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Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3)

Page 14

by Vera Quinn

  “Duke, we need to get this over with and get out of here. We didn’t get that call from Kim and she should have already called. Stone isn’t picking up. I planted the stuff outside to make it look like the Rebellions 4Blood MC did this. I keep watching the road but nothing. It’s daylight. Anyone could show up.” I see Em’s feet in the hall. She is out of their eyesight, but then she is gone. Good if they just keep disagreeing, she will have time to get out and be safe. They can kill me. Em and my son need to be safe. I just hope KD is safe. What these pricks don’t know is Callie had Bourbon and Rye’s men watching her. Even if they made a move, she had extra security and Devil knew that. I have to believe they are okay. I know Callie will protect Kellan and KD with her life. My priority is Em. If she didn’t get out, I am going to spank her ass. She knows to protect herself and let me worry about me. I look at the clock, another five minutes and someone from the club should be here.

  “I am going to savor putting this piece of shit in his place, Cuz. Then I am going to blow his shit away. It’s his fault I lost my club. That little red headed fucker was his club’s weak link, and he was so easy to distract. All it took was a yelping dog. All the fuckers will be at the hospital with him. He was a tough little shit though. Tougher than I thought. He took a beat down and kept coming back. It took a bullet to the gut for him to stay down.” I was supposed to meet Shield and Tazer at the club to go to the hospital with them. Brain was there, too. “I’m going to get the little woman. It’s time we get acquainted.” Please be gone. Woman you better be gone. Duke is making his way down the hall. Staggering the whole way. Then I hear a gun go off and at the same time the back door busts open. I push off the table with my foot so the chair goes over and shots are fired. It’s over almost before it starts. The man Duke called Cuz is dead, bleeding out on my kitchen floor. Tazer is standing over him and ZMan is trying to help me up. All I am worried about is Em. Shield is walking down the hall with a phone to his ear and Trigger is coming down behind him carrying Em. She is holding her stomach like she is in pain. ZMan finally gets my gag out.

  “Is she ok? Did she get shot?” Zman has my feet undone and is starting on my hands.

  “No brother, she’s in labor.” Trigger tells me.

  “Are you ok, Cam? I was worried. I was coming in here to tell you my water broke. I heard the strange voices so I was quiet. I was sneaking down the hall. I just knew they were going to hear me.” Em is crying and I am trying to get loose to get to her

  “It’s okay, babe. Why didn’t you go out the damn window? I’ve told you. Think of our son first. He is more important than both of us.” She jerks back, and I want to get to her and comfort her.

  “What do you mean go out the damn window. I was having labor pains every few minutes and fluids leaking out of me. This isn’t my fault. These people are here because of you. I heard what he said, he was going to kill our son because of some damn shit between clubs. It had nothing to do with me. I’m not some damn super chick.” Em is writhing in pain and I wish I could take it away, above that she is pissed at me. ZMan finally has me undone.

  “Thank you, brother. You got here just in time. Trigger give her to me. I’ll carry her to the car so we can get her to the hospital.” I try to take her and she pulls away.

  “Will you carry me, Trigger?” I look at him and he shakes his head no to her.

  “Sorry, Em. You are Chief’s woman, I can’t do that.” Trigger hands her to me. As soon as she is in my arms she stiffens up.

  “Isn’t the ambulance on the way?” Then she balls up, and I almost lose her from her being unbalanced. Trigger steadies us.

  “We can’t call an ambulance. The cops will come with it. I’ll take you in my SUV.” I just want to calm down before I say something I can’t take back.

  “So you are bitching at me for not going out the damn window, but I can’t go in an ambulance for our son’s safety. If something happened the EMT would be there.” I know Em is in pain, but she just needs to get in my SUV so we can get to the hospital.

  “Woman, I have to protect the club first.” Em jerks again, but this time I catch what I have said. She goes completely still and I notice everyone is staring at me. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “Actually Chief, I think you just spoke the truth for the first time since we met. Now will you put me down, or I will jump and we will both fall.” Em is calm. Too calm. I set her down on her feet and she makes her way to the table. Joy walks in the back door and I know she has heard at least part of what has been going on. “Joy will you take me to the hospital so Chief can take care of his club. I need to go and have my son.” Joy takes Em’s hand and they start for the door.

  “I’m going, too.” Em looks at me with so much hurt in her eyes I can almost feel it.

  “Take care of your club and I’ll take care of my son.” She looks at the floor and Joy is moving her towards the door.

  “I’ll be right behind you. I need to make sure everything is taken care of here. It’s your first baby, so it’ll take a while.” Joy gives me a go to hell look, but I really don’t care what she thinks. I won’t be ten minutes behind them.

  “I’ll be right behind you.” Neither of them look at me, but everyone else is.

  “Chief, if you don’t want to lose that woman you need to go. She deserves better than this.” Driller is calmly saying it, but I feel his anger trying to get out.

  “She’ll be fine until I get there. I need to find out about Callie, KD, and Kellan. Duke said Kim and Stone were going to go after them tonight.” Driller is looking like he doesn’t believe what I am saying.

  “Do you know what I would do if Laurie could be going through labor with a child of ours? I never thought I would say this, but you are a real bastard.” Driller looks disappointed in me, but he doesn’t know the responsibilities I have. I can’t let the cops find two dead men in my house with my brother’s bullets in them. I have done this job for the last decade or so and it is who I am. Em has to understand that.

  “Devil called a few minutes ago. He and Callie are on their way here. They are bringing KD and Kellan here. Kim and Stone are gone. Devil had to shoot Kim. She was trying to kidnap Kellan. Callie and Devil both had her in their sights and Devil shot her so Callie didn’t have to. He winged her. Callie would have killed her. Steel put a beat down on Stone. Stone hit Kat and Steel went crazy on him. Devil said Stone had the drop on Steel, but when he back handed Kat, Steel went crazy on him. Steel is getting his club back in line, but Devil put Callie and the boys first and is making them come here. He wants Callie and Kellan to be safe so he can go back and help Steel. They also wanted KD with his dad. Bourbon and Rye are helping the Feral Steel MC hunt them down. I never thought I would respect Devil, but I do.” Trigger is saying this to try to get me to go to the hospital. He’s right. I need to go, but I have to do one thing first.

  “You’re both right.” Driller and Trigger both look shocked. “I’m going and I hope Em will forgive me. Driller take charge. Tazer let’s ride. Time to see your brother born. Driller be sure and let Callie know where we are and put double security on this house. Who is with Killman?” They all look at me.

  “He didn’t make it. Hammer and Cutter are with his parents.” Tazer was close to Killman. “Felix is with them too.” Oh shit. Felix is going to be devastated. After our son is born I need to go and see them.

  “Let’s get to the hospital. Trigger, you or Driller get Devil to the side and tell him so he can tell Callie. She is going to be devastated.” They nod their heads and Tazer and I leave so we can get to the hospital to see my son born. The ride to the hospital helped clear my head. How could I have said those things to Em? I have a lot to make up for.

  As soon as we get to the maternity ward, I see Joy in a waiting room and we go over to her. “What the hell are you doing here now for? Don’t you have to take care of your club first? Em doesn’t even rate on your loyalties.” Joy walks up to me and before I know it she raises her hand, but I ca
tch it before it comes down on my face.

  “Woman, what the hell do you think your trying to do? Do not ever try that shit again or you will pick your ass up off the ground.” I see the pain in her eyes. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Why you are taking care of your precious club, my sister and her son may die!” Joy breaks out in tears, and Tazer steps up and takes her in his arms. She almost falls down, but he catches her.

  “Where is my wife and what are you talking about?” Joy can’t quit crying, then a nurse comes in.

  “Are you Mr. Black?” She looks at me like I am the scum of the earth. Right now I feel like the scum of the earth.

  “Yes, I am.” I need to for Em to be okay.

  “Dr. LaTortue is in with Mrs. Black now. I’m sorry, but because of the complications you will not be allowed in. As soon as the nurses finish with your son, he will be brought to the nursery and you can see him. Mrs. Black’s blood pressure is dangerously elevated and when she was having contractions the baby’s heart was under duress. He also was not turned correctly and your wife was not progressing as she should have, so Dr. LaTortue is performing a c-section. Normally you would still be able to be in there, but because of the other factors, she is not comfortable doing this. Someone will keep you updated on that phone.” She points to a phone on the table. “It shouldn’t be too long, and your son will be here. He will be brought to the nursery and checked out and then you will be able to hold him if everything is alright. Any questions?” She looks at Joy. That just pisses me off.

  “How is my wife?” She looks from Joy to me.

  “Mr. Black, do you want me to be blunt, or sugar coat it?” What the hell is she talking about?

  “Nurse” I look at her name tag. “Nurse Fouse, what the hell is the attitude about? If you have something to say, spit it out.”

  “Alright Mr. Black. When Mrs. Black arrived she not only was having contractions strongly and very close together, but her water had broken and she was very upset. She was crying and we thought she couldn’t handle the labor pains. Some first time mothers are that way. More nervous, so they just can’t handle it. But upon further questions and checking her, we found her blood pressure was very elevated. She was hysterical. When we had her change from her street clothes she had scrapes up and down her right leg. When we inquired what could have happened, she would say nothing. She also was not dilated correctly. As in none. C-sections are done daily, and I’m praying your wife will be fine, but her distress when she came in was much more. Since her husband was absent, it had to have factored into the stress level she was in. Stress, Mr. Black, does not mix well with labor and giving birth. You said to give it to you straight and I hope your stress level can handle it.” The contempt the woman was feeling for me was coming through loud and clear, and to tell you the truth, I felt the same way about myself.

  “Nurse Fouse, is that your professional opinion or should we get your supervisor?” Tazer is pissed. “I’ll be sure to let Dr. LaTortue know exactly what your update entailed.” He is glaring at the nurse.

  “Dr. LaTortue will be out to talk to you as soon as she is finished up. Be sure to be around.” With that Nurse Fouse leaves.

  “Joy, what in the hell happened between our house to here? It has only been.” I look at my watch. What seemed like only a few minutes has actually been two and a half hours. Well, hell. It was almost eleven am, so she had been at the hospital for two and a half hours without me.

  “I couldn’t get her to calm down. She kept crying and saying you just jumped to the conclusion she wouldn’t try to get out the window. I think she was in shock or something. I told you she was not used to this damn life. She’s not used to people breaking in her house and trying to kill her husband, and seeing a man killed in front of her. Her water broke and it’s her first baby and her husband was yelling at her. Then you had me bring her to the hospital. It’s like you abandoned her. I don’t know, Chief. You always take care of things, but you as much as told her, the club comes before her and your son. She couldn’t handle it.” Joy looks at the floor. “I think when this is over and Em and the baby are ok, that you need to walk away from them. You aren’t cut out to be married, and she isn’t cut out for this life.” Joy gets up and walks across the waiting room and starts texting on her phone. Maybe she is right.

  “This isn’t your fault dad. This is Duke’s fault. Don’t let that self-righteous bitch get in your head. Em and the baby will be fine. She said this procedure is done all the time.” Tazer is trying to reassure me. I see Callie come through the door and I feel the rage of a father as I look at her bruised face. Trigger and Shield are right behind her. Where is Devil? Why isn’t he protecting his ol’ lady? Just as I think it, I feel a ton of guilt descend upon me. I just wanted to kill Devil for not being with Callie, but I had sent someone else with my own ol’ lady to the hospital. What kind of screwed up is that?

  “Dad, how is Em?” Then she sees Joy sitting across the room and looks back at me.

  “We are waiting to see. They are doing a C-section. Baby’s heart was under distress when she had labor pains. She wasn’t dilating properly. Her blood pressure was way up and her water had already broken.” She takes my hand and then she kisses my cheek. Callie is more than a daughter to me. She has grown into one of my best friends, and she always knows what I need and that kiss helped. It was just understanding. Now I sound like some pussy, but Callie never judges me and I love her for that. “Who do I need to kill for marking your beautiful face?” She smiles. She sits back in her chair and lowers her voice.

  “As you know, Kim and Stone hit us last night, but they weren’t alone. Steel and Kylar have trouble in the Feral Steel MC, and Steel has problems with Kat. Kylar brought the boys and me here and turned around and went back. Buzz and Ax were with us. Uncle Bourbon and Rye are helping Steel. I don’t know everything, but the club is split and the ones following Stone are on the run. Kim was trying to take Kellan and KD. She had Leads with her. Me and him fought, and I shot him. My gun was knocked away when she hit me with a pipe. We fought. She had a knife and was going to stab me, I knocked it out of her hand. I got to my gun and was going to shoot her, but Kylar came in and winged her. This was at our house. Stone was at Steel and Kat’s house. I don’t have all the details, but Stone got the upper hand and he would have killed Steel, but he wanted his ma to go with them and she said no. Stone made the mistake of hitting Kat, and when he did, Steel went apeshit crazy on him and beat the hell out of him. Steel thought it was just Kim, Stone, and Leads who split from the club. He and Kylar took Kim and Stone to the clubhouse and locked them up, but when they went back they were gone. Fugulist and Pick are gone, too. They don’t know if that is as far as it goes or not. Kylar wanted to stay, but I told him no. You gave Devil the heads up about Kim and Stone, but Tito found out about Leads. Tito had been keeping surveillance on them and he had protected all the accounts from Stone. So they are on the run, but all the assets they have are what they have personally. They just don’t know who exactly to trust. They are trusting the officers and everyone else is considered questionable. They are gathering the wagons so to speak, but Kat is torn. She is worried about Kim and Stone. By the way, the boys are great. They slept through it. Kelsey, Chelsea, and Laurie have them at your clubhouse. Uncle Trent has everyone on lockdown.” I know there is more, but she looks nervous. Callie does not get nervous. She has more cool under pressure than most men.

  “Spill it, Baby Girl.” She looks troubled now.

  “I called Krill and asked if he could come and maybe help. He said he was tied up so I called Diamondback. I know you don’t like him, and it wasn’t my place to call, but my son was involved and Kylar and you may be too proud, but when it comes to Kellan and KD’s safety, I will do what I think is right. Kylar yelled and raised hell and it is your turn now. Give it to me, tell me it is club business and not mine and it will do absolutely no good. Kellan is my son and KD is my baby brother, I will do what I think is ri
ght to protect them and the more eyes and resources available the better. So go ahead and let it rip. I’m woman enough to take it.” She has that same stubborn look on her face as she did when she was little.

  “So Kylar tore you a new one over it?” She gives me a crack of a smile

  “To be quiet honest dad, it was mostly stress from the situation. I understand. His position in the Feral Steel MC puts a lot of stress and responsibility on him in situations like this. He doesn’t want the club to look weak and me asking other clubs for assistance could look that way, even if the other clubs are family. I get it, but that doesn’t mean I will ignore my gut feeling to ask for help so he can focus on doing his job instead of babysitting me and the boys. This isn’t my first rodeo. He’ll calm down when everything gets back to some sort of normal. His job is to protect the club. Mine is to support him and protect my boys.” She glances at me and smiles bigger. “Of course, he did say when I was back home he was going to redden my ass. Can’t say that was much of a deterrent.” She did not just say that. I look at her and she breaks out laughing. Everyone around us has not been able to hear the conversation, so they are staring at her. Joy gives her a hard glare. Callie just broke a big stress block for me, and I feel straight headed again for the first time since my feet hit the kitchen floor.


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