Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3) Page 13

by R. E. Hargrave

  Over the next hour, Jayden regaled her with tales of that summer with Landon, Sir Tom, and Okamoto the rope master. She’d known her Master carried a fondness for the art of rope bondage. He reserved it for special occasions because it could be so time consuming. As a result, they’d not engaged in it more than a handful of times. Catherine had loved every moment when they had. Having him spend an hour stroking and touching her naked body while he bound her in silky ropes was nothing short of pure sensuality. He’d put it into perspective for her by explaining that often, in erotic binding, the benefits of the experience came from the process, not the final creation.

  Listening to him go on, she realized this was her Master’s way of making up for the hectic schedule over the past months. This was a chance to recharge before forging ahead. A mere five and a half months remained until Natalie’s baby was due and Erin would be marrying her prince. There was still so much to be done in preparation for both events.

  “I want this experience to challenge you, Erin. With all the things that keep popping up, I’ve decided there might not be a better time to let you have a taste of a 24/7 arrangement. When we get off this plane, you will be my slut for the duration of our time on Japanese soil. Is this okay with you?”

  Two weeks completely immersed in her submissive half? She thrilled at the idea. So many outcomes were possible, and both mental and physical exhaustion were almost guaranteed. Freedom . . . from decisions and responsibility. Nothing mattering but pleasing Jayden and seeing to His needs.

  “Oh, aye, ‘tis quite alright, Sir.”

  “I should warn you before we arrive, Okamoto runs a slave household.”

  Uncertain as to why, Erin’s gut clenched at the admission, and her pulse took up a pounding in her temples. She knew relationships with a true slave dynamic existed in their Lifestyle, and most were not forced like she had been. What alarmed her now was Jayden’s need to forewarn her. How severe was this man she was being taken to?


  Erin lifted her eyes to meet his. In the dark brown orbs, she found both concern and undiluted love.

  “I don’t say that to frighten you, sweet girl. Simply to give you an idea of what to expect, and to try and keep you off his radar.” He sighed. “Though I imagine that is going to be damn hard to do. Unless his tastes have changed, all of his girls are matching dolls—tiny and waif-like, with black silk hair and onyx stares. Your red hair and vibrant eyes will be alarming in contrast, and therefore make you desirable as a rarity.”

  Jayden paused and undid his lap belt. In one fluid motion that drew her eyes to his torso, he stood and moved to the aisle. Reaching into the storage bin overhead, his crotch came level to her face.

  On impulse, she leaned forward to blatantly kiss the bulge pressing at his zipper.

  He stiffened then bent down, a blanket now in his hand. Jaden hovered his mouth near hers, and Erin could feel the warmth of his breath when he whispered, “Put the armrest up, spread the blanket over your lap, and remove your bra.”

  Her eyes widened, and she threw a panicked look around the cabin. Two other passengers sat in the front area, ears covered and attention otherwise engaged by something in their laps.

  “I want your panties, while you’re at it. Have it done by the time I return.” He moved in as if to kiss her, but at the last second, shifted the direction of his mouth, catching the edge of her jaw with a bite, which he eased away with soft kisses. Jayden stood up, tossed her the blanket, and then left her befuddled and trying to catch up.

  The redhead blinked, his words taking a moment to digest while her lover disappeared into the bathroom. After a moment, she shook off her daze and hurried to follow his instructions, thankful that she’d chosen a skirt that morning. Her almost see-through blouse was a small concern—her pierced nipples would be apparent behind the gauzy thinness of the cotton—but she let the fear go. This was an adventure. She didn’t know any of these people, so what they thought didn’t matter as long as she and Master didn’t break any laws.

  The plane lurched on a pocket of turbulence while she was tucking her lingerie into her purse, sending her nipples dragging against the inside of her pink top. It felt good—so good that Erin dared to slip her hand under her shirt to give her nips a small pinch while she leaned back into her seat and arranged the blanket over her lap.

  “Are you touching what is mine?”

  She jumped at the deep baritone. Her lips parted with a gasp, and she nodded, not hiding her naughtiness while she pulled her hand out from beneath her top.

  Jayden folded his long frame back into his seat, lifting the blanket and sliding beneath it with her. His movements seemed stilted, not displaying his usual feline grace. “And what did you find, Catherine?”

  There it was. Playtime had officially begun.

  “Aching breasts, Master,” she breathed the words out, needing desperately to run her palms over them, wanting pressure compressing the flesh. Jesus, the man tilted her axis whenever he was near.

  “Good to know. Spread your legs so your thighs don’t touch.”

  The air in the cabin thickened, making it harder to breathe while she complied.

  “Where was I?” he mused as hot fingertips touched her bare thigh. “Oh, yes. Okamoto. But first, lift your shirt until the hem sits above your perky nipples. Be careful, though; keep the blanket over you.”

  If she hesitated to consider what He wanted, she might chicken out, so she didn’t allow herself to pause. Catherine had to choke back a tiny sound of surprise when the coarse blanket wool met her tender peaks. With a test wiggle that scratched her nipples like a fine grade sandpaper, she grinned.

  The flight attendant came back through checking on everyone. Master requested another water, along with a cup of ice. Catherine watched him pop some of the frozen cubes into his mouth then lean toward her. With a degree of stealth, he managed to tug down a portion of the blanket and coax one of her nipples into his ice-filled mouth.

  She drew in a breath with a hiss then swallowed a groan. Keeping quiet became a difficult task when his fingers inched toward her waiting pussy and the cold suckle grew urgent, pleasantly painful. Catherine’s eyes rolled back, and her eyelids fluttered closed. His sucking grew more intense, taking in more of her nipple with each pull, and she wanted to cry out. For all she cared at that moment, anyone could witness the way Master worshiped her, and they should count themselves lucky to see such devoted passion. Her mouth dropped open, and her throaty whimper began to gain volume.

  “Quiet yourself, jewel.”

  Her nipple burned where he’d dragged his teeth along it before releasing it to shush her. Clamping her lips closed and peeking through heavy lids, she found Him grinning at her while he brought the blanket up to cover her.

  He turned his hips toward her, positioning his back toward the aisle while spreading his legs. Beneath the cover of the blanket his hand sought hers and brought it to his zipper. “Reach in and stroke me while I talk.”

  Good lord. Catherine dragged some of the canned air into her lungs and carried out her order. His earlier stiffness was explained when her palm enclosed his cock and she discovered it sheathed in latex.

  He clearly expected her to jack him off where he sat.


  Jayden was depraved for doing this. Wasn’t he? Upon returning to his seat, he’d noted the cabin was empty for the most part, the few passengers spread out. Unless he allowed Catherine to get loud, no one would be the wiser about their activities. A surprise moan caught him when she squeezed and twisted her palm around his length just right, however.

  While Catherine found an angle with which she could keep up a constant, shallow stroke, he gathered his thoughts. Drawing on his inner reserves of control, Jayden was able to let the building sensations from her adept hand job sit on the edges of his awareness while he resumed his explanation. When he’d started talking, it had dawned on him to add an element of daring on the off chance the talk of slaves managed to b
e a trigger for Catherine. The kinkiness would help distract her.

  “I’d forgotten Andrea until I was telling you about Okamoto’s doll girls earlier.” He bit his lip to stifle another moan. The minx had dug her nails into his heavy balls, the pressure just this side of making his stomach churn. A plea for her to back off bubbled up in his throat, coming out as a sigh of relief when her nails retracted on their own and she gripped his solid length once again.

  His crimson haired vixen’s shoulders shook while she let out a quiet laugh.

  “Okamoto brought her into his home the last week we were there.” Jayden pushed his hips up on Catherine’s down stroke and slammed his head back into the seat. The move had sent fire licking up his spine and down his cock. If he’d been bare—not stuffed into the constrictive rubber—the man might’ve sent come spraying with geyser-like force.

  He sought her face with his eyes. Though her chin rested on her chest, he could see the corners of her smug grin—and wasn’t seeing her pleased with herself sexy as hell? Her breath caught, a tiny hitch of air, and he hoped it was in reaction to his thickening cock in her hand.

  “You’re a beautiful creature, Catherine.” She dipped her head and murmured a thank you, never losing the exquisite rhythm of her stroke. The sincerity of her tone and actions was surreal, lulling him into a sleepy trance.

  “What happened?”

  “Hmm?” With some effort he opened his eyes, though he couldn’t recall closing them, and leveled his stare at her.

  “In that last week. What happened with Andrea that has you so spooked now, Master?” Catherine’s voice lowered to a whisper at the end.

  A lump formed in his throat. “Okamoto liked his girls all matched. The one difference they were granted was in their rope bindings, which varied in style and, occasionally, rope material. Andrea already stood out from the others with her voluptuous figure and icy blue eyes, so he indulged in more . . . extreme games with her.”

  The color drained from Catherine’s face, and he hurried to clarify, “As hardcore as his treatment of her was, she wanted it that way. Andrea got off on being edged. Activities like breath control and knife play were some of her favorites.” He halted the story, giving Catherine a few minutes to process it.

  Over the low thrum of the airplane’s engines, he almost didn’t hear her unsure, “Did you help?”

  “What? No! God, no.” Jayden softened his voice then. “But I did watch. Okamoto was our host, and to refuse his entertainment would’ve been disrespectful.”

  She scoffed, followed by an adorable little snort sound. “I suppose you got your cock plenty wet, too, then? Did he send you a new girl every night?” Her grip tightened with her words.

  Oh. She’s mad about something. Jayden replayed their conversation, looking for what he’d said wrong, where he’d messed up. But all his head told him was that she was being a bratty submissive. Catherine messed up, not you. She owes you respect in lieu of the snotty attitude.

  Then his thoughts drifted again. He’d just sprung the shift in their dynamic on her, outside of their regular routine. His heart was telling him this was one of those give-and-take moments, where he had to be flexible and consider not just his submissive’s feelings, but Erin’s feelings—as an individual—too. Jayden took a moment to examine it from her side.

  The week had already been hectic with all the activity surrounding Paige and Landon’s wedding. On top of that, she’d been told to prepare for another two weeks somewhere, but she was not given the specifics, which had left her in limbo. Now he was finally giving her information about where they were going, but it was with the added extra of learning that she was being taken into a hardcore slave house where she was expected to be in subservient mode at all times. Okay, he could see where maybe he’d gone too far.

  “Erin, please tell me what’s going through your head.”


  Hello, whiplash. First, Erin boarded the plane, then Catherine was told to jack his cock, and now, Erin was up again, being asked her opinion. She took a deep breath and moved her hand back to her own lap. After a second thought, she also tugged her shirt back into place, letting the blanket slip down.

  Jayden didn’t stop her.

  “If I’m being honest?”

  He nodded.

  “I’m jealous.” His mouth popped open, and she rolled her eyes. “I know. It’s ridiculous. But hearing about you having a full blown ‘summer of love’ orgy thing is just rubbing me the wrong way right now. I can’t explain it.” She looked up at him then, hesitant at his reaction. Instead of finding him scowling at her silliness, his smile had to be even goofier than she felt.

  “I think I like this,” he teased. “Not the attitude, mind you, but seeing you all possessive of me has its merits.”

  “So glad you can love a crazy person,” she managed to get out between giggles.

  Jayden’s arm snuck behind her back then, and he pulled her into his side. “Not crazy, just adorable, sweet girl.”

  His nonchalance over the whole thing made her feel like even more of a ninny for letting something that had happened the past, when she had still been in diapers no less, bother her.

  “Look, Erin. I won’t lie and say it’s not going to be a severe change from what you’re used to seeing and being a part of. But I can and will promise that all of your limits and safe words will be protected and honored by me—along with anyone we encounter. You are my priority. I won’t let your well-being be sacrificed to appease our host.”

  She could feel the sincerity and weight of his words and snuggled deeper into him. The play he’d initiated was forgotten while he welcomed her close, and for the next few hours, they held each other in quiet contentment while the plane droned on, carrying them to Japan.

  Disembarking from the plane allowed Catherine a much-needed stretch. Aye, they’d been in first class seats, but still, one could only sit for so long before the muscles began complaining. Hers were definitely making their presence known, and a hot shower and some food didn’t sound too bad, either. That point was emphasized when her stomach rumbled, and Jayden laughed, promising to feed her soon.

  Under normal circumstances, the submissive would’ve dropped behind Him and to the left, but he’d had her go ahead of him when they got off the plane, then kept her ahead by guiding her with his hand on the small of her back. The airport was huge and bustling with activity, making his touch a soothing balm against her rising panic about the unknown. Catherine was also acutely aware of her nipples reacting to the cooler air of the airport by poking through the thin cotton of her shirt, which then led to a problem between her legs. With no panties to absorb the increasing dampness, her thighs soon began slipping against each other with every step she took.

  Reaching baggage claim, his palm gripped her waist, stopping her. Master pulled her against him, lowering his mouth to her ear to inquire how she’d fared on the walk through the airport. Sneaky fecker! He’d known just what was happening to her.

  Catherine closed her eyes and made a purring noise while she tried to be discreet and rub her backside against him. His hand slipped from her waist to her ass, where he squeezed hard enough to make her swallow down a yelp that would’ve drawn attention to the pair.

  “Behave, slut.” Low, filled with warning, his words were but a hot breath against her ear. All of a sudden, Catherine was questioning the sanity of agreeing to serve his every whim for two whole weeks.

  “Aye, Master. Your girl apologizes,” she murmured just loud enough for him to hear then ceased her wiggling.

  “Because it’s late and Okamoto lives about an hour outside the city, we’ll be staying at a hotel tonight. He is sending a car for us in the morning. Once we’ve got our bags, we’ll get settled, and then there’s a noodle house I want to take you to for dinner. If you’re a good girl, we’ll have some fun.”

  The playful glint in his eye told Catherine that his dinner plans included more than food.

  Catherine stoo
d next to her Master, looking up at the hand-painted ‘69-n-Roll One’ sign with mild curiosity. It was a good thing he knew what to do, because the little bit of Tokyo she’d seen thus far had been enough to make her decide that, had she been alone, Catherine would’ve been beyond lost. Deferring to Him during this trip was looking better—and easier—the more she encountered. A prime example was how they had to pay for their meal before even entering the restaurant. Yen went in, and a token—or chip—came out, which would be handed to the chef when they got inside.

  “Ready, jewel?” The remote-controlled egg he’d tucked into her pussy after their quick cleansing but unsatisfying shower at the hotel began vibrating, making her jump.

  When her low whimper started, Master shook his head with a smile. “No sounds, Catherine. The chef here insists on quiet in his establishment—with the exception of slurping.” He paused to chuckle when her jaw dropped open. “Noodles, pet. Slurping the noodles.”

  For the next hour, Catherine was suspended between a state of near-satisfaction and an odd sort of exquisite torture. The restaurant was busy enough that, once they made it inside, they each had to take their seats as one became available—another of the chef’s rules. She ended up sitting two seats down from her Master, the elderly man between them oblivious to the debauchery unfolding on either side of him.

  Given that Master had insisted she be seated first, Catherine was able to enjoy a few delectable bites of her ramen before the toying began. She was mid-slurp into a bite of noodles when the low vibrations inside her pussy intensified, and she squeaked.

  The chef, despite his severe rules, was decked out like Elvis to match the rock-n-roll décor. His hand slammed the counter in front of her bowl, and she shrunk back, lowering her eyes under the intense warning of his glare.

  From her left came a stifled cough. Peeking to the side, she could see the look of amusement dancing across Master’s face. Holding her attention with his gaze, his hand slipped into his pocket where the remote hid, and she barely suppressed the groan when he cranked the egg up again.


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