send for him when the guests finally arrived. Technically, the instrument was also a producer even though no Aaka had been locked into it. He held the device in one hand while contemplating his next step.
  What Melody should he link with the instrument?

  The more he thought about the question and each of the Aakas composed by Roddy, the stronger Jubal felt about not adding any at all. An urge, nearly as strong as the one that caused him to focus Producer instead of Potential, came upon him. He mentally summoned the potential for, Elevation, focusing the life-force energy into the instrument, and on out through the front of it in a beam rather than as the focal point. That time he kept the mental volume low, a tiny trickle of power, so as to reduce the force of the harmonic waves. The indigo blue ray struck the chair and with a slight lifting of his wrist, raised the wooden piece of furniture off the floor.

  It worked!

  Combining Producer with Ranking created a device that could amplify potential without actually playing the musical instrument. “I have created an Aakatool that acts as a crescendo, increasing the volume of energy focused into it.”

  He opened his desk drawer and removed an ebony rod, two pieces of gold, and fashioned a baton. Being satisfied with that, he summoned the potential for Producer, taking care to keep the volume low, added a Da Capo, and then did the same with Ranking.

  “Here goes,” he said out loud while gripping the baton in his right hand at the half way point, and then focused both Melodies into the device.

  The lightning bolts on his shoulders tingled as Ranking assessed his strength and a tiny flash appeared at the completion. He ceased the potential for both Aakas and examined what he had done. Where his palm had been in contact with the device, fused into the ebony, were three golden lightning bolts.

  He summoned potential and cast Elevation through the baton, striking the desk, sending it up against the ceiling, and then lowered the object of focus back to the floor.

  On impulse, he cast Lasso of Air through the baton and watched as an indigo roped appeared at the end of the device. He whirled it above his head and then sent the end out to the chair, willed the rope to wrap around the back, and then snatched it into the air, bringing the finely-crafted piece of furniture to him. In accordance with his will, all four legs came gently down onto his desktop. With a quick flick of the rope, he sent the chair back where it belonged.

  After placing the baton on the desk, he leaned back in his chair, and folded his hands behind his head, being immensely satisfied with the results. “It does not matter which Aaka I choose to summon potential, my crescendo will amplify the energy.”

  The door banged open, it was a good thing Imhotep had made the walls so sturdy, and in walked Victoria. She had on a black and red silk dress with a single golden lightning bolt on the bodice. Her eyes were blinking rapidly, fueled by emotions she could barely contain. “Jubal, come quickly, Ra is claiming greater authority over all Aakacarns, using his standing as a Silver-trident to justify the higher status. When Roddy disagreed, his older brother used a producer and is even now suspending him high above the floor. No one can convince either man to back down. Set and Osiris are backing their father and believe it or not, Kronos, Oden and Hades all agree with them. I left because all of us not involved with the government were asked to leave.”

  What a mess! Kronos, Oden, and Hades all had bronze tridents, equaling the power Jubal could wield unaided. It was no great surprise they would seize on the opportunity to claim higher authority. The surprise was that Zeus and Poseidon had not agreed with them.

  Jubal shook his head, not in refusal of her demand that he go quickly, rather in having difficulty believing anyone would be so bold as to take action so soon. “At least they are doing so out of public view. It means they are attempting to reign in Nimrod’s authority without undermining him in the eyes of the people.”

  Vicky nodded agreement. “I guess so, but where do you stand on the issue?” She seemed uncertain, silly girl.

  “I stand with Roddy,” Jubal stated firmly while grabbing the class one, level three crescendo. “You apparently are not the only one who has doubts about that. I am not afraid of our older brothers or Vashti’s brother and certainly not intimidated by Ra or his sons.

  “Ra is more powerful than you,” his sister stated while eying the white dress-robe. She did not know about the grand new Aakatool he had just made. “Maybe you should put on your cloak so they can see and be reminded of your rank and title.”

  Jubal again shook his head, deciding his displaying three lightning bolts would not impress Ra, only action would make an impression. “They all know my title and ranking as an Aakacarn. You are correct about Ra’s pool of life-force energy being greater than mine, but I am the Instructor and he is overdue for a lesson. Come along, this is my home and I say who can be where, and you could do with some schooling as well.”

  “Some people say I am scrappy and always ready to fight,” Vicky replied. Her eye-blinks were slowing along with her breathing, which was a good thing. “I guess this confirms their saying because I am ready to tackle Set. That would be one Aakacarn you will not have to deal with.”

  Jubal started out the door with his sister following closely behind. “I appreciate the thought, but only want you to observe. Ra and his allies are the ones with reason to be nervous.”

  “I don’t think they are going to be nervous,” she replied as they walked down the hall.

  Jubal quickened the pace. “Then I will give them a reason.”

  Chapter Thirteen: Who Rules?

  Roddy had thought about levitating his brother in the air, several times since the assault began, but that would only result in both of them being suspended above the dining table. They each glowed with potential. Tit for tat could not resolve the issue, but a different Aaka would be used if the foolishness continued much longer.

  The person to go forward as the leader of mankind would be determined by how the dispute was dealt with, especially in the eyes of the elders and ancients, but also in front of the other government officials. All of them needed to acknowledge once and for all which of the two would be in authority; the Aakasear or the Aakacarn highest ranked in potential. The temporary setback was enough to make Roddy want to curse, although he knew better than to use such language in present company, not and make the desired impression.

  The timing of the challenge was odd, yet not a total surprise, although Roddy had not expected the use of life-force energy against him. An occasion meant to honor Jubal ended up being an opportunity to seize power. The first-ever-Aakacarn never wanted to be caught up in politics and Roddy had done his best to shield him from the worst of it, but the official instructor of Melody-wielders had become a catalyst for change. His reputation was growing by leaps and bounds, bouncing back and forth from a person to be greatly feared to one willing to give his all to preserve the lives of others. The populous held the latter view. Under such circumstances keeping politics from affecting him was like a one-handed man trying to keep two fist-sized holes from leaking water in the bottom of his canoe.

  Roddy liked to think he could do the impossible, but had to admit there were somethings beyond even his considerable skills, not many but some, and even those few things he often considered hurdles yet to be overcome. Keeping Jubal completely out of politics was impossible and the situation proved the point. However, just because he did not want to participate in something he considered distasteful did not mean Roddy’s long-time friend could not bring himself to do what was necessary. The man was clever and could be quite tricky and anyone doubting that fact was setting himself up for a costly and possibly painful disabusing of the notion.

  Standing lamps in each of the corners illumed the room and each person seated in the mahogany chairs. All of the judges and administrators, except for Semi who was attending to business elsewhere, were staring up at Roddy, even the six elders and the two ancients.

  The idea of using the amount of energy a person could wield to determine whose opinion should hold the most sway was unappealing, especially to one marked with a jade trident. Ra refused to listen to Vivian, Ham, or even Sheba. The huge Nephilim did not verbally respo
nd to their words, simply ignored what they had said. The three neither agreed nor disagreed with his assertion, merely took issue with his use of power and intimidation as a means of making the point.

  “I believe my demonstration speaks for itself,” Ra stated while adding a second producer, one in each hand, focusing energy through both. “You can rule the people, as had been agreed, but clearly that authority cannot extend to wielders of life-force energy such as me,” he paused, glanced at Noah, and then continued. “I am not actually going to hurt you, my brother, but merely make a point that I could easily tear you apart and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

  Roddy raised his left eyebrow as if he was seated comfortably and experiencing no distress over being suspended in the air, especially since his most recent inspiration, Lock Joints, was playing in his head. Big brother would not be able to so much as crook a finger. “I could cast an Aaka at you and there would be nothing you could do to stop me.”

  Ra laughed. “Good point, but it does not change the fact that I wield sixteen times more potential than you. Therefore, it is my will that should weigh the most going forward.”

  Roddy knew the challenge would have come eventually and so had prepared for it. Once the Aakas and producers were made available, a confrontation was only a matter of time. The suddenness in which the contest had come made no difference. He tried a new argument. “I see gold tridents on the foreheads of the matriarchs. By your reasoning the authority given to us by Noah and Vivian reverts back Lilith, Herara, and our revered grandmother. It is my understanding the ancient man made his will clear to you on this matter.”

  He thought of the statement as a spear thrust, hoping the reasoning would prod Noah into taking a stand, it was worth a try, especially if it allowed the dispute to be settled without the need to focus potential.

  The oldest man stroked his long white beard and then raised his hand toward Ra. “Is it your intention to thwart my will and that of your great grandmother?”


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