Home > Fantasy > WE WILL BUILD > Page 31

by Michael Anderle

  So, I told Jordan I was killing her – right after I made her a prostitute! She thought it was hilarious. Here is her Amazon Author Page (complete with Pirate hat): http://www.amazon.com/Jordan-L.-Hawk/e/B00A2336YC/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1461294451&sr=1-1

  Stop by and say ‘hi’ sometime!

  P.S. - Thank you Emily Clair for requesting a resolution for Peter and his Father… It made me tear up.

  You can find book links on my Amazon Author Page here:


  Want to comment on the best (scene, comment, event, shoes or gun for Bethany Anne, weapon Nathan would prefer…you name it) join us on Facebook and hang out with the other pitchfork and matches fans.


  Want to know when the next book or major update is ready? Join the email list - Receive that $0.99 24-hour bonus knowledge in time to SCORE.


  Software used to write this book is Scrivener (Windows and Mac):


  Book Cover Images purchased at PhotoDune.net: http://photodune.net & http://www.dreamstime.com & 123rf.com

  (Sometimes better selection on www.dreamstime.com - TKG07)

  Image software to make the cover (Mac): http://www.pixelmator.com/mac/ (1.6 ratio @ 300dpi)

  Image software to make the 3d book Covers: http://www.Adobe.com/photoshop

  3d Template Script: http://www.psdcovers.com

  Thank you,

  Michael Anderle, April 2016

  *All credit for me having ANY shoe knowledge goes to my wife, who still works to provide me with even a finger’s amount of fashion sense. Why she asks me to comment on her outfits in the morning still confuses me to this day.

  Second note, the suggestion to include special canines also came from my wife.

  Third note: I’ve now had the pleasure of a trip to a Christian Louboutin store and watch my wife buy two (2) pairs… Oh H@LY Crap… I needed a root beer float to deal with that.


  Ready to read something? Authors Dropping In.

  This is copied from my forum post here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/forum/cd/discussion.html/ref=cm_cd_fp_ef_tft_tp?ie=UTF8&cdForum=Fx2LGFPPMJOE6CZ&cdThread=Tx9MSJ0FBQAE8T

  Ready to read something else? Check out other Independent Authors :-)

  (list in order of forum notes)

  TS Paul

  I write more classic Sci Fi. My series is the Athena Lee Chronicles.

  It's about a female engineer on her first deployment who gets left behind after a big battle. She has to engineer a solution how to survive. My books have pirates, murder, ghost ships and lots of fun. Her sidekick is a AI that thinks he is a famous VID star. On my blog is a weekly series called Wilson Wednesdays that highlight this AI and his adventures.

  Check me out and have some fun. You can find me on Amazon here http://www.amazon.com/T-S-Paul/e/B01C7IPHYQ/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 or catch my Blog and my FREE short stories Here on my Blog http://tspaul.blogspot.com/

  Art Deforest

  My name is Art Deforest and I'm one of the many writers that Michael has helped. You can get my book here. Hunter's Home: Hunter's Saga Books 1-3

  I'd love to hear from you. You can post to my Facebook page here. https://www.facebook.com/hunterssagabooks/

  You can also check out my Author page here. http://amazon.com/author/artdeforest

  Have a great weekend and happy reading.

  Art DeForest

  Jackie Dana

  I'm a fantasy and sci-fi author in Austin, TX. My first novel, By Moonrise (http://www.amazon.com/Moonrise-Jackie-Dana-ebook/dp/B018TOPIR8/ ), is historical fantasy. In the novel, a young woman from our world gets caught up in a political firestorm involving an outlawed prince and discredited mages, and has to figure out who she can trust. Book 2, The Hidden Moon, will be out this summer. I'm also working on a time travel novel called In the Company of Outlaws.

  In addition to writing novels, I'm also an author coach and freelance writer, and I'm working on a series of online courses to help people get through the book writing process.

  You can follow me on Facebook (http://facebook.com/jackiedanawriter/ ) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/jadana17/ ) . My blog is at http://jackiedana.com . I'd love to hear from you!

  Gary Jonas

  Hey everyone! I want to start by thanking Michael for inviting a bunch of us to post here. He rocks!

  As for me, I'm the author of the Jonathan Shade urban fantasy series (as I type this, there are seven novels and a spin-off book with book eight coming later this month--my editor is working her magic). If you like Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, you'll enjoy Shade. In the SF field, I have a space opera novel called Pirates of the Outrigger Rift, which I wrote with my friend Bill D. Allen (who recently released a fun sequel), and a UFO conspiracy adventure called Guardians of the Sky. You can check out my Amazon page here: http://www.amazon.com/Gary-Jonas/e/B0050651V2

  I enjoy interacting with readers on my Amazon forum too. Thank you for your time, and read on!

  Kelly McClymer

  I'm Kelly McClymer and I write in whatever genre takes me. I have some mother-focused short science fiction/fantasy on Kindle Unlimited if anyone is on there and wants to check out my take on the unique madness that motherhood can inflict on us (based on true stories...well, sort of :-) My Amazon page is http://www.amazon.com/Kelly-McClymer/e/B001KI7DRE/ I am also working on what I'm calling EverTwixt an immersive storyverse. It will be transmedia, but right now we're just beginning to look for our ideal readers in order to build our immersive storyverse community. The serial episodes and stories will be available for sale outside the storyverse. As for a good book recommendation (other than Michael's of course) is The Girl With All the Gifts. I loved that one and it is classic SF, with zombies in a way you've never read them before.

  Garon E. Whited

  All you had to do was ask. Authors love to write stuff. We're weird like that.

  My suggestion, naturally, is "Nightlord: Sunset," the first book in the "Nightlord" series.

  The basic premise is that we have Eric, a fairly normal guy, who gets sucked into the world of vampires, mythology, and epic fantasy. It has something of a Connecticut Yankee feel to it--modern man meets myths--but is mainly an action-adventure, with elements of urban fantasy and comedy.

  My favorite description of it was "The love child of Anne Rice and Terry Pratchett was raised by Arthur C. Clarke." That may tell you something.


  Nightlord: Sunset



  Please note that I have a terrible time with Amazon's forums. If you want me, feel free to email me or Facebook at me. I'm much more likely to see those! And if I -see- an email or message or something, I have this strange urge to -answer- it...

  Kevin Tumlinson

  There are some amazing authors popping in here from the Smarter Artist Summit, and I'll be checking out some of their work myself (if I haven't read it already)! I'm thrilled to be among these incredible talents.

  I'm a speculative fiction author, mostly writing science fiction and recently dipping into thrillers. You can connect with me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kevin.tumlinson and you can find a LOT more about me (and get some free books) at http://kevintumlinson.com

  My first series generally fits the military scifi genre, and still gets a lot of love from readers as being fast-paced and fun to read: Citadel: Omnibus: The Complete Citadel Trilogy

  I'm personally more of a fan of contemporary scifi and fantasy, putting average, modern-day people in fantastic situations. One of my most recent books was Evergreen-a contemporary scifi thriller that some people have described as "Bourne Identity meets Limitless." Probably my favorite book to date: Evergreen

  If you'd like to sample some short
er fiction that gets a lot of reader love, I have several novellas available -- Tin Man is a military scifi story in a post-apocalyptic universe, and Edge is ... different. I love them both, and get tons of comments from readers: Tin Man and EDGE: A Novella

  Looking forward to connecting with new authors and readers, so come on by and say hello!

  Felix R. Savage

  Hey all! Massive thanks to Michael for giving us this chance to connect. I'd like to post an open call for readers of smart, twist-packed science fiction. Think Iain M. Banks, Ann Leckie, Gavin Smith, and Charles Stross. If you like any of these writers, I'm betting you'd enjoy my work. Here's The Galapagos Incident: A Space Colonization Thriller (The Solarian War Saga Book 1). If you hate it? Your money back. Oh wait. No money involved. It's FREE :) there are now six books in the Solarian War Saga, and as we speak I'm about to publish the seventh and last. Click over to my author page and you'll find a link to get the prequel, Crapkiller: A Space Colonization Thriller (The Solarian War Saga), free, too!

  I lay claim to being the most rabid Iain M. Banks fan in Japan. I'm also the grouchy servant of two cats, proud parent of a four-year-old, and a determined basher of drums. I'm looking forward to getting to know you, so let's do this! www.felixrsavage.com or stop by https://www.facebook.com/felixrsavage and share YOUR favorite science fiction reads.

  Craig Martelle

  Thanks Michael - shout out to him for putting together a small group of independent authors so we can help each other.

  Anne McCaffrey and her DragonRiders of Pern was a great influence for me, along with the works of James M. Ward. I write in Anne's style, clean language with deep characters and a consistent story line. My The Free Trader of Warren Deep (Free Trader Series Book 1) is about a man and his bonded Hillcat, a bioengineered creature that can talk over a mindlink. Our hero is determined to set up free trade south of the Great Desert, but humans and other mutants stand in their way. The Free Trader of Planet Vii (Free Trader Series Book 2) and Free Trader Series Book 3 should be available by April 15th, 2016. Three books in this series and it is going strong - there are plenty of stories remaining. One reviewer suggested twenty books worth.

  I also write the Rick Banik Thriller series, a techno thriller for a new era. Rick is connecting the dots, painting a picture, but at every turn, the intelligence community fights with itself, seeking personal glory, then the truth. Can Rick save them from themselves in time to intercept a terrorist plot against Washington DC? Look for this series starting in May 2016!

  Join my mailing list to learn more (no spamming, one or two emails a month is all, I promise) or just stop by my website or Facebook and say hello.



  I'm retired from the Marine Corps and live in Fairbanks, Alaska, a slice of paradise frozen in time.

  Marlayna Glynn Brown

  Thank you for the invitation, Michael!

  Under my real name, Marlayna Glynn Brown, I have a set of seven memoirs. If you enjoy true tales of overcoming adversity (my first, Overlay: A Tale of One Girl's Life in Las Vegas, garnered an award in this category) and surviving against the odds, you will enjoy these reads. They're all true.

  Under my pen name, MG Sanders, I'm busy creating a psycho-thriller series narrated by a ghost. Other characters include a serial killer, cannibal and siren, just to name a few. Check out The Vigilant if you like creepy stuff. Book One is out, and Book Two will be out within the month.

  I'm having a great time making stuff up under my pen name. I couldn't kill characters in my memoirs, though I really wanted to.

  In real life, I'm a parent to seven, including teenage triplet stepchildren. The kids created the characters in The Vigilant, which was a blast weaving such a disparate group together into one story!




  Scott Moon

  Thanks, Michael.

  My name is Scott Moon, and I am new to this type of forum, so please forgive me if I seem like I have never been to town before. I just read through the comments above and there are a lot of books I need to add to my list!

  Currently, my science fiction is military adventure. My favorite stories growing up were Dune, Star Ship Troopers, and Aliens (had to throw a movie in there, sorry). I would love for everyone to check out Enemy of Man (The Chronicles of Kin Roland Book 1)

  I am looking forward to this forum!



  EE Isherwood

  Thanks for the opportunity to share my universe. Michael has given me advice on lots of things, but always the most important lessons are how to connect with readers.

  I write as author E.E. Isherwood [http://amazon.com/author/eeisherwood] and currently I have 3 books in my Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse series which is a cozy myster--nah, it's zombies LOL. My influences are books like Earth Abides, Lucifer's Hammer, and The Stand, meaning I like to study the breakdown of things and watch how my characters interact with the end of the world. The first book Since the Sirens: Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse, Book 1 is about a fifteen-year-old boy and his 104-year-old great-grandmother as they decide to make a "run" for it out of the city. I'm currently writing book 4, Last Fight of the Valkyries: Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse, Book 4, which releases April 28, 2016.

  If you'd like to join my mailing list, I'd be happy to have you. http://zombiebooks.net/subscribe/

  I'm also on FB if you want to interact directly. https://www.facebook.com/sincethesirens/

  I live in St. Louis, MO. My books take place in St. Louis as well. When I'm not writing I'm usually training for marathons. My daily runs are where I think of ideas. I take rule 1 (Cardio) very seriously!

  Thank you,


  Ben Hale

  NOTE: Ben named everyone at the artist summit (2 days, he learns over 100 names) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBjQy2vae40&app=desktop

  Thanks for the invite Michael! It was a pleasure meeting you at the Summit. I write Timeline Fantasy, which blends Epic Fantasy with Urban Fantasy. I currently have 13 books that span 3 series and 10,000 years. My first series is the epic fantasy and starts with Elseerian: The Second Draeken War #1 (The Chronicles of Lumineia: The Second Draeken War series). and is a qualogy. My second series is the urban fantasy and takes places 10,000 years later, where the fantasy world has evolved into modern day Earth. That series starts with The Last Oracle: The White Mage Saga #1 (The Chronicles of Lumineia). My third series is based on a warrior rock troll, and is starts with The Flesh of War (The Warsworn Book 1). Readers can start at any series, especially if you are in KU since all 13 titles are in the catalog. I hope you enjoy them, and feel free to connect with me on Facebook at Facebook.com/Elseerian, or on my website at www.Lumineia.com, where you can sign up for my free starter library. Happy reading!


  My name is Victoria and I write paranormal and urban fantasy. I am new to self-publishing and will be releasing the first book, plus a short story, in my Independent Necromancers' Bureau series very shortly.

  I look forward to connecting with people here and cannot thank Michael enough for all the inspiration and help he is sending my way (Thank you Michael).

  Mari Oliver

  Yes, thank you, Michael! Being an Indie is totally about community and you're a fine example of that. :)


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