Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3)

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Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3) Page 18

by Vera Quinn

  I have been so engrossed with what we were doing that I didn’t realize everyone else is standing back. Rye and Bourbon have moved over beside each other and have their heads together. It seems odd to me they are not checking on their brother, but people deal with things differently, so I try not to over think it at the time. I see ZMan is eyeing them though, so are Cutter and Trigger. This situation is tearing the BlackPath MC apart. I get up and approach Rye, get my phone, and dial 911. He doesn’t stop me but he doesn’t like it. “What are you doing boy?” I’ve had enough of this situation. I knock the gun out of his hand and ZMan picks it up. I get in his face and let all my frustration flow onto him. “If this situation had been handled differently, this wouldn’t have happened, but you three are always handling things without the rest of the club. Now you can see what happens when we don’t work together. Whiskey is dead. I have to tell Grandma Sue her son is dead. I have to tell Callie and Ty their grandpa is dead. You three, with the help of Ace, have torn this club apart. Whoever sent Ace in here has achieved exactly what they meant to. No one trusts either of you. Hell we don’t even trust each other completely. How are we supposed to go forward from here as a club? Trust is the foundation of the BlackPath MC, and now there is none. We might as well disassemble and shut and lock the front doors. If you can’t get your head out of your asses and understand that, then you two are the ones that will hold us back. We are going legal. No more transportation of illegal arms or drugs. We’ll put it to a vote. You can either help your brothers, or get out of the way.” I know I am taking everything out on my uncles, but if they had just let this club work the way it is meant to Whiskey might not be bleeding all over the floor. Just as I am thinking this, there are shots outside, and the window is blasted open with a gas bomb. We scramble to get our guns, and the side of the wall is in flames. Trigger pulls Whiskey away from the window and Driller is trying to beat the fire out, but it is spreading. Slim has the fire extinguisher and puts it out. Rye gets the doors open, so we are crawling around on our bellies trying to get out. ZMan puts Whiskey over his shoulder and runs out of the room with bullets following from the window. I follow him and close the door shut. Everyone gets out. Driller has blood running down his arm and Hammer has been hit in the leg. If we had had more than two windows in that room, the outcome would have been a whole lot worse. I still have my phone, and I start calling Grandma Sue to tell her to lock it down until we can get there. Fortunately, Laurie was there with her to help. Grandma Sue has been in this life a long time and she is one tough cookie, so I know she can handle it until we get there. I pass the phone to Telly so he can contact everyone else. He can send one of those joint texts that I know nothing about, so more people can be warned.

  Rye hands everyone their guns back and we are out the doors looking for the bastards that thought they could attack the BlackPath MC with no payback. There will be payback. There is no one anywhere, but there is a knife in the front door with a note telling us to get out because the Dirty Rapture MC is taking over our territory and this is our only warning. I feel a rage taking over my body. I know if it is the last thing I do that I will put every one of those bastards in the ground. Whiskey’s death will be avenged and the BlackPath MC will not give up one inch of our territory.

  “Rye, call a lock down. I want everyone here within the hour.” I hear the ambulance in the background and I know we will have this place swarming with people before long. “No, make that my place. Bourbon, get the weapons and take them to my house. Don’t ask questions, just do it now. We have no time to talk about it.” Rye is on the phone and Bourbon has two of the prospects working with him. “Driller, take the other two prospects and stock the house in all the food and supplies we will need for two weeks. ZMan, get to your room and clean up. Trigger, when the law gets here can you deal with them?”

  “Do you really trust me to do that? I mean the whole thing started with Whiskey, Bourbon, and Rye not trusting me.” I look at Trigger and I know he has a point, but I never mistrusted Trigger.

  “You’re the only one I trust with it. I never doubted you for a second.” Trigger looks like he accepts it as fact.

  “When this is over, things have to change or I have to walk away. I don’t trust Bourbon and Rye. They had their heads together right after Whiskey was shot and Rye took the weapons from Ace. He should have checked him for more weapons. In fact, he should have checked us both if they didn’t trust us.” I just don’t have the time for this right now. “We’ll vote after this is over, and my vote goes to you for President. Rye’s going to want it, but he is not a leader, you are. He’s the VP and should be taking charge right now, but he is useless in this kind of situation. Him and Bourbon both have always been followers, not leaders. You are a natural born leader just like Whiskey was. I’ll take care of the cops this time, but after this, never again.” I know now Trigger’s days are numbered. The rest I just don’t want to think about until all our loved ones are safe and Whiskey’s death is avenged. “I’d almost bet Bourbon and Rye are connected to this and I aim to prove it. Whiskey was like a dad to me, and I will bring his killers to justice.”

  “Trigger, the only kind of justice I am looking for is club justice, and the law has nothing to do with that. Bourbon and Rye are family just like you, so we need to trust them right now. I trust them with my life, even above that, my family’s lives. Just drop it before you say something you can’t take back.” The friction I thought was between Rye and Trigger has leaked over onto Bourbon. This will be dealt with after we have done what we have to.

  Chapter 2


  It takes nearly the entire day to deal with getting Whiskey’s body taken care of with Trigger dealing with the Sherriff’s office, but it is finally done. Grandma Sue already knew Whiskey was gone. I saw the sadness in her eyes, but I never saw her shed a tear. Grandma Sue has lost a lot of people in her life, she just bottles it up and deals. When it comes time to say her good-byes, she’ll let it out. Right now she knows she has to keep it together for everyone else. Especially Ty and Callie. Whiskey and my children had a special bond. They got a side of him no one else did. I wouldn’t call it a soft side, but an affectionate side. He loved spending time with them, teaching them things, and telling them stories. Ty and Callie were strong when I told them. Callie looked like she wanted to cry, but she watched her brother and he didn’t, so she wouldn’t let herself, either. Ty took her by the hand and read her a book until she fell asleep. My children are strong and Whiskey helped make them that way.

  The clubhouse is a crime scene, so we can’t return there for a while. We have set up office in my garage. Everyone has hunkered down in my house. Good thing it is big. That is, everyone but Bourbon and Rye. They have talked to Grandma Sue and they attend the meetings, but come nighttime they leave. I know they have a cabin not far away they are staying in. It’s where they have lived for the last twenty years when they weren’t at the clubhouse. My house is too full for them, and they don’t like being closed in at night. Whiskey was the same way. Telly has found some information out about the Dirty Rapture MC, but for some reason I don’t trust it. My gut is telling me it’s setup. I don’t know if Telly is involved, or if it is just bad information, but for six months we have not been able to get intel about them, and now all of a sudden we can. No, too much of a coincidence. Telly has been our intel man for going on twenty years. He has been a good brother, so I am hoping it is just bad information. I have a bad feeling he is involved.

  I set up a meeting with Trigger, ZMan, Driller, and Hammer. I will inform Rye and Bourbon when they arrive in the morning. I want everyone to be aware of my feelings, but I want to keep it the people I trust completely. As soon as the last one is in, I try to keep my voice as low as possible so we are not overheard. “I don’t trust Telly’s intel. I’m not accusing him or anyone. It’s just a gut feeling. It’s too easy.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking. How do we all of a sudden get intel we have been trying to ge
t for six months? I’m with you, gut feeling.” Trigger lets everyone know his feelings right off.

  “We have no other intel man. How do we check it out without accusing Telly? Bourbon and Rye are not going to like it. They have been tight for a long time. They go way back.” ZMan puts in.

  “What about Hammer’s nephew? He’s young, but he is smart with anything that has to do with electronics. He built his own damn computer system. He took a bunch of old computers and made one that he can do anything on. He’s way ahead of his time.” Driller is right. The kid is only a teenager, but he is smart.

  “That’s a good idea. Who agrees?” They all nod their heads yes.

  “Okay. It’s a go. I will stall Telly. Driller update Hammer and get the kid to work. Two guys go to him. Driller, you and Hammer would be good. See what you can find out. I wish we could get his phone, but that thing is so big it would be hard to sneak it. He hasn’t updated to the smaller phone yet.” Telly may be our intel man, but he is stuck in his ways. “I’ll update Bourbon and Rye as soon as they get here and I can get them alone.” All the brothers look at each other. “What?”

  “We know we have to deal with this first, but afterwards we want a vote. Bourbon and Rye have not taken control like they should have when Whiskey was taken out. We think it is time for a change in the ranks. We want you as our new President. You have taken charge and we all trust you.” Everyone is looking straight at me, except Trigger. He is looking at his feet, that is a sign he has something to say.

  “I still think Bourbon and Rye are hiding something. I will get to the bottom of it if I have to start an investigation myself, officially.” I knew this was coming.

  “Trigger, can we just table this until our asses have finished this. I will tell you again that Bourbon and Rye would not betray Whiskey. Now just shelf it.” I am getting pissed at his insistence with no proof.

  “Okay, brother. Until this is over.” Maybe we can get this taken care of so we can bury my father.

  “I’m with Chief. No way would either of my uncles turn on Dad.” Driller is as hostile as I am towards Trigger’s idea.

  “So plan is set. Driller and Hammer go to Brian. Chief, you are bringing Bourbon and Rye up to date. We get this taken care of so we can bury Whiskey in the style he deserves.” ZMan sums it up.

  Chapter 3


  It’s been three days. We found out Telly is a traitor, and Brian found out exactly how to take out the Dirty Rapture MC without even being there, or risking our lives. It took a lot of convincing to get Bourbon and Rye to see that Telly was working with Ace to bring us down from the inside. Then after we convinced them, it took us all to keep them from killing him. We need him to keep feeding the Dirty Rapture information so we can get everything set up. Tonight is the night we end them all.

  We convinced Brian to prospect for us. After the shock wore off that we wanted him in, he was all for it. Brian will take Tally’s spot.

  Tonight we are to attack the Dirty Rapture MC compound. We know they are expecting us, so no family will be there. They think they are going to ambush us, so they will all be there. Telly told us it would be only prospects there tonight so it would be a good time to attack. It’s all I can do not to rip his head off. As time ticks by, the need to see him suffer grows. I’m watching the clock. We have all our bikes ready to go. Bourbon, Rye, and ZMan are the only ones not here, but that is normal. They are the only ones that have left the last two days.

  I watch the clock and just as the time closes in, all the brothers are in my garage. We have put all the women and children in the safe room. Two prospects and Telly are supposed to stay behind to protect them. As it closes in on the hour, my phone rings. Driller and Trigger are either side of Telly, so I answer and the voice on the other end comes in loud and clear. “Mission accomplished. No one came out alive.” That was it. It’s time to finish this.

  “Telly, all of your friends are dead. All of them. That was ZMan, and their clubhouse that was supposed to be close to empty was full. Now it is blown to hell. No survivors.” Telly looks nervous. He now notices Driller and Trigger are close enough to touch him. Trigger grabs his gun from his back and Driller does a quick pat down.

  “I had no choice. I was deeply in debt to them and it was the only way I could repay the debt and stay alive.” Tally is nervous and can barely talk.

  “What was the debt for?” No one could owe that much money to betray your family.

  “Gambling. It started on a few games a week and then I went to the ponies. I just got in deeper than I could get out.” Tally is trying to make excuses for himself.

  “We would have helped you if you had asked. Instead, you betrayed us and now blood has spilled because of your weakness. Driller tie him up and lock him in the shed. I’m going to tell Grandma Sue they can come out. Tomorrow we will all move back to the clubhouse. It was released today and all the repairs will be temporarily fixed tomorrow. There’s more room there. Then we will give Whiskey his send off.” I get up and move towards the garage door, but Trigger follows.

  “I still think Rye and Bourbon had more to do with this.” I have had enough of this.

  “When we get to the clubhouse tomorrow we will vote on everything. New officers, Bourbon and Rye, what to do with Telly, and if you stay or go.” Trigger looks shocked, but I am giving him what he asked for. I am too tired to worry about it right now. Trigger is my oldest friend and I love him like a brother, but he has to make up his own mind if he stays or goes. If he walks he will no longer be my friend. No one turns their back on the club when we need them, and that is exactly how he is acting. Bourbon and Rye may be complete assholes, but they would never harm their brother. Trigger will have to accept that or walk away.

  Chapter 4


  It was a long, rough night. Bourbon, Rye, and ZMan returned to the house in the wee hours of the morning. They looked worn, like they had been in a war zone, and to be truthful I guess they had. Bourbon and Rye had spent the rest of the morning with Grandma Sue, which is unusual.

  We returned to the clubhouse around ten and by twelve we are sitting in Whiskey’s old office. It seems surreal he is gone. Day after tomorrow we lay him to rest. His body has finally been released from the autopsy.

  All the brothers are sitting around. Rye stands behind the desk and whistles to get everyone’s attention. Bourbon is to his right and Slim to his left. Trigger is standing over by himself. Everyone turns to Rye. “We’re going to make this easy for everyone. Bourbon, Slim, and myself want to branch out to Oklahoma and make the BlackPath Warriors MC. I know this will take a vote. I have some land up there and all I would be asking from the club here is back-up if we need it. There are no other clubs there. It’s in the mountains. We need a change and I think we all know this is what is best for the BlackPath MC.” He takes a breath. “I’m asking for a vote but we would like our votes to count for the officers.” They are still members.

  “I vote yes.” Driller is the first to vote and we all follow behind with yes votes.

  “Thank you. I think this is what is best for everyone. Any one of you is welcome to come with us, or just to visit.” Bourbon puts in.

  “I vote Chief for President. It’s what Whiskey would expect. It’s what was meant to be. He has showed in the last week he is a natural born leader and he will put the club first.” Rye starts the vote and all votes are yes. I’m not sure I am ready, but it is in my blood and in my soul. Rye moves over and I take his place. Then I see Trigger moving forward and I hate what is about to happen, but there is nothing I can do to change it.

  “I want to be voted out for now. I believe some of the members here had something to do with Whiskey’s death and no one can change my mind. I will not accuse anyone now, but I will prove it and I will have them prosecuted. Whiskey was like a father to me and I can’t just drop it.” Trigger is walking on thin ice, but for some reason Rye is calm today.

  “Son, I know you think we had somet
hing to do with it, but I guarantee we didn’t. I’m glad you want to get to the bottom of it, but you will find nothing. I know this comes from a good place, but you are chasing ghosts that aren’t there.” Rye looks at Trigger like he feels sorry for him.

  “Well, Rye. You’re right, I do believe that. I’m not your son or anything else. If it takes to my dying day I will be waiting for you to fuck up.” Trigger just crossed a line he can’t go back from.

  “I vote for Trigger to be considered nomad, and he can’t return unless he apologizes to the club.” It’s the only way I know of saving Blake from Rye’s bullet. The vote carries forward. He removes his cut and walks out of the club and our lives. I lost Tommy to an early death and Blake to his badge. My two best friends are gone.

  We continue to vote for new officers. Driller moves to VP. ZMan is voted SAA. Brain is prospecting, but as soon as he is finished he will be our intel man. Hammer is older but we all want him as our treasurer. He is fast with numbers and knows a good investment when he sees it. Hambone takes the road captain position and Cutter is the secretary. We have plenty of prospects, so our club will grow. We vote to rebuild the church room and build onto the clubhouse. We also vote to go completely legit. We have plenty of businesses to keep us prosperous.

  The next vote is an easy one. What happens to Telly? Bourbon steps up and takes the floor. “Let us take care of him. Whiskey was our blood brother and we always had each other’s backs. Rye and I should take care of him. The club wants to go legit, so let us take care of it.” I agree they should. I would love to do it, but if I want to lead us into being legit then this is how I need to lead.


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