Second Chance Love (Heaven Hill Book 6)

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Second Chance Love (Heaven Hill Book 6) Page 7

by Laramie Briscoe

  Rooster was having just as hard a time concentrating as she was when he saw her eyes connect with his lips. Throwing caution to the wind, he exerted a small amount of pressure on the back of her neck and pulled her lips to his. He told himself that he couldn’t let this get out of hand. They were too old to be acting like teenagers, making out where anyone could see them. Using his free hand, he pulled her tightly to his body, so that they touched from head to toe. He wanted her to know exactly how much she affected him. There shouldn’t have been any doubt in her mind.

  Roni fought to get her head about herself, but she was breathless and her stomach was doing funny things. She’d never been the type of woman to get all caught up in a man, to let passion overrule every part of her life. Hell, she could count on one hand the number of times she’d made out since she was a teenager. Rooster had her throwing all her defenses out the door and giving in to everything she wanted with him. Her fingers fought for purchase against his clothes as he turned her around, picked her up, and sat her on the desk. She wanted to feel his skin with hers, know that this was real and that she wouldn’t wake up in an empty bed. That had happened too many times for her to admit to anyone but herself. She’d missed him.

  “Damn,” Rooster mumbled near her ear as he spread her thighs so that his body had room there, as he leaned her back on the desk so that he had room to work. “I don’t know what it is about us, but I feel like a horny teenager every time I kiss you.”

  The feeling was mutual, definitely mutual. This was exactly how things had been years ago. As soon as he touched her, she lost her head and she was willing to say yes to anything he asked. It was nice to transport herself back to that time when there weren’t so many responsibilities. Fisting his uniform shirt in her hands, she tugged, slipping the edges past the belt that held his pants up and shoving her fingers underneath. Her fingertips connected with the hot skin of his abdomen, and she raked her nails there, wanting him to wear a badge of possession just like she did.

  His hand felt impossibly large against her as he trailed it down her back and stopped at the curve of her ass, pulling her back against him. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, trying desperately to get to the rest of the skin beneath.

  “Wait, wait.” He pulled back from her, picking her up and sitting her back in her seat. He quickly walked around the edge of the desk and had a seat in the chair facing her.

  She had no idea what had happened, but when the door to the office opened, she was thankful he’d had the presence of mind to be listening. Liam stood there, asking a ton of questions. For the life of her, she couldn’t tell you anything he asked or said, and when he left, her glazed expression shifted to Rooster. “What the hell did he just say?”

  “I have no idea,” he laughed.

  She joined in, happy that he’d had the same reaction.

  “So.” He cleared his throat and stood up, pushing the tail of his shirt back into his pants. “You wanna hang out tonight?”

  If they weren’t careful, they were both going to get burned, and she knew it. What if this didn’t work out? It would kill her and she wasn’t sure if she could come back from it a second time. On the other hand, she’d felt nothing in the way of passion and romance for such a long time that she was willing to take a chance on it. “Sure. My place or yours?”

  He thought for a moment. “Let me come get you.”

  “Sounds good. What should I wear?”

  A lazy smile spread across his face. “I’ll be on the bike, but bring a change of clothes, just in case.”

  Before he could ask why, he was gone. Did he want her to bring a change of clothes in case she stayed the night at his house? Because he planned on doing something that she’d have to change for? She could kill him for leaving the way he always did. He never let her ask questions and it drove her nuts on one hand. On the other, it was exactly what she needed, because that meant she never had a chance to second guess things.

  Rooster was on a mission as he left the office. “Hey, Tyler, is Cash here today?”

  “He’s out back. He had an unfortunate mishap with some brake fluid,” Tyler chuckled. “He’s washin’ up.”

  Rooster shook his head. He had a feeling that Tyler had been in on the unfortunate mishap. They were constantly doing things to one another. The way Tyler treated the kids that hung around with them made him sad. He’d heard the problems that Tyler and Meredith were having in the baby department, and he knew the two of them would make the best set of parents ever. “Thanks.”

  Going around the back, Rooster saw Cash trying desperately to get the substance out of his shirt and jeans. He didn’t want to sneak up on the teenager, so he called out. “Cash.”

  “Oh hey, boss,” Cash grinned, calling him the nickname that most kids who’d been in juvie used when addressing authority members.

  “Stop. You’re not in juvie and I’m not wearing a badge.”

  It was hard for some people to differentiate between lives, and Rooster had unfortunately known Cash for a while. It seemed though, since he’d hooked up with Heaven Hill, he was more on the straight and narrow as he’d ever been. Funny, considering the things the club did.

  “Sorry,” he apologized as he used the garden hose on his shirt. “What can I help you with?”

  “I know you aren’t in high school anymore, but I have a couple of questions about what’s going on over there.”

  Cash was a college freshman, but he still had many friends in high school. Rooster figured if anyone could give him the scoop, it would be a newly graduated student.

  “Yeah, I still talk to people over there. I have friends there, Drew and Mandy and other people.”

  “Have you heard anything about steroid use?” Rooster didn’t want to beat around the bush, and he knew from previous experience with Cash it was better to be blunt. The kid could talk his way out of a paper bag if you gave him the chance.

  Cash looked away, a sure sign that he didn’t want to talk about this, but he owed it to the people that had helped him out to be honest. “I have, and it’s been going on for at least a year. It’s mostly done on the football team. Word has it that the dealer, and nobody’s sure who that is, is pushing harder. He’s got some of the members of the football team selling for him or her.”

  “Shit,” Rooster mumbled. “Thanks. Until I have something I can use, we’re gonna keep this between us.”

  “You think Drew’s mixed up in it?” Cash asked.

  The way he asked told Rooster that Cash knew. “You and I both know he’s up to his eyeballs in this. You sure he hasn’t told you anything?”

  “He hasn’t and I don’t want to ask. I’ve seen the way he’s been going off on people lately. I don’t wanna be on the receiving end of that.”

  Neither one of them wanted to be, and truthfully, it was Liam that scared Rooster the most. “Thanks for talkin’ to me. We’ll figure it out,” he told the younger man.

  Cash nodded quietly and then went back to work on his shirt, his mood somber. Hopefully them figuring it out wouldn’t cause huge problems for the Walker family.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rooster pulled his bike into the parking lot of Roni’s apartment building and cut it off. He sat there for what seemed like forever. Since talking to Cash, he had gone back and forth with whether he should tell Roni what was going on with Drew. He still hadn’t been able to make a gut decision. For once, he wanted to be completely selfish, he wanted them to have a real shot at a forever. If he told her what he had found out, that could potentially put a stop to the relationship they had begun to build. He knew it was misguided, but he felt responsible for not only Drew but the other kids at the school. He had been an officer for the county; he was supposed to have kept them all safe, keep all the bad shit away. It was still hard, at times, for him to turn off what his former life had been. What if she blamed him for this too? It was something else in a long line of ways he’d failed her. What would he do if that happened? He wasn�
��t sure he could stomach it again. For a few more days, he wanted to enjoy what they were embarking on. He wanted to live the life he should have lived seventeen years ago.

  Getting off the bike, he made his way to her front door, smiling when she opened it before he knocked. “Were you watching for me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “That bike is so damn loud I could hear it coming from the road.” In reality, she had been watching for him. Making a complaint was easier than telling him she’d sat at her window almost having a panic attack when he hadn’t come straight inside. She’d worried that he decided they weren’t worth it and he wasn’t willing to do this anymore.

  He grinned softly. “It’s okay, you don’t have to admit it. I know you were watching for me. Did you grab a change of clothes?”

  Picking up her backpack, she thrust it into his hand. “Yup. Now are you going to tell me what we’re doing and where we’re going?”

  “Nope.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the door. “This is my secret and your surprise.”

  In a whirlwind, he had her on the back of his bike and they were racing down the road. Her arms tightened around his waist, and she got as close as she could when they took a turn. The motion of the bike made them scoot closer together and her chest rubbed against his back. It surprised her how quickly she reacted to him; her body was traitorous as she felt her breasts swell and an answering heat between her thighs. This was definitely a sign that she’d been alone way too long. The rest of the ride was torture as she tried valiantly not to touch him more than she needed to. It dawned on her when they were almost there where they were going.

  “You recognize it?” he asked as he parked the bike and turned it off.

  It was their swimming hole. “I can’t believe you still know how to get here,” she told him as they got off the bike.

  “I’ve come here a lot.”

  That surprised the hell out of her. She hadn’t been able to come here after everything that had happened. While it held good memories, she hadn’t been able to reconcile those good memories because she’d been too busy basking in the bad ones. She’d told herself many times that she needed to get over it, but it wasn’t easy. “I’ve never been able to come back. It reminded me of everything I lost.” Truer words had never been spoken, she was positive that their child had been conceived here.

  “It always reminded me of the good times, the fun nights we had when we hoped no one was watching. When things got horrible and I didn’t know what else to do, where else to turn, I would come here and think about how crazy we were. This place got me through some of the hardest times of my life. If it’s too sad for you, we can leave.” He noticed the look on her face. Maybe their memories of their time here wasn’t the same. He would hate it if they weren’t. This had always been his place of hope in his times of sadness.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to leave. Things happened with William that put a negative spin on our time spent here. Let’s make some new memories.” She winked as she reached for the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. She was determined that life would be different. Liam had made an amazing life for himself, there was no reason she couldn’t make one of her own.

  He couldn’t look away as she threw the shirt on the ground and then stepped out of her jeans. All the reasons they shouldn’t be doing this, all the things he needed to tell her about Drew disappeared as his mouth became as dry as the Sahara. He wanted this, more than he had wanted anything in years. Rooster was sick of making sure that everyone else was taken care of. For once, he wanted to take care of himself. He wanted to put himself first and not worry about a million other people.

  “It feels really good,” she told him as she dipped under the water and then came back up, treading water.

  It had gotten deeper over the years, so he knew it was okay for him to dive in. After he kicked his jeans to the side, he did just that, coming up right beside Roni. He pushed the water out of his eyes and faced her. “You’re right, it feels good. Not too cold, just warm enough.”

  She was, for some reason, shy. Here in this place where they had spent so much time, she was shy with him. Grabbing his shoulders, she looped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. It was easier not to see his eyes. His eyes could kill her. They asked questions that he didn’t put into word form.

  “You okay?” he asked, pulling her chin up with one hand as he maneuvered them to where he could stand.

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “It feels weird, being here with you after so much time has passed.”

  “It does,” he agreed. “But I’m thankful we got another chance.”

  He would regret those words; she knew it, as soon as she told him about what William had made her do. Her inner voice screamed to tell him today, tell him now and get it over with. That voice told her not to make too many memories with him. Too many memories wouldn’t get her through the lonely nights. Another voice told her to experience this one last time—she wanted one night of happiness to make up for the last seventeen years of loneliness. She made a pact with herself, she would tell him in the morning. “I’m thankful too.” She almost choked on the words, but she pushed them past the lump in her throat.

  Framing his face with her hands, she leaned in, brushing her lips against his. They were soft and warm, and it was like everything and nothing had changed, all at the same time. She wanted control for a little while before she handed it over. Running her hands down his neck, she moved them down his chest and stomach to the edge of where his boxers rested on his hips. “Are you sure there’s no fish in here or anything?” she mumbled against his lips.

  He laughed, his warm breath tickling her face. “I sure as fuck hope not. If there is, I think we’re both screwed and at least we’ll find out together.”

  She laughed along with him, allowing him to move her so that her back rested against a wall of rock that made up the edge of the pool of water. Her fingers played with the material of his boxers, wondering if she should go ahead and do this, or if they should wait. In the end, she could no longer wait, and she pushed, sliding them off his hips. With his help, he pushed them down his legs and then picked them up in one of his hands, throwing them onto the shore. When she glanced up at him, she saw that as quickly as she thought she had control, she’d lost it. There was a predatory glint in his gaze that made her think she was about to get schooled on who was the hunter.

  Rooster had waited for this for too long. He was on edge and he didn’t know how much longer he could handle being this close to her and not making good on every fantasy he’d ever had. Pressing her against the rock, his mouth claimed hers, his thigh pressed between hers, and his hand went to the wet material of her bra, pushing up the strap.

  Roni wanted him to take it off, but to do that, he would have to loosen his hold on her and she didn’t want him to. He held her tightly against his body, his thigh holding her up, almost to the point that her feet weren’t touching the bottom of this shallow end of the pool. Her upper torso was out of the water, and a slight wind blew, causing goosebumps on her skin. Letting go of his neck, she made her own decision. Reaching behind her, she unclasped the hooks of the material and pulled it off her chest before throwing it towards the shoreline and putting her arms back around him, this time at his waist.

  Pulling his lips from hers was one of the hardest things he’d ever done, but she’d made it easier on him, removing the bra. Now the only thing that kept them from being completely intimate was the cotton material of her underwear.

  “Are you sure about this?” he breathed heavily against her the skin of her chest. “You have to be sure. I don’t want to wake up with regrets tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “I’m sure.”

  It was the green light he needed, and he swore to himself that he would never look back.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Roni dug her fingers into his hair when she felt his big hands cup her ass and lift, bringing her legs around h
is waist. In the water, in this position, she was weightless. It pushed her further up the rock so that his mouth was even with her chest. It seemed like forever that he stared at her before he glanced up, gave her a grin, and dove headfirst into his mission of blowing her mind.

  There was one thing he hadn’t been as a teenager, and that was smooth. He’d learned over the years what women liked and what they didn’t. He hoped that Roni was similar to most women he’d encountered since their split. Using the flat of his tongue, he licked a path to where her nipples jutted at him, capturing one in his mouth, worrying the nub with his teeth. He felt the pull of her fingers against his scalp, and then he felt her press harder.

  “Don’t stop, Rooster,” she moaned.

  Those words affected him like no others could. He hadn’t heard them from her in years, and to know she was with him in this feeling did it for him. He couldn’t keep his hands off her as he ran them up to her ribcage, spanning her waist there. She was little, had always been smaller than him, but now it felt like he could span her waist with both hands. For a while, they’d gone to the same gym, but when he’d started showing up at the same time as her, she stopped coming. He wondered how she managed to stay in shape. Running his right hand up further, he cupped the underside of the breast he didn’t have in his mouth, swiping a thumb over her nipple. The way it tightened against his touch made him want to yell out to the world that he’d done this to her. All their other experiences had been quick and forbidden. That had been part of the allure of it back when they’d been teenagers, but now they were adults and he could enjoy her, no matter how long that took.

  Roni threw her head back, tilting it against the rock so that she could arch her back, thrust her body towards Rooster. There was a part of her that told her they needed to stop, because she wasn’t on anything and she was pretty damn sure that he had no place to hide a condom in the water. The other, louder, part of her didn’t want him to stop, consequences be damned. She’d already been there once though, and she wasn’t sure that she could handle it again. Her conscience told her to enjoy this for as long as she could before she had to put a stop to it. She felt his left hand leave her body and then felt him positioning himself at her core.


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