MasterMind_An Anna Monroe and Never Far crossover

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MasterMind_An Anna Monroe and Never Far crossover Page 11

by A. A. Dark

  “I don’t know what you mean. I haven’t killed anyone. Well, not like you mean.”

  His head gave a hard shake, jumbling my thoughts even more. “No?” Stepping forward, he cocked his lowered head to the side as he reached for my hand. I could have backed away, but for some reason, I didn’t. I let him pull me forward, until we were only inches apart. When he leaned in next to my ear, my breath held. “I’m going to tell you a secret I’ve never told anyone.”


  “You don’t want to know?” Still, his voice was low as my head went back and forth. Lips pressed against my forehead, holding until I leaned back to look up to him.

  “You’re going to try to convince me you killed him. You’re trying to make yourself relatable so I will give you a confession. But you’re not a killer, Braden. You didn’t kill Donald.”

  “Not directly, no. I didn’t have to.”

  “…What do you mean?”

  “I’m not telling you this to get a confession from you. If you wanted to tell me about Jade, you would. But I know. Deep down, I know you killed that girl. With Donald…” he took a deep breath, leading me to sit on the edge of the bed while he sat next to me, “I was counting down the days until he would be released. Maybe it was still the little boy in me who had to face his attacker. I don’t know. All I can remember is the moment I knew he was out of prison. I didn’t sleep for three days. I laid awake at night, remembering—his face, the look he had as he was trying to kill me. All of it kept replaying in my head. It didn’t matter how much I drank. No amount of alcohol could erase what haunted me.”

  Braden paused, taking a shaky breath. “Weeks went by, just as bad as those first few days. It was hell knowing he was free. I drove to the city every chance I got. I found his new address and tailed him. I had to see, you know? I had to make sure he wasn’t looking for more boys. After thirteen years, he learned nothing. Nothing at all. A boy came up missing. Then, another. By the third boy, they had no evidence. No leads. But I knew. I fucking felt it in my gut. So, one night I broke in.

  “Didn’t fucking matter to me that I was a cop. Or that I had no jurisdiction or warrant. I heard him before I saw him. That deep laugh. Raspy, and…almost hallow sounding. He laughed the same demented way that night.

  “I had my gun out. I remember feeling like I couldn’t breathe through the thick fumes inside. And sick—I was sick at hearing him and what I could feel had happened. My pain returned. The pain of the rape. The physical pain when I awoke.

  “When I walked into the bedroom, he was standing over the bed. There was a little boy lying face down. He had his shirt still on, but he was nude from the waist down. He was wearing a superhero shirt. I remember because across the back it said some sort of slogan. Something meant to empower a child.” Braden wiped the tears from his cheeks. “I fucking lost it. Donald didn’t even know who I was at first. There were so many things I wanted to do, Anna. So many fucking things that ate me alive because I couldn’t. Not personally. What I made him do to himself gave me something, though. Not peace, or comfort. Not even justice for me or that boy. More…fuel to something I didn’t even know existed in me. Something dark and wrong. And I liked it when I shouldn’t have.”

  I reached for his hand, knowing what he was telling me was the truth. I thought he had meant to trap me, but his emotions were real, as was the scene concerning the boy. The agony in his eyes broke my heart. And the dark feeling, I knew exactly what he was speaking of.

  “What did you make him do?”

  Braden’s fingers slid through mine. “He may have been able to hurt little boys, but he was the biggest coward when faced with a real man. After he saw me with my gun, he pissed himself. He kept stumbling over pleas. Begging me not to kill him. I made him write a note confessing his crimes. In the note, he admitted what a horrible person he thought himself to be. The more I looked at him, the fucking sicker I became. He was so dirty in his tight, stained undershirt and baggy boxers. He was bald with a big beard. Just…dirty. The appearance didn’t go with the smell of the house. It was thick with fumes of bleach. It’s all I could smell, and the realization kept coming back to me. I…uh, made him go to the bathroom and get in the tub with the same gallon of disinfectant he’d used to clean up his crimes. I made him lay down and told him if he didn’t drink that entire fucking thing, I’d make him eat my barrel. He threw up three times as the bleach ate through his intestinal tract and throat. His lips were blistering, and the smell…I can’t fucking smell bleach to this day.”

  “Braden. I…” My mouth parted and the horror I should have felt evaded me. “I’m glad you did it.”

  A sniffle sounded, and his eyes shot over. “What would you have done, Anna, if you had found him alive? Would you have really gone after him? To kill him because of what he’d done to me?”


  “And then what? How would you have done it?”

  “You don’t want that answer.”

  “I do. What would you have done?”

  I let go of his hand, my face tightening through the anger bubbling inside. He kept wanting me to share who I was, but did he really need to know? I kept wanting to push him away, so what was a better tool than being honest? If he wasn’t trying to use this confession against me, what did I have to fear? It wasn’t like we were going to get back together because we had sex and connected on a sadistic level.

  “I’d do what I’ve been made to do. And I would have done it with pleasure after what he put you through. Donald Karmasky deserved every torturous last moment you gave him. Had I found him alive, he would have suffered unimaginable pain. I would have made sure he stayed alive for as long as possible as I cut him clean open. I would bathed in his blood and loved every second of it as he screamed for his life. Then I would have removed his heart and sliced it to pieces so he could never hurt another. Does that make you feel any better?”

  “Not better,” Braden sighed. “Not worse. The only thing I feel is the need to slam you back down on this bed and not leave your side until I’ve had my fill. Which may be never.”

  Chapter 13


  Anna Monroe was going to ruin everything I had worked so hard to put into place. This wasn’t the way things were supposed to go down. Boston was meant to come to me. To rely on me during these days of obsessive grief. His rage was supposed to build until he was plotting his every evil deed while asking for my council. Yet, who was he relying on? Who was he turning to?

  “Move again, and I’ll break your neck.”

  My fingers dug into Lucy’s throat as I sprayed her with the shower nozzle. She had already tried to fight me to escape. It only landed her with a busted lip and broken tooth. Even weak, she wouldn’t break. Not like I wanted.

  “You’re a-angrier than before,” she stuttered as blood ran over her lip. “He’s…g-getting close, isn’t he? I b-bet he’s got you f-figured out.”

  I reared back, slamming the back of my hand across her cheek with everything I had. No thought. No care for her well-being. I let the force carry her to the side while she crumbled and slid along the bottom of the tub. Crimson swirled in the pooling water beneath her mouth and cheek, grabbing me—holding me fixed on the amount running from her nose. With no food or water, accompanied with her torture, Lucy was barely keeping it together. She’d live for a few more days, but not if I kept using as much force as I was. Half of her face was already almost unrecognizable from the swelling, and now the other side would join. The bruising was dark under her eyes, and her lip was cut in more than one place. Her entire back looked like a Thanksgiving Day turkey sliced into thin segments and on display for me to devour even more. And I wanted to. I wanted to start over. To split her skin with the crack of my cane again and again, until her spine was on display.

  Groaning sounded, followed by a gasp, and then a whimper. I let the shower nozzle drop from my hand as I reached down to lift her to stand. Lucy had nothing left. Her legs wouldn’t hold her, and she
immediately became dead weight, draped over my arm as I reached and turned off the water. More sounds. Soft. Full of pain. I turned her and hooked my free arm under her knees, carrying her to the bed.

  There was no point in wasting another moment on her. I reached for my phone, hitting my client’s number. Two rings echoed through before he answered.

  “What do you want?”

  “You’re still mad? I told you I had problems with another client. You can’t be upset at me for that.”

  “Well, I am. I needed to talk so you could calm me down. You weren’t there. Now I only have one girl.”

  “The one you killed is all over the news, you know. I’m going to make a wild guess that you’re loving that part.”


  “Danny, don’t clam up on me now. I’m calling to check on you, aren’t I? I’m still here for you. You know that.”

  “I guess…”

  “I’m your doctor. I promised to take care of you, and I will. Did you follow the steps to cover your ass like I told you?”

  “To a T. They won’t find anything.”

  “Perfect. You did great. Tell me about the other girl. Is she still alive?”

  Footsteps echoed, just as distant as he was. Long moments went by before he answered.

  “Yeah. I’m not sure for how much longer. I liked it better when I had both girls. It was more exciting. I want another. I want two again.”

  I glanced to Lucy while sitting on the edge of the bed so I could trail my finger down her calf. My mind spun with possibilities—with sick, twisted scenarios. I pushed them back, focusing on my plan. “The police presence will make it risky. I wouldn’t advise taking another so soon. Not from the area, anyway.”

  “I still can’t believe this is happening. It was better than I remember. I don’t know why I waited so long.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it, but don’t get too confident. You have to bide your time. To savor the moments and draw them out for as long as you can. It’ll be hard, but it’s manageable. If you take another, she’ll have to be your last for a while. You need to throw off the cops. Let the city settle before you shake them up again.”

  “Right. Then the next will have to be perfect. I’ll have to find the right one.”

  I nodded as I began pace. “…You like green eyes.”

  “That’s right.”

  “I don’t have green eyes for you, but are you familiar with a certain beauty who goes by the name Anna Monroe? She might be your type.”

  Hesitation on the other end had me slowing. “I’ve seen her on TV. Too old.”

  My mouth twisted. It was no secret to me why Daniel Stracht chose his victims young. Or why he cut out their eyes.

  “Pity. She’s cute in person. She’s helping another of my clients with a current dilemma. I’m sure you’ve seen it on the news.” I quickly changed the subject. “Did you know Anna was the last victim of the Rock River Killer?”

  “I did. Another reason I don’t want her. She’ll fight. A lot. Although I’m cool with a good beat down, I’m more for the submissive girls. You know that. It’s part of the reason I cane them. It doesn’t take long for them to learn their place.”

  Right. As if it were that easy. Lucy hadn’t learned anything, and the biggest reason was the man she was with. Boston spoiled her. He’d chosen the one girl who had learned to survive through unimaginable obstacles. The hard childhood. The constant beatings from her brother. His and her mother’s death. She was hardened on the inside, but not impossible to break. That was coming soon.

  “Very true. You wouldn’t be able to handle Anna Monroe, anyway. Not how you want. Oh well, forget I mentioned it.”

  “I could handle her,” Danny said defensively. “I’d break her eventually. It would just take longer than I’d like to invest.”

  “I wasn’t saying you’re incapable. If you were to take her, she’d have to be a solo project, and that’s not what you’re looking for. Having her and another would be too much for anyone. You wouldn’t enjoy the work you’d need to put in.”

  My smile grew as he let out aggravated breaths. “Bullshit. I’m the best at this. If it can be done, it can be done by me. Besides, she’s only a woman. What’s the worst she can do? Stab my other eye? Fuck that bitch. She doesn’t have shit on me.”

  “No need to get all worked up. Enjoy the one you have. When the next girl comes along, you’ll know. Then you can take cautious measures to begin planning the abduction. It’s all about timing.”

  “Don’t change the subject. Tell me more about Anna Monroe. You said you met her.”

  “I did. She’s a handful. Very outspoken. Hardened, if you will.”

  “What else?”

  I knew I was feeding Danny’s anger and need to hurt her even more, but I didn’t care. I needed Anna out of the way if I was going to have Boston’s complete attention.

  “You don’t want Anna. She’d be too difficult to get to anyway. The man she’s with, my other client, he’s…how should I say…very protective over her. Not to mention, she has a past with a detective working the case on the girls you’ve taken. It’s too risky.”

  “Too risky for me? I don’t think so.”

  “What did I mention earlier? You’re too confident, and that’s why I won’t tell you where she lives. I happen to know. I actually stopped by a few hours ago. The house is a fortress and full of hidden weapons. Had I not discovered this, and supplied the information, you would have been walking into your death. You can’t take her from there. It would have to be by complete surprise. In the open. Somewhere semi-public. You still have that stuff I gave you to disorient?”

  “I do.”

  “If you did do it, which is a big if, that would be the only way. The woman wasn’t just a random victim before, Danny. She’s vicious. Her mother was the Madison Ridge Killer, and Anna did all her mother’s dirty work. This would be the trophy of a lifetime if you managed to break her. But I truthfully don’t see that happening. Torture, she can undergo. Making her bow at your feet…not going to happen. Not in the slightest. She’ll cut out your heart before you saw her move. I’ve seen it in her eyes. There’s something there. Something bigger and vaster than I’ve ever run into in this field. She’s a mystery to me. Her killer is…unique.”

  Silence lasted longer than I thought him capable of. He was assessing my words. Weighing whether the challenge was worth his time, despite the fact that I’d rattled the beast he tried to keep contained. Worse, I was doing the same thing. Speaking the truth out loud brought out an enlightenment I didn’t comprehend with the general thoughts or knowledge. I felt my opinion of her change. My motives for her…warp. They were racing through my head, giving me glimpses of her face—her expressions, and what I saw within them. I could read people so easily, and Anna was the goddess of death. She represented everything I loved. She was the closest equivalent I’d find in the opposite sex.

  “The Madison Ridge Killer. She’s Annalise Reynolds?”

  “You know her then?”

  “Who doesn’t? Her mother was the most beautiful serial killer to ever live. I used to fantasize about that woman while looking at the crime scene photos.”

  “Then you were jacking off to the wrong person. Like I said, Anna did most of the work. Even as a child, she had an art like most of us dream to. Anna’s the real deal. No One, the Rock River Killer, loved her work so much, he made her do it in front of him when he took her. Now those are some pictures you should look up. Fuck. All those years of not killing, and you’d think she would have gotten rusty. Not even close. Such beauty and precision in her massacres. Creativity even. Those girls No One dumped…” I shifted, pressing my lips together as I thought over my own desires concerning her before she got in my way with Boston.

  “Actually, you know what, forget I mentioned Anna. I may just have another talk with her. Perhaps she isn’t too far gone like I thought. Maybe I’ve been reading her wrong all along. Danny, I’m going to have to let you

  “Wait. You can’t build me up like that and then tell me no.”

  “I may have built you up, but the reality is, she is too old for you. She’s a risk to get close to. And she’d kill you. Do your thing. Look for a new victim, but above all, be careful. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Dr. Patron—”

  I hung up, sliding my phone in my pocket as I began to pace. Lucy was groaning, but still out of it as I let my mind wander. Anna. Anna Monroe. She was a pain in my ass, but what if I could break through to her? She was a problem because I was making her one. What if I could win her over? What if I could pull her to my side and move her focus toward me and away from Boston? What would she want more than finding Lucy?

  It was the big question, and one I didn’t have a clue on. But I’d find it. I’d figure something out, and when I did, Anna Monroe would come to me. She’d confess all, and more.


  I glanced over my shoulder to Lucy. Her eyes were closed. Her head rose, only to fall back to the bed. I walked over, grabbing the cane. When I got to the bed, her face was turned into the mattress and her toes were pushing into the sheet as she struggled to pull herself higher. The cane connected hard against the back of her calf, and she jolted at the impact.

  “It’s time to learn your place. You’re going to stand and kneel at my feet or I’m going to beat you until you do.”


  Rage surged, and I flipped her over, rearing back to slap the cane into her stomach. Before I could bring my hand down, Lucy used the momentum of my turn behind her kick. The connection to my dick had my legs buckling and the top half of my body dropping forward. She wasn’t as weak as she’d appeared.

  Lucy’s leg drew back and her heal smashed directly into my nose before I could straighten. Lights flashed, and I was gone. Gone from my meticulous mind. Gone from the plans I’d meant to put into place to pass her off as one of Danny’s victims. With her attack, I became me. The real me.


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