Patriots Awakening

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Patriots Awakening Page 30

by R. M. Strauhs

  Juanita’s water broke at three that morning and it was now noon. Her contractions were picking up. “Won’t be long now, hon,” Susan assured the pain-racked lady.

  Alice ran around trying to find appropriate clothing for a newborn. Juanita thought she had a couple weeks more before starting to sew baby clothes, so there was nothing in which to dress the newest member of the compound.

  Taking scissors to a lightweight blanket she’d brought from the house, Alice cut out squares for baby blankets. Running them through the sewing machine to stitch down the hems, they were finished in record time. A sheet cut into pieces and hemmed, made diapers. For little long tailed gowns, material from men’s tee shirts would suffice.

  Alice looked at the pile of baby clothes she’d manage to whip out since six that morning and was pleased. “I will not think negative thoughts. That baby will be just fine,” she said aloud to herself. She picked up a blanket, a diaper, and a gown and headed for Juanita’s room.

  Everyone was in the main room awaiting the birth. Alice walked in and stood at the bedroom door, also waiting. A video, Look Who’s Talking, played on the large screen TV. Alice smiled and thought, Wonder who chose that one?

  Finally, the door opened and Raul walked out beaming. “We have a healthy daughter,” he announced proudly. Emanuel ran straight to his daddy’s arms. “You have a little sister,” Raul said, then hugged and kissed his son. “Her name is Carmen Selina, after your grandmothers.”

  Alice quietly opened the door to deliver Carmen her first set of clothing.


  The alarms sounded loud and clear throughout the compound on the day before Thanksgiving. The monitors showed four individuals on snowmobiles coming toward the house. All the other alarms were silent, and no other people were visible on the monitors. The men grabbed coats and weapons and took off in a divided group, half through the house tunnel and half through the barn. Mike, Dan, and Don stayed inside to help the women protect the compound if another entrance was used, or the men were overrun outside.

  Silently, the men entered the basement and up the stairs, listening.

  “Well Gail, I guess we’ve come as far as we can. I’m sorry darling, I just never thought of this happening to their home. Dammit, I hope Alice and the kids are safe.”

  Dick was half holding up Gail, and Amanda was leaning against Rocky Top, evidently in pretty poor shape.

  “Hands up,” a man’s deep voice yelled.

  The startled, half-frozen people complied without saying a word, but stared at all the men with guns surrounding them.

  “State your name and why you’re here.” Stephan called out.

  “I’m Dick Maddox and this is my wife, Gail. We came to find my niece Alice, but I see she isn’t home.”

  “How do you know Alice?” Cord asked.

  “I told you, I’m her uncle, Dick Maddox.”

  Stephan picked up his radio and spoke. “Have a man here who says he’s Alice’s uncle. Can you confirm? Over.”

  A couple minutes and the radio crackled. “Jim Beam. Over.”

  “Drove a dirty old team,” Dick replied.

  “Yep, that’s her uncle. Out.”

  They lowered their rifles as Stephan said, “Sorry, Mr. Maddox. I’m Stephan and a good friend of Alice and her late husband Blake. What’s that about a dirty team?”

  “Glad to meet you, Stephan. That was a little poem Alice made up when she was about five years of age and drove us nuts repeating it.” Dick pointed at Rocky Top and said, “I’m sure you’ll be happy to see this guy. This lad here is the one and only Rocky Top. This is his girlfriend, Amanda . . . lately headquartered in Denver.”


  “She’s one sick puppy,” Susan said, answering Rocky’s question about Amanda. “I think she has pneumonia. Stephan, we have to get her away from the population. How about using the barn tunnel?”

  “Sure thing. I’ll have a bed up for her in a few minutes.” Stephan motioned for Mike and the twins, and they took off to the storeroom.

  “Is she going to make it?” Rocky asked.

  “I have to tell you the truth, Rocky, I don’t know. Amanda’s weak, suffering malnutrition and running a temperature of a hundred four. She also has severe frostbite on her fingers and toes. I’ll do what I can. I have a strong antibiotic running through that IV. I’m also giving her saline to hydrate her, and a bag of vitamin B and liquid nutrients. Other than that, all I can do is pray. Let me check you out.”

  Maria examined Gail and Dick, and found Gail had severe frostbite on her toes and a couple fingers. Dick seemed to have a mild case of frostbite and needed no medical help.

  Susan had to remove all of Gail’s toes and the tips of two fingers. Rocky lost two toes on one foot and three on the other.

  “I guess I won’t be able to accept the basketball scholarship now, huh?” Rocky shook his head and said it with a grin.

  Amanda was still in bad shape and not responding. She lost her toes and the tips of four fingers.

  Susan or Maria stayed with Amanda around the clock for four full days when she finally took a turn for the better. Susan and Maria let out large sighs of relief.

  That day, Stephan couldn’t help himself. He switched on the mic and said, “Mac here. Rocky Top Safe and warm. Out.” He had to let everyone know Rocky was okay. What a nice feeling to send good news out on the airways for a change. He was sick and tired of the constant chatter of the official, begging people to turn themselves in.

  The radio sprang to life with happy responses to the good news.


  Christmas day arrived, and all the cave children were excited. Alice had secretly whipped up Christmas Stockings, which she then placed around the main room. Of course, Santa made his visit in the middle of the night, leaving small items for everyone. The children ran around finding a stocking with their name on it and then showing each other what gifts they’d received. The adults were happy to see some joy on the children’s faces. The teens gathered on one side of the room and decided to sing Christmas Carols.

  Before they realized how fast the morning had flown by, Irma walked into the room and hit a pot with a spoon to get everyone’s attention. When the room was quiet, Irma announced, “Christmas dinner is served.” Everyone was ready and made their way to the dining room. The tables were adorned with sprigs of Cedar and Pine tied with red ribbon.

  Alice stood behind her chair with tears on her cheeks. All eyes turned toward her. “I want to give thanks today for all of us being together. This year has brought me to a new home.” She was interrupted by laughter. “This year has brought me a new husband.” Applause filled the room. “This year has reunited me with my aunt and uncle.” Again applause. “For all of us, we have had the miracle of a new birth with sweet little Carmen Selina.” Whoops and applause were loud and long. “I’ve found new friends, who are now members of my large extended family, and I love you all.” She waved her arms indicating everyone in the room. Wolf whistles and applause followed as she sat down.


  A couple of hours later, the intercom stopped playing Christmas music and Ralph’s voice said. “Will everyone meet in the main room in five minutes? Thank you.”

  Of course, the entire population went to see what was happening.

  Ralph stood near the control room. “Listen up, everyone. I’ve been asked to perform a marriage ceremony today.”

  Murmurs filled the room as everyone looked around to see who the bride and groom might be.

  The Wedding March filled the air, and from the far end of the room, Amanda hobbled on her crutches toward Rocky, who stood waiting for her leaning on his crutches. Rocky stood next to Ralph. Immediately following Amanda were Beverly and Anita. Now, joining Rocky were Brandon and David.

  “Yes, we have a triple wedding this fine Christmas Day,” Ralph announced.

  Everyone was ecstatic with joy.

  After the ceremony, Irma brought out three one-layer wedding cakes. One ha
d roses in yellow, one had lavender, and one had bright pink. She’d baked them in the middle of the night and kept them out of sight as part of the surprise. She and Ralph were the only ones in the cave who knew about the wedding plans and were thrilled to see the reactions of everyone.


  Jarmain stood at the head of a long table covered with an abundance of food and drink. “I’m pleased we are celebrating the end of the year . . . a very successful year. Our plans and dreams are being realized in record time. I’m told a few pockets of resistance are scattered around the world but will soon be overcome.

  “As all of you know, and, as was expected, the United States will be our hardest task. The winter is helping immensely to bring in the starving, cold population, like we knew it would. However, there are bands of hardcore resistance scattered all over the country, which are dug in and well armed. We have reason to believe these could number well into the thousands. Thanks to the Second Amendment in their constitution, they stuck to owning guns no matter how hard we tried to knock it in the head. Some of those school shootings and business shootings were part of our plan. The gangs fell right into our hands in their greed to control the streets and drugs. We paid off plenty of people on Capitol Hill.” He had a hard ring to his voice, but laughed before continuing, his arms extended out in front of him. He closed his hands to indicate how he had U.S. politicians in his grip. “How easily we controlled them and their votes.” He continued to talk in a quieter voice, as if speaking to himself, “Those bastards are greedier then we are.”

  Euclaid paced back and forth as he spoke. “We have troops arriving daily in the United States and by spring we will be set up to launch a major offensive across the entire continent. The New Madrid bursting open was a stroke of genius, gentlemen, and letting the gulf water flow inland to divide the country down the middle worked greatly to our advantage. It will prevent the resistance from banding together too easily. I predict by the end of summer there will be no more resistance anywhere in the world.”

  Secretly, Jarmain was worried. He hadn’t told his cohorts that the spy satellites had quit working months ago, back during the time of the hurricane winds. He was flying blind on his attempt to conquer the world. His most valuable tools to locate the resistance had been lost.

  ~ 27 ~

  May 2010

  “This is May Day.” Jarmain Euclaid said, “We wish to congratulate all of you who have willingly joined our world community. We are pleased to have been able to feed and shelter you through the long, cold winter months. As a world community, we always take care of one another.

  Jarmain droned on and on how everyone would be happy, and how he was willing to help all those in need. “Simply ask the nearest camp commander for anything you want, and he will make sure your needs are met.

  Remember, there are those who want to stop our efforts to help you. If you know where any of these dissidents are, please call the camp commander. We cannot let a rebel stop you from having the best. We all have to work together to rebuild our country after all the catastrophes.”


  “Hey folks, old frog face is back on TV,” Dan yelled from the main room.

  “Oh, man,” Stephan said as he listened to the broadcast. “Don’t you love it how we are the horrible bad guys and have to be done away with?”

  “Yeah, and you can bet fifty percent of the people are falling for it,” Brandon quipped.

  “Next there’ll be bounties on our heads,” Cord snapped.

  “Well, I’ve heard enough,” Stephan said and turned the TV off. “It’s time to get back to business.”

  Stephan and the men in the cave had already caused an avalanche and rockslide to bury one train and on another day did the same to a truck convoy. Today, they would be blowing a train tunnel, hoping a train would be inside.


  Crazy Duck, otherwise known as David, living in south Texas, had already been down to business. Eight engines were counted up ahead, along with soldiers positioned on the rooftops and nearby buildings.

  “Take it easy boys, and act natural,” David said as they approached the first engine.

  “Hi, how you doing?” David asked the engineer as he neared the door. “We’ve been inspecting the tracks up ahead. Heard someone might try to derail a train, but shit, we didn’t find anything wrong.”

  As David chatted away, Lyle stood on the other side of the engine and eased a slab of C4 with a timer from his pocket and placed it on the train.

  “We’ll be getting on with it.” David told the engineer. “Gotta check the rails back the other direction. You be sure ta keep a good lookout. Might be trouble on up the track or beyond where we checked. Supposed to have guys checking, but you know these lazy asses who’ve volunteered.” With that David waved and walked on down to the next engine. Within a half hour, all the engines had charges planted on them, and David’s men acted as if they were surveying the rails and roadbed as they strolled back toward the trucks.

  “Let’s haul ass. Those charges will go in five minutes.” David ordered, checking his watch as he climbed into a pickup.


  Mark and Richie pulled the truck behind a small hill close enough to the refinery to look through binoculars.

  “Shit, man, look at all those fuel tanks. Man, oh, man, what a blow that’ll make,” Mark commented. “Guards on top of two tanks. One guard to the east, and one to the west. Clear on this side. Set your stop watches. Forty-five minutes on my mark. Mark! You have to be out and away from here in forty-five minutes. Richie, you and Floyd go on down a couple hundred yards and get ready to hit the fence on the second pass of the vehicle. Let’s go.”

  The team of four quickly crawled towards the wire fence. The patrol truck made a circle every eight minutes, so they’d have to get inside the fence, slap the timed charges on the tanks, and get back out in a matter of six and a half to seven minutes. “We can do it, we can do it, we can do it,” Mark kept repeating in a whisper.

  The four men sprang into action and hit the fence with the wire cutters ten seconds after the truck passed. Thirty seconds more, and they were through the fence, running in a low crouch toward the tanks. Three minutes later, they had the charges planted.

  It seemed David’s team would get away scott free, but a hundred feet from reaching the truck, a sniper atop a tank opened fire. Floyd never felt the exploding bullet that shattered his head instantly. Richie heard the second shot right after he felt his shoulder explode. Mark and Eldon hugged the ground twenty yards ahead of the other group and didn’t move. Slowly, Mark eased his head around to look towards the fuel tanks. The sniper stood atop a north side tank, looking through the scope of his rifle. A guard truck roared toward the positions of Floyd and Richie.

  “Shit, a fine kettle of fish we’re in. Eldon. Let’s crawl like hell,” Mark whispered.

  They took off through the brush and made it around the hill to their pickup. “I drive, and you shoot,” Mark ordered as he jumped in the driver’s seat and started the engine.

  Eldon, in the back, readied the 50 caliber, and hung on for dear life as Mark drove the pickup wide open across the bumpy land. Not only did they have to outrun the truck of soldiers, but the blast area.

  “Here they come,” Eldon yelled, and started firing at the same time. Bullets whizzed by them, but Eldon managed to shoot the driver. The pursuing truck flew out of control, rolling several times. “I got rid of the truck. Now, go man, go! I don’t wanta get fried.”

  “Fuck you! I’ve got the son-of-a-bitch floored,” Mark yelled. He managed to drive down a hill and make a fast right turn behind a rock outcropping just as the tanks exploded, sending huge fireballs into the sky, creating artificial daylight all around them.

  “I think I just shit all over myself. Damn, that was close, Mark,” Eldon yelled over the loud noise.

  “Yeah, been fun. Let’s go.” Mark started the engine and took off, slamming gears.

  “We gotta go see if Richie or
Floyd made it, man! We can’t leave them behind!” Eldon shouted.

  Mark stomped the brake and skidded in a circle, then jammed the gas pedal to the floor. Fearsome heat from the fires burned hot against their skin as they approached the bodies of Floyd and Richie. Mark looked down at them from the driver’s side and said, “Hopeless, man,” then reversed course at top speed, away from the refinery. Five minutes of a rough, cross-country ride brought them to the blacktop road.

  “What the hell is that?” Mark asked Eldon as they neared their hidden camp.

  “Gunfire,” he answered and grabbed the rifle.

  Mark stopped the pickup, and they crept to within sight of the war going on at their encampment. They were above the camp and began firing at the World Soldiers below, making each shot count. One bullet, one dead enemy. Then, heavy gunfire reigned down on the enemy from a hill across the way. It was David and his men returning from the train yards.

  Soon the hills rang with more gunfire down into the gorge. What few World Soldiers tried to escape were dropped on the run.

  Mark motioned to start down, but watch out. They got to the bottom just as David and his men and six cowboys arrived.

  David moved about the camp and learned he’d lost eight in the camp besides losing Richie and Floyd at the refinery.

  Finally, he approached the cowboys and said, “I’m sorry for not thanking you sooner, fellas, but I had to check on my men. The name’s David.” He stuck out his hand to a weather-beaten man in his fifties. “I sure appreciate you and your boys giving us a hand.”

  “Just call me Hernando. I’m glad we were close enough to hear the ruckus going on and lend a hand. We have a herd of cattle grazing over the ridge . . . but we’ll be glad to help you bury your dead.”


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