Love Me Once, Love Me Twice (Montana Cowboys 1)

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Love Me Once, Love Me Twice (Montana Cowboys 1) Page 5

by Beth Walker

  "Wow. This is great, Cade," she called from inside. "It's going to be really big."

  "Not too big, but enough for a family anyway," he replied, returning to her side. "This is the livin' room, and there's gonna to be a river rock fireplace along the wall over there. Large picture windows will be right here so we can look out over the pasture and watch the horses and cows grazin' in the distance."

  "I can picture it. It'll be beautiful," she whispered, and he wondered at the longing in her voice.

  Grasping her hand, he led her to where the kitchen would be. "This is the dinin' room, and the kitchen will be against this wall with a window over the sink lookin' outside so you can watch the kids in the backyard. We'll have a huge farm table so all the extended family can visit for Sunday dinner."

  She stepped in front of him and slid her hands inside his coat and around to his back. "It'll be the perfect family home." Her warm breath skimmed over the exposed area of his neck, sending chills down his back. The softness of her lips brushed against the underside of his jaw, and he fought a moan rumbling in his chest.

  "Natalie," he whispered.


  "Nat, darlin', we'd freeze to death in here if we so much as…"

  "Kiss me, Cade."

  He took her face between his palms, and brushed his lips against hers. A soft little moan escaped her mouth, only to be caught by his when he fit their lips together and his tongue swept inside. Their bodies molded like one piece of a puzzle to another. One hand slipped into her hair, tangling in the long strands while the other wrapped around her back, pulling her closer. There would be no mistaking the long, thick erection pressing against her stomach. He ravished her mouth. Stroking, licking, sucking motions had her whimpering in need as her tongue met him touch for touch. The desire to feel her skin outweighed everything inside him, screaming stop, before this goes too far. Two fingers unbuttoned the front of her coat. He parted the material and tugged her back in. Breasts pressed flat to his chest. The silky material of her dress did nothing to hide the hard nipples poking him.

  Hot and insistent desire sprang to life. Something he hadn't felt in a long time made him pull his mouth from hers and skim over her cheek to her ear.

  "God, I want you," he whispered. Her answer came out in a needy whimper. Small nibbles to her ear and the whimper grew. Her coat became a vice as he pushed it off her shoulders, trapping her arms against her body with it. A lick to the spot on her neck, just under her earlobe, and her breathing hitched up a notch. Sensations rushed all his nerve endings, and he groaned as he fought the headlong dash of need to push her to the plywood floor and bury himself inside her sweet heat. He brushed a kiss over her bare shoulder and pulled her coat back into place. Green eyes blinked in confusion. Pouty lips begged him to kiss her again, but he refused to give into unyielding desire in nothing more than a fuck-fest.

  "Why did you stop?"

  "Because, I don't want to make love to you on a plywood floor. I want you in my bed, not here. You deserve so much more."

  She laid her head on his shoulder and buried her nose in his neck. A heavy sigh rushed from her lips. The sweet floral scent of her perfume made him dizzy with desire. Heat scorched him where they touched.

  "Take me home with you, Cade," she murmured. Her warm breath singed his skin and tattooed her image on his brain until he couldn't think.

  "Wait right here." He quickly returned to the generator, cutting the power to the house. When he returned to the spot he'd left her, she held out her arms, and he scooped her up, holding her close to his chest.

  Within moments, he had her inside his truck, speeding down the dirt road toward the highway to town.

  I can't take her back to my place. It's not the spot I want to make love to her for the first time. Two fingers scratched his jaw. But where? Kale's? No. I don't want to share her. Back to the Millhouse? I could get a real nice room there, but man! It seems so cheap doin' that.

  "Cade?" Her soft voice brought him out of his musings to see her wide green eyes staring at him from across the cab of his truck. "You're thinking too much." She unbuckled her belt and slid to the middle of the bench-seat before re-hooking her seatbelt and placing her hand on his thigh. His dick jumped in his pants. A sexy smile played on her lips, and he wondered if she knew exactly what she did to him with her touch. "It doesn't matter where we go… except, not to my grandmother's."

  A nervous laugh left his mouth. "I wouldn't even think of goin' there, darlin'. Somehow, I think privacy isn't on your grandmother's agenda, although she sure seems to want us together."

  "Don't get your drawers in a bunch, cowboy, she wants me with anyone who doesn't use, abuse, drink, smoke, do drugs…"

  "In other words, a nice guy?"

  "Yeah. A nice guy. Are there any of those around anymore?"

  "I'm one."

  "I know and it terrifies me."


  "The few nice guys I've been with, I get bored. You know, they say women always go for the bad boy."

  "I can be bad too," he admitted with a grin.

  A little smile played on her lips, and he wanted to kiss her so bad, he could taste her on his tongue.

  "I'm sure you can. After all, you did steal a car when you were younger."

  "Damn. I shouldn't have told you, but if it makes me bad enough to get you, then I'm okay with it."

  The next thing he realized, they reached her grandmother's street. His heart dropped in his chest when they rounded the corner and a sea of flashing red and blue lights greeted them.

  "Grandma?" she whispered, terror clear in her voice.

  "Easy, Nat. Let's find out what's going on."

  He stopped at the curb and put the truck into park. An ambulance stood nearby and a police car was parked in the driveway. The door opened with a flick of his wrist, and he rushed around her side to help her out so he could be the rock she might need to lean on, depending on what was going on inside the house.

  With one arm around her shoulders and the other holding her hand, they headed for the door, but the police officer guarding the entrance refused to let them in.

  "Can I help you?" the officer asked.

  "I'm her granddaughter. What's going on with my grandmother?" Natalie asked.

  "The paramedics are working on her now. I'm not sure what happened. We got a call, but the caller was difficult to understand."

  "I need to go inside."

  "Of course," the officer replied, tipping his hat. "Cade."


  "You with her?"


  "Go on in. I'm sure they'll need some information or something."

  Chapter Four

  "Grandma? What's happening? What's wrong?" Natalie asked, rushing to the side of the gurney.

  "I'm fine, honey. Don't worry," her grandmother said, although the words seemed slurred. Her usually bright and cheerful eyes appeared dull and the left one didn't look quite right.

  Natalie squeezed her fingers, and the paramedics finished strapping her in.

  "We're taking her to Red Rock hospital, if you'd like to follow," one of the paramedics told her and Cade.

  "We'll be right behind you," he answered. "Why don't you change real fast, darlin'. I'm sure it's gonna be a long night, and you probably don't want to be hangin' out at the hospital in your dress."

  "Is she going to be all right?" she questioned, worry knotting her stomach.

  "I don't know, but we'll be there for her no matter what. Now, go on and get changed."

  She watched momentarily while they wheeled her grandmother out the door before she rushed upstairs.

  T-shirt and jeans. Tennis shoes. Socks. The list of clothing items rattled off in her head when she reached her bedroom and unzipped her dress, flung off her shoes, and ripped the nylons down her legs. She'll be fine. She has to be. I don't know what I'd do without her.

  When she finally finished dressing, except for her shoes, she headed down the stairs to find Cade pac
ing the living room like a caged lion—a beautiful, sexy, mountain lion or something. His hands stuffed in his pants pockets, chewing his bottom lip with his teeth.

  He's worried about her, too. Gotta love a man who cares about elders.

  "Let me get my shoes on and we can go," she said, taking a seat on the couch.

  "We'll have to take it easy. It's starting to snow again."

  Her gaze ran over him from the tip of his cowboy hat to the pointed-toe boots on his feet. He really is one of the good guys…with a little bad streak. She stood, tugging at the bunched up material near her hips for a moment, liking the way his eyes narrowed while watching her.

  "Let's go see what's wrong with Grandma," she said, taking his hand and leading him toward the door.

  It's a good thing the hospital wasn't far. He had them there within fifteen minutes.

  "What do you mean I can't see her?" she demanded.

  The clerk behind the desk popped her gum and tapped on the keyboard. "She's being examined, and they won't let you back there right this minute. Take a seat. They'll come get you when you can see her."

  "This is ridiculous. That's my grandmother back there."

  "I understand. Let me see if I can get one of the nurses to come out and talk to you."

  "Easy, Nat. Getting upset isn't goin' to get you anywhere in here," Cade said, pulling her tight against his side.

  "I know. I just wish I knew something."

  He led her to a couple of chairs in the corner and forced her down on one. "I'll be right back. I'm goin' to find the vendin' machine and get us both some coffee."



  "Thanks for being here. I don't know how I would handle this without you."

  Warm lips brushed against hers and she sighed. "Anytime, darlin'."

  When he walked away, she couldn't help but notice the looks he got from the other women sitting around the waiting room, and she felt a ping of jealousy zip through her.

  Jealous? I don't have any reason to be jealous. He's being a friend, nothing more.

  "Never mind the way he kissed me earlier," she murmured out loud. "And what about telling him to take me home with him?"

  One quick exhale blew the hair off her forehead, and she rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

  This is stupid. Getting involved with him is stupid and silly, but ohmigod can the man kiss.

  "Get your mind out from between your legs, Natalie. You're grandmother needed you, and you were out getting frisky with Cade Weston."

  "Nat?" a familiar voice said from the doorway.

  "Kale? What are you doing here?" Her gaze fixed on his familiar chiseled features and the worry in his eyes. He took a seat next to her, taking her hand between his.

  "I heard your grandmother's address on the scanner at the house. I went by there, but everyone had left. Her neighbor said they took her away in an ambulance, so here I am. Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, but Gram isn't. I'm not sure yet what the trouble is. They won't let me back there." Accepting his firm reassurance, she leaned into his embrace, absorbing his strength. "I'm so scared."

  "It'll be fine, honey. Don't worry," he whispered before he kissed the top of her head.

  "What are you doing here?" The growl in Cade's voice took her by surprise.

  "Cade," Kale said with an answering grumble.


  "Stop it you two," she demanded, moving away from both of them. "We aren't here to start getting possessive. And I'm not going to come between you and your friendship. You two have been friends far too long."

  "You aren't," Kale insisted, but she saw the narrowing of Cade's eyes.

  "Here's your coffee, Nat. I brought cream and sugar since I wasn't sure how you took yours."

  "I appreciate it, Cade. Thanks. I'm sure it's going to be a very long night."

  "I'll be right here with you, darlin'. You know that, right?"

  "You don't need to stay. I can get a cab home and—"

  Two of his fingers pressed to her lips, stopping her words. "I'm stayin'."

  She nodded, took his fingers, and entwined them with her own.

  "You don't need to stick around, Kale," Cade said.

  "What if I want to?"

  "Damn it! This is nuts. Knock it off! You aren't going to pull me apart like two dogs fighting over a piece of meat."

  "Miss Bennington?" the nurse called from the doorway.


  "You can come back now."

  "Thanks." She handed her cup to Cade and said, "You two play nice."

  * * * *

  "What the hell are you doing here, Kale? Really?" Cade asked, resisting the urge to punch his friend. Stumbling on Kale holding Natalie when he returned with the coffee, threw him for a loop. The feelings rushing headlong across his heart seemed strange, and he wasn't sure he liked it at all.

  "I told her and I'll tell you too. I heard her grandmother's address on the scanner, and I got worried. No one was at the house so I came here. I didn't realize you two were still together and you'd be here with her."

  "Where else would I be? I had a date with her, remember?"

  "I know. I figured you'd have gone home by now. It's going on midnight."

  "What? She turns into a pumpkin at midnight?"

  Kale ran his fingers through his hair, Cade almost laughed at the hairs sticking up in several directions. "Hell, I don't know. I wasn't sure if you and she might be…"

  "Doin' the horizontal mambo?"

  "Maybe. Shit, Cade. I know I wouldn't mind gettin' between those thighs, and I know you feel the same way."

  "Watch how you're talkin' about Nat."

  "You sound almost protective, there buddy. What's up? Yesterday you were all for getting her in the sack and sharing her. Now you're not?"

  Right now, he wasn't sure what he felt, but the feelings she stirred out at his house and the protectiveness running rampant through his chest, made him uneasy. "I'm sorry, Kale. I don't know how I feel right now, other than if she needs me, I'll be there for her. She doesn't have anyone here. Her grandmother is her only family, and she doesn't have any friends around these parts anymore."

  "You goin' out with her again?"


  "I asked her out for next Saturday."


  "She said yes."

  Jealousy reared its ugly head, sending anger and irritation down his back. "I planned on taking her sleddin' tomorrow. She said she hadn't been in a long time."

  "Sounds like fun. A little snow, some hot coffee, a little snugglin' by the fire."

  "That's the plan," he replied.

  "You jealous she said yes to dinner with me, Cade?"

  He sipped his coffee and narrowed his gaze on his long time friend. Damn right he was jealous and he didn't like it one bit. Neither of them had ever been attached to the women they shared. It always came with an unwritten law—no deep involvement—just sex. But Natalie's different.

  "Are you?" Kale repeated. "Because, you know, we had an agreement. No involvement—"

  "I know what the damned agreement is, Kale."

  "You've fallen for her, haven't you? Already. Head over heels—"

  "Shut up, Kale. Just shut up."

  "Cade?" Natalie's voice came from a small door to his right.

  He put his coffee down on the table and faced her. "What's up, Nat? How is she?"

  "They think she'll be okay, but she's had a stroke. Her speech is still slurred a little and her right arm is weak, but she'll survive. She's going to need rehabilitation, and they are going to keep her tonight for observation."

  Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears, and he knew she held her emotions in check. Such a strong woman.

  "Come here, darlin'," he said, opening his arms.

  A small, choked sob broke from her lips as she threw herself into his embrace, burying her face against his chest.

  "Sshh. Everythin' will be okay. You'll see."

  She tipped h
er back and said, "But what if she never recovers? She won't be able to live by herself anymore. She'll have to go to a nursing home or something. That would kill her, Cade."

  "I know," he whispered, brushing the tears from her cheeks. "We'll take it one day at a time. No use gettin' all upset about it right now."

  "I thank God, I was here already. What would happen if none of us were around? Yes, she called 911 herself, but at least I'm here to help her recover." A gasp left her lips, and she stepped out of his embrace. "I have to call my parents. They are going to have a fit over this." Her steps took her back and forth in front of the door, and the thumbnail on her right hand disappeared between her lips. "If they find out I wasn't there, my mother will have a cow! I'm supposed to be here helping her and taking care of her, not out on dates with the local bad boys. Crap!"

  "Natalie, listen," Kale said, coming to her side. "Your grandmother insisted you go out and have a good time."

  "That's right, darlin', she did, and she would have been upset if you stayed at the house," Cade added.

  Her hand waved in front of her face, dismissing the arguments they made. "It doesn't matter. My mother will not understand."

  Cade took her hand and drew her back into his arms. "Listen, you are entitled to have a life too. She can't fault you for it anymore than anyone else."

  Both arms went around his waist, and she snuggled up to him. "Thanks. You two are the best friends a girl could have." After a quick hug, she released him and said, "Do you want to come back and see her? You too, Kale. I know she's worried about me, so it will help alleviate her uncertainties if she knows you are both taking care of me."

  "If it's all right, I'd like to. I want her to know she doesn't have to worry about you," he replied.

  "I'm sure she'd love to see you," Nat said. "Come on."

  She took one of his hands and one of Kale's and led them through the doors. The three of them walked hand in hand until they reached one corner of the emergency room. A curtained off area stood to their left, and Natalie called out to her grandmother to make sure they could come in.

  "Come on in, honey. I'm decent, well if you call these damned gowns with no back so your ass hangs out for everyone to see, decent."


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