Dawn Of The Aakacarns

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Dawn Of The Aakacarns Page 47

by John Buttrick

  He could not deny the charge of arrogance, not after feeling god-like in the wielding of a full power Aaka. “He and I have an understanding, but that is beside the point. It is up to me to keep disaster from striking the kingdom.”

  She shook her head with a smirk. “Having seen what is expected of you in the future, I can accept that last statement as sincere truth and not further proof of your vanity.”

  “Thanks sister. I appreciate the moral support,” he replied as they turned a corner. “Where have our brothers set up court?”

  “They are in the classroom, the students are being detained in the dining-room until they can be questioned, and Victoria is up on the fifth level with your daughters. We do not want the little darlings involved in whatever is about to transpire.”

  Jubal whole heartedly agreed with her. Anak stood guarding the door to the class-room along with Capacis, a Weapocarn in service to Apollo. The Anakim had a neatly trimmed beard and a light complexion, but it was the swords at his sides that drew the attention. Each blade matched his arm in length. Cassi’s husband opened the door without saying a word, but his wrinkled brow told of the tension within.

  “Now we shall see how deeply the weeds have spread,” Apollo said at seeing his uncle walk into the room.

  All of them stood wearing their official robes and expressions of self-importance.

  “While I appreciate the way my staff has kept the grounds, I cannot say I have paid much attention to the lawn or shrubbery,” Jubal replied, lightheartedly, nothing like how he felt at the moment.

  He eyed Loki and gaped at the sight of seeing his own image suspended a pace off the floor by the pitchfork-shaped producer belonging to Hades, a response that would hopefully be taken for surprise. “What has been going on in my house?”

  “That brother is precisely what we are here to find out,” Hades told him. “This imposter and the priest are involved with the abductions of entire families and are suspected in the rash of deaths among the convicts.”

  Zeus pointed his lightning-shaped producer at his youngest brother, “You have been so caught up in your duties; you failed to notice the problem stemming from your own house,” he spoke grimly, and then lowered the Aakatool.

  Poseidon waved his trident in the general direction of Loki and then at Andromeda, who was standing in the corner and facing the true master of the house. “And members of your staff no doubt believe they are assisting you.”

  Since no producers were being aimed in his direction, Jubal refrained from lashing out with a Melody, hoping to learn more before he took action. “Andie assists me every day. None of what you have said explains what my staff has to do with abductions or why this fellow is impersonating me.”

  Apollo stepped over, placing a hand on his uncle’s shoulder. “You are brilliant in matters relating to all things Aakacarn, but I fear it may take years for you to stop being so naive when it comes to human nature. These people know you do not approve of extending the sentences of the convicts just so they can continue to work on the projects that maintain this fair city and everyone knows how you feel about the divine imperative.”

  “The divine imperative should not be ignored and you might as well call the penal code institutionalized enslavement,” Jubal responded, and eyed his brothers who approved of and had a part in the practice.

  A chuckle escaped from Artemis. “That is precisely the attitude my twin is talking about. Your entire staff knows your views and wishes to please you.”

  Apollo held up the hand that had been resting on his uncle’s shoulder. “Not that we are implying you approve of their actions. I know you are completely loyal to the king.”

  Jubal wanted to make his position clear, while truly appreciating the benefit of the doubt his nephew expressed “Roddy and I have always protected each other. He would not allow me to face lions alone in the wild and I will do everything in my power to keep him from peril.”

  “Spoken as my brother would,” Hades rejoined the conversation. “This other Jubal did the same.”

  Apollo nodded affirmatively. “I will ask you the same question that was put to him. What did Jubal say when he walked in on the unscheduled meeting in which he was told by the ancient man that no one was to resort to violence?”

  Not a soul outside of the meeting where the Aakacarns had attempted to grasp power from the Aakasear knew what had taken place. It was a good question. Jubal placed both hands on his hips. “I respectfully acknowledged his words and then informed him we were under my roof and therefore my rules applied.”

  “That is Jubal,” Artemis declared.

  “And apparently arrogant even then,” Cassiopeia evidently could not refrain from adding her commentary.

  Jubal glanced at his mouthy sister. “All Nephilim are arrogant, only the degrees vary from one to the other,” he replied, and then faced the rest of his family. “I answered your question so you owe me an answer.”

  It occurred to him nearly all of his siblings were mouthy, including him; perhaps it was a family trait.

  He could easily overwhelm them as he had done the Aakacarns in the forest, but needed to know a few things before making up his mind what to do. Knowing them so well, he knew further demands would shortly be made.

  “Before we answer any questions you need to use Truth Speak on this imposter and Andromeda,” Hades insisted. “I should think you of all people would want to know the truth.”

  Jubal nodded agreement with his private assessment of them and the last sentence. “I want to know how long you all knew of this problem in my household and why I am only now hearing of it?”

  It was better to ignore the demand and ask the question than to argue on what should come first.

  His niece suddenly found something on the floor that apparently required a closer scrutiny, Apollo’s attention shifted to the ceiling, and neither of them could look their uncle in the eyes. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, in order of birth, stared straight at their youngest brother without the slightest trace of guilt.

  The eldest of the three, by minutes, glanced at the others and then replied, “The Queen’s couriers informed us last night. Frankly brother none of us felt you could handle the problem on your own.”

  Jubal looked from Vashti, to Natura, to Bast, to Ursa, and finally to Pan, holding each of their gazes until silently conveying they should pay careful attention to his words. Hopefully they understood and would be ready. “Ra believes the same thing about me, he has forgotten my motivations, and confuses my actions as incompetence. Right now I see you no differently than him.”

  Did his team understand that Ra was alive and forgetting things about Elusion?

  Zeus held up a hand in protest. “My judging you unable to handle this particular problem does not mean you are incompetent. As my son pointed out, you are brilliant in matters relating to all things Aakacarn. We respect your ability in regards to Melody-wielding.”

  Jubal felt both pleasure and disappointment, pleased their continual underestimation of him proved useful, and disappointed because, in spite of demonstrations to the contrary, they never seemed to learn better. “I stand corrected,” he replied, contritely, and then looked from Andie to Loki. “Which of them would you have me question first? If it is the imposter, lower him to the floor and cease your Aaka so I can place my hands on him.”

  Both individuals widened their eyes at hearing his words, perhaps shocked, but they would understand soon enough. Hades lowered his captive to the floor. It was a good thing the judge did not know how the restricted Melody worked.

  “Drop the guise!” Vashti’s voice called out and her cousin, trusting her, did so.

  “Loki?” A chorus of five surprised voices sounded at once.

  With the exact proximity of each person in the room firmly in mind, Jubal visualized five focal points from the digits of his right hand, releasing the potential for Cleansing the Thought at his three brothers, niece, and nephew.

  Zeus shook his head as if momentaril
y confused and then noticed where he was and with whom. “What are we doing in Jubal’s house?”

  “That is a good question,” Artemis agreed with her father. “I cannot remember the reason for coming.”

  “You are here to have dinner with us,” Vashti quickly provided an answer.

  Jubal was pleased how quickly his people adapted to the situation. Bast went immediately over to Artemis and began speaking of old times, Loki joked with Apollo, while Pan engaged Poseidon in a conversation about aquatic creatures. Natura and Vashti chatted politely with Zeus and Hades.

  “I did it,” Jubal congratulated himself inwardly.

  “Where is Elusion and why is Andromeda about to leave before I have the opportunity to question her?” The familiar voice of his life-long friend demanded to know. “Zeus, you were all sent here to make arrests, get to the bottom of the abductions, and learn about their possible relationship to the deaths of convicts.”

  With a single act of will, Jubal could wield potential at Roddy, using the Aakasear’s own Melody against him, and wipe away all knowledge of the past twenty-four hours, could but chose to turn and face his friend. The idea of using his power against Roddy was unconscionable.

  The oldest sibling in the room turned at hearing his name and gave a slight nod of respect, which was as close to a bow any Aakacarn would give even the king. “I have received no such order from you. In fact, the last I heard the Queen’s people were gathering information about a possible suspect. We are here for a dinner party.”

  The king walked farther into the room, noting everyone who was present. “The couriers went to each of your houses and later verified the orders were received. Hades, Poseidon, is either of you also going to stand there and tell me you are here for a dinner party?”

  “I received the same information as my brother and that was two days ago,” Poseidon replied. “Like him, I have received no orders since that time. We came to share a meal. I, for one, have no other reason to be here.”

  Hades nodded his head, whether in agreement with the statement or in respect was difficult to interpret. “Majesty, I was not aware those two Weapocarns are under suspicion, but we are here and at least one of the two is here. Ask what you will of her?”

  Roddy focused his gaze on the twins and both of them gave a nod of respect. Apollo then shook his head. “We received no couriers last night, from the Queen or anyone. My sister and I are here for the party.”

  Nimrod began stroking his beard. “How can none of you remember the orders you were given?” He asked in a soft voice, more to himself, then to anyone standing around. After a few moments he turned to his friend. “I know you would never teach a restricted Aaka without my expressed permission. Is there some way a person might have obtained a written copy from your study?”

  Jubal knew he could lie right then and Roddy would believe him, but the false words simply did not come. “All things are possible but not all things are probable. Ever since a boy stole one of my producers the increased security is such that it is unlikely anyone could successfully steal an Aaka from my study.”

  Nimrod’s eyes went to Vashti and it was not difficult to interpret the look in his eyes. He suspected her. Jubal could not allow that. “I used the Melody on them,” he confessed.

  The king’s mouth dropped open, so shocked was he. “Why would you do that?” The question fell from his lips and then he paused in thought. “Unless they learned something you wanted them to forget, something about the reason I sent them. Tell me about Elusion, where is he from, who he is, and why are you protecting him?”

  “This is the most outrageous thing you have ever done!” Hades was furious.

  “How dare you cast a Melody on my mind?” Poseidon was equally enraged.

  Zeus pointed his lightning bolt at Jubal. “I ought to smite you where you stand!”

  “Be quite!” Nimrod shouted at them and then calmly turned his back on the three to face the one who had been asked the questions. “Semi is certain Elusion is the priest in some kind of disguise. The man is someone I know you respect and would protect.”

  He clearly knew his long-time ally was deeply involved and yet his mind seemed to stop short of drawing the correct conclusion. Jubal felt like a traitor even though he had acted in the best interests of his friend and the kingdom.

  Two options were being weighed on how to go forward, neither of them good. He could wipe the memories of every person who might be aware of the investigation and its conclusion thus far, including Semiramis, but Jubal would have to begin with his friend. He found that solution repugnant and so went with the one that could end in only disaster. “I am Elusion and run the operation, set up to fulfill the divine imperative, and have sent hundreds of families out to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The task I have started must be continued or this city will be smitten by wrath from above, a blow from which it may never recover. What I originally wanted, and still do want, is for us to build those cities together. I will continue to scout locations, while you send the pilgrims and continue to be their king. Why can we not do this together?”

  Roddy looked away while running fingers through his hair over and over again as if doing so would erase what he had just heard or give him an idea of what to do. “We talked about this,” he stated in soft voice and then held up his hand, stopping his own dialogue.

  “Jubal, why did you confess? You are powerful and knowledgeable enough to defeat everyone in this room,” Loki asked, genuinely curious.

  The king glanced at him. “The prankster is correct. You could have easily overthrown me and a good chunk of my government officials. In fact you did thwart them, why not me?”

  Jubal looked into his eyes. “Because everything I have done has been to protect you, not harm. I refuse to raise any weapon or summon potential against you.”

  Roddy slammed his first against the wall. “Flood it all Jubal! That is the problem you have created for me. Even now you truly believe your actions somehow, in your mind, are for my good. You have been doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, but that does not change the fact that you acted against the law, my law!”

  Apollo approached the king. “I must confess to being ignorant of how exactly to arrest my uncle. He can render my Aakatools useless and nothing in my repertoire could hold him longer than he is willing to tolerate the restriction. Someone like Ra might be able to hold him.”

  At the risk of earning greater wrath, Jubal decided to volunteer what his team would not mention. “Ra, Set, Osiris, Isis, and eighteen other Aakacarns have no memory of why they are in the forest.”

  “I can beat him into unconsciousness,” Hades volunteered.

  Roddy shook his head. “You could try but I would not advise it. No, he has thwarted the most powerful Aakacarns serving my government. That at least explains the storm of harmonic waves we experienced a short while ago,” he replied and then turned to face Jubal. “I am placing you under house arrest. By the standing of whatever is left of our friendship, I am calling on you to remain on these premises, and do nothing to interfere with what I am about to order my officials to do. Your classes are hereby suspended. I will leave a contingent of Aakacarns here to keep watch but not interfere with your domestic tranquility. Do you agree to this?”

  All Jubal he had to do was agree to sit back and wait for the impending disaster. His friend did not believe in the divine wrath to come and that was that. “I agree to your terms. I guess we are going to find out which belief is true. For your sake, I hope you are right.”

  “I am always right. You should know that by now,” Roddy replied, confident as usual, but in a voice fraught with the strain of holding back strong emotions. “It is a pity you listened to the priest and took his word over mine. I am deeply troubled by your choice of him over me. As I stand here I have made some choices of my own and the consequences will not be pleasant. First off I am going to task Ares and his Weapocarns with the duty of retrieving the families you have spread all ove
r creation, secondly there will be trials in the future for all of those returnees, and finally, your fate will be decided. I will give you until tomorrow morning to willingly inform me of the locations. If you choose otherwise, Truth Speak will be used. At that time I will also be asking for the names of the people who have been helping you. It seems you have put your faith in the wrong person. Sadly, in light of the fact that my judgements always prove true, you ought to be praying to be right.”

  Jubal eyed the people standing around him and wondered what the consequences of his failure would be, floods, earthquakes, whirlwinds or lightning from the sky. “This is going to be one of those rare times when you have chosen incorrectly, but it will not be only you and I who bear the punishment for your decision and my failure. However, when the disaster hits and you fall, remember that it was me who had your back and was trying to pull you kicking and screaming from the brink.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Consequences

  Even with his head on the pillow and his eyes closed, Roddy could not go to sleep. His closest friend, a man who could always be counted on, failed to support him. “I can hardly believe he chose the priest over me,” he said for the umpteenth time. “Maybe I should order the priest arrested and tried for corrupting the official Instructor of Aakacarns.”

  “It is not wise to give an order no one would obey. I cannot think of a single person who would take him into custody. Too many people respect the priest and are afraid to cross him,” Semi advised.

  After careful consideration Nimrod replied, “You are probably right. What about Jubal?”

  A sigh came from the other side of the bed. “If he were anyone else, I would advise you to put him on trial, find him guilty, and sentence him to a life of hard labor, but you have made him too powerful. You can take away his title, yet he will still be the same person who came up with the innovations we have benefitted from. In all likelihood he will continue to find new ways to wield potential. We need him to remain in your service and yet I want to punish him for siding against you, but not publically. Keep what he has done private. Just like when Ra attempted to seize power, you yanked it right back, and then kept the incident quiet, do the same now. Very few people know of the clash and your brother learned his lesson. Even so you must teach your misguided friend a lesson; one so stern he will never again choose anyone’s side over yours. We both know how susceptible to manipulation he is.”


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