Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series)

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Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series) Page 21

by Herrera, Devon

  “All you have to do is look at me Connor. I always want you.” Connor grabs my hips and enters me swiftly on my last word. I gasp out the word “you” and grab a hand full of the comforter to hold on as he thrusts into me. He starts circling his hips with every thrust till I’m pushing back against him. When my legs start to shake, he reaches around my hips and uses his fingers to send me over the edge. I scream into the mattress and Connor keeps on pumping harder and deeper.

  Suddenly, he pulls out and I know he wasn’t finished so I’m a little confused until I feel him drop to his knees behind me and grab my thighs to spread them open wider. He shoves his face between my legs and I cry out as a second orgasm tears through me. When I come down to earth, I’m on my back and Connor is inside me again grabbing the headboard and using it as leverage. I think he’s going to go on forever and a part of me hopes he does, but he stills in the next moment before pushing in one last time and groans, dropping down onto the mattress next to me. I’m so out of it that I barely register when he pulls the covers over us and draws me into his arms. I’m out in seconds.

  The next morning I’m woken up to my stomach churning. I scramble out of the bed holding my hand to my mouth and run to the bathroom to throw up violently into the toilet. Damn rotten shrimp. Connor comes in behind me and rubs my back. “Are you okay Princess?”

  “Yea I thought the shrimp tasted funny last night but it looked fine so I ate it anyway. It must have been rotten.” I wipe my face and grab my toothbrush.

  “Do you need to stay home today? Food poisoning can be rough.” Connor grabs a wash cloth and sticks it under the cold running water, then wrings it out and starts dabbing at my neck. I realize then how unattractive I must look butt naked and bruised all over, throwing up with my hair stuck to my face and goose bumps breaking out all over my skin. I reach over to the hook on the door and shrug on my robe.

  “No I feel a little bit better. Must have just needed to get it out of my system.” I rinse my toothbrush out and turn on the shower.

  “Okay well we have 45 minutes before we have to head out the door. Do you want me to make you breakfast while you shower?”

  “Better just stick with toast this morning just in case.” I reply and Connor kisses my cheek.

  “You’re probably right. I’ll stick the bread in when you’re out of the shower.”

  “Thanks baby.” I say to his back as he walks out of the bathroom. I step in the shower and it’s the most amazing shower I have ever taken. I just stand under the spray for a while letting the water warm my body and relax my stiff limbs and feeling like I could sleep for a year. I hear the door creak back open a while later.

  “Nina? Are you okay Princess?” Connor says looking at me worriedly from the parted curtain.

  “Yea I’m just getting out now. You must have really worn me out last night. I’m exhausted.” I say teasingly and Connor’s eyes fill with regret.

  “I’m sorry baby. I don’t know what came over me last night. I can’t believe I acted…”

  “Connor Wright shut your mouth right now. I loved what you did to me last night so don’t even think about apologizing. I’ve made it through plenty of school days with a lot less sleep so I’ll be fine.”

  Connor smirks at me and pulls out a towel when I shut off the water and step out on to the rug. He opens the fluffy white towel up and holds it out for me. I step over to him and he wraps the towel around me and presses a kiss to my temple. “Okay baby but you need to hurry, we only have ten minutes now, you were in there a long time. Nick is waiting in the living room to follow us.”

  I rush to the bedroom and throw on the first outfit I find. Braiding my hair is the only way I’m going to get ready on time so I gather it over my shoulder and pleat it in a long thick braid to the side then swipe on some mascara and a layer of blush. That will have to do.

  “You’re looking good for someone who was an almost kidnapping victim.” Nick says with a smile and I flip him the finger. Connor chuckles as he hands me my toast on the way to the door and holds it open for me.

  “A word of wisdom my friend. Do not mess with this one in the mornings. She may look like an angel but she’s more likely to throw her harp at you than sing you a song.” I look at Connor like I’m two seconds away from said harp throwing and he just smiles at me. Jackass!

  “I caught that.” Nick replies and opens the door to his car while Connor and I get into his truck.

  As it turns out the day was pretty uneventful. In our case, however that was a good thing. Nick is in the parking lot after school and follows us home but takes back off as soon as we’re in the door. After dinner Connor and I decide to switch it up with some cards. About halfway through “Go Fish” since that’s all I know how to play, I almost crack my jaw in half with the biggest yawn of my life. Connor chuckles at me and sets his cards down.

  “Come on sleepy head, let’s get you into bed.” He stacks the cards and puts them back into the box and helps me out of the couch.

  “Sorry baby, the last couple months must be catching up with me.” I say through another yawn and slip into the covers. Connor brushes my hair off of my forehead and presses the back of his hand to my skin.

  “I hope you’re not getting sick. Maybe you should take some medicine.” I yawn again and snuggle deeper into the warmth of the bed and close my eyes.

  “I’ll run to the store on the way to work in the morning and pick some up then if I’m still not feeling good.” I mumble, only half awake now.

  “Okay we might have to drive separately then, I have a meeting first thing with the head of a Dojo here in town.”

  “Kay.” I hear his chuckle again and his lips against mine.

  “Sleep well Princess.” And I do.

  The next morning is exactly like the first. I puke my guts out within seconds of waking up and decide that along with eating rotten shrimp I probably have a virus or something. I’m not surprised with everything that’s been going on, because stress has always affected me physically. I brush my teeth again and go out into the kitchen to find Connor making some cider. “Morning baby. Do you feel better?” He hands me my cup and adds some coffee to the brewer.

  “Not really I threw up again just now. I think I might have something. I’ll grab some cold medicine on the way home.”

  “Okay baby Nick will follow you to the store and then to work today. The dojo isn’t very far and I’ll take my pistol with me.” He says while rubbing my back.

  “Are you sure Connor? I don’t know about that.” I say nervously.

  “I’m positive. And besides you are the one they threatened. You’re also the one that they hired someone to nab so I think out of the two of us you need the most protection.” I know there is no way he’s going to budge on this so I give in.

  “Okay but take your gun. I’m going to get ready and head out so I’m not late.” I kiss him one last time and run to the bedroom to change.

  Once I’m all dressed and ready to go I head to the kitchen while Connor showers and make some more toast as Nick is pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Good morning Nick. Where did you take off to last night?”

  “I went to Toni’s” He says without turning around.

  “Is everything okay between you two? Connor sort of filled me in the other day.” I try to say it as casually as I can so I don’t sound prying and continue spreading the boysenberry jam across my toast.

  I see Nicks shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath before he turns around. “I don’t really know. I thought I had it all figured out but it turns out I was wrong about everything. I’m trying not to hurt her because I really do care about her, but I don’t think I can be what she needs.” He closes his eyes briefly. “I’m not even sure she wants me to be anything.”

  “If she didn’t want you in her life she wouldn’t exactly let you go to her place almost every day.”

  “Yea well I can be pretty damn convincing. I’m pretty much just a jackass and ignore her every time she trie
s to push me away. Ironic since I’m the one who pushed her away to begin with.” He says finishing his coffee.

  “Don’t knock being a jackass too much. Apparently it works.” Nick doesn’t comment on that but he does look thoughtful before nodding and setting his cup in the sink.

  “Let’s get going Nina. Connor says I’m following you solo today and if you want to grab some medicine before school we better get going.

  We get in our separate vehicles and head to the store. I walk over to Nick’s car parked next to mine. “Hey I’ll just be a minute.” I say to him through the window.

  “Alright Nina, call me if you see anyone suspicious in there.”

  “Will do.”

  When I get into the store, I go straight to the medicine aisle so that I can get what I need and get out. As I walk down the aisle scanning the contents looking for a familiar brand my eyes land on a home pregnancy test and my heart stops. I stand in the middle of the aisle frozen on the spot trying to count backwards. I haven’t had a period the entire time Connor and I have been together. I must have been so caught up in the drama that I never even thought about it. We haven’t used protection once since I was on birth control but I had also been drinking and that can lessen the affects slightly, so I know it’s not impossible. The fact that I didn’t feel all that sick all day yesterday, but have been sick first thing the last two mornings makes me even more nervous. I grab some cold and flu syrup and a box of pregnancy tests.

  After paying for them I decide that I can’t wait till I get home. I stop at the public restroom and step into the biggest stall and pull one of the sticks from the box. Two minutes later I’m sitting on the lid of the toilet hoping and praying it’s negative. Connor and I have so much on our plate as it is and haven’t really had the chance to be together without something hanging over our heads. I check my watch and see that I’ve waited long enough. As I reach for the stick that’s sitting on the toilet paper dispenser, I close my eyes and send a hopeful message to the Universe to give me what I need.

  I look down at the tiny strip of plastic that holds my future and see twin pink lines have formed, sealing my fate. “Holy shit!” I breathe out into the empty bathroom and my words bounce back at me. I sit there for a moment just staring at this little stick that has just changed my life and think about the situation I’m in. I’m growing Connor’s baby inside me. I’m going to be a mom. Connor is going to be a dad. My hand instantly goes to my stomach.

  Although my first thought was not really a pleasant one the more I picture it, the more the idea of having a baby grows on me. I pull out my phone and shoot Connor a quick text.

  Me: Call the school and tell them we can’t make it. I’ll be home shortly. Xoxo.

  I wait in the stall for a couple minutes until my phone vibrates with his reply.

  Connor Wright: Okay Princess. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I’ll call them now. See you in a minute.

  I smile at his text. He is going to be such a good father. Everything I know about him says that this baby is the luckiest little girl or boy in the world to have him as a daddy. What kind of mother will I be? My parent’s death may have been tragic, but their life was wonderful. They were good parents who each had one devastating moment of selfishness. I can do this. I can be the mother that this baby deserves. I’ve learned from my parents mistakes. Being with Connor has opened my heart and I know how it can grow to make room for someone without losing a part of myself. I run out of the bathroom excited to get to Connor and tell him about the life we created.

  When I get out to the parking lot I stop Nick’s car and he rolls down the window. “Did you get everything you need?” I smile at him and it hits me that I phrased my wish that way. What I needed. My smile grows and Nick gives me a questioning look.

  “I think I did. I’m going to head back home. I already called Connor and we are taking the day off of work. What were your plans for the day?” I ask secretly hoping he wasn’t going to go back home so Connor and I can have some alone time.

  Nick gives me a sheepish smile. “I had planned on keeping up with the routine of going to Toni’s and forcing my way into her plans for the day.” I giggle at him but I’m pretty sure it’s from the high my current secret has given me.

  “Go get her! Sometimes us females don’t know what we need until it’s forced on us. Don’t be a complete asshole about it, but a little bit of jackassery never hurt anyone.” I say clapping him on the shoulder through the window.

  “Jackassery?” Nick says smirking at me. “Is that even a word? Are you sure you don’t need me to follow you home?” He asks

  “Nope! I promise to call if anything happens, but Connor knows I’m coming so he will be there to make sure I get from my car to the house alright.” I say and Nick laughs.

  “Alright Nina, I’ll see you later.” I get into my car and he waits for me to pull out of the parking lot and we head in opposite directions.

  A few minutes from our street I’m stopped at a red light watching the kids of the neighborhood play and the scene makes me think of my newest little bundle of joy. A little boy is standing next to a tree in front of his house when a young girl in a purple dress walks over to him and takes his hand and leads him over to another group of girls. She looks so sweet and the boy is grinning up at her. I’m starting to think I’m witnessing a first crush in the making when the group of girls suddenly pull miniature squirt guns from behind their backs and start to soak the poor little guy.

  An image pops into my head of the woman in the purple dress at the bar coming on to Connor and trying to get him to leave with her. I replay her cryptic message in my head and that’s when I realize what was so familiar about the SUV she climbed into that night. Oh my God! I make a mental note to call Detective Wheeler with the information after I tell Connor about the baby. I don’t want anything to spoil the news.

  I’m actually looking forward to telling him now and I’m positive that Connor will be happy when I tell him we’re having a baby. When I pull up to the house and jump out and start running to the door, I hear Samson barking obnoxiously in the back yard. I get to the front door and see Connor’s phone lying on the porch, so I bend down to pick it up thinking it just fell out of his pocket. I push open the door and yell for Connor and start to make my way through the house. Samson is still outside barking and it starts to make me nervous. When Connor doesn’t answer and I don’t find him anywhere I rush back outside and see his truck is still in its spot. I walk up steps wondering if he could be out back with Samson until I get to the last step and see a small red spot on the edge. I squat down and touch it with trembling fingers, knowing what it is but shaking my head in denial. Blood! NO!

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  I’m thrust into action and the first thing I do is pull out my phone to call Nick back to the house. I dial his number and it goes straight to voicemail. “SHIT!” I shove my phone back into my pocket and throw my purse on the ground. My pregnancy test peaks up at me from the opening and I remember the scene with the little boy and how it made me think of the woman from the bar.

  I run back into the house and start tearing through our bedroom hoping that he didn’t throw it away. “YES!” I pull the slip of paper out of Connor’s jacket pocket with the address that the woman gave him and for once thank the Universe for my tendency to procrastinate on the laundry. I dial detective Wheeler’s number and I want to scream when it just keeps ringing. When I get his voice mail I leave a frantic message.

  “It’s Nina Ryan. They took Connor! I came home and he’s gone and his phone was outside and his car is still here and there was blood! I have an address I think he could be at. 2111 Duster way. Please call me back!” I hang up and look at my phone for two seconds before dialing another number. There is no way in hell I’m going to sit around waiting for a phone call while Connor is missing. Lo picks up the phone and I almost cry at the relief.

  “LO! Oh thank God. Listen I need you to call Drake
and get him to meet me at this address 2111 Duster way. They have Connor, Lo! Tell him to come armed. I called the detectives and I’ll call 911 on my way there.”

  “Whoa slow down. Connor is missing? What the hell happened?”

  “Lo, just call Drake, I’m going to go get him and I need his help. I can’t just sit around when he could be hurting.” I shout desperately hoping she will understand.

  “Nins, you need to calm down and think. You can’t just go off half calked.” She says sounding just as desperate, but I don’t care.

  “Lo! I don’t have time to argue with you. You’re just going to have trust me!” I hang up the phone, knowing that my best friend will come through for me. I run back out to Connor’s truck and grab his pistol from the glove box. I’m a Wyoming native, so I’ve shot one before, but I’m not Annie Oakley or anything so I’m still slightly intimidated by the power of holding something that could take a life so easily. I check to make sure it’s loaded, but put the safety on. I’m no good to anyone if I shoot myself before I get to Connor.

  I dash to my car and look down at the pistol in my lap. Will I be able to do it? Could I shoot someone? Could I take a life? Can I save Connor? I never thought in all my life I would be asking myself these questions, but I need to prepare myself for what I’m about to do. I pick up my phone and dial 911. As it rings I make my decision. I will only do what I have to. To protect Connor, I will deal with whatever needs to be done. I don’t relish the thought of hurting someone, but I refuse to do nothing. I set the pistol on the seat next to me as the operator picks up and I start the car.

  “Hello 911 what’s your emergency.”

  “My name is Nina Ryan and my boyfriend Connor Wright was taken by a man named Maxwell Holden or one of his associates. We are part of an ongoing investigation and I’ve left a message with detective Edward Wheeler. I believe they have him at address 2111 Duster way. Send someone immediately!” I hang up the phone and type the address into my phone.


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