Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3) Page 1

by R. E. Hargrave


  Book Three


  The Divine Trilogy


  R.E. Hargrave

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright © 2014 R.E. Hargrave

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1505337569

  ISBN-13: 978-1505337563

  Praise for Surreal

  From Goodreads Reviewers:

  "RE Hargrave put her heart and soul into this book!"

  "I have been waiting for what seems like forever for surreal, for more of Catherine and Jayden. I managed to read this is one day, and that's impressive considering the size of the book! That's how much I enjoyed it. Written to perfection as always from RE Hargrave. Catherine and Jayden's story continues in The Divine Trilogy. It has its love, drama and emotions. This one had a considerable amount of emotional moments to the point I nearly keep them tissues handy ;) I can't express how amazing this book is, how amazing the whole trilogy is and am planning to read them all again in the future!"

  "The perfect ending for this wonderful trilogy."

  From Beyond the Valley of the Books:

  Views from the Beta Reader:

  What you will be embracing with the third book is the conclusion to all of the hard steps towards love and freedom Erin has taken the last few years.

  So many times I have encountered authors who want to please the readers at the risk of the characters losing their voices in the story. She did not do that this time, she knew Erin and Jayden alone would direct the story and give the readers what they want, the truth. It isn’t always easy to read, I did shed some tears, both sad and happy ones while reading, but in the end I walked away feeling like this couple did the talking and was inspired by RE’s loyalty and trust she put in them.

  RE took many months, researching and tweaking this book till it was as close to perfection as any book could be. She infused it with wisdom, compassion and emotions that took me as a beta reader all over the map. With each draft she produced, the story just became better and better. I truly believe you will find, this last book in the trilogy is by far the best yet.

  Copyright © R.E. Hargrave 2014

  Published by R.E. Hargrave

  The right of R.E. Hargrave to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000.

  License Notes: This novel is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This print may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of EROTIC fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Cover art: © Valua Vitaly -


  Edited by: Elizabeth M. Lawrence and Sydney Kalnay


  This book is a work of BDSM erotic fiction. It does include instances of polygamy and same-gender pairings in addition to moments that could be troublesome for some readers with regards to the intensity situations suggestive of rape and abuse.

  Table of Contents

  Praise for Surreal





















































  COMING IN THE FUTURE: Divine Salvation


  Four years have elapsed since I began creating the “Divine” world. In that time I’ve met so many wonderful people who have been there for me in one way or another. From hands-on help to the readers who’ve taken the time to reach out and share their stories with me, I have treasured every encounter. This feels like the end of an era that has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride. Thank you to everyone that has taken the ride with me.


  To my Husband and children, I love you.

  To my internal support system—Tammy, Mich, Mavvy, Lorenz, Tori, Lisa, and Massy—thank you for every time you wouldn’t let me give up, and for being the best friends a gal could ask for.

  To my crew—Tbird, Rae, Tammy, Massy, Dawn, Christina, Chris, and Lucii—you helped me make Surreal the best it could be, y’alls input and guidance have been priceless.

  To J.C. Clarke—to work with you always has been and always will be divine. Pinky swear, babe.

  To my Irish sunshine—Kris—thank you for being there to set my phrasing straight.

  To the Grand Wordmaster, aka my editor—Elizabeth M. Lawrence—thank you for making my words shine and teaching me so much over the years.

  To my street team, The Divine Darlins—y’all are superstars and rock my world with your unwavering enthusiasm of my craft.

  To the Twilight Fandom, all the bloggers, and last, but certainly not least, the readers—The Divine Trilogy would be nothing without YOU.

  All I can say is “Lucky me,” to be so blessed with such amazing people in my life.


  At the beginning of their evening, Master left her eyes uncovered. While he bound Catherine’s legs to a spreader bar and her wrists to fur-lined cuffs that dangled from the ceiling, he explained that he wanted his slut to see everything tonight.

  Eyes wide open, she watched him move around her while he brought her skin to sizzling life with the cat o’ nine tails. Sir Jonathan had suggested it as an interim tool until the couple could begin their private whip lessons with him. Wielded much like a flogger, the cat delivered the stinging bite of a whip but on a less intense level, making it a perfect beginner tool for the submissive and her Master.

  He’d turned the thermostat down so that the playroom was frigid—to Catherine, at least. The submissive didn’t have a stitch of material covering her body, and her Master was playing mind games with her. Just the sight of him attired in tight, black leather had started the boiling
heat within her. Combating that inner warmth was the chilled air, drawing her nipples into hardened buds and making Catherine quite aware of the metal that pierced them.

  However, the coolness of the room was soon forgotten by the needy woman once Master began to flail her. Delivered with a steady, controlled hand, the leather thwapping against her skin warmed her until the cold air became welcome, keeping her balanced and comfortable. Master had not taken up the wheel until her whole body was striped pink and white, with the exception of her breasts—they’d been spared the flogger and ached because of it.

  Bound and spread for her Master’s pleasure, Catherine kept her eyelids lowered until he told her to do otherwise. When she raised her emerald eyes at his command, she’d found him mere inches away, his own gaze dark with desire. She didn’t dream of resisting when he pressed his lips to hers, welcoming him in then crying out in surprise when he ran the spiked wheel over her nipple.

  New age music reverberated around Catherine and her Master, blending with the submissive’s soft echoing moans while Master teased her flesh with a Wartenberg wheel. The inconspicuous device, which her maimeo would have associated with transferring sewing patterns onto fabric, rolled over her tender skin and soon became maddening. Another twenty minutes passed, during which he teased her breasts with the spiked toy. She continued to assure him that she was “green,” still eager and enjoying herself. Master was being cautious of her still-healing nipples, for which she was grateful although part of her wanted to ask him for more. Her nipples throbbed, desiring to be pulled and twisted despite the low, constant ache that had been with her since Sir Landon had run the cold steel through them a few weeks before.

  “There. I think you’re prepared well enough now.” Master’s strong hands stroked her flesh with a tenderness that sent goose bumps up and down Catherine’s body. Slipping his fingers inside her slick folds, he filled her, creating a firm pressure, and then stilled. “Always so wet and willing for my touch. You’re a good little slut, aren’t you?”

  Catherine had enough wits about her to not fall for his trick. She’d not been given permission to speak. However, the submissive didn’t fight the lustful moan that slipped from her lips when Master dragged his fingers from her heat with agonizing slowness, just to cram them back into her.

  Bestowing a proud smile on Catherine, Master kissed her rough and quick. “Yes, you are, my cailin maith. As much as I would love to fill that cunt with my cock, we would both come too soon, and that would ruin my plans for later.”

  Her heart jumped at the new endearment he’d taken to using. She loved being his “good girl.”

  Catherine whimpered when her Master took his touch away, leaving her bereft and wanting. Every part of her felt alive with longing for any bit of friction she could get. The submissive fought the urge to plead for an orgasm, instead savoring his gentle attentions while he undid her cuffs and rubbed each of her wrists and ankles after the restraints came off.

  “Your costume for the party is hanging in the en suite. You have twenty minutes to freshen up, dress, and meet me in the foyer. Do not touch that pussy. I assure you, Catherine, if you wash away the essence I worked so hard to get out of you, you will not enjoy the punishment. Do you understand? You may speak.”

  “Aye, Master.”

  Master beamed at her, and she straightened her posture. There wasn’t much room to adjust, but Catherine prided herself on giving him the closest thing to perfection of which she was capable. After a searing kiss that left her lips puffy, he exited the room in a cloud of commanding confidence.

  Catherine was slick and breathless upon his departure. She allowed herself a few moments to calm her breathing and center her focus before following him out of the playroom. Curiosity drew her toward the submissive’s room. They’d discussed costumes for Dungeon & Dreams’ Halloween bash just once. Catherine had told him that she trusted his decision and would wear anything he chose with pride.

  Now she was giddy with anticipation, wondering what he might have selected. Would he have her in something cute and frilly, or would he be the stereotypical male who preferred the risqué? Naughty nurse, French maid, school girl—the possibilities were endless.

  Arriving at the bedroom door, she paused, fingering the black diamond adorning her left hand. No matter what he’d chosen, she knew she could pull it off if Master believed she could. He would never humiliate her more than she was comfortable with. With that thought, Catherine turned the knob and walked into the room.

  Waiting on the bed were two things, and both were made of metal.


  A little bit nervous and a whole lot excited, Jayden paced the foyer. He couldn’t wait to see Catherine on display for him. Any normal person might think it madness that he wanted to take his jewel out into a public setting in so little, but it was pride that drove the Dom, not insanity.

  His close friends knew of Catherine’s latest body modifications, but this would be the first time the couple had gone to the club since the changes had been made. What better way to show them off than to put her on display in a “cage” with himself as the “jailer”? Jayden had known the black leather outfit he’d chosen to wear would arouse his slut, which was the reason he’d worn it while preparing her.

  The telltale clack of heels prompted him to move to the foot of the stairs. He looked up, fixing his stare on Catherine while she descended. Perhaps the outfit was a bad idea after all, he thought with meager amusement while taking her in. So seductive was she that Jayden wanted to ravage her right then and there. He had the sudden feeling that the night was going to be a long one.

  Catherine’s small feet were enclosed in black patent leather stilettos. When she reached the landing and spun for him, he could see the chain-work that ran up the back of the four-inch heel. He allowed his eyes to follow the curve of her strong calf and continue up her body. Held up by spaghetti straps, there wasn’t much to the custom-made dress. Lightweight lengths of chain had been welded together, weaving the garment that now hung down to her mid-thigh. Two-inch spaces between each length of chain left nothing to the imagination. Her tattoo was on full display, as was her pretty, smooth cunt and the emerald J’s in her nipples. When she twirled, the light from the overhead chandelier refracted off her black diamond.

  “You look so amazing, my jewel. Please kneel.”

  Silent and obedient, Catherine took her place at his feet, her arms locking behind her back in perfect position. Jayden took a collar from his pocket and leaned forward. “Your servitude is surreal, Catherine,” he murmured while buckling her leather play collar around her neck. “You may speak.”

  “To serve you is divine, Master.”

  He smiled. “I expect that you will be on your best behavior tonight, slut. You will speak only when given permission, and I don’t want you making eye contact with anyone but me unless otherwise directed. Do you understand?”

  Jayden moved around her with slow, sure steps, waiting for her reply. It didn’t come. “Cailin maith, you may answer me.”

  “Aye, Master. This girl knows her place for tonight and looks forward to making her Master proud.” Her voice was breathy, and the Dom savored the knowledge that he had done that to her.

  “That you do, my jewel. Rise, and show me the rest of your costume.”

  Catherine’s breath caught at his words, but she did as requested. Standing before turning around, his submissive bent at the waist and grabbed her ankles with a muffled groan. Jayden’s face broke out in a mischievous grin when he eyed the steel sunburst rays growing from the end of what he knew to be a rather large anal plug. The rays extended from the center, like hands, so that the custom accessory cupped her firm cheeks.

  “Exquisite. Let’s be on our way. I’ll be driving tonight because Micah has requested the evening off. You have no objections to the Wraith, do you?” Jayden asked while snapping her leash into place on the collar then helping her into a dress coat.

  The question was rhetorical. Jay
den didn’t expect an answer because it wasn’t her decision to make. It was his.


  Before even entering the club, Catherine could feel the electric vibe emanating from the establishment. So much had changed in her life since the first time she’d come to Dungeons & Dreams just over a year ago that, at times, it was hard to wrap her head around it all.

  Warren greeted them at the door with a grin and a loud “Hulk smash,” banging his fist against the bricks. Master laughed while the submissive kept her gaze down like she’d been instructed. However, curiosity got the better of her at the last moment. Catherine took a quick look over her shoulder when they passed to see that Warren had painted his muscular body green and was sporting a pair of ragged and torn brown pants. She stifled a giggle when he shot her a conspiratorial wink and brought his green index finger to his lips in the universal sign for silence.

  Inside, Angelique Hendrix welcomed them and took their coats in her usual whimsical manner, whistling when she saw Catherine’s outfit before crying with joy when she spotted the ring. The onyx-haired beauty looked much like she usually did, although she’d played up her looks a bit more to complete the persona of a Gypsy.

  The submissive waited while her Master looked her over. She hoped everything was as it should be and to his satisfaction.

  “Are you comfortable, jewel? Ready to do this? Please answer.”

  Catherine no longer held an ounce of shame about her body. Master had seen to that. Every scar, every imperfection, she wore them with pride now as part of who she was. Her Dominant had worked long and hard to help her get to a place in her mind where she accepted this as truth.

  She couldn’t wait to go through the interior doors and find their friends. “Aye, Master. This girl is ready to have some fun.”

  “Well then, by all means, let’s have some fun.” He pushed the door open, tugged on her leash, and passed through into the darkened club.


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