The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon 2 (The Overlord's Depraved Tales)

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The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon 2 (The Overlord's Depraved Tales) Page 2

by Bree Bellucci

  Colette nodded knowingly. “You missed lunch.”

  “What happened?”

  “Your friend was sent to the Lair this afternoon. Word has it that she ended up screwing the dragon and she got burned. Literally.”

  Ava’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Poor Michelle,” she moaned, feeling sick.

  “Don’t feel bad for her. I heard she loved it. She’ll be healed in no time. I’m sure she’ll be back at breakfast.”

  The women had to stop speaking as dinner was served and they didn’t want the servers to overhear them. A few women were summoned for the Lair after the meal and Ava had to admit she was relieved not to be one of them. After their bellies were filled with food, the women were excited to head down to the dungeons.

  Ava went back to her room and found a note on her bed.

  "I hope you like the new clothes. They suit you better. I learned of your interest in fashion. If you continue to please me, I will allow you to practice your fashions."


  Ava wasn’t sure what to make of it. Knowing that she was now locked in for the night, she took the opportunity to shower. As she came out from the steamy bathroom she saw a piece of paper on the floor.

  Realizing that it must have been slipped under the door while she was in the shower, she reached down to pick up the piece of heavy cardstock. It was cream with formal handwriting. It was titled 'Ava’s Itinerary' and it was for the following day.

  It depicted breakfast as usual, but then after breakfast she was scheduled to attend a poolside luncheon with The Overlord and then a Pleasure Session.

  “What the fuck?” she asked herself, sitting on the bed. She wasn’t sure what shocked her the most, the fact that she was invited to a pool hidden away in the creepy castle, that it was considered a “luncheon”, or that she was later scheduled for a Pleasure Session. It was too much to take and she threw the piece of paper on the floor before climbing into bed and turning the lights out.


  The alarm woke Ava and she knew the drill this time, she got herself ready and then waited for the door to unlock. She chose to wear an emerald Maxi dress today and when the door unlocked and she stepped into the hallway, the other women shot her dirty looks as they teetered past her dressed in ridiculous clothes and stilettos.

  “She gets to dress like a queen while we look like trash,” one woman hissed. Ignoring the comment, Ava rushed past her when she saw Michelle emerge from her room. Ava threw her arms around her friend, and Michelle hugged her back tightly. She looked no worse for the wear and Ava wondered if perhaps Colette had gotten her story wrong.

  “Are you okay? I heard that you were sent to the Lair?”

  Michelle nodded and when Ava pulled away, she saw the bruises and pale burn marks on Michelle.

  “I liked it,” Michelle whispered. Ava nodded and hugged her friend. Breakfast passed without incident and the women were sent off in different directions, depending on what their days held. Ava still had a couple hours until she was to visit The Overlord and she was allowed back to her room in the meantime. When she entered her room, she saw Marcello lounging across her chaise.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  Marcello raised his eyebrows and smiled a sickeningly charming sneer. “It’s good to see you too, dolce.”

  “I’m serious. Why are you here?”

  “Oh, you silly Americans are always in such a rush, so many important things to do,” he paused, his eyes roving across her body appreciatively. “What is it that you have to do now? You have nothing but free time in between your meetings with The Overlord.”

  Ava stood in the doorway, eyeing Marcello carefully. “I don’t need you here to help me pass the time,” she snapped.

  Marcello stood and walked over to her closet, pulling the doors open. “Mmmm. He really does like you. Somehow you have managed to receive a new wardrobe.”

  Ava still didn’t budge.

  “Come in and close the door,” Marcello hissed, “I won’t bite.”

  Not wanting to stand in the hallway any longer, she stepped into the room and pulled the door shut behind her.

  “That’s better,” Marcello purred. “Now, tell me, what do you think of The Overlord?”

  Ava sat on the bed and studied Marcello shrewdly. “Who wants to know?”

  “I do.”

  “He didn’t send you?”

  “No. I’m curious. You’re the first human I’ve ever seen him take such an interest in.”

  Ava shrugged and stared out the window. She still felt incredibly confused about her encounter with The Overlord. She was repulsed by how she acted, and yet she remembered her overwhelming desire for him at the time. In fact, she was still feeling some of the effects of breakfast and she felt herself eyeing Marcello. He was a bastard but he was also incredibly handsome.

  “Why are you here? Why do you do his bidding?” she asked sharply, trying to change the topic of conversation.

  Marcello didn’t answer her and instead moved towards the window. “It doesn’t matter,” he said softly, and Ava’s interest was piqued by the change in the tone of his voice; he almost sounded wounded.

  “I’m curious. You asked me questions. I can’t ask you any?”

  Marcello whipped around angrily and Ava shrank back on the bed, surprised by his vicious mood change.

  “I am no better than you!” he cried. “Do you think I want to be here? I’ve made the best out of my situation!”

  Ava jumped off the bed and quickly moved to the door. Marcello was faster than she and he blocked her from opening the door. He was so close that Ava could smell his aftershave and she could see the gold flecks in his brown eyes. Marcello was nearly panting and his eyes searched Ava’s.

  “Leave,” she whispered.

  “Not yet.”

  Marcello suddenly looked vulnerable and boyish, his cruel bravado was gone.

  The energy changed between them and Ava knew nothing good could come from the sexual tension that now vibrated between them.

  “You need to leave, Marcello,” she said quietly. Marcello came even closer; his breath warm and sweet on her face.

  “You don’t want to make love to him. I know you don’t.”

  “What choice do I have? I’m being held a prisoner here and I’ve been claimed as The Overlord's pet!”

  Marcello’s eyes were suddenly sad and weary. “I was rewarded greatly for finding you.” He hung his head in shame.

  Ava felt foolish at her sudden wave of realization. Of course, Marcello was responsible for this nightmare. He had handpicked her and Michelle in Milan.

  “Get out!” she screamed in anger, trying to wrench the door open. “This is your fault!”

  “No!” Marcello yelled back, pressing his body against her. He was strong and solid and Ava nearly moaned from the sensation of having a full-blooded human male pressed against her. She was still aroused from breakfast and she had to summon every ounce of self-control to not reach between Marcello’s legs.

  “Please,” she said hoarsely. “I don’t like you, Marcello, and I don’t trust myself now.”

  Marcello broke away as if burned. “You just ate,” he said. “It’s not real.”

  He yanked the door open and stormed out of the room.

  Ava slammed it behind him and sank to the floor, she held her head in her hands as she began to cry. She was so confused. In the span of five minutes, she had felt fear, anger, arousal and confusion with Marcello.

  Ava wasn’t sure how long she sat on the floor, but a loud knock on her door brought her back to the present. It wasn’t yet time for her to visit The Overlord, and so she timidly opened the door a crack, worried that it might be Marcello again.

  A different guard stood in the hallway.

  “You’re being invited for a performance in the Lair,” he said formally.

  “Do I have a choice? Can I stay here?” She had no desire to go to the Monsters’ Lair.

  “No. It is
a request, not an invitation.”

  Sighing, Ava left her room and followed the guard downstairs. There were a handful of women and other guards milling around and Ava saw that neither Michelle nor Marcello were present. She did however notice Franco. If Franco noticed her, he certainly didn’t let on, and he looked around the dungeons with boredom. Ava hung to the outskirts of the group and she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander as she studied some of the cages nearby.

  The monsters seemed to know that something was about to take place and some nervously paced their cages, while others were hunched in the corners. Others seemed ready for some type of sexual experience, and they rubbed their big and disfigured cocks. Ava turned her head away with disgust.

  A monster with thick chains around his neck and arms was brought out of a cage. He had the body of a man, but he had a thick line of spikes from his tail up to the top of his head. He reminded Ava of some sort of reptile. His eyes were black and he had slits for a nose. Some of the women nearby began to shift on their feet, eagerly anticipating what was to come.

  A woman was led from the group and she cried out with happiness as she was brought up to the stage. The beast made a sound deep in his throat, and he began stroking his long, crooked cock. The woman dropped to her knees and wrapped her mouth around the monster’s organ. He moaned loudly and appreciatively as the woman’s head bobbed up and down along his shaft.

  Filled with repulsion, Ava wanted to look away but as she turned her head one of the guards forced her to look back. For some reason, she was not aroused like the other women. Now, the beast was bending the woman over a type of stump and he was fondling her anus while he greedily rubbed his mouth against her pussy.

  “You find it disgusting.”

  Ava’s body stiffened at the sudden whisper from behind.

  She turned slightly and saw Franco standing behind her; apparently he had recognized her. She shrugged slightly, not wanting to draw attention to herself. First Marcello and now Franco she thought...

  “It’s repulsive,” he said quietly so only she could hear.

  The monster was now sucking on the woman’s pussy and her wanton cries filled the dungeon. The other animals’ lustful moans filled the air and it reminded Ava of something out of a horror movie. Her stomach turned and she wished desperately to be back in her room. Even arguing with that jerk-off Marcello was decidedly better than this.

  The creature's long, brown cock was hard as a rock as he roughly shoved his length into the woman, making her scream loudly in pain - yet she begged for more. The monster laughed, a frightening guttural sound and he continued to slam into her again and again.

  Why was The Overlord forcing Ava to watch this scene? What purpose was this serving? Clearly the other women around her were aroused because they were crying out with lustful jealousy. Ava shut her eyes and prayed that it would end.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Franco said roughly, grabbing Ava by the elbow and starting to drag her towards the elevators. Ava tried to resist, unsure what was happening.

  “Let me drag you out,” he hissed. For some reason, Ava trusted him and she let Franco pull her towards the elevators. No one batted an eye, everyone was too immersed in the horrific sex show that was unfolding. They entered the elevators and once the doors closed, Ava moved to the opposite wall.

  “What is going on?” she asked.

  “You were disgusted, weren’t you?”

  “Yes. But I don’t understand. Why did you help me leave?”

  “Because I felt bad for you. And I didn’t want to see any more myself.”

  “What happened to your wife?”

  Franco turned away from Ava and she felt the wall go back up. She had gone too far. “I’m sorry, Franco. It was wrong of me to ask.”

  Franco shook his head bitterly. “She was chosen for The Overlord. But then he didn’t like her, at least, that’s what I’ve been told. Apparently, she is kept in one of the towers and The Overlord allows his most faithful servants to have their way with her whenever they serve The Overlord particularly well.”

  Laying her head against the cool metal, Ava tried to wrap her head around Franco’s story.

  “I’ve heard that Marcello was the last to fuck her. I have no way to prove it though.”

  “Franco, I’m so sorry," she said truthfully.

  “It doesn’t matter. I like to help the women whenever I can.” Franco suddenly looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. “Everyone has heard about how much The Overlord desires you. You have quite a reputation for being so new.”

  Ava couldn’t look at Franco, she felt too guilty for some reason. “I miss my fiancé,” she whispered.

  Franco shook his head sadly. “You’re going to miss a lot of things. It's best to forget and try to adapt.”

  They were at the floor now and Franco took Ava by the arm and slowly walked her to her room. He opened the door and Ava turned and gave him a small smile of gratitude. Just as she was closing the door, Franco quickly stuck his hand in the way.

  “Her name is Mia. If you see her, please tell her that I love her and I’ll find a way to get us out of here.” His eyes were wild with pain and promise.

  “If I see her, I promise to tell her.”

  Franco retreated and Ava closed the door behind her. It had been such a strange morning and she wanted nothing more than to lie down and rest. One glance at the clock told her that it was nearly time for her meeting with The Overlord.

  While rummaging in her drawers, she came across a number of bathing suits. She chose a white bikini and then dressed in a deep scarlet-colored dress with a boat neck. She found matching red heels and decided she was as ready as she could be. Right on time, a guard came for her. Without a sound, he led her to the elevator and this time he pushed the button with the waves on it. The elevator moved upwards, though not as far as it had moved when she had gone to The Overlord’s private room.

  Jolie met Ava when the door opened, and for the first time in what seemed like hours, Ava smiled a genuine smile at the familiar face. For some reason, she trusted Jolie completely and she felt a strong sense of safety and comfort in her presence. Jolie didn’t speak but instead led Ava down a long, winding hallway. They stopped in front of a large, brass door.

  “Go ahead,” Jolie said encouragingly, and Ava walked through the door. At first, her senses had such a shock that she wasn’t sure exactly where she was. The first thing she felt was the thick, tropical air. The room was bright as if filled by natural sunlight, and a long, lush pool spilled out before her. The room was filled with exotic plants and flowers and she could hear tropical birds calling and squawking. She looked up and saw a handful of bright, colorful birds flying from bush to bush. A cluster of rocks sat at one end of the pool and water spilled over the edge.

  Ava looked around quickly and then spotted The Overlord sitting stiffly in a lounge chair by a table filled with platters of food.

  Of course.

  He smiled at Ava and she moved towards him.

  “Ava, my dear. Welcome. I have sorely missed you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered taking a seat across from him.

  “Do you like my pool? It is my favorite part of the castle.”

  Ava nodded.

  “Please, eat. You must be hungry.”

  Ava hated the fact that she was hungry, but part of her realized that she would need some help to get through the remainder of the afternoon. She took a small bite of a fruit tart and The Overlord watched carefully.

  “You asked me if I had a name,” he said, his red eyes shifting. His wings fanned out and came back in as if he were nervous.

  Interested, Ava spoke up. “Yes.”

  “I wanted to share it with you. My name is Flerian.”

  Ava sipped a glass of champagne. “Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it.”

  The Overlord grimaced, or perhaps it was a smile, and he watched as Ava ate. She could feel the effect of the aphrodisiac-laced food coursing t
hrough her already. With great relief she felt her nerves calming down. The Overlord watched her, his gray, sallow skin seemed to undulate and Ava found her own body becoming warm. She eyed The Overlord’s solid torso and she imagined dragging her tongue across his chest.

  “Shall we swim?” he asked in a husky voice.

  Ava froze and then nodded quickly. She stood and peeled her dress off, knowing The Overlord was watching her. She slipped out of her heels and turned around to face him.

  “You tease me,” he murmured.

  Ava smiled coyly, before moving towards the pool. She gently lowered herself into the water and she was delighted to feel how warm it was against her skin. She slid into the welcoming water and watched as The Overlord gingerly lowered himself in next to her. He groaned with pleasure and dove under the surface with the skill of an avid swimmer.

  Ava went under as well and then swam after The Overlord who was moving across the pool. He froze and Ava swam up to him, wrapping her legs around his solid body.

  The Overlord peeled her off. “We are swimming,” he said firmly.

  “I know,” Ava said slyly, moving her hands back to his chest.

  The Overlord grabbed her hands in his and peeled them off his body. Annoyed, Ava swam to the other side of the pool. When she surfaced, The Overlord was waiting for her.

  “We will mate after we swim. I want to prolong the anticipation.” His voice was hot silk and Ava forgot all about how she had dreaded coming here.

  “But I want you now,” she pouted as her mind ran over their encounter the day before. The way she had wrapped her lips around his swollen tip and milked him for every drop he had. The way he had pressed his hard lips against her aching sex, driving her crazy and making her cum the way only a god could.

  “I want you,” he said gruffly, “and I promise I will drive my cock so far into you that you won’t remember your own name.”

  Ava moaned at the thought but he silenced her with his hand around her throat.

  “Now we swim and you think about all the ways I will fuck you later.”

  Ava submitted and The Overlord left the pool a few minutes later, preferring to sit in a chair and watch Ava splash about the pool. After a while The Overlord beckoned for Ava to come to him. He held a towel for her and he wrapped her in the warm, fluffy material holding her close to him.


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