A Witch's Harem

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A Witch's Harem Page 15

by Savannah Skye

  “You know it doesn’t matter what we think,” Seamus said. “You reminded me of that the other day.” He pressed a kiss to my hand. “You know you’re one beautiful, badass witch.”

  Patrick was rubbing circles on my other hand with his thumbs. “You know you can do this.”

  “You’re worn out and you need us to work out your kinks, I think,” Seamus said. His hands went around my waist and he twisted me so that I was in his lap, his hands on my shoulders.

  Meanwhile, Patrick had scooted down and pulled my feet into his lap. My eyes fluttered closed at the dual sensation of strong, rough fingers kneading my shoulders and feet. Tension and worry melted away as both of them expertly found every tight muscle and loosened it.

  Then Seamus’s hands were drifting down my arms, while Patrick was starting to work his way up my calves. It was delectable, sending electricity dancing up my skin.

  Opening my eyes, I met Patrick’s gaze and a hot pulse of need went through me. Without meaning to, I squirmed against Seamus and something rigid poked into my back.

  “I think we know what you need,” Seamus murmured in my ear, his teeth finding the outer shell. At the same time, Patrick lifted my leg, kissing my ankle. Mouth dry, I gripped Seamus’s hard thighs, suddenly very ready to be comforted in all sorts of ways by these two O’Sullivans.

  Chapter 17

  Seamus’s lips were firm, but gentle, while Patrick’s were wild, yet sweet. The combination of them together had my nerves twisting into bundles of pleasure. Fire raced under my skin and danced through my blood, all pointing to that aching spot between my legs.

  While Seamus found a spot on my neck to tease with his teeth, Patrick was pulling off his shirt and my eyes went wide. He had a brilliantly blue tattoo on one shoulder, an ancient Celtic symbol. On the other arm was a black shoulder sleeve of birds in flight. I watched as his hard muscles rippled as he crawled up towards me, peppering kisses as he went and fanning the flames higher with his molten chocolate eyes.

  “Is this okay?” he asked, hovering over me. I nodded, breathless. Patrick was still smirking, but it deepened as he reached for the buttons of my shirt. “What about this?”

  “She’s speechless,” Seamus murmured. “It’s adorable.”

  Patrick’s hand left my shirt and I wanted to cry out. “In that case, I think she needs more attention.” Moving down, he kissed the inside of my thigh and I moaned, arching back into Seamus.

  My head had fallen onto his shoulder and I met his gray eyes. Heat flashed between us and then Seamus was kissing in a way that told me he’d held back before. Oh, he was starving for this.

  Meanwhile, hands were exploring my body. I wasn’t sure who belonged to who, but suddenly my shoulder was bare and Patrick’s lips were on it. Gasping, I broke away from Seamus. But before I could catch my breath, Patrick’s lips crashed against mine.

  Seamus was unbuttoning my shirt, pressing kisses as he went along. I whimpered into Patrick’s mouth, overcome with the contesting sensations. And this was just from kissing. My brain went into overload trying to imagine anything else.

  My shirt was completely unbuttoned, but my breasts were still covered. Seamus ran a finger up my stomach, between my breasts and to the hollow of my throat. I shivered, breaking away from Patrick, needing oxygen.

  They were both regarding me with the same fervent, hungry look. And suddenly there were mouths everywhere.

  Twisting and turning, I kissed one, then the other. At some point, my shirt fell open and a tongue swept around a sensitive nipple. Shaking, Seamus pulled away from kissing me with a diabolical grin.

  He joined Patrick, both of them taking my breasts into their mouths and I cried out their names. My fingers reached overhead and scrabbled against the headboard. Curving my spine, I offered myself to them eagerly.

  In fact, I was about to come, but then they slowed and I let out a curse.

  Patrick’s face hovered over mine, then his eyes slid sideways. “Is she wet?”

  Eyes wide as I panted, I heard Seamus say, “Let me check.” Broad fingers swept over my panties and my hips jerked. They both chuckled in a deep dark way. “That’s a yes.”

  “You want more?” Patrick asked, suddenly grabbing my wrists in one hand as he moved higher up the bed. “Or should we keep teasing you? Should we get you to beg?”

  “More,” I gasped, trying to find some release. But Seamus had my hips pinned and I couldn’t move. “I can’t take it, please, please. I’m already begging…”

  Suddenly, my panties vanished and a finger ran up my seam. I almost wept with relief. When I looked down, I saw that Seamus was spreading my legs wide. Patrick caught one ankle in his hand and pressed a kiss to it. At the same time, Seamus now gripped the base of my thighs.

  “What do you want?” Seamus challenged, his eyes on me.

  “Fingers, tongue, anything,” I begged.

  “Hm,” Seamus said, his fingers dancing over my outer folds and I tried to move against them. But Patrick kept me locked in place. Agile as he was, he still managed to lean down and take a nipple in his mouth.

  “Oh, oh, ah, I-yes,” I moaned, as a finger brushed inside of me. “Don’t stop!”

  Seamus continued to tease me, though, drawing out the pleasure in ways that made me think these O’Sullivans were torture artists as well as warlocks. Patrick had yanked the leg he was holding closer as he moved his mouth to the other breast.

  Seamus shifted on the bed and suddenly an expert tongue was savoring my center. It was as though I was an exquisite dessert and each lick needed to be momentous.

  Patrick let go of my hands, allowing me to run my fingers into his silky blond locks and tug on them. But his other hand was caressing my other breast. I was getting close, I was incoherent…

  I shattered into a million pieces of pleasure and each one was better than the last. Eyes closed, hands limp, I lay there, absolutely undone by what had just happened.

  “You don’t want us to stop just yet, do you now?” Patrick murmured in my ear.

  “We have so much more to teach you,” Seamus said.

  Forcing my eyes open, I sat up and met their wicked grins with one of my own. Shrugging off my shirt, I crawled forward and pushed them back. Thankfully, this bed was huge, so we could roll around and then some, without having to fear falling off.

  A few days ago, I’d managed to sneak away to the library and look up the spell to remove clothing. I did so now, taking off their pants first and shivering at the sizeable bulges in both of their boxers. Patrick went to sit up, but I palmed him and he fell back with a groan.

  Leaning over, I slipped my hand inside of Seamus’s boxers, while I caused Patrick’s to vanish. He was gorgeous in his naked glory, his swollen cock ready for my mouth. Eagerly, my lips and hand took him. With Patrick, I went wild, scraping my teeth along the sides and running my fingers along the bottom. But with Seamus, I was an artist, letting my fingers explore and savor the ridges and pulsing veins.

  Gasps and groans filled my ears. Just as Patrick was getting close, I slowed and switched to Seamus, tugging his boxers off in one motion. It was a good thing my jaw was warmed up as I took him in my mouth.

  As they had pleasured me, I pleasured them and exulted in it. Having two O’Sullivans in bed was whipping a tempest in my soul that needed to be let loose. I wanted to let the moon’s glow kiss my naked skin, to swim in the thrashing seas and to treat my men to boundless satisfaction. Switching between them, I tasted those cocks like a goddess of lust.

  Patrick came first, arching up and gripping the bed. After, I went to Seamus, who gripped my hair and tugged on it as I finished him off. When he came, I looked up and noticed Patrick watching us, his eyes dark with sin. It sent a tingle across my skin and I smiled at him.

  “Kiss him,” Patrick whispered, digging his fingers into the blanket.

  I rolled over onto Seamus, enjoying the sensation of his bare skin against mine. He blinked up at me, smiling lazily as we began to kiss.
But soon those kisses were frantic and demanding, his hips pushing up into mine. His hard cock brushed against me more than once.

  Squirming back, I sat up and lifted my hips above his. His hands found my waist, guiding me down and I gasped, eyes rolling back as he pressed the first few inches of his cock inside of me.

  Patrick’s hands came around me then, palming my breasts and helping me bounce up and down. His lips moved up and down my neck as I found my rhythm. But then Patrick stopped me, moving my hips in a different way, so that Seamus was completely sheathed inside of me, and I rocked back and forth on his cock. Patrick’s lips were on my back as I experimented with this.

  It was brushing that desperate, dark nub of pleasure in ways I’d never imagined. However, soon Seamus needed release. With a growl, he began to thrust his hips up. Now that spot was being hit and circled upon. I gasped and Patrick reached around to ground his fingers into my clit.

  Now, I was crying out, begging for more as Patrick pulled my hair back and moved me against Seamus. I orgasmed twice, bliss hitting me so hard I thought it would never end. Then Seamus came and warmth rushed through me again.

  Gasping, we fell in a tangled heap, kissing and stroking each other. For a while, it was playful and sweet. But all too soon that insistent demand was firing through me and I realized two hard cocks were nudging against me. Suddenly, Patrick drew away and Seamus slid inside me.

  He thrust in and out, gentle and slow and then stopped, anchored deep inside of me, stroking my hair. I was about to protest, but fell silent as I felt something tease my ass. I let out a strangled gasp. It was something cool and silky, filling the air with the scent of something sweet.

  “Do you want both of us, Sadie?” Patrick asked, in my ear, running his hard cock up and down my now-lubed ass.

  Biting my lip, as my walls screamed for release around Seamus’s rigid cock, I reached back and cupped Patrick’s face. Then, I nodded. God help me, I did. I wanted them both. Patrick pressed forward and the sting was almost enough to make me beg him to stop, but as my muscles gave way and loosened, a shaft of pleasure so keen it made my toes curl shot through me. Slowly and carefully, he filled me and then stilled. My body quivered from head to toe, every cell on overdrive when I was filled. I let out a groan and they began to move.

  Dear god…so much…

  So much skin sliding and slapping, the moans filling the room, the taste of salt and the pleasure building, building, building. Screaming their names. Gasping. Begging as they filled me up.

  Nipples flicked. Collarbones nipped. Neck tasted. Cocks thrusting.

  I wanted to both draw it out and see how hard I could hit that pleasure point.

  When I did, my vision went white. My body shook once, twice, three times as I exploded around those swollen cocks in a hot rush.

  Male voices chanted my name and I closed my eyes to savor to sensation as they stiffened inside me, roughly gripping my hips as they came inside me.

  Collapsing in a heap, Patrick’s hand on my stomach, his head on my back, my head on Seamus’s chest and Seamus’s arm wrapped around my shoulders, I let out a blissful sigh.

  “And here you thought you only deserved one man,” Patrick murmured.

  I wanted to reply, but I was so exhausted…so sated and warm. My eyes were closing and before I could answer, I was fast asleep.

  Chapter 18


  I was awake and out of bed before my mind could even catch up to what I was doing. As I crossed the room for the door, another crack of thunder came, shaking the house, and I stopped. Instinct told me this was not an ordinary storm.

  Winds rose now, howling and clawing across the house. The house swayed and I glanced out the window to see the trees flailing in the wind. Leaves exploded across the windows, torn and thrown into the black night. Yet I heard no rain.

  Darting out in the hall, I met the guys, all coming running. Immediately, they chained their arms around me, declaring that they needed to protect me and would figure out what was going on.

  However, my eyes were narrowed at a southwestern window at the end of the hall. There was a flicker of light there, a crooked finger beckoning me to my fate. I ducked under Michael and Seamus’s linked arms.

  “Hey, where do you think you’re goin’?” Michael roared.

  At the window, I stopped and stared, my fists clenching by my sides. Breath whooshed out of my body and there was a distant hum of fear, but it was swallowed under rage and purpose.

  The beautiful trees that lined the property had been reduced to a heap of ash. Like my shop, there was nothing but skeletal remains of what had been. Almost a lively mini-purging, if you had a ghastly sense of humor. The Rathbone calling card was burned into the ground, a mile across every way and a clear challenge to come and play.

  As my eyes moved past it, the guys came up behind me and gripped me. I was sure they’d noticed that the devastation was deliberate. A fiery path back to Salem and Skinner.

  “I heard he liked to play wi’his food a bit,” Patrick grunted.

  “Something is moving in the distance,” Seamus said and I looked up to see him narrowing his eyes. “In Salem, something is happening.” He swallowed. “In the Greenlawn Cemetery.”

  “It’s not the only one disturbed,” Michael said.

  “But it’s illegal to be in a cemetery after dark in Salem,” I said automatically. That fact had been burned into my brain as a young resident. I.e. Don’t get caught by the police.

  All of them chuckled darkly. “’Fraid Skinner doesn’t follow the rules of life and death, never mind the common law of the Ordinaries,” Patrick said.

  “Hold on, it’s beginning to move this way,” Mick said. “We need to make a plan.”

  The hour tolled midnight and I stepped back. “This is it. We need to get dressed and go. Take him down before anyone in Salem gets hurt.” Silently, I prayed everyone would be hunkering down and casting protections. Not that they would be any good if I didn’t succeed–

  Shaking my head, I pulled free of the guys and rushed back to my room. Flicking my hands down, I called on the first outfit that came to mind. A pair of black leggings, a leather skirt, and my lucky black and gold top, the one I’d worn for the first day of spellbinding with Michael.

  Once my boots were on and I’d tied back my hair into a ponytail, I was about to leave when I saw great-grandmother’s cloak on a chair. Snatching it up, I whirled it around me and the air hummed as it repaired itself. The charm at my throat came alive as well.

  For a moment, it was like my great-grandmother and the other witches of the Matheson line stood by me. I was meant to get Callista’s cloak. They’d sensed their descendant would need it and so each generation poured great power into it. They were trusting me.

  I can do this.

  Securing my wand on my belt, I marched out and found the guys waiting for me. They were also dressed for battle, all in black and leather. For one delicious moment I was distracted and even grinned a bit, but then there was another crack of thunder.

  “I think our host is growing impatient,” Patrick said, his lip curling.

  “Let’s go,” I said, reaching for them.

  Together, we whirled away into the night and landed on a side street in Salem. There was a terrible, waiting hush over the town. I’d never heard it so completely silent. No crickets chirped, no wind scuffled through the leaves and the very sky seemed to press down on us.

  For one horrid moment, I wondered if I was too late and the town was full of ghosts.

  Seamus knelt down on one knee and pressed a palm flat into the earth. “The people are safe, for now. It seems he saved his parlor tricks for us.” He straightened and nodded to the east. We were now on the other side of Greenlawn. “But I think he has sensed you, Sadie. Nothing moves.”

  “Mick?” Michael prompted.

  “I’ve run over a hundred scenarios for this night,” Mick said, scratching his chin. “But I don’t think tactics will aid us now. Aye,
I think we best march in there with Sadie at the helm and bring ‘im hell in every way we know how.”

  “Send him to hell, you mean,” Seamus said.

  My fingertips were growing cold and my heart was slamming into my ribcage, but I jerked my head in a nod. I didn’t trust myself to speak. I was trying to come up with a plan, but my thoughts were limp and distracted. And I had a feeling no plan would come to my aid now.

  The guys fanned out next to me and we walked down the wet pavement, our boots silent, and the smell of fire grew. Behind it, was a ripe stench, as though the ground had been torn open to the sewers below. One that worsened as we got closer, stinking of the breath of the reaper himself.

  Am I going to die? Will the Purging come to pass?

  Closing a hand around my charm, I steadied myself. No, I can do this. I have to do this.

  The houses fell away as we approached the graveyard, occupying a massive swath of land on a part of Salem that jutted out into the ocean. Something tickled in the back of my mind and I slowed. Greenlawn was a newer cemetery. Hadn’t Belinda, who had a fondness for spooks and seances, told me something about it? Greenlawn had been built in the 1800s…

  Of course. This isn’t right! He’s at The Old Burying Point.

  “Wait,” I said and threw my arms to stop them. Moving forward on my own, I started to say, “I think it’s a trap, we need to–”

  “Sadie, watch yourself!” Mick shouted, but it was too late, I’d stepped on a hex, which flashed to life with black magic, and I was transported to Derby Street.

  Only it was no longer the Derby Street I knew.

  Chest rising and falling, I stared around. Everything was gone, gone as though it had never been. There used to be a patio bar right there, strung over with lights, and then a series of stands selling everything from corn dogs to candy apples.

  Now it was all dry, cracked earth.

  Taking a few steps forward, I wondered if I should try to find the guys or if this was what had to happen all along. Pulling my cloak closer, I stumbled a bit when a grave loomed up. My eyes swept the landscape and I realized what Skinner had done.


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