Dawn Of The Aakacarns

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Dawn Of The Aakacarns Page 28

by John Buttrick

  Roddy agreed with his friend, but the discussion did little to further the outcome of the contention, and it was high time to bring the matter to a conclusion. “I am the chief administrator of the newly formed government and hereby appoint Jubal the official Instructor of Aakacarns. His title is restored and the people now at risk of losing their titles are all of you who have sided against me. He was correct, your actions have determined who and who is not a fool. I appointed each of you, but do not need you specifically, just someone respectable and competent in your current positions. End this folly and acknowledge me as leader of the Aakacarns or not only will you be deprived of learning any of my new Aakas, you will no longer be judges or administrators.”

  “By the way,” Vashti spoke up. “Nimrod, as you requested from me, I have a list of Aakacarns who are willing to serve as judges and administrators. Four of them, Anubis, Athena, Thoth, Hephaestus, and Thanatos, are already here. The other nine will be along shortly.”

  “Thank you for that report,” Roddy responded, pleased with her timing. She was almost but not quite as good at that sort of thing as Semiramis.

  Apollo glanced at his father, exchanged nods with his sister and then he and Artemis said in harmony, “We acknowledge Nimrod to be leader of all Aakacarns.”

  Ares was the next to come around, followed by Isis and Osiris. Poseidon eyed his fellow triplets and then declared. “I acknowledge Nimrod to be my leader and Jubal my instructor.”

  Hera and Zeus stared at each other for the longest time and then he nodded his head and they both changed sides stating, “Nimrod is our leader.”

  Oden drew in a deep breath. “Greater strength in potential should not be the only factor in determining who has the most authority. Knowledge and skill must also have their part in the equation. Our Aakasear and Instructor have proved their qualifications to me. Nimrod is leader of all Aakacarns,” Vashti’s brother announced his acceptance.

  Kronos and Set stared at Ra and then the keeper of time shook his head. “We have spent half an hour only to arrive precisely where we were before the discussion began. Nimrod is our leader and Jubal is still the Instructor of Aakacarns. I say the matter is settled, regardless of their respective strengths in potential.”

  Hades made a sour face as if he tasted something truly vile, yet he spoke in a strong voice. “Elders, ancients, Nimrod is our leader.”

  Ra began to glow orange-white like the heart of a flame. “I don’t need a producer to summon potential and add a Da Capo. You are wrong, Jubal, might has a great deal to do with victory.”

  Roddy responded instantly. Twin beams of light shot from his eyes and the moment the yellow rays touched his big brother, the giant’s joints all locked; jaw, neck, arms, legs, fingers, and toes. “I could add a Da Capo and keep you in this condition indefinitely,” the Aakasear stated, and then released his brother. “But I will not. You simply needed to know, as do those seated at the table, that I could have done this to you at any time during the discussion. However, I will not be lenient next time. Focus potential at me again and you will regret it, that I promise you. The same goes for the rest of you Melody-wielders. Do not test me in this way again.”

  The glow around Ra vanished and he bowed his head. “Nimrod is the leader of all Aakacarns.” He definitely was not happy about the outcome, but his happiness had not been required.

  Set followed his father’s example and then Roddy resumed his seat at the table. Normally a victory would be celebrated, but it was difficult to be joyous when not one of his appointees had sided with him. Jubal and Vashti sat down at the opposite end. It was their home and they were the hosts, Roddy decided to let them do the talking for a while.

  In walked a man wearing a white robe and turban, followed by three women in feminine-styled white robes who were carrying trays of food. All of them were Tinies, including two young men, one with mugs and the other with plates and utensils.

  The smell of roasted fowl filled the air and caused Roddy’s mouth to water. The man began carving the succulent birds while the women spooned cooked vegetables onto the plates.

  “Shef, this smells wonderful,” Vashti told the man.

  The cook nodded his head. He was perhaps in his late twenties and had a short and neatly trimmed beard. Brown eyes fixed upon the musician-trainer. “Then I have already achieved half of my goal. The other half is to provide a meal that pleases the tongue even more.”

  “You hired a man to do the cooking?” Medica asked as if she could hardly believe anyone would do such a thing. “Everyone knows it takes a woman to provide a decent meal.”

  “He seems to have a talent for it,” Jubal told her. “The man has a way with herbs and spices you simply have to taste to believe.”

  Roddy cut and then forked a piece of white meat into his mouth. The explosion of flavor as he chewed was beyond good, it was delicious. “I have never tasted anything better. Shef, you have raised cooking to an art form. Your name shall become synonymous with excellent cuisine.”

  The man again nodded his head and then smiled. “Now I have fully achieved my goal.”

  The meal was fantastic and went a long way in soothing everyone’s nerves after the tense confrontation. Even Ra left the table with a contented smile on his face, not over the outcome of the contention, rather, the result of a satisfying dinner. Roddy appreciated the way Jubal and Vashti softened the sting produced by the forced acceptance of who would be leader going forward.


  That night, in his sleep, Jubal stood at the foot of a mountain with Vashti, Pan, Natura, and Hermes, all of whom held flutes. A loud roar caused him to look up. Boulders were tumbling down in a tremendous rock slide that threatened to crush and bury them all. Jubal took up his crescendo. He mentally performed a melody and the others played their flutes, yet each was playing different notes; a four part harmony. All of them glowed with potential, as did Jubal, and four beams of light were focused at him.

  The enhanced power thrummed within him, demanding to be used, filling him with the sense that if he chose to, he could move the world. He took the multi-hued energy and sent that along with his own at the approaching death.

  The boulders crashed against the energy barrier, coming to an abrupt halt. As more giant rocks slammed down they were forged into a wall spreading high and wide. Within the rocks were veins of silver and gold, they too were melded into the wall. The conductor and his quartet survived the avalanche unscathed.

  Jubal woke out of a sound sleep, heart racing. The dream had been so real it was hard to believe he was safe at home. He still remembered the notes; melody and four part harmony. Quickly, without disturbing Vashti, he slipped out of bed and recorded the tones onto a swath of tanned leather.

  The music in his mind had not stirred the pool of life-force energy, him not being an Aakasear. Clearly his talent for composing melodies worked even in his sleep but could not create an Aaka of power, yet the idea of conducting other Aakacarns and focusing their potentials in concert intrigued him. So did the idea of forging rocks and metals into a wall, but such a Melody did not exist and could only be created by the Aakasear. It was probably hearing Pan and Natura’s duet that inspired the more complicated tune. “I am going back to bed, but tomorrow, Roddy, you and I are going to have a good discussion on what might be possible.”

  Chapter Fourteen: What Might Be Possible

  Jubal sat in the privacy of his study with Nimrod sitting across from him. Drying on the desktop were three new Aakas; I Will Be Heard, Lock Joints, and Sparking the Flame, two of the Melodies had been restricted by the Aakasear. Jubal blew on the tanned leather skins to quicken the process.

  The first Melody could be taught in class and locked into a producer, but the others would only be made available to individuals specifically named by Roddy. None of the original judges or administrators would be on that list, not anytime soon, with the exception of Semiramis.

  The last of the new Aakas was actually dangerous and had to be foc
used carefully into a lamp. The tune could also be used to start a campfire, which pleased Jubal. The new Melodies were welcome additions to his repertoire.

  After hearing how to increase the amount of energy being focused and then doing so with his flute, the chief seemed disappointed when he only managed to add one lightning bolt to his potential. “Might it be possible for me to play your instrument and wield six bolts?”

  Jubal wanted to answer in the affirmative but could not honestly do so, having never considered the notion, but suddenly had an idea of what was possible. He stopped blowing on the Aakas and replied, “I seriously doubt it, but there seems to be residual energy built up in the Tubal-flute after so many performances, especially after it was used in yesterday’s discovery. It is possible my instrument could allow you to wield more potential than your flute. Why don’t you give it a try and we can find out together?”

  Nimrod took up the Tubal-flute, blew into the reed mouthpiece, and when the notes reached the point of summoning potential, a beam the color of a hood-warbler’s breast shot out of the end, struck the nearest standing lamp, and lifted it into the air. He lowered the object back to the floor, ceased playing, and set the instrument aside. “I was using a tiny fraction of my potential, yet am sure this amplified my output by four squared.”

  Jubal smiled, thrilled for his friend and also over learning more about wielding potential. “Then you have added to our knowledge of what is possible and so have I,” he paused and then presented his newest creation. “I call this Aakatool a crescendo. Just summon and focus any one of your Melodies through it and the device will add three lightning bolts to your one. Take a look at it.”

  Roddy’s eyes widened, he eagerly reached for the gold-capped baton, and grinned when his fist closed around it. “I saw this on you yesterday in the meeting but assumed it was a producer.”

  “So did Set, as did most everyone else,” Jubal replied. “The device is so powerful I wanted to speak with you about it before sharing the news of its existence. Vashti is the only other person who knows what this Aakatool does.”

  Nimrod glowed with potential and like with the instrument, a yellow beam shot out of the tip, striking the same lamp, and lifting it into the air. Jubal somehow knew Elevation was being focused even before the energy flowed out, but stayed quiet, not wanting to interrupt Roddy. “Like before, I am using a tiny fraction of my potential, yet am sure this is amplifying my output by four squared. This truly is a great tool,” he stated, lowered the lamp to the floor, and then almost grudgingly handed back the device. “Can you teach me to make one?”

  “Yes, but you, being a Jade-trident, could only create a crescendo that would allow you to add one bolt,” Jubal responded and when his friend frowned, gave the baton to him. “Keep this one. I made another this morning.”

  Roddy took back the marvelous creation and caressed the length of the shaft. “I take it the golden lightning bolts on the side signify the amplification factor.”

  Jubal nodded his head. “I call it a class one, level three, crescendo. Instruments, I categorize as class two. You just proved my Tubal-flute is a level three amplifier.”

  Roddy began stroking the whiskers on his chin and after a few moments of silent contemplation, asked, “How did you compose an Aaka that would make a crescendo?”

  “I wondered how long it would take you to ask me that,” Jubal replied. “You composed the Melodies; I simply cast two of them into the baton at the same time.”

  Roddy held up his hand. “No, do not tell me, let me guess. One of them had to be Producer, the other would have to be something to measure the potential,” he reasoned and then smiled. “I bet if you had used Status rather than Ranking there would be a bronze trident on the shaft instead of three golden lightning bolts.”

  Jubal knew his friend was quick to reason things out and so was not surprised by the accuracy of the guess. “You are correct. The twist is to leave out adding a specific Melody in the Aakatool. Do you approve of the name and categories I came up with?”

  “The designations seem appropriate. I approve and so they are now official,” Roddy replied and then shook his head. “No one but you would think of, let alone take the risk of, casting two Aakas at once. I suppose that is why you are so good at innovating new ways to apply potential, but in the future exercising a little caution in your experimentations might be wise. Wielding two Melodies at once might have drained your pool of energy and put you back in bed, at the least. The execution of the process clearly did no harm but you certainly risked the possibility.”

  It was kind of him not to use the words; foolhardy, reckless or insanely dangerous to describe the action taken, all of which would have been accurate. “I have learned,” recently, “to utilize the least potential possible when experimenting,” Jubal replied. “I will be careful,” to which the chief nodded his head.

  After a few moments of silence his eyebrows arched up as something occurred to him. “I never saw you wear a ring before. I like it. The sapphire set in platinum and the three golden lightning bolts along the side are very attractive.”

  Jubal held out his hand to give a closer view of his newest and most treasured possession. “This ring signifies my marriage to Vashti and you can be certain by the end of the day most every female in the settlement will know what it means.’

  Roddy chuckled. “Your wife wants to be sure no women having the new idea sets her sights on you.”

  “What idea?” Jubal wanted to know.

  Nimrod leaned back in the chair. “You may have noticed there are more females born than males, especially among the Tinies. Well, a number of their men have taken to marrying more than one woman. The elders initially frowned on the idea but admitted the practice would contribute to more babies being born and to the long term goal of filling the earth.”

  No one had mentioned such a thing. “Is this a joke?”

  Roddy smiled while shaking his head. “No and I guarantee your wife knows about this. The practice has not caught on among us Nephilim, but a few Anakim males have taken more than one wife.”

  Jubal shook his head, not in denial, in wonder. “Are women taking more than one husband?”

  Roddy’s expression sobered immediately. “That would be immoral. Besides, the practice addresses the larger number of available women. If one woman began taking two or more husbands the practice would shrink the supply of available males for the rest of the females, and that would create a major problem. Anyway, your wife clearly wants to be your one and only.”

  There existed a double standard concerning what was considered moral, but Jubal was curious about something else. “Are you going to take another bride?”

  “Semi would kill any woman who sought to be her equal. No, she is the one for me,” Nimrod answered without hesitation, then glanced at his crescendo and then back at the ring. His eyes widened as something dawned on him “Your ring has three lightning bolts that, though smaller, are identical to those on this baton.”

  Jubal nodded; pleased his friend had finally noticed the relationship of the two devices. “I told you I made another crescendo this morning.”

  Roddy laughed and after a few moments grew serious. “I am glad you kept the existence of these crescendos a secret. Until I say otherwise, it might be best if no one else knows about them. Ra having the ability to wield seven or eight bolts of potential would not be a good thing. I will not tolerate a repeat of what happened yesterday and I do not want my brother tempted to make that mistake again.”

  He jammed the crescendo through his belt beside a silver-capped producer.

  “It will be as you say,” Jubal replied and then unfolded a swath of tanned-leather. “Take a look at what I wrote last night.”

  Nimrod picked up the skin, his eyes quickly scanning what had been written. “You have five notes with three beats per measure, to be played simultaneously. I can read them but have no idea what the tune would sound like audibly, so cannot give an opinion on whether or not
it would be pleasant to the ear.”

  “I figured so and that is why I asked some people to stop by to join in the concert,” Jubal replied. “They will arrive about a quarter of sandglass from now. Before then, I would like to tell you of the dream I had last night.”

  Roddy nodded his willingness to listen. “Say on, you have a wild imagination and this might prove to be entertaining.”

  Jubal described the dream, finishing with, “and so I asked them to join me in playing the inspiration. This will be the first time it has been played audibly and you will be the first to hear it.”

  “Wow,” the Aakasear responded, “you actually dreamed I wrote a five line Aaka that could forge minerals, stone or metal, into a solid wall or possibly any other shape. Imhotep would love it and Tubal could use it to quickly create super sharp knives and spears that cannot be broken. Either creator would be able to easily bring to reality whatever they envision. I like your imagination; it is fanciful in ways that would be practical if the notions were remotely possible.”

  Apparently the part of the dream that struck him the most was the forging of the wall. It was how the music was performed and focused that had intrigued Jubal the most. However, he had to admit the idea of an Aaka that could shape stone or metal without the need of an actual forge was really good. “Whether or not you can compose a melody along with a four part harmony, an Aaka that could actually do what I dreamed would be a marvelous thing. Why don’t you work on that tonight? I could use it to create rings, each a producer containing a particular Melody.”

  Roddy held up his hand, signaling for silence. “You are getting ahead of yourself. I must be inspired by something, a feeling or a concept, whatever stirs my soul. I cannot simply string notes together and will them to summon the potential for a requested effect. Sometimes an inspiration comes, like my original Aaka, and seems to flow whole right out of my soul. The last one, Sparking the Flame, required a lot of fine tuning until some part of my consciousness knew beyond any doubt the Melody would start a fire.”


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