Taking Charge of Your Fertility

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Taking Charge of Your Fertility Page 54

by Toni Weschler

  resources and support, 472–73, 475

  responsibility for, 11–14, 16–17

  Rhythm Method compared with, xviii, 3, 4, 305

  terminology concerns, 8–9

  self-esteem through knowledge about your body, 342–44

  who it benefits, 395

  Fertility clinics, 469–71

  Fertility Diet, The (Chavarro, Willett and Skerrett), 147

  Fertility monitoring devices, 176, 193

  misleading information, 23, 190–92

  Fertility preservation, 153–59

  current strategies and concerns, 155–56

  egg freezing, 157–59

  Fertility-related resources, 472–76

  Fertility signs. See also Cervical fluid; Cervical position; Charting of fertility signs; Waking temperature

  primary, 52–67

  secondary, 68–71

  Fertility truths, 188–89

  Fertility workup

  for men, 254–59

  for women, 156–57, 230–41

  Fetal age, 199n

  Fetal alcohol syndrome, 214

  Fever, 175, 397, 440, 441

  Fibroids, 246, 265, 297, 298, 299, 300

  Fifty Shades of Grey (James), 303

  Fimbria, 36, 46, 50

  Fine needle aspiration (FNA), 257

  First 5 Days Rule, 167–68, 168n, 179, 183, 339

  Fluid ultrasonography (FUS), 235, 237

  Folic acid, 141, 147, 214

  Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), 46, 47, 233, 239, 241, 247n, 270, 406

  Follicular cysts, 127, 130

  Follicular phase, 48

  Forehead thermometers, 92

  Foreplay, 303, 304, 313–14

  Fragile X (FMR1), 156

  Fraternal twins, 47–48, 48n, 400

  Freezing eggs, 157–59

  Frequently asked questions (FAQs), 393–404

  Friedman, Bruce Jay, 306

  FSH. See Follicle Stimulating Hormone

  Functional ovarian cysts, 126, 127–29, 130

  Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer (GIFT), 246n

  Gender selection, 464–68

  Fertility Awareness Method and, 465–68

  high-tech alternatives, 468

  Shettles method, 464–65, 468

  timing intercourse for boy, 466

  timing intercourse for girl, 467–68

  Genetic miscarriages, 263–64

  Gestational age, 199n

  Glass basal body thermometers, 92

  Glossary, 477–97

  Glucophage (Metformin), 142, 252

  Glycemic index, 141

  Glycerin, 216

  Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), 407

  Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists, 136

  Gonadotropins, 51, 219, 242, 253, 406

  Goodman, Ellen, 332

  Goserelin, 136

  G-spot, 304, 308, 309

  Guaifenesin Extended-Release 600, 218

  Gynecological health, 279–92

  diagnosis of problems and conditions with FAM, 6–7, 27–28, 279

  healthy cervical fluid vs. vaginal infections, 280–82

  normal cycle-related pain vs. abnormal pain, 283–84, 292

  normal cystic breasts vs. cancerous breast lumps, 286

  normal nabothian cysts vs. abnormal cervical polyps, 282

  normal vs. abnormal bleeding, 293–300

  physical exam record, 289

  scheduling best time for physical exams, contraceptive fittings, vaccinations, and surgery, 289

  Hamster egg penetration test, 254

  Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, 146–47

  Headaches, 283

  Heart disease, 138, 266, 270, 334

  Heil, Kelley, 52

  Hepatitis, 264

  Herbal supplements, 146, 213, 217

  Herpes, 264, 281, 316

  Hiccups, 71

  Hilgers, Thomas, 219

  Hood of clitoris, 38

  Hormones, 406–7. See also specific hormones

  drugs blocking production of, 242–43

  male subfertility, 257

  menstrual cycle and, 46, 47, 406–7

  miscarriages and, 264–65

  natural ways to balance. See Hormone balance, natural

  therapy. See Hormone therapy

  Hormone balance, natural, 142–52

  complementary health practitioner for, 150–51

  diet for, 145, 146–47

  healthy changes on your own, 146–50

  herbal supplements for, 146

  Hormone blood tests, 232, 233, 237

  Hormone disruptors (xenohormones), 149

  Hormone suppression, in IVF, 247

  Hormone therapy (HT), 332–34

  bibliography, 512–14

  controversy surrounding, 332

  data on, 334

  disruptions following discontinuation of, 104–5

  factors to consider, 333

  for PMS, 322

  risks of, 334

  side effects, 334

  spotting or bleeding with, 295

  treatment with, 334

  Horse urine, 332

  Hot flashes, 168, 329–30, 334

  How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby (Shettles), 464–65

  Hubbard, Elbert, 229

  Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), 51, 210, 219, 242, 407

  Hyperprolactinemia (excessive prolactin), 123, 243

  Hyperthyroidism, 378, 379

  Hypothalamus, 148, 329, 407

  Hypothyroidism, 122, 149, 378, 379

  Hysterectomies, 335, 349

  Hysterogram, 265

  Hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (HyCoSy), 236

  Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), 22, 235–36, 237, 274

  Hysteroscopies, 236, 237

  Idiopathic infertility, causes of, 268–75

  Ignorance, of birth control, 15

  I-Just-Know-When-I’m-Fertile Mentality, 184

  Illness, and anovulation, 118–19

  Immaculate Deception (Arms), 348

  Immune system, and miscarriages, 266

  Immunoglobulins, 266

  Immunological infertility, 275

  Implanon, 104, 414

  Implantation spotting, 295, 365, 367

  Incompetent cervix condition, 265

  Infections. See also Vaginal infections miscarriages and, 264


  definition of, 18

  increasing incidence of, 18

  misdiagnosis of, reasons for, 19–24

  physical and emotional ramifications of, 25

  tests and treatments for. See Tests and treatments to achieve pregnancy

  Infertility Awareness Association of Canada, Inc., 475

  Inhibin B test, 233, 240

  Institute for Reproductive Health, 475

  Insulin resistance, 138, 141, 142


  cervical position and, 66–67

  frequency of, 209

  frequency of, and pregnancy, 19–20

  increasing chance of orgasm during, 307

  lovemaking vs. babymaking, 228

  for men, 42–43

  pain or stinging during, 310, 391

  positions during, 216

  spotting after, 392

  timing to optimize chances, 206–7, 209

  for women, 37, 39–40

  Intimate sexual rocking position, 308

  Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), 248, 249, 258

  Intrauterine insemination (IUI), 243, 244, 258, 273

  Introitus, 38

  In vitro fertilization (IVF), 246–51

  for endometriosis, 273

  for PCOS, 253

  preimplantation diagnosis technologies, 248, 250–51

  steps for, 247–48

  use of donors, 248–49

  use of ICSI, 248s, 249

  In vitro maturation (IVM), 251

  IPD (intrapenal device), 12–13

  Iron, 147

p; Irregular cycles, 19, 113–24

  charting of fertility signs and, 75

  common causes of temporary, 118–21

  confusing pregnancy with, 331

  different phases of, 114–16

  medical causes of, 122–24

  pregnancy achievement and, 216

  as sign of menopause, 328

  IVF. See In vitro fertilization

  Jewish practice of Niddah, 226–27

  Justisse Method, 423

  Kaplan, Abraham, 20

  Kegel exercises, 83, 309

  semen emitting technique, 83, 208, 452

  Kharrazian, Datis, 378n

  Kitzinger, Sheila, 310

  Knowledge about your body, self-esteem through, 342–44

  Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM), 444n

  Lactobacillus, 215

  Laparoscopies, 135, 136, 236, 237

  Law of the Instrument, 20

  Letrozole (Femara), 242, 253

  LH. See Luteinizing hormone

  Lodge, David, 187

  Lovemaking vs. babymaking, 228

  Lubricants, 216, 305, 307

  Lupron, 136

  Luteal phase, 23, 44, 47, 48

  determining length of, 23, 47, 48, 99, 102, 195

  short phases, 150, 191, 196, 218

  Luteal phase insufficiencies, 150, 218–19, 271, 296

  Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome (LUF), 128, 130, 190, 230, 234, 267, 271, 386

  Luteinizing hormone (LH), 46, 47, 190–91, 406

  Luteinizing hormone (LH) test, 233, 237

  Lymph glands, 68, 70

  Lymph node sign, 70

  McGoldrick, Kathryn, 325

  Magnesium, 320

  Male fertility, 203–9, 221–22. See also Sperm count

  bibliography, 511–12

  Male fertility workup, 254–59

  Male infertility treatments, 255–58

  Male reproductive anatomy, 35, 40–43

  Mammograms, 286, 289

  Marijuana, 214, 215

  Measles, 264

  Medical history review, 230, 254, 289

  Medical school education, 5–6

  Melatonin, 148

  Menopause, 325–41

  bibliography, 512–14

  birth control with FAM and, 336–39

  charting of fertility signs and, 337–39, 340

  contraceptive rules, 339

  hormone therapy for. See Hormone therapy

  hot flashes, 168, 329–30, 334

  how to determine, 336

  maintaining sanity through, 341

  menstrual cycle irregularities, 328

  “outing” of, 349

  ovulation predictor kits and, 331

  premenopause, 116, 326, 461

  sexuality and, 335

  signs of impending, 327–31

  Menstrual cups, 168

  Menstrual cycle, 44–51. See also Anovulation; Bleeding; Premenstrual syndrome

  bibliography, 502–10

  chances of conceiving in any given cycle, 187, 401

  conception during period, 168n, 401

  conception without menstruation, 117, 402

  description of, 46–47

  different phases of, 114–16

  fertility truths about, 188–89

  frequently asked questions, 401–3

  hormones and, 46, 47, 406–7

  irregular. See Irregular cycles

  menopause and, 328

  midcycle sexiness, 310

  myth of Day 14, 3–4, 15, 18, 19, 26, 113

  normal pain vs. abnormal pain, 283–84, 292

  ovulation and, 46–48, 399, 400

  percent of cycle that is fertile, 401

  prediction of length, 97, 98

  summary of events through 28-day model, 405–12

  typical cycle, 113–14

  vaginal dryness, 330–31


  clotting during, 296

  conception during period, 168n, 401

  description of, 407–8

  normal vs. abnormal bleeding, 293–96

  sex during, 168

  spotting after intercourse, 392

  Merkin, Sophia, 12–13

  Metabolic syndrome, 138

  Metformin (glucophage), 142, 252

  Method failure rate, 14–16, 414, 414n

  Microscopic vasal sperm aspiration (MVSA), 256

  Microsort, 468n

  Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA), 256

  Midcycle spotting. See Ovulatory spotting

  Milligan, Spike, 163

  Miscarriages, 23–24, 260–67

  causes of, 263–66

  charting of fertility signs and, 75

  dropping temperatures after positive pregnancy test, 388

  medical response to, 262

  pregnancy loss beyond vaginal, 266, 267

  preventive treatments, 263–66

  recurrent, 263, 265, 266, 267

  waking temperature and, 195, 198, 199

  warning signs of, 261–62

  Missed miscarriages, 267

  Missionary sexual position, 216, 308

  Mittelschmerz, 70, 283, 338, 399

  Molar pregnancy, 267

  Mons pubis, 38

  Mood stabilizers, 323

  Morrow, Skip, 210

  Mucinex Expectorant, 218

  Mucus. See Cervical fluid

  Multiple ovulation, 47–48, 48n, 208, 400

  Multiple sclerosis, 275

  Multivitamins, 141, 147

  Mumps, 257, 264

  Mycoplasma, 264

  Nabothian cysts, 101, 282, 390

  National Women’s Health Information Center, 475

  Natural Family Planning (NFP), 5, 7, 413–20. See also Birth control with FAM

  abstinence from sex, 396

  cervical position and, 419

  contraceptive effectiveness, 413–20

  effectiveness of, 415–16

  motivation and responsibility, 416–17

  politics of, 7–8, 11–16

  providers, resources, 473

  risk continuum and, 418–19

  while breastfeeding, 448

  Natural killer (NK) cells, 266

  Neural tube defects, 214

  Neurotransmitters, 323

  Nicotine, 214–15, 255

  Niddah, 226–27

  Night lighting, 148

  Night-shift work, and charting waking temperature, 96

  Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 135

  Norepinephrine, 323

  Norplant, 13

  Nuns’ urine, 247n

  Nutrition. See Diet

  Obesity, 137, 138, 139

  Optivite PMT, 150, 320

  Oral sex (cunnilingus), 305, 307

  Orgasm, 37, 38, 39–40

  difficulty in achieving, 306–7

  female ejaculation, 309

  how to experience, 302–5

  increasing chances during intercourse, 307

  man’s role, 313–14

  positions best stimulating the clitoris, 308–9

  triggering ovulation, 400

  Osteoporosis, 123, 270, 327, 334

  Our Bodies, Ourselves (book), 347, 351

  Ova (ovum), 36, 408

  survival time, 312, 403

  OvaCue Fertility Monitor, 192

  Ovarian cancer, 242n, 285

  Ovarian cysts, 119, 125, 126–31, 284

  Ovarian drilling, 142, 253

  Ovarian reserve, 238–40, 241

  Ovarian reserve tests, 237, 240

  Ovarian stimulation, in IVF, 247

  Ovarian surgery, 126, 131, 157, 226

  Ovarian wedge resection, 143, 253

  Ovaries, 36

  Over-the-counter drugs, for PMS, 321

  Ovulation, 48–49, 407–10. See also Anovulation

  cervical position and, 66–67

  charting cycles, 117, 118

  on Day 14 of cycle, 399

See Delayed ovulation

  disorders of, 271

  drugs to stimulate, 23, 242, 243, 251, 253

  “feel” of, 399

  frequently asked questions, 399–400

  menstrual cycle and, 46–48, 399, 400

  multiple, 47–48, 48n, 208, 400

  sexual arousal and, 400

  side on which ovulation occurs, 69–70

  signs of, 68–69, 399–400, 455–56

  stress and, 121, 173, 223, 373

  waking temperature and, 62, 63, 195, 196

  Ovulation detection methods, 192–93

  Ovulation predictor kits (OPK), 190

  birth control with FAM and, 170, 176

  menopause and, 331

  misleading information, 23, 190–92

  ovulation in relation to, 68

  Ovulatory drugs, 23, 242, 243, 251, 253

  Ovulatory pain. See Mittelschmerz

  Ovulatory (midcycle) spotting, 27, 68, 69, 227, 294, 294, 338, 366

  OV-Watch Fertility Predictor, 193

  Pain. See also Mittelschmerz

  during intercourse, 310, 391

  at midcycle, 69–70, 283, 338

  normal cycle-related vs. abnormal, 283–84, 292

  “Palatability,” language of, 8–9

  Pap tests, 232, 289, 291

  Parlodel, 243

  Partial breastfeeding, 444, 449

  Parvovirus, 264

  Patch Rule, 455, 457, 462, 463

  PC muscles, 83

  PCOS. See Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  Peak Day

  anovulatory cycles and, 87

  birth control with FAM and, 172–73, 177, 179

  determination of, 86–89, 107–8

  Patch Day and, 459

  pregnancy achievement and, 205, 206, 209

  Peak Day Rule, 172–73, 179, 181, 425

  Pelvic exams, 230, 289, 291

  Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 232, 274, 284, 297, 300

  Penis, 41, 306

  Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA), 256

  Percutaneous vas deferens sperm aspiration (PVSA), 256

  Pergonal, 247, 247n

  Perimenopause, 326

  Perineum, 38

  Petroleum jelly, 216

  Pharmaceutical companies, 7–8, 332

  Ph balance, 37, 215

  Phthalates, 149

  Physical exams, 230, 254, 289

  chart, 290, 517

  Pill, the, 7, 16

  anovulation and, 115, 461

  cervical fluid and, 104, 370

  charting of fertility signs and, 75, 104–5

  disruptions following discontinuation of, 104–5

  how it works, 403

  method failure and user failure, 14–16, 414, 414n

  PCOS and, 140, 142

  premenstrual syndrome and, 318

  ramifications of, 346–48

  Pituitary gland, 104, 223, 241, 406

  Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 474

  PMS. See Premenstrual syndrome

  Point of Change, 53, 55, 79


  of natural birth control, 7–8, 11–16

  of pregnancy achievement, 17–24

  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), 125, 137–43


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