Princess of Zenina

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Princess of Zenina Page 17

by Giselle Marks

  “I don’t think it’s a mind probe, but I’ve an idea it’s something I’ve been looking for. You’re an absolute treasure, Plavina. I set half the Zeninan spies in the universe to search for this and you bring it straight to me. You couldn’t have given me a better present. Thank you.”

  “I’m glad it pleases you. Do you know what’s to happen to Carina’s children?”

  “Not entirely. Her lawyer Stelza is arriving shortly. I’m named guardian, though I’m not sure how to arrange to look after them. I don’t have the kind of household to bring children up in. I’m hardly ever here.”

  “Is there anything I could do?”

  “Well, they could go to the Royal Nursery, if you’ve no objections; I’d fund them.”

  “I can’t see mother objecting. There’s only Sebie in the Nursery wing now. He’s always complaining there are no children around the palace.”

  “It might be a temporary solution. Thank you. Will you be seeing that Captain again? I’d like to talk to him when he’s next in Hemithea.”

  “All right, but remember I saw him first!”

  “I never steal your men,” said Marina affronted.

  “I know that, but they don’t!” she replied with just a tinge of bitterness.

  “When will the funerals be held for Adelza and Carina, has a decision been made? I’d like to pay my respects.”

  “I don’t know when Carina will be buried, I think I must make arrangements, but Adelza is no longer dead. Vellina and I operated on her last night. She’s regained consciousness this morning and is off mechanical support. She will be blind, temporarily, perhaps permanently.”

  “Has Belabeza been told?”

  “Not yet, Vellina sedated her so deeply because she attempted suicide. She won’t be coherent until this afternoon.”

  “And Carina?”

  “There was no chance of reviving her, the brain damage was massive.”

  “Give my love to Belabeza when you see her,” joined in Divak somewhat enigmatically.

  “I will, now I’ve got to dress and get ready for Stelza.”

  Marina left her visitors with a see you all tonight. She went upstairs to rearrange her hair. A brief swim had relaxed her muscles, but she needed serious dancing practice before the evening’s banquet. Her hair had dried but required stretching to separate the strands and re-braid it. This minor feat of tele-kinetics accomplished, she went to check on her guests.

  Chilka had decided as her host had put her to bed with the Major; it would be churlish not to avail herself of his services. So when Marina knocked, entering without waiting, it was to find them entangled, engaged in rhythmic movements of an enjoyable nature.

  Bromarsh thought to himself as he tried to hurry Chilka on, “I could do with more privacy in my private life.”

  Marina sat on the edge of the bed, patiently waiting for their attention but not watching them. When Chilka finally permitted him to finish, because her mental control had been holding him back, she rolled him off her and sat up.

  Marina and Chilka began to talk to each other as if the situation were perfectly normal.

  “We operated on Adelza last night, she’s breathing, she’ll be blind, but I hope she’ll recover.” Marina told Chilka.

  “Charles asked me to accompany the Major and him to see Jelen’s sale.”

  “I can drop you all off in two hours’ time.”

  “Thank you that would be nice.”

  Marina removed Chilka’s bandages and examined how her arm was healing.

  “You know you shouldn’t drink, when you’ve got healing bones. You’ll be fit for work tomorrow, but wear the sling today.”

  Marina walked to the bathroom returning with a bowl of warm water, soap towels. Chilka went and bathed. Marina washed and shaved the Major who was beginning to get used to such strange behaviour.

  “I was pleased to see you’re not too upset by Klivina yesterday. I was afraid you might be off sex. Men sometimes react that way after their first rape. I’m sorry I couldn’t prevent it happening. I can force her to apologize, but it may cause ill feeling. Unless you think I should kill her for tarnishing your honour?”

  “You saw what happened?”

  “I saw enough, it’s hard not to notice a Gold shimmering. It’s obvious you weren’t willing. She wouldn’t have had to shimmer if you were.”

  “I couldn’t stop her, but I don’t think it will do any good to demand an apology.”

  “Good, now are you willing or shall I rape you? Marina said moving her hands down his body.

  “I’ll scream, I promise I’ll fight,” he laughed.

  “Ooh, you want it rough, boy!” She said and her skin briefly glowed and pulsated with colour, “We haven’t much time though!”

  Forty minutes later Bromarsh was left alone to shower and dress. He was finding Zeninan life both exhilarating and exhausting. He had been had by four beautiful women in less than a day and was wondering why he was keeping count. He had begun to realise why a trained man like Charles had sex at every opportunity and never got bored with life. He was also realising he had a lot to learn, but was enjoying the lessons he had been getting. It could be an enjoyable existence for some men as a slave in Zenina, but he preferred to control his own life. He must talk to Marina later and get off Zenina as soon as the Games were over.

  Chapter Twenty- nine - Carina’s Will

  Stelza arrived as Marina and Chilka finished their breakfast. She had three young children and an elderly Ruby nurse in tow. Orina stood with her arms around her brother and sister who were crying bitterly. Orina stood with her lips resolutely shut and a straight back. The twins were only just five and were called Harminda and Antang.

  Stelza got straight to business ignoring the children’s sobs.

  “The will is straight forward, ma’am. Carina’s main estates are left to Orina with yourself and General Stenlina as trustees. Carina’s town house is to be sold and the proceeds together with any banked monies held in trust for the children. Everyday expenses and education costs are to be met from the invested income.”

  “The invested funds will be Harminda’s when she comes of age. Carina’s jewellery will be shared between the girls. Antang becomes Orina’s possession when he reaches eighteen, until then you are their guardian. A few personal items have been left to friends and family retainers, their pensions have already been dealt with. Her slaves are left to you to dispose of as you wish.”

  “There’s only one unusual clause, a codicil was added two years ago which states in the event of Carina’s death, she left her body for the personal and absolute use of Vellina. In a gesture of tidiness, she suggests should Vellina find her discarded body suitable to inhabit, she should place her own in Carina’s family vault for her funeral at the expense of Carina’s estate,” Stelza informed Marina.

  Carina had spelt out the use she intended her body put to, so no legal wrangling could misconstrue it, but Marina had not considered the possibility of a host body with three young children. She was concerned about their reactions, if Vellina went along with the transplant. The children were no longer howling, but did not seem concerned about it.

  “Did you know about your mother writing that clause, Orina?”

  “Mother told me and I discussed it with Harminda and Antang. They think it’s a good thing.”

  “Vellina’s body is old and ugly. Mummy was much prettier. Vellina will like being my mother,” Antang announced complacently.

  “But she’ll still be Vellina, your mother’s brain is quite dead, you understand that, don’t you? Carina will not be coming back.” Marina was worried Vellina would inherit three children as well as a new body.

  “Yes of course we do,” said the children in unison.

  Orina continued “Mummy’s dead, but it’s better for Vellina to have mummy’s body. It’s no use to mummy now, it’ll only rot.”

  So as they seemed reconciled with the occupation of their mother’s corpse by Vellina, Marina
moved on to her plans for them.

  “I intend to put you in the Palace Nursery with Sebie,” Marina informed them.

  This was greeted with consternation.

  “But what’s happening to Konsky?” asked Orina.

  “We want to live with our daddy!” demanded Antang.

  “I won’t go if daddy doesn’t go too,” said Harminda.

  “Is this Konsky, your father?” asked Marina.

  “He’s the twins’ father,” declared Orina.

  “He’s one of Carina’s slaves, a Silver. He’s been with her for years. I’m afraid he’s had too much contact with the children. They’re fond of him,” said the Ruby nurse.

  “Is that so Orina? Do you want to live with him too?”

  “You don’t ask children who they want to live with, you tell them,” insisted Stelza firmly.

  “Please answer, Orina”

  “Mummy was out most of the time. Konsky used to play with us and teach us things. He’s nice and fairly clever.”

  Marina turned back to the Ruby “Your name is Alanga, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, your royal highness.”

  “What do you think of this Konsky, is he a sensible man?”

  “As sensible as they come, not that that’s much. He loves the children, your royal highness.”

  “Are you prepared to stay with the children for the time being, Alanga?”

  “I wouldn’t want to leave them at this time, your highness.”

  “Alanga, I’d appreciate if you’d stop ‘your highnessing’ me. If you must show respect you may call me, ma’am, but I prefer Marina.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “For the time being you’ll be put up here. I’ll arrange for you to be put in the yellow and blue suites on the third floor. They’re the furthest from my rooms, so you won’t have to keep them too quiet. I’ll see this Konsky tomorrow. Can you arrange for someone to pack the children’s things and for them to be fetched here, Alanga?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Stelza, please organize the packing of Carina’s personal effects, her jewellery, weapons, family vids and pictures. Arrange safe storage for them. I’ll inspect what’s left with Orina tomorrow and sort out what else needs to be done. Thank you you’ve been extremely efficient. Children, Father O’Flaherty and Sebie are leading an expedition to the ice-caves. Would you like to go too?”

  The children readily agreed.

  “Alanga will you please accompany them, I believe they’re setting off in forty minutes time. If you transport over now you could join the party.”

  This was agreed on and the children left with Alanga in fairly good spirits under the circumstances. Father O’Flaherty was just the person to deal with mourning children. Marina felt no guilt in saddling him with another three children. “Suffer the little children to come unto me,” she quoted to herself. She did not feel guilty about the expense of the outing as Father O’Flaherty would charge everything to her as he always did.

  The party that set off for the ice-caves was much larger than originally envisaged. There was Jessina, Floren and Father Debenden. Then there was Sebie, Kazimira and Father O’Flaherty. Alanga accompanied Orina, Harminda and Antang. In addition Chilka’s daughter Bona who was eight and Lahoda’ younger brother who was eleven, plus another two girls who were Sebie’s age and were friends of his. One of the girls brought along her seven year old younger sister, but their mother sent another Ruby nurse to assist in supervision, so the original party of six had swollen to sixteen.

  Chapter Thirty - Ondiella about Town

  Ondiella had spent a quiet day with her son. She had been allocated a Ruby guide, named Pilda, who had shown her around the shops. Pilda had entered into the spirit of buying the necessities for a new baby with gusto. They bought baby clothes, the top of the line in baby carriages and toys which the unnamed boy seemed to find amusing. There had been so much choice and Pilda arranged for all their purchases to be delivered straight to her hostel room.

  “The men are very interested in you Ondiella,” Pilda noticed as they shopped. Many of the men had been trying to catch Ondiella’s eye.

  “I noticed, they are very blatant about it. I suppose it is because I am slim again now.”

  “You are so beautiful and have such unusual colouring. Against Zeninan colours you would be seen as exotic. Aren’t you tempted by any of them? There are some handsome men showing interest.”

  “Do they think about nothing but sex? They seem to have nothing else on their minds,” Ondiella said slightly flattered by their attention.

  “Not usually, most Zeninan women prefer it that way,” Pilda laughed back.

  When they returned to the hostel Ondiella paraded in front of the mirrors in her hostel room, she could find little fault in her appearance. But her clothes were too hot to wear; she would like some new clothes. Not as revealing as the scraps of flimsy cloth the Zeninans wore, but lighter and prettier than what she had.

  “I need some new clothes too, Pilda. My clothes are too hot to wear here. But I want to be a bit more covered than how you dress here. Is there anywhere I can get slightly less revealing clothes,” she asked Pilda.

  “You do really need some new clothes to wear, even in the air conditioning you must be uncomfortable. There are plenty of shops that cater for foreigners and also Zeninans buy garments for travelling off planet. You’ll find plenty of pretty things to choose from,” Pilda said enthusiastically.

  They headed back out in their quest to find new apparel and many packages were transported back to the hostel containing beautiful new garments. She chose attractive and more expensive clothes than she had ever owned before. They had bought clothes which flattered the creamy coffee tones of her skin and accentuated the delicacy of her features. Ondiella was in her best looks, enjoying the first bloom of healthy motherhood. Even her body, which she normally considered too slim, pleased her. Her breasts now relieved of the full pressure of milk by her ravenous son looked plump and lush.

  The night before she had slept well, but Marina ran, swam and flew through her dreams. Marina whom she hated, yet in her dreams she felt affection not hatred. Awake her mind denied her loathing of Marina was not based on fear for her son. Subconsciously her brain recognised in Marina those qualities she longed to attain. She was envious of her. Marina’s aristocracy was in itself an irritant to Ondiella, the orphan and bastard. What right had she to be richer, more important than Ondiella? It was the envy of a child for her mother or elder sister. It was the same jealousy which holds so many people back from achieving, because it colours their actions, diminishing them.

  Ondiella did not examine her thoughts. She was happy with herself and her son. She had pretty new clothes, a roof over her head and enough to eat. She had her anger against Marina to enjoy; against her saviour, her protector, her provider. Against the woman who would pay the bills for her extravagances without expecting gratitude in return. When she headed out for her appointment with a Resettlement Advisor she had no plans. No plans at all. Not even to get revenge on Marina, whom she hated. That idea had not yet been planted in her head.


  Dalzina was in a filthy mood, not only had the Lizards lost the pelozia final, but Marina had survived to be hero worshipped even more by the crowd. Even the rumours of Marina’s support for the liberation of slaves could not sway them from the adoration of their idol, Marina. But that was not the only thing that was annoying her. She had no one to do things for her. Ketla would be in bed for at least five days, healing her broken back, so she had no Ketla to do her bidding. Ketla enjoyed her little game of badgering Marina and her men as she passed through Hemithea space-port. It disappointed them that Marina never rose to the bait, never taking retaliatory action. Both Dalzina and Ketla viewed this tolerance as weakness.

  Dalzina had easily healed her own injuries, but her sister Kapalina was still indisposed as the damage to her stomach and internal organs had been major. Although Kapalina was healing, sh
e remained in serious pain. Dalzina had not offered to assist with her healing which might have speeded her healing up. Golds normally healed quicker than other colours and Ketla was only blue, so her healing would take some time lying still. Kapalina was healing badly because some of her intestines had extruded from her body when she was injured. Kapalina had never trained in medicine although Dalzina had had some basic training. The injury Kapalina had was the worst she had ever received. She had not considered seeking assistance, assuming she would heal if she left it alone. Externally there was no obvious injury, but sawdust had got inside her and not been cleaned out before she started healing. In addition Kapalina’s intestines had knotted up and had not settled back into place, was causing her intense pain.

  Kapalina was Chief of the Resettlement Bureau. It was not a particularly important position in Hemithea but it had its uses. Kapalina saw all the driftwood that washed up on Zenina. Amongst that rabble there was useful information, and desperate men and women make good tools for the unscrupulous. Dalzina’s moral code insisted only winning mattered. How you won was not important, but she was a bad loser and her hatred of Marina grew with each defeat.

  If Dalzina could choose how Marina died, it would be slow, painful and preferably in disgrace. Dalzina was a realist, for some reason Marina had luck on her side. Logical, it might not be, but Dalzina accepted it as fact. Any scheme to disgrace Marina was doomed to failure and she had tried several, which had mostly rebounded on her. She believed if enough attempts on Marina’s life were made, one would succeed eventually. That there must be a way to destroy her and Dalzina was determinedly seeking it out and making opportunities for Marina’s demise to happen. Dalzina was not mourning either Carina or Adelza, who had been Marina’s friends, nor was she grieving for Velsa, her own former team-mate. She had only been one of her pawns and they were expendable.


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