The Price of Sin

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The Price of Sin Page 2

by Monica Belle

  He broke off, to look around the audience with a sudden fierce stare. Several stepped backwards and I saw one woman cross herself before Julian spoke again, his voice suddenly calm and matter-of-fact.

  ‘But I’m afraid we must move on, ladies and gentlemen, in order to make way for the next group. I do hope you’ve enjoyed the tour, and do feel free to explore the grounds and those parts of the house open to the public for as long as you please.’

  They allowed themselves to be herded away like so many sheep, but not one failed to cast a glance back at the folly. I lay where I was, doing my best to ignore the prickling sensation that covered my skin and to push away the disturbing thoughts his speech had provoked. When the last of the visitors was gone I spoke up.

  ‘Was any of that true?’

  Julian laughed.

  ‘Not a great deal, no, except for one or two of the names, which I borrowed from John Aylsham’s diaries and the stones in the graveyard. I’d be prepared to bet that every word of it can be found on the net within a week though, even if the Inquisitor doesn’t get to hear about it. Hush, and try and look as if you’re expecting to be shagged by the Devil.’

  ‘I am, later.’

  It took him an instant to realise that I meant him and he smiled before turning to greet the next group from the tour, who Vanessa was leading towards us. She was as beautifully dressed as ever, and playing her part as the aristocratic hostess to perfection, but I could tell from her face that she was feeling stressed and couldn’t help but wonder if it would be me or Henry she took it out on once we were alone.

  Julian took over the group and went into his routine once more, as polished as ever. I did my best to relax, ignoring the rough stone beneath my body and wondering how Flora Martins would have felt in the same position, if that was indeed the name of the girl John Aylsham had used for his ritual. She would have believed in what was going on, presumably, so would either have been very frightened or have been a very wicked girl by the standards of her day. I preferred to believe the latter and, judging from some of the questions Julian was taking, our visitors were more than a little in awe of her, which made me feel better about the role I was playing and my exposure.

  The second group came and went, as did the third, and the fourth, by which time the whole thing had settled down into a predictable routine. I was beginning to get bored, and stiff, using the brief gaps when we were alone to go through a few stretching exercises. Even Julian was beginning to get a little fed up, especially as each group would ask more or less the same questions, and his answers were getting shorter and less elaborate.

  Finally it was done, and with the last of the tourists coaxed gently but firmly off the estate Henry brought out a tray of glasses and a bottle of cold white wine. I drank eagerly, the cool, sharp liquid quickly refreshing my senses and lifting my spirits in anticipation of what was to come. We were largely ready, with the shadows of the big trees beginning to lengthen on the bank, and when Julian went back to the house to get ready I was left with Henry. I wasn’t sure what to say, as it’s a little awkward when the last time you saw somebody socially they were sucking your boyfriend’s penis, so I offered him a glass of wine. He hung his head before he answered in a servile tone.

  ‘No, thank you, Miss Chloe. This evening I may only drink my mistress’s wine.’

  I wasn’t sure what he meant, but he was obviously already in role for the evening, which made normal conversation impossible. My own role was only marginally less undignified, if at all, but I knew what he liked and ordered him to kneel. He went down immediately, onto his knees beside the altar, his eyes to the ground. I took another swallow of wine and pulled my knees up, pretending to study my toes as I scanned the reed beds in the hope of catching a glimpse of the Inquisitor. I could see the upper works of boats on the main channel and a couple of rods which presumably belonged to innocent fishermen, but nothing to suggest we were being watched. Yet the shadows under the fringes of willow and scrub oak were dense and black, making it all too easy to imagine lenses and eyes peering out from among them. I was glad when Julian returned, now wearing a long black cape.

  The cape moved as he walked and I realised he was naked underneath, providing an immediate thrill of desire. I hugged him as he reached the altar, then allowed one hand to slip beneath his cape, searching for his cock. He felt heavy in my hand and began to grow immediately as I pulled at his shaft with our mouths open together in a long, hard kiss. It felt nice and he made no effort to pull away, so I continued to tug on his rapidly growing hard-on. Before long his hands had gone to my breasts, first to touch, then to tug up my bikini top and spill them out, naked in the warm evening light. I thought he’d fuck me there and then, but he contented himself with stripping off my bikini top, then pulling away, now with an impressive erection thrusting up from between the sides of his cape. He glanced down, gave a satisfied nod for the state he was in, and turned me a wicked grin before he finally spoke.

  ‘That looks the part, I think, and you’ll certainly be getting the Inquisitor hot under the collar. You can get those pants off too, and make sure to give him a bit of a show, but not too obvious.’

  My sense of embarrassment flared up on the instant, but I complied, rising to a kneeling position before slipping my bikini bottoms down and then turning to sit down on the altar top as I peeled them off my legs. Henry was close by, still kneeling respectfully on the ground, and I jokingly draped my discarded bikini over his head. He mumbled his thanks, then hung his head lower still as Vanessa’s voice rang out from the direction of the path.

  ‘That’s what I like to see. Julian already at attention, his tart in the nude and the worm where he belongs. Right, let’s get on with it.’

  For all her casual attitude she looked spectacular to say the least and she obviously knew it. Her tall, slender body was enclosed in a cat suit of scarlet rubber, so tight it might have been a second skin. Knee-length black boots with spike heels lifted her to the same height as Julian, or rather more if you included the high ponytail into which she’d fixed her hair. Black leather gloves matched her boots and she carried a long, thin riding crop with a wicked-looking leather sting.

  Just to look at her made me want to grovel at her feet, and if the whip frightened me it also thrilled me, but not nearly as much as what she was wearing around her hips, a harness of black leather straps from the front of which protruded a dildo that put Julian’s cock to shame. It was black rubber, as thick as my wrist and maybe a foot long, with a pair of monstrous balls hanging beneath. I knew where it was supposed to go, but I couldn’t imagine it would fit. My fear must have showed on my face, because she laughed as she reached the altar.

  ‘What’s the matter, darling, scared you’ll split? I doubt it, not the way you juice up over Julian’s cock.’

  My blush grew hotter still at her crude words, but it was true, the stone beneath me already wet from my excitement, and yet the dildo simply wasn’t human in its proportions and I had to say something.

  ‘Gently, please, Vanessa.’

  Her answer was a snort of contempt and Julian took over.

  ‘You’ll cope, I’m sure, Chloe. Let us proceed then, and remember, we’re almost certainly being watched, so make a good show of it.’

  I nodded and laid back on the altar, trembling for the thought of having to accommodate Vanessa’s huge dildo and no doubt Julian as well, but I did want it, badly. With my arms and legs stretched out into the points of the pentagram I was open to her, and that was all I could think about as Julian began the ritual, at least until the first drops of hot wax touched my skin from the candle he’d lifted above me. They stung – a hot pain that made me shiver and jerk for all that we’d tested the candles carefully and knew that they wouldn’t burn. It was more than simple physical pain anyway, with both Julian and Vanessa smiling down on me as the hot drops splashed on my naked skin, he cool and in command, she bright eyed with cruelty.

  He did it all, every single one of the symbol
s on my body traced out in drops of wax, until my trembling had grown hard and my breathing deep and strong. My nipples were little aching cones beneath their caps of wax, my belly tight with apprehension, my sex open and wet, ready for Julian’s cock. He’d been nursing his erection as he used the wax on me, keeping himself stiff and ready, and as he reached the top of the altar once more he cocked one leg up, took me firmly by the hair and slid himself into my mouth.

  I sucked eagerly, allowing my thighs to come up and open in instinctive response to the big cock in my mouth, but he had quickly pulled back, his erection now glistening wet in the evening light as he once more began to chant. He hadn’t mentioned the reversed sacrament to the tourists, deliberately in order to feed the Inquisitor’s suspicions, but as Vanessa knelt to take his cock into her mouth I realised that he had begun it now, using his erect penis as a substitute for sacred bread.

  For all her dominant poise, Vanessa sucked as eagerly as I had, as did Henry, despite the intense humiliation on his face as he accepted another man’s prick into his mouth. I watched both suck, by turns jealous and excited, but more than anything proud of the way that everybody automatically accepted my man’s virility. He came back to me too, slipping his cock into my mouth once more as Vanessa picked up one of the empty wineglasses from the tray.

  I watched, kissing and licking at the head of Julian’s cock as she lifted one elegant leg to reveal a slit in the crotch of her cat suit, with the shaved pink lips of her sex pouting beneath the balls of her strap-on. She put the glass to her pussy, her smile growing more wicked still as her muscles tensed, and then she had let go. I watched as the yellow pee swirled in the glass, quickly filling it and running from the rim to splash on the ground beneath her.

  She was looking down as she did it, her smile growing ever more wicked, and as she lifted the glass and held it out to me her eyes were glittering with cruel pleasure. I came off Julian’s cock and took the glass, scarcely knowing what I was doing as my eyes met hers and I moved the glass to my lips. Her musky scent caught my nose and I could feel the warmth of her body through the glass, then on my lips as I sipped. My mouth filled with her taste and, after a moment of disgust, I sipped again, deliberately showing off to her and to Julian as I filled my mouth and swallowed. She nodded.

  ‘Good girl. I knew you’d be obedient. Once more.’

  I obeyed, my eyes still holding hers as I took another swallow of her pee, deliberately committing an act of submission perhaps deeper than anything I’d done before, to willingly drink the gift of my mistress’s body. She knew how I felt and laughed to see the condition she’d reduced me to as she took back the glass to pass it down to Henry. He didn’t hesitate at all, his face set in bliss as he swallowed down what was left in the glass in two quick gulps, then once more hung his head as he mumbled his thanks.

  Vanessa ignored him, watching with her contemptuous little smile as I turned my attention back to Julian’s cock, taking him as deep as I could while I stroked at the velvety skin of his balls. He’d begun to push into my mouth and, for one moment, I thought he was going to add his load to what I’d already swallowed down from Vanessa, but he pulled back at what must have been the last possible moment, to leave his cock rearing hard and wet from the front of his cape once more. I lay back into the pentagram, now in a state of submissive bliss so strong that had the ritual been real and the Devil appeared at that instant I’d have surrendered my body to him without resistance.

  Julian had begun to chant in Latin, one of the rotes I recognised from John Aylsham’s diaries, a piece of liturgy spoken backwards, again and again, faster and faster, to rise to a shouted climax. I’d closed my eyes, expecting to be taken at any instant, with Vanessa’s monstrous dildo thrust deep into my body as I lay spread and helpless below her. Her leg touched my open thigh as she mounted the altar, kneeling over me with the fat rubber cock pointed at my open sex as I arched my back in readiness.

  ‘And now little Chloe ...’

  Her voice broke to a yelp of astonishment at the same moment her body was slammed down onto mine. I screamed as several inches of thick rubber cock was jammed up inside me, but no louder than Vanessa, and as my eyes sprang open I saw why. Henry was on top of her, from behind, mounted on her body with his face set in demented glee as he rammed his cock in and out of her from behind. Her face was a picture, working in horrified surprise, shock and pain, and when she spoke her words were harsh and grating, addressed to Julian.

  ‘He’s up my bottom, Julian! Stop ... no, don’t ... oh hell!’

  She broke off with a grunt and suddenly her face had gone slack and she was sobbing out her ecstasy as her husband buggered her as if he was truly possessed. Every thrust of his cock into her anus was making the dildo jam into me, so that I was no better than her, the two of us clinging together as she was buggered. I closed my eyes to shut out the terrifying view of Henry’s face, which was twisted with a savage lust I’d never have thought him capable of, but the image stayed in my mind.

  Even Julian was nonplussed, but only for a moment before he’d climbed up onto the altar to straddle my head, lowering his balls onto my face as he offered his cock to Vanessa’s mouth. She took him in immediately, her chin pressing to mine as she sucked him deep while I mouthed on his balls and licked at his anus. I was lost, helpless beneath them, my pussy full of thick, firm rubber, the skin of my belly and breasts slick against Vanessa’s, my mouth full of my lover’s balls.

  Vanessa gave a sudden, choking gasp on her mouthful of cock, Henry screamed, although it was not his voice, and I realised he’d come up her bottom. But it didn’t stop him, his cock still pumping hard into her to set her gagging on Julian’s cock as she struggled to cope with what was being done to her. Then Julian had come too, filling her mouth and mine, and at that my own orgasm kicked in, my muscles locking hard around the huge dildo in my sex, my body jerking to the thrusts and my fingers clutching at the rough stone of the altar as I was driven to peak after helpless peak until at last I could take it no more and my senses slipped away to oblivion.

  I awoke to the hot sting of whisky against my lips. Julian was bending over me, looking concerned. He pressed the whisky glass to my lips once more and I took another swallow. It burnt as it went down, making me cough, but I managed a smile and a nod when he asked if I was OK. I’d thought I was still on the altar at first, but as my head began to clear I realised that the hard surface under my back was the kitchen table in the Hall. Outside it was dark and I realised I must have been unconscious for a while. Sudden fear gripped me as I remembered Henry’s face and the way he had mounted Vanessa and buggered her without a word of warning, but as my body jerked in an effort to sit up Julian took hold and laid my back onto the table, soothing me.

  ‘It’s OK, Chloe. You’re fine. It just got a bit much for you, that’s all.’

  ‘But what happened? Henry ...’

  ‘Ssh. Don’t worry about it.’

  ‘But he was ... well, it was like he was possessed!’

  He laughed. ‘It was, wasn’t it? He says he doesn’t remember anything about it at all, but I think he saw an opportunity to get his own back for all those years grovelling at Vanessa’s feet.’

  ‘But that’s what he likes, isn’t it? And did you see his face?!’

  ‘Yes, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t turn the tables if he got the chance, and he looked to me like a man who’s finally got his cock up his mistress’s bottom after years of being used as a servant. Besides, she’s taking it out on him right now. Listen.’

  He stopped talking, at which I made out a faint smack, as if of leather on flesh, then a cry of pain. Julian carried on.

  ‘She’s got him upstairs, for 100 strokes of my thick belt, and that’s just for starters.’

  ‘But she enjoyed it. You saw what she was like, and look at the way she sucked you!’

  ‘That’s the whole problem. If she’d hated it and pushed him off she wouldn’t be nearly as cross, but as it is he’s hurt h
er pride. She’s going to be taking it out on him for months, which means plenty of attention and that’s what he craves. She hasn’t the patience or the restraint to just ignore him, which would be the only effective punishment.’

  I answered with a nod, because my mind had moved on, to the way Julian had used her and me at the same time, with his balls in my mouth and his cock in Vanessa’s. He hadn’t even bothered to ask and I knew I should have felt cheated, but after what had happened it seemed impossibly petty to protest. It had been the four of us, after all, in a tangle of bodies over which I for one had had no control whatsoever, nor Vanessa. Yet I’d gone with my instincts and I knew that if Henry had taken me instead of Vanessa I’d have welcomed him inside me, or any other man, while Julian would have been accepted whatever happened with his usual cool, cynical style.

  ‘We’d better get you up to bed.’

  ‘No. I’m fine. I just need something to eat, and a coffee maybe.’

  He shrugged, accepting my choice without further discussion, and went to the fridge. The smacks of Vanessa beating Henry and his answering cries were growing louder, but neither of us took any notice, both accepting the situation as it was. I was still naked and covered in wax, but that too seemed normal and I didn’t bother to cover myself up as I sat down to the plate of cold chicken and salad Julian had set before me. He’d retrieved the wine bottle too, and poured what was left into two glasses.

  We ate and drank in silence for a while, the only sound the faint, rhythmic smacks and cries coming from upstairs. Vanessa was certainly taking it out on Henry, and as I remembered the way the expression of outrage on her face had given way to ecstasy I found myself smiling, and also wondering if the moment had been captured on camera.

  ‘Was there any sign of the Inquisitor?’

  ‘Didn’t you see the flash go off?’


  ‘I don’t suppose you would have done, from your position. He was on a boat, I imagine, or maybe across the channel. I pretended not to notice, so hopefully he’s got some good pictures.’


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