Love Me Once, Love Me Twice (Montana Cowboys 1)

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Love Me Once, Love Me Twice (Montana Cowboys 1) Page 2

by Beth Walker

  Stepping onto the porch, she moved out of his reach as the light flipped on and her grandmother opened the door.

  "Natalie Marie? Is that you?"

  "Yes, Grandma. It's me."

  "Who's with you, honey?"

  "Cade Weston, Grandma. He drove me here since it's snowing so badly. I managed to put my car in a ditch outside of town."

  "Well, Cade. Come on in and sit a spell where it's warm."

  "I would, ma'am, but I'm on my way home. I've got a mare tryin' to foal."

  "Nonsense. I'm sure you could use a cup of coffee to warm you. Now get in here. We're lettin' all the heat out."

  Cade laughed, and Natalie had to smile when he said, "Yes, ma'am."

  "No use arguing, you know."

  "Not with your grandmother."

  When they stepped inside and shut the door, Cade took off his hat and Natalie got the full affects of his devastating good looks. The jean jacket and T-shirt stretched over his chest like a second skin. Worn blue jeans hugged his lean hips, and pointed-toe cowboy boots completed the picture of the Montana cowboy to a ‘T’.

  The rough clearing of a throat brought her gaze back to his face as heat flushed her cheeks when she caught his gaze. His lips twitched with mirth when he tried to hold back his grin.


  "Sit. The couch is comfortable. I have coffee brewing anyway. I figured Natalie would want some when she got here."

  "After you," he said, sweeping his arm aside in one of the most gallant gestures she'd ever seen.

  Whoa! Wait just a damned minute here. Stop thinking he's some white knight or something — even if the thought of those rough hands and some delicious sex seems really good right now. How long has it been again? Too frickin' long! The last time with Steve even sucked and not literally.

  "What have you been up to Cade?" her grandmother asked from the kitchen.

  "Not much ma'am. Stayin' out of trouble, or tryin' to."

  "How's your wife?"

  Well, shit! So much for a hot romp with a sexy cowboy.

  "What's her name again, Cade? Cindy, I think," her grandmother continued, oblivious to Natalie's disappointment.

  "Uh, we divorced about four years ago, Mrs. Oliver."

  Okay, maybe the hot romp with a sexy cowboy isn't out.

  "Oh? I'm sorry to hear the news. Natalie never has married. Too busy taking care of other people's kids."

  Blue eyes fastened on her and she shifted on the seat.

  "Grandma, can we not talk about my lack of marriage please?"

  "She did have a steady man for awhile, but Steve was a jerk and a liar," her grandmother told Cade. "I told you from the beginning, but you wouldn't listen to your grandmother. I'm glad you came to your senses before you got into anything permanent." The statement directed at Natalie, making her cheeks fill with heat at her grandmother's words.

  A quick breath blew the hair off her forehead and she mouthed 'sorry'.

  He reached over and squeezed her fingers. Electricity shot up her arm, sending delicious sensations across her nipples.

  Damn it!

  Her grandmother handed Cade a cup of coffee, and one to her, before taking a seat in the recliner across from the two of them.

  "How long are planning on staying, Natalie?" her grandmother asked.

  "I don't know. However long you need me to, Grandma. I took a leave from the school, so I can stay until whenever."

  "Well, maybe Cade can take you out to dinner one night so you aren't cooped up here in this house with me all the time. There’s no need for you to be here all day, every day. When you call your mother and father, tell them I am not moving to Oregon. I'm staying right here in Red Rock."

  "Grandma, Cade doesn't have time to worry about ferrying me around town. Besides, it's not as if I'm not a native. And yes, I'll tell Mom and Dad you aren't moving to Oregon."

  "Actually, I'm not busy tomorrow. I was going to offer to come over and shovel the driveway for you, Mrs. Oliver, and I'd love to take you out to dinner, Nat. You know, for old time's sake."

  "See. He wants to take you out to dinner," her grandmother said with a wink.

  "I appreciate the offer, Cade, but I really should spend some time with my grandmother, and I…"

  "Nonsense. The handsome gentleman asked you out for dinner. You'll go if I have to push you out the door."

  She tipped her head back on her shoulders and laughed. "All right, Grandma. You make it sound like I haven't had a date in forever."

  "Only since your scumbag, short-dicked…"


  "Okay, so I don't know whether he was actually short-dicked or not, but I know scumbag fits the bill."

  A roar of laughter filled the air, and she glanced at Cade with a grin and a shake of her head.

  Cade came to his feet and said, "I really should be getting back to the house. Thank you for the coffee, Mrs. Oliver."

  Natalie stood to walk him to the door, ignoring her grandmother's wink when Cade's back turned.

  "I'll be over bright and early to shovel the snow."

  "It's okay. You really don't need to—"

  One finger against her lips stopped her words.

  "I want to. Besides, it gives me a reason to see you again."

  "You asked me out to dinner, remember?"

  "True. Okay, it gives me a reason to see you before five tomorrow evening."

  "All right already. Be careful out there, huh?" A quick glance out the door told her the snow had slowed dramatically. "I'm sure the roads are still slick, and if the temperature drops anymore, the snow will ice over."

  "I will. Don't forget, this weather is nothing new to me. I'm a born and bred Montana boy. I'll see you in the morning," he replied with a wink. "Sleep well."

  She watched him walk to his truck and slide inside as the interior light illuminated his face. The headlights came on, and she could see the outline of his hand lift in a wave before backing out of the driveway and disappearing down the street.

  A shiver rolled down her back, and she wasn't quite sure if it came from the look in his eyes when he put his finger against her lips or the frigid air outside.

  Cade Weston. High school jock. All around hunk and he wants to take me out to dinner. Who would of thought?

  Chapter Two

  "You're taking who out to dinner?" Kale asked on the other end of the phone the next morning.

  Cade and Kale remained best friends even after high school and through turbulent marriages on both their parts, but each came to their senses when their wives became lovers. Both women broke the news at dinner one night. They informed their husbands they'd decided they were lesbians and wanted to be together—without the men.

  "Natalie Bennington. Remember her from high school?" Cade replied as he pulled on his jeans, T-shirt, and thick socks. He’d planned to be at Mrs. Oliver's first thing this morning, but the sun already started a good trek across the sky before he rolled out of bed. He'd been up half the night with the foaling mare at the barn on his property. The house wasn't complete yet, but the barn and the pasture areas were.

  "Yeah, kind of geeky looking band girl. Didn't she have long blonde hair, green eyes, and braces?"

  "You got it, but now she's hot! Oh my God, hot!"

  "How would you know?"

  "She put her car in a ditch outside of town. When I left the bar, heading home, I found her. The drive train busted and the car stopped ass end in the gully. I'm glad she didn't get hurt, but her car wasn't going anywhere, so I took her to her grandmother's."

  "Playing the knight in shining armor, huh?"

  "I guess, but let me tell you when I saw her face, I about shit, man. Thick hair you could really wrap your hands in, big green eyes with little flecks of gold, and legs that could stop traffic. I'm gettin' hard just thinking about her."

  Kale's tolerant chuckle reverberated through the phone line. "So where has she been?"

  "Her parents moved to Oregon after the plant closed."
br />   "And she's back here now, why?"

  "Remember readin' about Doc Oliver dyin' a week or so ago?"


  "He was her grandfather. I guess she's here to help her grandmother somehow."

  "She's not staying long then."

  "I don't know for sure. She said she took a leave of absence from her teachin' job."

  "A teacher?"

  Cade grunted in affirmation. "Elementary."

  "Figures. I would have pegged her for the teacher type even way back then. Where are you taking her for dinner?"

  "The Millhouse, I think."

  "Wow! Going all out, aren't you?"

  "I figured what the hell, you know. I haven't taken anyone on a date in months, much less been laid."

  "You think she'll go for a little short term fun?"

  "Maybe. She hasn't had a steady guy for a while from what her grandmother said. Mrs. Oliver made sure to tell me too."


  "I better go, Kale. I told them I'd be over this mornin' to shovel the drive. Two women tryin' to do it didn't sit well with me."

  "Okay. Call me later."

  Cade hung up the phone, grabbed his truck keys, and slipped on his jacket. Within moments, he pulled in front of Mrs. Oliver's house, noticing first thing—Natalie's car sitting on the street near the mailbox.

  "Stubborn woman," he grumbled, shutting his vehicle off and popping open the door. "I would have taken her to the garage to have them tow it here."

  The next thing he realized was Natalie standing in the middle of the driveway with a shovel in her hands.

  "I told you I would be here, Nat."

  Her hand shoved a few wisps of hair out of her face. "Oh, hi, Cade. I know you did, but when you weren't here by ten, I started without you."

  "You did a good job, but let me finish it. Women shouldn't be shoveling snow."

  One perfectly arched eyebrow shot up. "Excuse me? Are you going all male-chauvinistic on me?"

  Oh shit!

  "Sorry. I didn't mean it the way it came out. Men are built bulkier and with more muscle mass to handle physical labor better than women."

  The shovel made it into a pile of snow and stood upright with a twang. Her eyes narrowed, and he wasn't sure if he would make it out of this alive, even if she was damned cute all flustered and pouty.

  "Besides," he said, wrapping one arm around her waist and tugging her closer. "What does it hurt to let a man take care of you a little?"

  Before he could change his mind, he brushed his lips over hers in a quick kiss then released her.

  "Why don't you make some hot coffee? I'll have this done in a minute."

  Her lips pressed into a firm, straight line, but lifted in a small smile at his wink.

  "All right. Black?"

  "Yeah," he replied, slipping his jacket off his shoulders, leaving him in nothing more than his T-shirt. The shoveling would work up a sweat in no time if he left his coat on. A quick glance in her direction, gave him the enticing view of her backside in a nice pair of jeans as she made her way up the stairs.

  Damn! She even has a nice ass to go along with everything else.

  A honk from a car behind him drew his attention to the street. He almost groaned when he saw the familiar sight of Kale's Chevy.

  "Hey bro," Kale said, stepping out of his truck.

  "What are you doin' here?"

  "Our conversation this morning had me wondering. I figured I'd check out Ms. Natalie myself."

  "Great," he said with a groan.

  Moments later, Natalie returned with coffee in hand.

  "Holy hot damn," Kale whispered only loud enough for Cade to hear.

  "Told you."

  "Well, well, if it isn't Kale Dunn. What brings you by?" she asked, stopping next to him and handing Cade the cup.

  "Cade told me this morning he ran into you and planned to come over and shovel the driveway. I thought I'd be a gentleman and help."

  Cade covered his snort with a cough.

  "Isn't that sweet? But I really don't think there's enough for two strong, healthy men to do. The drive isn't very big, after all."

  "How about I keep you company while Cade shovels then?" Kale asked with an innocent look.

  Cade felt like punching him.

  "Great! Come on up to the house. I know Gram has more coffee and probably even some of her coffee cake left."

  With his mouth hanging open, Cade watched Kale slip and arm around Natalie's shoulder and walk with her to the door.

  "Well I'll be a son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him," he growled under his breath.

  It only took him about fifteen minutes of heavy shoveling to clear the driveway, especially after getting pissed at Kale for honing in on Natalie. True, they’d shared a woman or two over the years. Okay, maybe like ten from before they married and after their divorces, but Cade didn't have any idea if Nat would be one of them.

  A one-man woman comes to mind with her, but then again, I could be wrong. Maybe she might be up for a little adventure after her lack of relationship lately.

  The shovel found a spot next to the garage door before he headed up the porch. A high-pitched, tinkling laughter met his ear when he stopped at the front door. With a quick peek through the curtains, he saw Nat and Kale sitting close together on the couch with her grandmother sitting across from them. The intense uneasiness sweeping through him, didn't sit well. Possessiveness and jealousy weren't new feelings for him. They'd been the primary reaction to the news of his ex-wife's betrayal, but having them for a woman he hardly knew, had him wondering at the reasons.

  He lifted his hand, rapping on the door a couple of times.

  "Come on in, Cade. You don't have to knock," Natalie said, pushing open the screen. "It didn't take long to shovel the drive at all. It would have taken me a lot longer, I'm sure."

  "I don't think it's supposed to snow again for a few days at least. Hopefully it'll stay clear for you for a little while anyway."

  "Let me get you a refill on your coffee and you can sit a spell."

  "Maybe Cade wants to go to lunch along with you and Kale, Nat. Wouldn't that be nice?" her grandmother said with a twinkle in her eye. His gaze focused on his friend, and Kale mouthed what as he returned the scowl.

  Nat took his coffee cup into the kitchen, but called out, "I don't know, Gram."

  "Nonsense, Natalie. Having two men fight over you seems like a wonderful idea, even to this old lady."

  Her face flushed with color when she returned to the living room, hot coffee in hand. Cade figured he'd let her off the hook. Having lunch with her and Kale wasn't in his plans, but making tonight special for her was.

  "You know, I'm sure it would be a great time having lunch with you two, but I'll have to pass. I have an appointment I can't get out of early this afternoon, but I'll be here right at five to pick you up for dinner. Sound like a plan?"

  "Mmm…sure, Cade," she replied with a frown crinkling the skin between her eyebrows. "Where are we going for dinner? You know, so I know whether to wear a dress or jeans."

  "It's a surprise, but wear a dress," he said. "I plan on pamperin' you tonight."


  "Yep." Taking the seat on the other end of the couch, he thought it amusing when she seemed uncomfortable sitting between him and Kale.

  If she only knew how much I'd like to sandwich her between the two of us, in other ways.

  Little Miss Natalie Bennington definitely had his interest and it appeared she also garnered Kale's. Rather funny actually, in high school, she wasn't his type or Kale's, at all. Cheerleader, blonde, built like a brick shit house, and loose panties fit the description of those making it into their favor. Natalie was the shy girl who stayed away from the football players, preferring to spend her time with the others in the band and those into the science stuff.

  "You didn't say how long you planned to stay, Nat," Kale said.

  "I really don't know. It depends how long Gram needs me. I don't have anyth
ing back in Oregon holding me at the moment, so I can be here for a while if need be."

  "Wonderful. I'd really love to get to know the Natalie Bennington you've turned into," Kale replied, brushing his fingers against her shoulder when he put his arm across the back of the couch. Cade clamped his jaw so hard, his teeth hurt. The insane urge to snap Kale's fingers rushed through him.

  A heavy sigh left her lips and Cade wondered why.

  He finished his coffee and stood. "I'd better get going so I don't miss my appointment. Walk me out?" he asked, taking her hand in his.

  "Sure," she replied, coming to her feet.

  They walked outside, hand in hand, and he liked the feeling of her warm palm in his.

  The smile on her lips and the shy way she dropped her gaze, made him feel like a kid again. Like a first date or something.

  I guess it will be in a way. We never dated in school.

  "You really don't have to go out of your way tonight, Cade. I know you probably feel cornered into dinner with my grandmother’s suggestion and all."

  He let go of her hand and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I want to, Natalie. Why can't you believe that? I find you extremely attractive, funny, cute, and I want to see what makes you tick," he whispered, brushing his lips against her ear. When he moved back, her big green eyes drew him in, making him want to feel the softness of her lips under his again. The miniscule brush of their mouths before did nothing but whet his appetite for more. He wanted to stroke the inside of her mouth and feel her return the hot brush of his tongue. He wanted to know what it felt like to have her give herself to him and let need take over.

  Seconds later, his mouth hovered over hers—wanting but waiting for her to give him some indication she needed it too.

  A slight shift of her weight toward him gave him the answer he sought.

  The cell phone in his pocket rang, and he closed his eyes with a groan.

  Damn it!

  He knew that ring tone—his sister.

  Impeccable timing.

  "Sorry," he whispered, stepping back and pulling out his cell. "Hi, Elizabeth."

  "Hey, Cade. Mom wants to know if you are coming over for lunch today."

  "I planned to. Is there a problem?"

  "No. She wants you to stop at the store on your way and grab a few things."


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