Stand-in: Take 3 of the Kanyon and Daylen Series

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Stand-in: Take 3 of the Kanyon and Daylen Series Page 22

by K. B. Draper

  “Yeah. I’m totally helping you guys out here. So duh, sidekick,” Blue retorted.

  “You get paid in smiles, rainbows, and the warm comfy feeling of doing good for all of mankind,” Kanyon advised.

  “That totally blows,” Blue grumbled, but headed out the door of the trailer.

  At the door to the lighting tent, Blue looked back at Daylen. “Please don’t let me, ya know.”

  Daylen grinned. “I won’t.”

  Blue glared at Kanyon. “Phone stays in your pocket or I’ll …” Kanyon lifted a challenging eyebrow. Blue pointed at Kanyon’s brow. “I’ll shave that eyebrow while you sleep and tattoo on a fake one. A really high fake one, so you’ll have to wear a monocle just to look halfway normal.”

  “Whatever.” Kanyon pushed Blue through the tent opening.

  “Hey, watch it. I’ll have you know, there’s been many ah sidekicks that turned super-villain because of the under appreciation and abuse they endured at the hand of their heroes.”

  “Duly noted. Now get to detecting,” Kanyon waved a hand toward two guys across the tent.

  Blue stomped over. “Hey, losers.” She circled them, sniffing the air, and stomped back. “They smell like cheese puffs and Red Bull. So, unless vomiting in my mouth is another supernatural reaction, then nothing.”

  Daylen walked over to speak to each of them as Kanyon watched.

  Blue stepped next to Kanyon. “So, Mr. Hot Pocket earlier?”

  “My trainer, mentor, or whatever,” Kanyon answered.

  “Figured. I knew he wasn’t really your boyfriend since you go instant lovesick sappy puppy when she’s around.” Blue reached out and petted Ralph. “No offense to puppies.”

  Kanyon glanced at Blue then simply shook her head and returned to watching Daylen. “Since you’re not using the man toy, why don’t you throw a sista’ a bone. One big sexy bo–”

  “Finish that sentence and die. And sorry but Mr. Hot Pocket is married.”

  Blue thrust out a hip. “You never know, he might be looking for a break from the lame-o wife and wants a taste of the dark side.”

  Kanyon snorted. “Hey, Isadora, there’s someone here I’d like you to meet.”

  Blue looked at Kanyon like she was crazy. “Who the hell is Isa–” The air in front of Blue and Kanyon began to shift as pinpoints of lights began to shimmer and twirl coming quickly together in the form of a woman.

  “You called, Kanyon?” Isadora asked.

  “Holy swirling shit buckets!” Blue exclaimed.

  “Blue, meet Isadora. Marcus’s lame, old, wife. Isadora, meet Blue.”

  Blue stood open-mouthed, staring at the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen. “I ahhh, didn’t–”

  Isadora stepped forward. “Very nice to meet you, Blue.” She held out a hand. “So, you have interest in my beloved?”

  “I was ah, just, ah …” Blue leaned toward Kanyon for protection. “Giving her shi–” She stopped. “I didn’t mean–

  Isadora smiled, taking Blue’s hand and then leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially, “If I ever tire of him, I will make sure I send him your way.” She gave Blue a wide smile and a wink, patting her hand before she released it. “Hello, Guardian.”

  “Hey, Isadora,” Kanyon replied.

  Isadora ran a hand down Kanyon’s cheek. “You look well. Better than when we last met.”

  Kanyon nodded. “All good.”

  “I take it we are not just talking about your shoulder?”

  “Not just my shoulder,” Kanyon answered with a smile.

  “That is very good,” Isadora replied, taking on Kanyon’s soft tone.

  Daylen jogged up. “Isadora? Everything okay?”

  “I believe so. I was just here to speak to this young lady about Marcus.”

  “Blue tried to climb Marcus earlier. I thought she should meet her competition,” Kanyon offered.

  “That was just for research,” Blue explained quickly.

  “Yes, I understand you are a very talented artisan.” Isadora ran a gentle fingertip down Blue’s forearm, which was currently inked with a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs scene. Not the Disney version, of course, but the after the zombie apocalypse just ate the other princesses version. “I always wanted to have art on my skin.”

  Kanyon huffed out a laugh. “You want a tattoo?”

  “Yes, I believe I would.” She gave Blue a wide smile. “Blue, would you do the honor sometime?”

  “Hell yeah!” Blue’s eyes widened. “I mean yes, yes, ma’am, it would be my honor to do so for you.”

  “Ah, Isadora, I don’t know if that’s a good idea?” Kanyon started.

  “I believe it is.” Isadora smiled again. “Blue, I will find you one day soon?” Blue nodded. Isadora bowed her head slightly. “Thank you. It would be my honor to receive such a talented and special gift from you. I would also like to see your other work. Daylen has told me you are an exceptional sculptor as well. I would be flattered if I could gaze upon some of your creations.”

  “Abso-freakin–” Blue clamped a hand over her mouth, swallowed, then lifted her hand slightly. “It would be my honor as well.”

  Kanyon and Daylen shot each other a “What the hell happened to Blue?” look.

  “Delightful. I will come to you soon then.”

  Kanyon looked down as her phone buzzed in her hand. “Crap. Steven needs me.”

  “Go. We’ll be fine. I wanted to talk to Isadora anyway.”

  “Okay. This shouldn’t take long. I’ll text you if something changes, otherwise I’ll meet you back at the trailer?” Daylen gave her an agreeing nod. Kanyon gave Ralph a look. He was nestled up against Isadora’s legs. “Ralph, you stay with Daylen?” Ralph let out a moan of pleasure at the ear rub he was receiving from Isadora. “Epic guard dog. See ya later, Isadora.”

  “Goodbye, Guardian.” They all watched Kanyon as she jogged off. “She looks well.”

  “Yeah,” Daylen answered absently, still watching Kanyon’s long strides take her further away.

  “Happier too,” Isadora added.

  “Blue, will you take Ralph to get something to eat, please?” Daylen asked.

  “Sure, but isn’t he supposed to stand guard or something?” Blue asked.

  “I just need a minute and Isadora will be here.”

  “Okay,” Blue answered hesitantly as she placed an arm across her waist and bowed to Isadora. “I look forward to your visit.”

  When Blue raised back up, Isadora gave her a warm grin. “As do I.”

  As Blue took Ralph well out of earshot, Daylen shook her head. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand her.”

  “You understand her enough that you shared your secrets with her.”

  Daylen nodded. “Understand her, no. Trust her, yes.”

  Isadora laid a hand on Daylen’s shoulder. “I think you are a good judge of character.”

  “I wanted you to stay so I could ask you about Aunt Ruby. Something strange is going on with her. It’s like she’s disappeared, but not. More like she’s avoiding me.”

  Isadora stepped away. “That, I am afraid, is your Aunt’s story to tell.”

  Daylen groaned. “Can you tell me if she’s okay at least?”

  “Physically? Yes, she is perfectly fine.”

  “So that means she’s not otherwise?”

  “It means you are going to have to speak to her.”

  Daylen threw up frustrated hands. “And there lies the problem. I can’t find her to speak to her. She won’t answer her phone and it’s like she disappears whenever I go to the office.”

  “It sounds as if she just needs some time, but I promise it will work itself out soon.” Isadora gave her a wink. “I can assure you of that.” She looked over Daylen’s shoulder. “Your Blue is returning. I will say goodbye then take my leave.” She stepped forward and cradled Daylen’s cheek in the palm of her hand. “I am so happy for you and Kanyon. You both look very happy.”

  Daylen smiled shyly. “I�
��m very happy. Still kicking myself for what I did before, but lucky that she forgave me and let me back in.”

  “Remember what you are feeling now, it will serve you well in the future.”

  Blue stopped a distance from Daylen and Isadora then bowed low again. “May I approach?”

  “Child, there are no need for such formalities. I am simply a friend.”

  “I ah,” Blue stepped forward. Ralph was already at Isadora’s side receiving another ear rub. “Okay.”

  “I will see you soon for that showing of your art?” Isadora reached out a hand to Blue.

  Blue took her hand, turned it over, and kissed the back. “As you request.”

  Isadora laughed softly as she pulled Blue into a hug. “You are too precious, my child. I look forward to getting to know you.” She gave Daylen a wink. “A very good judge of character.”

  Blue watched as Isadora dissolved into slivers of light and disappeared.

  “Too precious? Bet you’ve never heard that before.” When Daylen’s teasing didn’t evoke a response, she looked at Blue who stood looking up to the sky. “Blue?”

  “What is she? An angel?”

  “Not in the sense you’re referring exactly. But yeah, I’d call her that for other reasons. She’s more like a guide, I’d guess you could say. She helps us find our way sometimes. She’s always there when we need her. Her and Marcus.”

  “You think she really wants to see my work?” Blue asked absently, still staring up at the sky.

  “I really think she does.”

  “But, you know, it’s like all dark and bloody, and stuff. I don’t want her to think–”

  Daylen interrupted. “She’ll appreciate your talents. Come on,” she waved a hand a Ralph, “let’s get back to the trailer and wait for Kanyon. She said she wouldn’t be long.”

  Chapter 17

  Kanyon texted as she walked, letting Daylen know she was done for the night and to meet her outside so they could catch the rest of the guys before they packed up and left. She’d just hit the send button as she felt the hair at the back of her neck prickle. She slowed her steps but didn’t turn, sliding her phone into her pocket so her hands were free. She’d learned a lot from Dodge and Marcus about fighting, and though they both came from different places and times, there was one thing they both taught her, “Trust yourself and your instincts.” Her instincts were currently screaming, “Someone is following you. And it isn’t a nice someone.”

  Kanyon had always drawn attention, due to the business she’d been raised in. Early on, she had developed a hyperawareness to people, fans, and the paparazzi. She knew when she was being watched. Her mother had instilled this “always alert”ness in her too. Of course, that was for completely different reasons. “You never want to be caught with a frown or making an ugly face because the last thing you want to see on the front page is a double chin,” her mother preached.

  She took a quick left around a generator trailer, pausing briefly before taking two more lefts to circle back. There were several crew members moving about in the area, packing up equipment, causing just enough noise to make it hard to discern if there was anyone in her immediate area. Then she felt a cold breeze slither up her back.

  “Looking for me?” Lexi’s siren voice purred.

  Kanyon didn’t respond, paralyzed by Lexi’s voice, the sway of her hips, and the slow liquid grace of her body as she moved into view. “I heard you had a late call this evening, so I thought I’d stop by.” She stopped in front of Kanyon and lifted a hand to caress the side of Kanyon’s face. “Just to say hello.” She leaned forward, close to Kanyon’s lips, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. “Hello, lover.”

  Kanyon screamed inside, “No! No! No!” She ordered her body to move.

  “Fun surprise, huh?” Lexi teased as she traced Kanyon’s lips with a fingertip. “Looks like you’re under my spell after all.”

  “Never,” Kanyon growled through gritted teeth. At the simple word a shot of pain sliced across her back. Kanyon’s body flinched.

  Lexi tsked. “That looked like it hurt. Wanna try that again?”

  “How are you doing this?” Kanyon asked as she fought against her restraints. She felt another flash of cold heat slash across her back as a reward.

  “I’d stop resisting if I were you. I’d hate for this perfect body of yours,” she trailed a finger down Kanyon’s chin, her neck, her collarbone, then between her breasts, “to get damaged. I have some very,” she bit the corner of her lip and released it as she leaned against Kanyon, “specific plans for it.”

  “Not happening,” Kanyon forced through gritted teeth.

  Lexi stepped away on a sigh as Kanyon bucked against the pain. “Always the hero.” Lexi shook her head and waited until Kanyon’s attention was back on her. “Why don’t I tell you how this little story is going to go. You’re going to dump the little blonde and we’re going to resume where we left off. We’re going to be Hollywood’s next power couple. Literally.”

  “No.” Kanyon felt her finger move. Then a toe. Another bolt of pain crossed her flesh, which if she wasn’t being held up, would’ve taken her to her knees.

  “I’m going to give you a moment to reconsider. For your sake and Daylen’s.”

  Daylen paced in front of the trailer, looking back at her phone and the time of Kanyon’s text. It’s been more than five minutes. “She should be here by now,” Daylen muttered.

  “Dang, Velcro. Needy much?” Blue stated. “She probably just got stopped by someone.”

  Blue was probably right, Daylen thought, but she couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling. And Ralph’s pacing and growling wasn’t helping. “Maybe we should go look for her.”

  Ralph took off in a run. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Daylen replied as she took off behind him.

  “Okay, so we’re running now. Super. A little heads up next time would be great,” Blue yelled over the twenty pounds of boot that was strapped to her feet pounding against the pavement. “Hold up, geez.”

  “Stop wearing boat anchors for shoes,” Daylen replied, not slowing her pace.

  Blue caught up when they hit the rigging tent. Daylen looked right then left. “She could’ve gone either way.” Ralph went left. Daylen went left.

  “Seriously you two, I’m going to freaking get Schwarzenegger thighs if we keep up this running crap,” Blue complained.

  They slowed briefly at the next intersecting path. This time, Ralph choosing to go right.

  Blue rounded the corner behind them. “Kanyon’s probably not even in danger. Someone probably just stopped her so they could drool all over–” Blue nearly ran into Daylen, who had stopped abruptly. She peered around Daylen to see what had caused the two-person pile-up. “Or to make out with her.”

  Lexi pulled back from Kanyon’s mouth. “Looks like I’m not the only one that came looking for you tonight.” Lexi took a finger to Kanyon’s chin and moved it slightly so she could see Daylen, then drew it back to her. “Think about what I said.” Lexi held up a hand and finger waved to Daylen, her new bracelets catching the glint of the overhead lighting, it’s reflection dancing over Kanyon’s face. “I’ll see you soon, lover.” Then she spun on a heel and slipped back into the shadows.

  Ralph took two bounding leaps, landing in a predator’s stance in front of Kanyon, a low growl vibrating from his throat.

  Daylen stood frozen, not fully comprehending what she’d just walked into. She’d thought she and Kanyon were– well, something.

  Blue stomped toward Kanyon. “When did you start hooking back up with tall, pale, and skanky?”

  Kanyon swayed as another slash of pain cut through her back. She closed her eyes, thought of Daylen, and willed her limbs to move.

  Blue thrust a fist to her hip and glared up at Kanyon. “Not cool, dude. Daylen deserves more than you going all back-alley hooker on her!” Blue’s attitude vanished at the tears streaming down Kanyon’s face. “Kanyon?”

  Kanyon fought to raise a hand t
o wipe Lexi’s taste from her lips. “Dayl–” Her body jolted forward as her knees finally buckled under another stinging slice of fiery pain.

  “Daylen!” Blue yelled as she attempted to catch Kanyon, only able to slow her decent enough to keep Kanyon’s head from hitting the ground.

  Blue’s fear-filled cry jolted Daylen’s brain from the image of Lexi’s kiss that it had frozen on, fast-forwarding to the scene playing out in front of her. “Kanyon!” Daylen yelled as she moved, sliding the last two feet on her knees. “Kanyon, oh my God.” She reached out hesitantly not sure where to touch as she watched blood starting to bloom on the back of Kanyon’s shirt.

  “Holy shit! I’ll call an ambulance,” Blue stated, already starting to stand.

  “No!” Kanyon rasped as she rolled toward Daylen. She grabbed Daylen’s wrist. “No,” she whispered again, meeting Daylen’s eyes, an understanding passing between them.

  Daylen nodded. “Blue, no ambulance. We don’t need this getting out. Just um, go get some water, towels, or whatever you can find.”

  “But, she’s bleeding,” Blue protested.

  “Blue, please. Trust me. I’ll take care of her. I need you to hurry. Go get her some water.” Blue’s feet didn’t move. “Blue, please!” Daylen begged. “I’ll take care of her.”

  “Okay, okay.” Blue took two steps then dropped down, ripped off her boots, and threw them aside. “Just FYI, with all this running crap, your ass is taking me to Foot Locker tomorrow.”

  Daylen moved a lock of hair from Kanyon’s face, a tear slipping from her eye and landing on Kanyon’s cheek. “Kanyon, what happened?”

  Kanyon didn’t know if it was Daylen’s presence, the fear and pain in her voice, her touch, or the single tear that had hit her cheek, but she felt the last of her bindings slip away. She let out the air that had been trapped in her lungs. “Lexi,” Kanyon choked out, her voice raw from silent screams. “That wasn’t– I didn’t– wouldn’t–”

  “Well, damn. It looks like my fun time is over. For now, anyway,” Lexi said from the shadows. She held up one of the bracelets then twirled them. “I’m definitely going to like my new accessories,” she said to the man who materialized next to her.


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