Forever Charmed

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Forever Charmed Page 23

by Rose Pressey

  Chapter Twenty

  “I guess I’ll clean up my mess now,” Isabeau said as she moved forward.

  I blocked her. “No, you’re a guest. It’s not necessary.”

  She smiled as if she was proud of what she’d done. The sly look on her face let me know that she was aware of my desire to keep her away from Nicolas.

  “I’ll help you clean up,” Nicolas said, avoiding Isabeau’s stare.

  “Oh no, I wouldn’t think of it. I’m real particular about cleaning,” I said as I directed Nicolas out of the room.

  He looked confused, but allowed me to guide him away from the kitchen. Isabeau wasn’t complaining about not having to clean. I knew she didn’t want to clean it or she wouldn’t have left the mess in the first place. Isabeau looped her arm through Nicolas’ as he walked across the library toward the staircase. Nicolas looked back at me as if to say he was sorry. It wasn’t his fault that I’d brought back a slutty ghost.

  Isabeau glanced back at me. If she thought her flirting would make me jealous… well, she was right. I had to get rid of her. I turned around and looked at the mess. If only I could wave my hand and do the cleaning spell that my grandmother used to do. I’d tried it before, but it always had the opposite effect. It created more of a mess. What was that spell? What were the words? I tapped my finger against my chin, trying to remember.

  Oh yeah, now I remembered.

  With one sweep, carry the unwanted away. Make it sparkle, make it gleam, it is now clean. So mote it be.

  With a wave of my arms, a whirl of wind whipped around the room. I blinked several times, unable to believe my eyes. Items were moving through the air on their own. Spills were disappearing as if they’d never been there and trash was finding its way into the garbage can. How was this happening? I’d never been able to perform magic like that before. My mother wouldn’t believe me. She’d also be so excited that she’d pee her pants. I stared around in awe at my sparkling clean kitchen.

  “Wow. That was quite impressive.” I spun around to find Liam standing behind me.

  How long had he been there? Had he seen the magic? Of course he had. I could tell by the look on his face. How would I explain this? I stared, unable to say a word.

  “You’re a witch. I know,” he said.

  “How did you know?” I managed to sputter out.

  “You don’t hide it well,” he said.

  I’d admit to the truth gracefully, but only if forced.

  Silence filled the air for a moment before I finally said, “I didn’t want to scare you. Some people are funny about being around witches.”

  “I’m okay with it.” He waved his hand and moved a plate around the kitchen until it finally came to rest again on the table.

  “You’re a witch too.” I stared in disbelief.

  “Yes, I’m surprised you didn’t know before now,” he said with humor in his eyes.

  “How would I know?” I shrugged and busied myself picking up around the kitchen.

  Liam stepped further into the kitchen. “Didn’t you feel the magic around me?” His eyebrows rose inquiringly.

  I had felt something, but I didn’t want him to know that my feeling had come from the book. But there was no way for me to know if it was the book for sure.

  “No, I didn’t. Am I supposed to?” I asked.

  “Most witches sense other witches.” His mouth curved into an unconscious smile.

  “Is that why you’re here?” I asked with a hint of anxiety in my voice.

  He stared at me. “I needed a place to stay.”

  Something told me he wasn’t being truthful with me.

  “Are you part of a coven?” I asked.

  “Yes, in New Orleans,” he said.

  I nodded. That seemed legitimate enough. I’d have to ask my mother about them. I tucked that thought away.

  “Your powers are quite impressive.” Liam leaned against the counter.

  His statement surprised me. Hadn’t he seen my mother’s missing eyebrow?

  He wouldn’t think that if he’d seen me a few days ago.

  “Not really. I’m nothing special,” I said.

  “I think you’re very special.” Tenderness flickered in his bright clear blue eyes.

  “You don’t even know me,” I said.

  “I’d like to get to know you.” His smile was so warm and his voice was so sincere it would be hard to say no.

  It was hard not to melt on the spot. But I had to resist his charms.

  I had to pull my thoughts together. “I’m sorry. Did you need something?”

  A subject change was definitely in order. Perhaps we should discuss the weather.

  “I just came down for a drink of water.” He pointed at the faucet.

  “Oh, I have bottled water in the refrigerator. Let me get you one.” I reached in and grabbed a bottle.

  When I turned around Liam was right behind me. Dangerously close. I sucked in a deep breath, almost hypnotized by his warm touch. Liam’s breath was minty and a whiff of spice tickled my nostrils. There was an inherent strength in his face.

  “Oh, you scared me,” I said, clutching my chest.

  “Did I startle you again?” His voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Yes, you’re becoming very good at it.” My heart thumped wildly. I tried to ignore the pulsing knot that had formed in my stomach.

  “I’m sorry.” A secretive smile curved his lips.

  When he took the water from my hand, his fingers lingered for a moment too long. Unfortunately, his hand against mine felt good. How could I possibly have feelings for two strangers? I needed to get out of the house more often.

  He stared at my lips. My gaze moved to his as his handsome face moved closer to my mouth. Was he really going to kiss me? I had to stop him. Why I had to stop him I wasn’t sure. I just knew my mind was telling me not to let him kiss me. Of course my body was saying an entirely different thing.

  His lips were nearly touching mine when I pressed my hands against his hard chest and pushed him away. I stepped around him, leaving Liam standing there wondering what had just happened.

  “I should go to bed. It’s been a long day,” I said when I reached the doorway and turned around to look at him.

  He ran his hand through his thick dark hair. “I understand. Thank you for the water.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said softly.

  For a moment there was an awkward silence, then I turned around and walked away. When I reached the staircase, I hurried up to the second floor landing, then peered up toward the third floor. Was Nicolas already sleeping? I glanced down the hallway. What was Isabeau doing?

  Once I made my way down the hallway, I stopped at her door. I raised my hand to knock, but stopped midair. If she was sleeping, did I really want to wake her? Let sleeping demons lie, right? At least if she was sleeping I wouldn’t have any problems out of her. I pressed my ear against the door. No noise came from the other side, so I assumed she’d finally gone to bed. Although since she’d been a ghost, I wondered if she was good on sleep for a while.

  My thoughts drifted to the ghosts we’d seen outside. I knew they wouldn’t go away. If I turned them back into the living would they leave me alone? Next thing I knew I’d have an endless stream of ghosts wanting me to turn them back. I definitely didn’t need that.

  After locking my bedroom door behind me, I stepped over to the window. I had a full view of the backyard from my vantage point. The moon cast a white ghostly glow over the yard. I scanned the area for the ghosts, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. They’d be back. I knew they would. The only question was how many would they bring back with them?

  I climbed into bed and pulled the covers up tight, relishing the feel of the soft sheets against my skin. Who knew when I’d discover another ghost lurking around in my room. My thoughts ran a million miles a minute. The last thing I remembered thinking about before drifting off to sleep was Nicolas. How had he pe
rsuaded me to join him for dinner? I couldn’t deny that we’d had an amazing night together dancing under the stars by the river. It had been a perfect date, except for the fact that he still wouldn’t answer any of my questions. Oh, and the ghosts. But what was I going to do with Liam?



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