Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series)

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Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series) Page 1

by Herrera, Devon


  Prologue-Nine Years Earlier

  Chapter 1-Present Day

  Chapter 2-Fake Husband

  Chapter 3-Dreams

  Chapter 4-The Friendship

  Chapter 5-The Tequila Incident

  Chapter 6-First Date

  Chapter 7-Testing Boundaries

  Chapter 8-Mentor

  Chapter 9-First Time

  Chapter 10-Grand Gesture

  Chapter 11-Christmas Eve

  Chapter 12-A Walk in the Snow

  Chapter 13-Barbie

  Chapter 14-Picture That Says Two Words

  Chapter 15-Not A Victim

  Chapter 16-Bad Shrimp

  Chapter 17-The Rescue

  Chapter 18-Sapphire Universe

  Epilogue-Four Years Later

  Connor Wright-Touch Doesn’t Lie



  Devon Herrera




  Devon Herrera

  Sapphire Universe

  Copyright 2012 by Devon Herrera


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  For Edmundo, Stephanie and Laura.

  Thank you for being my support, my inspiration and my guinea pigs. Without you, this crazy dream of mine would have never happened.

  And last but not least, to the one tiny person who drives everything I do and makes living this life worthwhile. I love you my little angel.


  Nine years earlier

  I sit with my knees against my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs, hoping that if I make myself small enough I will just disappear altogether. My whole body is shaking and the tears rolling down my cheeks are like acid. I look down at the cotton sheets where the last part of myself I had control over was ripped from me. I can’t think or breathe or feel, my body is no longer my own. The space around me is quiet and still, but I feel as though there is carnage and chaos surrounding me, closing in and eventually, it will crush me.

  All I want to do is call my mom. I want her to tell me that I can get through this. That if I’m strong enough, it won’t matter, that it won’t define me and my life is still my own. I reach over to the drawer of my nightstand and pull on the knob with shaky hands. I fumble with my fingers until I feel paper crinkle beneath them and grip the note containing my mother’s last words. I read it for the millionth time and close my eyes against the unforgiving thoughts that scroll through my mind. Why couldn’t you have just stayed for me? My mother can’t tell me to be strong when she wasn’t, to get through it when she didn’t. She let one terrible event in her life strip her of her identity. She let it break her. For the first time since I was given this note, I understand why.

  I look around my room and the scene replays over and over in my mind. The pain. The degradation. Everything is tainted. I look at the note one last time and crumple it in my hands and stand. My legs protest, but I fight through it. My stomach rolls, but I ignore it. Once I’ve regained control over the parts of me that were still reacting in fear, I rip the sheets from my bed and the clothes from my body and shove them in the middle of the mattress. Reaching into my closet I pull clothes that I have never worn from the back and dress again. Still clutching the note in my fist, I grab the pile of filth from my bed and carry it to the kitchen and toss everything in the sink.

  My hands finally stop shaking when I extract a match from the box on the window sill. I strike the match and watch the flame turn indigo to orange to gold and let it drop into the remnants of my innocence. The flames spread and grow and the colors dance and twist in a destructive composition, turning the evidence of my disgrace to embers. As the flames start to shrink and slow, tears once again roll down my cheeks and this time they’re cleansing. Inside the fire I find my clarity. This night happened because I didn’t trust what I believed. I was blind to what I saw right in front of me. Though a part of me had always screamed that he couldn’t be trusted I had disregarded the warning signs, too desperate for what he offered to protect myself. I took a risk and I lost.

  The final flames flicker and I look down at the ball of paper in my hands, then throw it into the ashes to be burned with the rest of it. I will not make the choices she made. Not while I can start over and learn from her mistakes and mine. This will not be my undoing. I never want to be blindsided again, to hurt like I’ve hurt again. From now on, I will pay attention to the world around me. I will see the signs and protect myself from the risks. Nothing and no one will ever hurt me again, because I’ll know. I’ll be ready for it.


  Present Day

  “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

  I read the seemingly innocent advertisement to myself. I am standing in four inch snow at the bus stop since my car wouldn’t start, wearing ragged Converse Chuck Taylors, because my snow boots mysteriously disappeared and sporting a frizzy braid because the alarm never went off. I can’t help but smile at the irony. The Universe is mocking me. As the bus pulls up, I make a mental note to buy some tea at the vending machine today. Take that Universe!! I walk up the stairs and give the plump stern looking women at the wheel my best smile. She glares at me, obviously not charmed, so I hurry to a seat in the back. What is it about bus drivers?

  I haven’t had a day like this in so long. I always have everything in order and am always prepared and organized, so the fact that nothing so far has gone my way today has thrown me a little off balance. My car is an easy enough fix, I will just call the auto shop and pay them to come tow it and get it serviced. That way I won’t have to ride the bus with the scary driver tomorrow. I look down at the snow soaked canvas of my shoes, wishing for the first time that I had Lo’s shopping addiction. I bet she has more than one pair of snow boots in her closet.

  I watch a snow covered Cheyenne, Wyoming pass by and force myself to think positive. So the day started out a little rocky. That doesn’t mean it will stay that way. I will just have to be extra careful while walking around with traction challenged footwear. Ice and I are longtime enemies.

  A red, beat up and mud caked truck with a bent fender chugs by while we are stopped and I giggle out loud at its bumper sticker. “SHIT happens” is proudly displayed on the truck that’s obviously had a hard knock life. Apology accepted Universe!! I think, still laughing out loud.

  “Someone write a joke on your seat?” I jump and bang my head on the window, jolted out of my private musings by a deep humored voice.

  “Freaking-A!” I wince, s
ilently giving my old friend the Universe the finger.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. Did you hurt your head?” The voice says and though the words are apologetic, I get the feeling they are still laughing at me.

  Riding the bus would be so much better if it weren’t for the nosey passengers. I prepare to deliver a polite yet clipped reply that is sure to give Nosey the impression that I am not a talker. Someone is always trying to read over your shoulder or tell you their life story. When I finally turn to face the person with the voice, my smile turns into a grimace and the polite reply catches in the back of my throat. Mouth gaping like a fish out of water, I fail to form words and just blink at the most disgustingly handsome man I have ever seen in real life. The Adonis’ smile turns questioning…probably my sanity…and speaks again.

  “Really I am sorry.”

  “Shit happens,” is my genius reply. I slap a hand over my mouth and the Adonis smirks. Yup, the Universe is pulling out all the stops today. “I mean, that um, its fine I wasn’t startled.” Awesome…nice save Nina. Really smooth.

  “Hit your head on unmoving objects for no reason often then?” The infuriating man replies. Ugh sarcasm and looks.

  “Only when strange men, sneak up on me while I’m minding my own business!” I snap back at him. I might appreciate sarcasm and use it frequently, but my clumsiness is a bit of a nerve for me. Not to mention the fact that I’d stuck my foot in my mouth five seconds into our meeting. I’m maybe a tad defensive

  “So you were startled.” The man smirks again. I hate that smirk. Mainly because it’s kind of sexy and seriously, how dare he be sexy right now.

  “Surprised. You just surprised me.” I counter while staring into eyes brighter than sapphires. I love sapphires.

  “Most women of my acquaintance love surprises.” I stiffen, hearing him wrong at first and thinking he had repeated my thoughts. I gather my wits and realize that he had said surprises and not sapphires.

  “Well, since I am not of your acquaintance, your expectations can’t be that dashed.” Ha! So there! I can be witty! I give the blond God my best “gimme your best shot” face and hope it comes across challenging instead of inviting. There is fine line between flirting and bantering and I do not flirt with strangers.

  “Touché. Is this seat taken?” He gestures to the space next to me.

  I look pointedly at all the empty seats around us and quirk my eyebrow at him. The man returns my look, challenging me back I assume. I am fully prepared to force him to take another seat, preferably one that is far enough away for my comfort, but still close enough to check him out. I’m not dead after all, but all my hopes are dashed when the bus driver yells for everyone to take a seat and since Annoying and Gorgeous is the only one standing, it’s obvious who she’s speaking of.

  I nervously glance at the driver, then back to the man. Honestly, bus drivers in general scare me, but this one looks like she means business. They must take a test or something so only the creepiest ones get the job. Surely the man will decide that winning this standoff isn‘t worth risking the wrath of the frightening woman. But, my luck continues and he just stands there waiting for me to move my bag. Finally, I break. With a very dramatic huff, I fling my bag onto my lap and clutch it like it’s a security blanket.

  “Thank you….” He trails off, obviously wanting me to fill in the blank.

  “You’re welcome!” I say giving him a too sweet smile, then turn back to look out my window.

  “I’m Connor.” This guy just never quits.

  “Nice name.” I am not going to lose this one.

  “Do you have a name?” Of course, the look I gave him says. “And that would be…?” No look this time, I just stare out the window. “I bet it’s one of those names that could be for a boy, like Charlie, or Trae, or Alex.” I shoot him a look like he is way off. “No? Hmm maybe it’s one of those names that people give their cars, like Birtha, or Sally or Martha.” He says all of this so nonchalantly, staring at me while I pretend he doesn’t exist. This guy is a piece of work, just assuming there must be something wrong with my name if I don’t immediately give it up. “My money’s on Sally. You look like you could be a Sally.” I scoff, outraged at his double meaning. I am no Sally. Jackass! He chuckles at my look and draws his hand through his short, thick, blond hair at the top of his head. I shiver a little, but it’s probably just from the cold weather. “Okay, I’ll just have to make one up for you. I can’t exactly call you the Stubborn Clumsy…..”

  “My name is Nina!” I cut him off, pissed at being forced to give in again. But really, a girl can only take so much insult.

  “Nina.” He says my name like he’s tasting it and by the look on his face, I taste pretty good. What the hell was that Nina! I mentally slap myself. SO not going there. “It’s nice to meet you. Where are you headed?”

  “Work,” I sigh. Might as well talk to him. Connor must not be used to being ignored.

  “Where do you work?”

  “I teach Elementary music.”

  “I would’ve guessed art teacher.” He murmurs, looking at my braid, slouchy knitted hat and gold hoops.

  “Know a lot of art teachers do you?”

  “Not really, I just remember my music teacher having frizzy hair, beady eyes and a pinched mouth. Ms. Crenshaw I think. Not my favorite class growing up.”

  “Yea well, I loved my music teacher. Mrs. Marks. She was the sweetest woman on earth. You should give poor Ms. Crenshaw a break. She did have you to deal with after all.”

  “I was a perfect student I will have you know. All my other teachers adored me. Especially the lunch ladies. They always gave me extra desert. Crenshaw just hated everyone.”

  “Lunch ladies huh…I’ve always wondered about them. They’re a questionable lot. I still don’t know what mystery meat is.”

  Connor full on laughs at that one, earning his first real smile from me. That laugh is trouble. When he stops laughing and gives me a searching look, I wipe the smile off my face and turn away pretending to pick at my nails. I hate how he seems like he is digging for information. Like I'm a puzzle to solve. I am a person dammit! Nothing to solve here! Just a normal, average, everyday woman.

  “So Nina, do you have a boyfriend?” Connor asks with that wicked smirk of his.

  “That’s a pretty personal question to ask someone you just met don’t you think?” I quip. What the hell is he thinking, asking me something like that ten seconds after meeting me?

  “Oh that’s a no.” He says and I glare at him

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “You got all defensive. Women always get defensive about their single status. Did you just get dumped or something?”

  “No I did not just get dumped. I do not want to be in a relationship.” I snarl at him. He really has no idea who he is messing with.

  “Oh so your one of those.” Son of a…

  “You mean one of those smart women who know better than to throw myself at every testosterone jacked up imbecile who couldn’t keep his pants on in a nunnery. Yes, I happen to be one of those.” My temper is flaring now. I don’t care how handsome and charming Mr. Blue Eyes is, he’s no different than the rest.

  “Been cheated on once or twice huh?” He isn’t really smiling now, just looking intently at me.

  “I have my reasons okay.” Past relationships are another off limits subject for me.

  “Okay I can take a hint. I was just trying to make conversation.” He says sheepishly and it makes me feel like a total bitch. I may not feel comfortable talking with strangers and have issues with men, but that’s not his fault.

  “No,” I sigh. “It’s not your fault. This has just been one of those mornings already, you know? I usually keep to myself so I wasn’t exactly prepared for…you. That’s not something that happens to me very often and it kind of threw me off. I don’t do very well with surprises.” Connor looks at me for a few very long seconds and then opens his mouth to speak.

nbsp; “Nina? Do you think…?”

  Suddenly, there’s a loud screeching noise, what sounds like an explosion and a crack from my head hitting the window. Next thing I know, I’m cradling my head and hunched in a ball covered by large arms and pressed against a firm chest. Through the ringing in my ears, I hear someone yelling my name.

  “Nina! Nina!”

  I try to look up at Connor’s face and wince when my neck protests and the pain in my head causes a white flash in my eyes. “I’m right here Connor, quit shouting at me!”

  “Well, you’re alive.” He says chuckling at me again. This is not funny! I hate bus windows. Hey Universe, why don’t you pick on someone your own size!

  “I’m bleeding on you.” I think I say to Connor. I hear what could be a siren and then I pass out.

  Back to top


  When I wake up, I’m in an ambulance with a young, thin, dark haired man putting something on my head and an attractive red head shinning something in my eyes. “Don’t try to sit up, you’re on your way to the hospital and you probably have a concussion. Can you tell me your name and birth date?” The woman asks looking serious.

  “Uh Nina Ryan, July twenty second, nineteen eighty six.”

  “Okay Nina. Do you remember what happened?”

  “Bus crashed, hit my head, passed out.”

  The woman’s lips turn up a little at my bluntness and I think I hear familiar faint laughter, but my head is still spinning a little. “No pain in your neck or spine or anything else besides the head?”

  “My neck hurts a little, but mainly just sore.”

  “You probably have some whiplash, but I don’t think there is any damage there. You hit your head pretty hard. It’s been bleeding, but head injuries can bleed a lot all at once. We’re pulling up now. I want you to just relax while we get you inside so the doctor can take a look at you. Can your husband go fill out the paperwork for you?” Husband?! What the…


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