RusenzaGreen Merchant
St. Columba’sSecond cathedral built in Hemithea
St. Patrick’sFirst Church built in Zenina
SamazenStrong Zigan spirit produced illegally similar to poteen in effect
Saxenilplace in Zenina, of which Marina is Duchess
Scarlet SkaldinaName of the Royal Sea Yacht
Scluria/ianPlanet of the Kurgian Empire, a person from Scluria
Sebie Gold, Marina’s nephew, only son of Plavina
SerengiaPlatinum, Calzina’s daughter and a Christian
SexguaOfficer in Zeninan Security
SilkaBlue friend of Princess Plavina
Skaldina Queen from Zeninan history of legendary greatness whose Scarlet stone Castle is ruined on the edge of Hemithea
SrangafanOne of a huge panoply of Kurgian gods
Starinalate sister of Calzina cousin to Serengia
StelzaCarina’s lawyer
Stenlina General, former unarmed combat trainer
Subidan ForestForest on Planet Blengaria where Bromarsh was to meet Karella
Suldi Markaban Planet where Bromarsh was fighting where Josie died
SuldiesRace from Suldi
SuzelaSilver, friend of Charles
Silver Colour below Gold above Blue
TanganonSpicy Zeninan herb
Tetra-quesinateDrug used by Zeninans as a sexual suppressant
TippyCorporal Joavime Tipstrang, brain damaged Markaban
TreacleKurgian drug used as a sexual stimulant and psychic depressant
TumuldicTumuldic Seas – area of Zeninan oceans close to Neman’s Palace
Uniforms by colour in Zenina
Army/ Space fleet
Royal Household / Palace Guard
Pilot Service
Pale Blue
Security (worn for state occasions)
Cult Militia
Diplomatic Staff
UnzelaBlue friend of Serengia in army
Vaneska Queen Kerina’s lawyer
VellaningDansun Vellaning Heneran Bromarsh’s Markaban alias
VellinaDoctor, Principal of the Hemithean Brain Hospital aged four hundred and twelve at beginning of Champion of Zenina
Velsa Dalzina’s dead pelozia team mate
VendangColonel Geran Vendang deceased
Lady Antana Vendang widow of Geran
ZeninaPlanet, prime planet of the Zeninan Empire
Zeninan Security Department six years since death by suicide of former Deputy I am assuming that Marina took over the Department after Charles’s purchase and has been running it for seven years
Zeninan Year332 days of twenty seven hours duration
Vezanee Small planet in the Kurgian Empire furthest from Kurgia
Vizenga Ebony pastry chef
VlangaSilver sister to Vlama
VlangRuby husband of Gepa
VlamaSilver Lt. Colonel in Zeninan Army
XandaGreen Mayor of Hemithea
XandabalRebellious vassal planet to Markaba where the small village mysteriously massacred is located for which Bromarsh was cashiered
Xanxina Queen briefly when she was twenty, nearly three hundred years before so say two hundred and seventy eight years so she is now three hundred and six. She was Queen before being deposed by Bazina and remains alive and insane in Hemithea. She was a magic user.
XagaluiCapital City of Kochab
XenzanichKurgian Planet
XenxiaBurg’s previous owner, killed by Marina
ZablonskyZigeneev Charles’s real name
Thorina, Charles’s Mother
ZadaBlue Customs Official
ZadinaAunt of Marina and enemy
ZantahFortress on Kochab belonging to Prince Ga’Mazadeh
ZeitPlanet where Major Bromarsh fought as a mercenary, described by him as a God-forsaken hole.
Zeraphon One of the furthest small planets in the Kurgian Empire
Zeng Zeninan slave dead in bar fight
Zenla Jelen’s previous owner
ZestanoseDrug used by Zeninans as a Sexual Suppressant
ZigaChief Planet of Zigan Confederation, planet of origin of Charles
ZigeneevZigeneev Zablonsky, Charles real name
ZigiJazna’s slave name for Charles
ZipChildren’s game played on Markaban Planets similar to tag
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