Dragons Can Be Cute Too

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Dragons Can Be Cute Too Page 2

by Cristian Madalin Dragomir

  [Luck]: 2

  [Magic Excellence]: 1%


  [Skill Points]: 1

  [Stat Points]: 100

  Luck 2? Well… that explains a LOT of things… I thought while remembering all the previous unfortunate events that happened in my life, however, I begged to differ when it came to games. For some reason, I was rather lucky there, or maybe my understanding of ‘lucky' was a bit flawed from the get go.

  Taking my eyes off my status screen to look at the others next to me, I saw a couple of people throwing weird looks at it.

  They aren't used with this sort of thing, are they? I told myself and then looked at that one, single skill point.

  “Is everyone comfortable?” asked the God-like being.

  No one answered. We couldn't move our lips, but some of us probably tried to scream.

  “Good! Good! Now, I'll grant you, your first skill! [Hero]!” he declared.

  Immediately, a message popped up before my eyes with the details of my new skill.

  [Hero]: This is a passive skill which grants the user the ability to gain 10 Stat Points and 1 Skill point for each level up, allowing the upgrade and physical advancement of the individual without needing to actually train for it.

  10? But I have 100… I asked myself, but the entity above us would soon answer that small detail.

  “Leveling is quite easy in this world! Basically, all you have to do is kill stuff either alone or in a party. Of course, like it happens back on Earth, constantly using a certain skill or diligently training it will allow you to sharpen it, in other words level it up. This is allowed ONLY for certain skills, though! In time, you will learn which is which. Oh, and the level thingies are available only for you all. The rest of the inhabitants of that world have it too, but they sort of can't see it. Well, I'm not going into details on that, you'll see what I'm talking about once you get down there! Now, moving on!” said the entity as it quickly explained something incredibly preposterous.

  So, just like he said… it's basically like a game, a VRMMORPG of sorts… I thought as I took another glance at my status. The incredibly low stats brought a bit of fear to my heart. If it's like a game, then… I'm probably too weak to even do battle against other level 1 mobs…

  “As you all probably noticed, you have 100 Stat points there instead of just 10. That's my second gift to you! You can use the points now, but be careful! If you don't do so before I count to ten, they will disappear! In order to use them, just think something along the lines: Add X points in Y stat. For example: Add 2 points in Speed!” he explained and when he said that, two of my points were automatically placed in the speed stat, now I had 10. “Good! Now place the rest! Ready? Set! Go!” he shouted.

  I need to think this through and fast! Let me see… Let me see… Strength? No… Dexterity? No… I thought as I looked over my main stats.

  “Time is ticking!” announced the entity.

  I know! I wanted to scream. Add… erm… er…

  My mind was stuck. As a gamer, I couldn't make such a rash decision. I didn't know what sort of gear I received at the beginning. If I got a mage staff, and I was filled up with strength, my damage would be at a minimum. Adding everything to Magic was a no-go either. Mages were powerful in all RPG, but they were also granted the title of ‘Sir Squished-a-lot!', and I didn't wish to become a slime or goblin's lunch earlier than I had to.

  “5!” announced the entity.

  Damn! Add 98 points to… to…



  Add 98 stat points to Luck! I shouted in mind.

  “2… 1!”

  I heard a ding then and the following message: Max Luck stat achieved.

  Great… I made the noobest mistake ever! 100 Luck? Seriously?! I groaned and screamed at my stupid mind. I should have just picked 50 strength and 48 Speed, or bring Luck to something like 10, which was the usual default and then add the rest in Magic or something like that.

  15 Luck, 30 Magic, 10 Excellence, 30 Strength, 30 Speed, and 26 Dexterity. That actually sounds balanced… Why didn't I pick that? Why? Stupid brain! Why? I asked myself as I looked at my ridiculous status window:


  [Species]: Human

  [Level]: 1

  [Strength]: 9

  [Speed]: 10

  [Dexterity]: 11

  [Magic]: 10

  [Luck]: 100

  [Magic Excellence]: 1%


  [Skill Points]: 1

  [Stat Points]: 0

  I will die at the first mob… I can feel it. I thought to myself.

  “Great!” shouted the entity.

  Not great at all! I shouted back in my mind, but I immediately realized he wasn't talking to me.

  “Since all of you picked some rather balanced stats, let me tell you now about the beauty of your 1 single skill point! In your Skill window, you have a bunch of cheat-like skills! One of a kind too! Pick one and stick with it!” he told us.

  Maybe I won't screw this one up? I wish I will get something good... I told myself as I opened the window and boy were there a lot of skills there.

  Moving the window was easy, I just had to say in my mind: ‘up' or ‘down' and the window complied. As I scrolled, only one skill caught my attention: [Dragon Tamer].

  Just a while ago, I was happily playing a game with dragons, but I had to slay them, not tame them. It made me a bit curious though. The entity did say that these were unique, one-of-a-kind skills. Thus, believing I had nothing to lose, I opened the details for that specific skill.

  Select the [Dragon Tamer] skill. Show me the details for this skill. I thought, and the window changed:

  [Dragon Tamer]: This is a passive, buff type skill. When a Hero develops any sort of friendly or intimate relationship with someone of a Dragon origin, this skill will allow the creation of a special bond between the two of them. The bond is indestructible by any other skill unless the Hero wills it. The Hero gains 25% of the Dragon's Stats, and the Dragon will gain the ability to level up 2X faster when in the presence of the Hero.

  Sounds interesting, but not something which I would pick for my first skill. Let's see what else is there… I thought and when I closed the window and went back to the skill selection screen, I saw only [Dragon Tamer] being displayed there.

  I paled.

  “Everyone chose a skill! This is perfect! By the way, don't nag about not wanting the skill. It's your fate that led you to the skill, so deal with it!” the selfish entity declared.

  I just wanted to look at the details, not make it mine! I wanted to scream, but there was nothing I could do.

  Things were getting serious. Not only did I waste my only skill point, but I also wasted all of my stat points. I was a goner! I was going to end up killed by a slime and resurrected as an Imp! I was certain about it.

  “You got your first skill, you selected your stats, and with that said, I wish you all to have fun and may your deeds either save or doom planet Earth! By the way, I made it so that you can jump into a noob friendly area perfect for your selected stats and skill! So, do not worry about landing in a Dragon Kingdom or something like that. Oh, and stay away from Albeyater! Good bye, heroes from Earth! Hahaha!” laughed the entity as all around me people started to vanish in a bright white light.

  Crud… I thought.

  A moment later, I found myself standing on something dark and furry. I could move, and I could finally open my mouth to talk. I wasn't on Earth, but on the weird planet I saw earlier.

  “Status.” I said, and the menu appeared before me.

  This actually happened… Ugh… I groaned and annoyed by my own stupidity, I punched the furry thing as hard as I could.

  Wait… furry? I blinked surprised.

  “Grrr!” I heard a growl, and its owner didn't sound very happy.

  With a gulp, I turned around and saw this little doggy, not big, just about 6 meters tall with four heads equipped wit
h razor-sharp teeth.

  100 Luck my foot! I grumbled in my mind.

  Chapter 4: Seryanna

  A loud and angry growl came from behind me. A pair of sharp teeth tried to take a bite out of my succulent flesh just as I ducked under a tree. Only the splinters remained from it as I continued to run through the dense forest.

  What was I doing exactly?

  Running for my life as fast as my legs could carry me, of course!

  Apparently, I was so 'lucky', I ended up dropping on the back of a huge demon-looking dog with four heads that could breathe fire, shoot water and lightning, and summon powerful wind attacks. At 6 meters tall, his black fur, razor-sharp teeth, and big red eyes gave him a fierce and incredibly dangerous look. Branches and old fallen trees were pulverized under his mighty paws adorned with dangerous looking black claws.

  As for me, I had no idea why I was still alive, but as long as my legs were intact and I could run, I tried my best to get away from that thing.

  Honestly speaking, I felt like a level 1 character facing the End Boss of the game. Normally, I should have been dead by now, but my Luck was probably keeping me alive because the huge growling doggy behind me kept missing his attacks. In a game, it made sense if you had a high dodge rating, but in reality, you missed once, you missed twice, but then it got ridiculous, especially when your opponent was a scrawny little human like me.

  “Someone save me!” I shouted desperately as I jumped over a fallen tree.

  Upon landing, my foot slipped and my whole body went the other way.


  I fell and rolled down a steep slope. If there was a bush or some low branches in front of me, I somehow managed to direct my body straight into them. Even when I tried to stop myself and grab a branch or something, I wasn't able to. At the very least, I didn't bash my head on any of the countless rocks spread across the slope. The same applied for all the big trees around me.

  When I reached the bottom, I finally came to a stop, but I did so by smashing right into someone.

  “KYA!” screamed the other person.

  Ouch… I groaned and felt the whole world shaking and swirling around me.

  My head hurt and my entire body ached. I had only a few nasty cuts and bruises, but nothing to require me seeing a doctor, however, if I kept slamming into things and monsters like that, there was a high chance of me ending up dead before the end of the day.

  Although it was hard and painful, I tried to get up and clear my head. That huge monster was still out there, maybe right behind me. I had to run away, but when I opened my eyes, I realized I wasn't alone anymore.

  The one I bumped into was stunningly beautiful woman. Laying with her back on the ground, she was looking back at me with captivating and charming dark-brown eyes. Her long, lush, red hair with black tips at the end was sprawled around her. Her facial features were at the level of a popular actress or maybe a model, in any way, very attractive. Despite her looks, she was wearing a gray plated mail armor, but unlike those I saw in many games and anime, this one was of the practical type. Her whole body was protected by it, and the chest part didn't let your fantasies go wild.

  She's… beautiful… I thought as I looked into her eyes.

  I was completely mesmerized by her.

  “Get off of me.” she said calmly, but her clenched fist warned me of an incoming attack if I didn't do as she said.

  “Sorry! I… er… Urk!” my stomach finally revealed its true, ugly form.

  All the tumbling and moving down the slope confused my poor inner ears and stomach. I dashed to the left on all four and relinquished in a bush the tasty chicken soup I had eaten that morning. It was unsightly, but not like I could do anything about it.

  This is… shameful. I thought as I wiped my hand and pulled back from my own puke.

  “Are you alright?” the woman asked me after she got off from the ground and dusted off her armor.

  She was calm and didn't look bothered by my unsightly appearance.

  “I think… There was this huge black dog with four heads. I ran, then I fell and rolled down that slope… Erm, I think I lost it.” I said and then looking down I added “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you.”

  Her expression didn't change as I explained my circumstances. Of course, I wanted to leave out the matter of how exactly I managed to get inside this forest.

  “Apology accepted, but please cover your vomit with dirt, otherwise, it will attract monsters. Have a good day.” she explained and then walked away from me.

  Wait, what? I thought as I saw her leaving so calmly.

  I wanted to chase right after her, but I had the feeling it wasn't a good idea not to listen to her advice, so I quickly covered up the remains of my last meal.

  “Wait up!” I shouted after her as soon as I was done.

  She wasn't walking too fast, but the moment when I got too close to her, she unsheathed her sword and pointed it at my neck. I stopped and raised my hands up like a criminal in front of the police.

  “Why are you following me?” she asked with a serious look in her eyes.

  “Huh? No, I'm… you see, I have no idea how I ended up in this forest! I'm just a pathetic little weak human! I need help, and you mentioned earlier something about monsters. If there are any more of those 6 m tall dogs, I really don't want to end up as their lunch!” I explained myself by taking a most humble tone of voice.

  I learned at one point that it was far better to act humble and modest towards one who might be stronger or a possible ally than act like a stuck up rude idiot. Being friendly, helpful, and kind with those individuals even after they helped you would surely deepen your relationship with them. Thus, it was highly unlikely that they wouldn't help you again when you found yourself in need. The same applied even better when you yourself were strong, only then, you had to make sure you weren't being taken advantage of.

  “Human? No, that can't be…” she said shaking her head.

  “Erm, why not?” I asked knitting my brow.

  This was a rather weird reply. I thought.

  “Boy, we are currently in the Seculiar Forest on the Dragon Continent, in the middle of the Dragon Kingdom Albeyater! There are no humans here! It's impossible for such a weak species to survive here!” she explained in a rather high tone of voice.

  “What? But you... aren't you a human?” I asked a bit confused.

  As far as I could see, she had no tail, wings, humongous breasts, slit eyes, or forked tongue. She looked like a human knight or warrior of sorts.

  Furrowing her brow, she pushed the tip of the sword closer to my neck, making me flinch.

  “Don't insult me! I'm a proud dragoness, not a human!” she declared in a tone of anger.

  Please don't kill me. I prayed in my mind.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After she calmed down, she pulled her sword back and sheathed it in her scabbard.

  “Let's say I believe you. Let's say you are a… human. Why are you here? How did you get here?” she asked as she looked straight into my eyes.

  In that moment, I gulped and knew that if I lied, I would end up being tossed over the edge or straight into that dog's mouth. She was also on guard, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword, which she was ready to draw at the smallest sign of danger.

  “A powerful being kidnapped me from my homeland and dropped me in the middle of this forest. I had no say in the matter, and I really have no idea how to return home…” I told her, but although I skipped some important parts, I technically didn't lie.

  The dragoness looked at me for a long moment, probably debating if I was telling the truth or not. Chances were she was pondering about how she was going to skewer me for being a human. In either case, my legs were currently shaking, and I was literally sweating bullets of how afraid for my life I was. That was the first time ever someone threatened me like that, but then again, Modern-day Europeans weren't famous for carrying swords around, threatening people left and right.

  Of all the places I could land, I just had to be dropped in the number 1 most dangerous place I was warned not to go to! I thought and then gulped.

  “Very well, you can tag along, but be warned, I'm heading deeper into the forest! If we get attacked by large groups of monsters, I won't be held responsible if you get yourself killed as a result. Furthermore, I'm currently searching for a certain mushroom with a dark-red cap that grows only near a Griffin's nest. It's called Bloody Mushroom, so if you happen to see anything like that, you will let me know immediately. That being said, human, do you still wish to follow me?” she asked seriously.

  I gulped.

  Let me see… Don't follow, and I end up as dog chow. Follow her and I may end up as dog chow and Griffin chow. On the other hand, she's a dragoness or claims to be one. The fact that she's alone in this scary forest means that she's confident enough in her own strength to go in and out without missing a limb or two. Hm… I thought as I weighed the two options in my head.

  However I looked at it, the answer seemed to be quite clear. I was safer together with her than wondering on my own in one of the most dangerous forests on this continent.

  “I'll follow you! I'll keep my eyes open for any red mushroom I see and hand over all of them to you!” I replied with a nod of my head.

  “Hmph, very well! My name is Seryanna Draketerus, a recently made knight!” she declared with a hand over her chest like a soldier on attention.

  “A pleasure to meet you, erm… Sir Seryanna, my name is Alkelios Yatagai.” I said with a smile.

  Huh? What did I just say? My name isn't Alkelios Yatagai it's… what was it again? Erm… Did I forget it? Is it like one of those other world transportation conditions? Forget everything high-techy and stuff? No… I can still remember other things like technology and history… Then why? I thought hard until I remember what was written on my status screen right next to my [Name]. That stupid God-like entity changed my name! I shouted frustrated in my mind.

  Well, it didn't matter right now. My next objective was to survive and get out of the forest safely. Then, if it was possible, I wanted to contact other humans from my world and maybe form a party with them. They probably wouldn't mind helping me out, right? But could I trust any of them? For all I knew, the God-like may have 'randomly' picked 10 million inmates from all the penitentiaries around the world.


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