Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4)

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Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4) Page 3

by Sarah J. Stone

  “I do, but I’m not sure how to take it.”

  Did she know he was a dragon? “Callie, how am I different?”

  She glared and shifted from one foot to the other. “Is this a trick or some twisted game for you?”

  He held his hands out. “I just want to know what you’ve figured out–and how. I don’t remember telling you anything. And if you really knew, wouldn’t you have run away by now?” A human wouldn’t understand. She couldn’t know. Maybe she just thought she figured out something about him.

  “I should have. By gosh, I’m certifiable. But I can’t stand the thought of being away from you. It’s clouding my judgement. You shouldn’t have this pull over me. Yet, here I stand, more curious than ever.” She blew out a breath and shoved her hair out of her face. “How did you end up out cold on that bench?”

  He liked the sound of her not wanting to be away from him, but he didn’t want her thinking she was crazy. He wished he could tell her the truth that he didn’t have to keep his mission to himself. He sighed and reached out to touch her. She still didn’t flinch as he ran a finger along her jaw. “I wish I knew. I don’t know how I lost time and ended up unconscious.” That wasn’t a lie. She leaned into his touch, and all he wanted to do was pull her into his arms; so he did, and to his surprise, she came willingly and wrapped her arms around him. She laid her head against his chest and sighed. He lowered his chin to the top of her head and let out a breath he felt like he’d been holding onto forever.

  “This is right.”

  Damn it, why did it have to be right? He’d never felt such peace, and now he worried it would get ripped away from him. But he gave himself this moment to enjoy her.

  “You’re a dragon,” she whispered.

  He almost didn’t hear her, that’s how quiet she spoke, but not much could get past his enhanced hearing. Part of being a dragon.

  “I am.” He tensed, expecting her to shove him away at any second, but instead, she cuddled closer. “Does that frighten you, Callie?”

  She stepped back, but only enough to look up. Her eyes were soft and inviting. Her face was flushed, and her skin seemed to glow. She licked her lips, and her heartbeat sped up. He didn’t sense any fear coming from her, but there was something else.

  “I should be. In fact, I should run for the hills, but I can’t. I’ve always felt like there was something huge missing from my life. And I think you might be it.”

  Her voice was so soft, but assured. She seemed as though she was nervous he might turn her away.

  And he had no choice but to do exactly that soon.

  She was perfect, and the fact that she didn’t seem bothered that he wasn’t mortal was something he could have never dreamed of. It certainly wasn’t a common reaction, he was sure. Not that he had lived among humans. But he’d heard horror stories through his years of confinement.

  “You’re amazing.”

  “I don’t understand something, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Why was I able to communicate with one of your beasts? She seemed quite adamant that I was meant to be her host.”

  “I don’t know.” That didn’t make much sense to him either. It shouldn’t have been possible. “I woke up barely dressed on a bench in a place I’ve never been. I know you’re mine. I know that I’m here for reasons besides you as well. I feel the magic in this small town. But other than that–”

  “You’re at a loss,” she said finishing his sentence.

  “Yes.” It wasn’t entirely a lie. He was at a loss. He hadn’t expected anything that had happened thus far. First, his mate, and then a town loaded with powerful dragon magic. He could feel the call of it. It almost seemed more powerful than the demon magic.


  He shook his head, not willing to go there, not until he knew more.

  She didn’t hesitate. “Of course. I have a ton of questions, and I know you can’t answer them yet, but we need to find someone who can. I need to know what it means to be one of you. Is it even really possible?”

  His eyes widened, and his brows raised. That’s something he knew he’d remember telling her. “She spoke to you then?”

  “Yes. That’s how I found out what you are, but I don’t know how it will work.”

  He felt a stirring, like something trying to get his attention, but he couldn’t quite grasp it.

  “It can’t be possible!” Evander took a few steps away from his mate, feeling the anger rise inside of him. He hated feeling so lost and confused. But this was not something he knew of. He tried to think back to anything his mother tried teaching him or anything he’d heard, but he could recall nothing about sharing his beasts with a human.

  “No, that’s unheard of.”

  Callie shrugged, and her eyes went downcast as if she were shutting down. A tinge of guilt stole through his heart, but he couldn’t get attached. “That’s what she said. She said you were never meant to keep her, just until you found–”

  “Found what?”

  “Me,” she replied in a small whisper.

  It felt like he’d been punched in the gut…only far worse.


  Callie watched as an array of emotions and struggles crossed Evander’s face. She’d never seen a man with such expressive reactions. He had seemed like he was in complete control until now. She could see that her speaking to his beast was affecting him. Only, she didn’t know why. It was almost as if he had no idea what was to come. Shouldn’t he just know these things? She wasn’t sure, but from the look on his face, this new knowledge was new to him, too, and it showed in the tightness around his eyes and mouth. There was a constant tick in his jaw where he clenched it too tightly. Dark circles, too, had formed under his eyes.

  She didn’t want to overstep her bounds, but she felt his suffering, and she wanted to make it go away. It was almost as if she’d known him forever, and yet she’d only known him for a few hours.

  He’d put distance between them when his anger started to get the better of him. She felt it rise, and now it simmered just below the surface, ready to boil over at any point.

  “It’s going to be okay. We’ll figure this out.”

  She held out her hand, hoping he would take it, but she wasn’t going to force an angry dragon to do anything.

  She’d read him right. Her reaching out to him would prove to be a lifeline, or so she hoped.

  His shoulders slumped, and he sighed, reaching out to take her hand almost as if he didn’t have a choice. His fingers twined with hers, and he tugged her back to him.

  “Thank you.”

  “We’ve got to find the others like you.” She chuckled. “Not that I have any idea how to do that, but it makes sense, right?”

  “My kin are here in this place, and so is a king. I feel his magic simmering all around us.” It should be impossible that a king would exist when there was no queen. It was confusing him and his loyalties. His own king sent him to this town specifically. Told him of the ‘half-breed abominations,’ like he wasn’t a said half-breed. He knew he shouldn’t exist. He always wondered why he wasn’t killed at birth, or hell, in the womb for that matter. His mother was a Golden Dragon and the king’s sister. Maybe that’s why?

  “Stratham. I’ve only been here a week and have been so wrapped up in getting the store ready for it’s opening I haven’t met anyone. The store was supposed to open today, but the storm changed that.”

  “You came here for me then.”

  It wasn’t a question, but she answered anyway. “My aunt moved and offered me her house. The store used to be my granddad’s, but he passed away years ago. Aunt Tilly never sold it, but she was ready to leave. My cousin didn’t want the house or the building.” She sighed. “I needed a fresh start, and something called to me about this place. Fate led me here.”

  “You really believe that, don’t you?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve always believed in magic. People thought I was weird, but I always knew things

  He frowned. “You’re a witch?” He leaned in, sniffing her again. “You don’t smell like a witch.”

  “No, I’m not a witch. I’m not anything more than human. I guess I’m just a believer.”

  “But you are more than human. Soon, you’ll be like me.” If he could find a way to keep her safe. Would he really give her his beast? Was it possible?

  “If we can figure out how to do it. Maybe your dragon is crazy.”

  Evander flinched and shook his head. “No, she’s not crazy. And I am fairly certain you just offended her.”

  Callie wasn’t too concerned. If she could offend the dragon that easily, then they wouldn’t be a good match. That dragon would have to find a new host.

  “Well, let’s go find answers then. The only way we’ll find other dragons is to go explore, right?” She smiled. “But first, let’s see if my cousin left any clothes or anything when he was here cleaning last summer.” She sure hoped so, because Evander had no shirt or shoes. That raised far too much suspicion in weather like this.

  He nodded, and she left him standing in the middle of the room. Down the hall was a small office and a couple of small closets. She pulled the first door open and came up with nothing but cobwebs. Callie made a mental note to have the place sprayed. Who knew what kind of creepy-crawlies hid in all the dark holes she had yet to clean? Books brought insects, especially her older collections she wanted to put on display. She had it all planned, but had yet to get it set up like she wanted.

  Further down the hall, she went into what would become her office. It wasn’t a very large room, but she really didn’t need much space. The desk took up most the room, and there was a box with a new chair and a computer that she had yet to set up. She wasn’t the most organized woman. Slow and steady. That was her motto. She really wasn’t in a rush. She had months of savings she could tap into if she needed.

  She walked to the small closet and found a pair of boots large enough to fit her giant dragon.

  “There you are,” she cooed, not at all bothered by the fact she was speaking to an inanimate object.

  A smile crept upon her face. She couldn’t help it. After all the crap of the last six months back home, she was relieved to be happy about anything. There wasn’t much that could bring her out of her moods once they struck. She decided then and there that she was a new Callie. She didn’t want anyone–especially not Evander–to find out about her history. It was better left in the dark.

  Her stomach dropped just thinking about what had happened. She moved to start over, not fall into the past. It was the whole reason she jumped at the chance to get away from it all. No one needed to know. She could be whomever she chose here. So, instead of allowing her mind to drift, she shook it off and grabbed the boots and a large sweater that her cousin must have stored with them. It was perfect, and at least it would keep him warm–or help him fit in until they got more clothes for him.

  She closed the door to the closet as well as her thoughts. Plastering the smile back on her face, she went back into the main room. Evander was still standing where she had left him. His eyes were far away, as if in deep thought.

  “Everything okay?”

  He jumped and smiled at her. “Everything is fine.” He was trying to find a loophole in the demon magic, but it was tight and thorough. He could feel it along the edges of his subconscious.

  She held out the boots and the sweater with a smile. “I found these. Hopefully, they’ll be enough to get you by. You’re not the smallest man in the world, but lucky for you, Scott is almost as big as you are.”

  “You’re giving me another man’s clothing?” His face contorted, and his voice came out in a low growl.

  She flinched at his tone, but refused to let her fear take over. He wouldn’t hurt her–she was confident of that–but his anger wasn’t the reaction she’d been expecting, and she found she didn’t like it much. He went from happy to utterly in rage in a matter of seconds. Her lip wobbled even though she tried to stop it. “He’s my cousin.”

  “Oh goodness, Callie, I’m so sorry. My beast…he just went a little possessive. Apparently, he thought…oh, who cares what he thought? I shouldn’t have reacted like that.” He closed the distance and took the boots and sweater from her hands. She didn’t move.

  “Forgive me, please.”

  She felt the change in him and sighed. She knew nothing of this man other than how he made her feel. Even after he acted like an ass, all she wanted to do was be close to him, to comfort him. She needed to put her foot down, though. To let him know it wasn’t acceptable. She wouldn’t be controlled. They would be partners. Period.

  “You can’t get all possessive like that. I won’t allow you to control me.”

  Evander nodded. He dropped the sweater and boots on the floor uncaringly. Then he reached out for her and cupped her jaw lightly, rubbing his thumb along the bone. “I swear, it won’t happen again. I can’t promise never to be jealous, though. I don’t know how this mate thing works.”

  “Fair enough.” She couldn’t stay mad. This time, she’d go easy on him. It might have had something to do with the flutters slowly growing in the pit of her stomach or how her lips tingled, begging to be kissed. Or how she felt that he hadn’t meant to react like that. She leaned in to him, and her eyes fluttered closed. She wanted so badly to feel his lips on hers. Her heart beat in her throat. She felt his warm breath and waited for him to close the distance.

  Oh, please just kiss me already.

  He must have read her mind because he pressed his lips against hers. She relaxed and held still. His lips were full and soft–so different than what she was used to. He didn’t move them against hers as if he were waiting for some sort of sign. She sighed, opening her mouth to him. It was all he needed.

  Evander gripped her arms and pulled back. His eyes were pure white, as white as his hair, just like before, only this time he wasn’t angry. Her soft gasp brought his lips down on hers again, harder, more forceful, but when his tongue slid over hers, she found she didn’t care. She moaned and pushed against him, trying to get closer and to feel the heat of his body against hers. He growled against her lips and pulled back, breathing heavily.

  “Callie, my sweet mate,” he whispered, and then he brushed his lips oh so softly against her lips one last time as if trying to make up for how rough he’d been just before. “Not yet.”

  She nodded. Her store wasn’t the best place for anything intimate. It had to be perfect, and now wasn’t the time. She needed to know more about him, but damn that kiss. It about knocked her breathless.

  Chapter 5

  Evander held Callie’s hand as they stood outside of a small diner. Neither of them moved to go inside to escape the bitter cold. Even though the storm was in full swing, the place was still open, catering to a large crowd of people that couldn’t seem to get enough of the food–or maybe it was the socializing.

  Fluffy flakes of snow covered everything in sight, and ice hung from the buildings and widows. He took in the scent of winter. He loved the smell of snow. It was hard to explain, sort of like rain, and yet so much more. The chill made it all the better. It changed it somehow from one of nature’s finest emotions to the next. Callie looked at him, and he smiled.

  “It’s the best time of year. I’ve always loved this. The scent of snow on the ground. The chill of winter seeping through the skin as if it’s trying to find a new home.”

  “Winter is terrible. I can’t ever stay warm. It’s the time of year I stay huddled inside in front of a heater.”

  She still smiled as she spoke, even though she didn’t agree to his perception.

  “I understand, but once you become like me, you’ll see winter in a new light. Cold is less harmful to us than warmth. The heat–now that is terrible.” Why was he opening up so much to this stranger? He felt more relaxed than he ever had in his life, yet the knowledge that he was lying to her and hiding things brought such turmoil. But he couldn’t tell her why he�
��d really come. He couldn’t tell anyone. In fact, he really needed to do what he came for and get it over with. The sooner the better.

  Not taking his eyes away from his mate, he took a deep breath and froze when he caught the scent of a dragon, but not a Golden Dragon, and definitely not anything close to what the Pures smelled like. It was different. And he couldn’t figure out what it meant. Everything about this town rubbed him the wrong way. Things here weren’t the same as they were back home, not even close.

  He looked through the large glass window and watched as a petite woman with bright, red hair hustled from behind the counter to the table nearest the window. She smiled, but he could tell it wasn’t real. As if she felt his stare, she looked up, and their eyes met and locked. He couldn’t pull his gaze from hers.

  His dragon rose and swirled in excitement. She was one of them. The woman’s hand froze on the pad of paper, stilling her writing, and her mouth parted as if she was going to say something, but the glass separated them. She recognized him. After he could break their trance-like stare, he turned to Callie and whispered, “There’s a dragon inside.”

  “How do you know?”

  He squeezed her hand. “I just know. It’s like our beasts recognized each other. She can help me find the king.” Yet he stayed planted in front of the diner. Callie seemed to notice his lack of ability to move forward. She sensed his nerves, and he felt her desire to calm him. But in truth, he felt like he was using her–his own mate. What kind of man did that? Shame clouded him, and he tried to take a step back. Only she tugged harder, surprising him by her strength.

  “Well, we should probably go inside then. Don’t you think?”

  She jerked his hand, pulling him toward the door. She used her free hand to open the door to the diner. The bell chimed above the door, and Callie chuckled. He looked at her quizzically, and she just shook her head as if she were having her own internal dialogue.

  “Well, come on. You need to talk to her, right?”


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