Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3) Page 32

by R. E. Hargrave

  Jayden, on the other hand, had been nothing but a weak male who’d resorted to hiding in the bathroom at night while she slept and he stroked. His releases were mere shadows of what he experienced with his jewel, his wife, but they were better than what she was getting—nothing.

  Following along behind Dr. Ellison, Jayden was anxious to have this talk and get the all clear to play again. At the very least, he wanted to be able to take his wife in his arms and stroke her until she doused his hand with her fluids. Fuck, I sound crass. Like playtime is the most important thing. It wasn’t; ever observant, Jayden knew Erin’s mind and heart. The Dom understood that her need to submit was part of who she was the same as his need to dominate shaped who he was.

  He was also pretty sure she’d caught on to his nocturnal escapades. Always so conscientious, the knowledge that he was seeking release without her had to be making Erin mental. Jayden wouldn’t put it past her to have started questioning her own worthiness to Him. More than once, he’d tried to reassure his jewel and help her to see he wasn’t, in any way, disappointed with her. Yet he still worried it hadn’t been enough.

  Jayden’s always-present concern over the issue settled the bulge between his legs while he took a seat in the chair across from Dr. Ellison’s desk.

  “I got your message yesterday, so I kept your questions in mind while doing Erin’s assessment. As of right now, I can give you the okay for some light playing. My final answer won’t come until after her stress test is complete, however.”

  He let out the breath he’d been holding. “Thank you. Thank you so much, Holly. You must think I’m a horndog,” Jayden professed with exasperation. It was how he viewed himself of late.

  “Not at all, Jayden.” She laughed. “Remember, I’ve watched you two interact in and out of the Lifestyle. I understand that Erin is a submissive and your life partner. Besides the physical limitations I placed on you guys, she’s also had the mental limitation of not being able to escape to her happy place. That place that can only be found by a submissive when they submit to their Master . . . or Mistress.”

  He was pretty sure Holly added the last to remind him she also held the dominant position in her playtime.

  “I get that you guys need this time together before the babies arrive, that’s all I’m saying. Do you have any more questions for me?” she prodded.

  Jayden took a moment to gather his thoughts. “I’m nervous, Holly. About pushing her too far. About hurting the babies. If anything were to happen to any of them because I allowed us to play a sexual game, I . . . I wouldn’t recover from that,” he choked on the final words.

  “Jayden, look at me,” she demanded in what had to be her Domme voice, because he didn’t hesitate to react and his head popped up. “You are an excellent Dom, and you know how to read her body, what physical signs to watch for. There is no doubt in my mind that the woman in the other room,” she pointed at the door that led to Erin, “wants to come. A lot. But I guarantee you that what she wants more is to get into her submissive headspace and please You.”

  “But her needs are more important than mine,” he tried to protest, and Holly began chuckling.

  “You two are a right pair.” She came around her desk and leaned against it. “First, as your doctor, I will not give you carte blanche permission to string her up and whip her orgasms from her. I am giving you permission to play in a sensual, controlled scene that is mindful of any deep vaginal penetration. That would be unwise with her cervix.”

  Jayden wished he’d brought something to take notes.

  “Now, as a sister in the Lifestyle, I suggest you think along the lines of teasing, shallow-depth toys, and the knowledge that every part of her is extra sensitive right now. Not just the normal erogenous zones, but her scalp and skin are so sensitive that a simple breath brushing over her will make her flush. Erin’s breasts will also be different from the last time you did anything like this.”

  He felt like he was in some alternate world while having this conversation. “But—”

  “No buts, Jayden. They’ll be larger, her nipples and areola will be darker, and if you haven’t removed those piercings yet, you should go ahead and do that. Her milk will be coming in when those babies get here, and neither she nor the infants will enjoy the metal being in the way.”

  A grown man pouting in public was never a good thing.

  Laughing, Holly offered her help. “Tell you what. I have an assignment for you when you get home tonight. I want you to plan out a scene based on sensations and demanding your own pleasure. Plan it out down to the last detail, from how you’ll let her know you’ll be playing, all the way through to what you plan to do for her aftercare at the end. Full detail, Jayden.” She looked at her calendar. “I have an opening in three days, at ten a.m. on Thursday, March thirteenth. I’m putting you in that time slot. Come see me with your written plan, and we’ll go over it together. If any part of it gives me concerns, we’ll work it out.”

  A weight lifted from Jayden’s shoulders. “That would be fantastic. Three days. Ten o’clock. Got it!”

  “Okay, before I have to see the thing that knocked that girl up trying to escape from your pants, let’s get back in there and check on Erin,” Holly joked then lead the way back.

  His jewel was snoring softly, a smile teasing her lips while their babies’ heartbeats beeped through the monitors.


  The appointment with Dr. Ellison the day before had gone well. Jayden had even arrived early, eager to show her what he’d come up with. She’d been impressed, but she still made a few notes for adjustments to the scene and suggested a couple of different toys that he didn’t have in his arsenal. After the appointment he’d called Landon, and then with his friend’s permission, Paige, prior to going shopping. He wasn’t going just for what Holly had recommended, but for some additional items Jayden would need to bring his plan to fruition. After visiting the lingerie store Thursday night, he’d stopped at the florist on his way home from work Friday to pick up the last few items.

  Erin had been napping when he got home, so he was able to sneak everything into the playroom and get it set up. It was safe to assume she wouldn’t go in there, given she didn’t expect to step foot in the room before the babies came. She had been adorable, and pouty, since Dr. Ellison had played her part and told Erin a little white lie—that it was in Erin’s best interests to ride the pregnancy out and resume intimacy with Jayden after the delivery and post-partum recovery.

  Her poutiness reached the point at which he was itching to put his naughty girl in the corner and flog her, tease her into oblivion . . . then fuck her senseless. Of course, the last he would have to wait for. He had every intention of heeding Dr. Ellison’s warnings to the letter. His sexual satisfaction would not come before the safety of his family.

  With an audible groan, he adjusted the growing bulge in his pants and looked around one last time. Satisfied he’d done all he could for the time being, Jayden grabbed the bag with his lingerie purchases and a red rose, then he exited the playroom. Next, he stopped by the submissive bedroom and arranged her outfit on the bed. The final touch was to put a couple of fluffy towels onto the warmer in the bathroom for later and text Landon that it was okay for him and Paige to head over.

  Though excited to get this long-awaited evening underway, he left Erin to her nap. She would need to be well-rested for their session. He might also have been convincing himself to go forward with this.

  After checking in with Kaitlyn—Katarina’s girl, who’d continue to help out with Matthew during the day so Erin could stay in bed—and letting her know that Landon would arrive soon to take over with Matthew for the night, Jayden retired to the kitchen to prepare their dinner. Holly’s final warning blared in his head. “If you follow through with this, Jay, be ready to start being a dad. I can’t promise this isn’t going to put her into labor. Know this as well. My staff is the best, and your babies are strong and healthy. Remember, the odds of survival
if delivered now are considerably high—in their favor.”

  But did he want to take that gamble?


  Waking and feeling quite refreshed, Erin was shocked when she looked at the clock and realized she’d been out about four hours. She’d needed it, though. All morning she’d felt anxious and achy . . . and exhausted. By the time the lunch hour had crept around, she’d managed to eat the grilled cheese Kaitlyn had fixed her before giving in and crawling into her big, luxurious bed.

  Wait! Four hours? Jayden should be home, and I haven’t even planned dinner, let alone started it!

  Erin wriggled off the bed and waddled to the bathroom to relieve her bladder, which was threatening to burst. She washed up while deciding that tonight would be soup and sandwiches. She’d make it up to him tomorrow with a big country breakfast. Landon had given her his momma’s recipes for sausage gravy with buttermilk and honey biscuits, and she’d been looking for a reason to try them out.

  She’d throw dinner together and then go see how Matthew was doing. Feeling like a tortoise, Erin waddled downstairs and toward the kitchen, continuing to plan breakfast in her head.

  It’d be an excuse to use the new juicer to make a fresh pitcher of orange and pineapple juice, and of course a pot of French-pressed coffee for Jayden is a must. Scrambled eggs with a sauté of green pepper, mushrooms, and onions folded into them would be delicious. Oh, and pears poached in their favorite chocolate port since the alcohol would cook off . . . her stomach growled, and she snickered at how hungry thinking about all that food had made her.

  “Hello, sweet girl. Did you have a nice nap?”

  Distracted by her mental menu, she’d made it to the kitchen without realizing it, but now she gave her husband a stupid grin and nodded. Her gut instinct began screaming at her. There was a gleam in his coffee-colored eyes, like he was up to something.

  Jayden strolled toward her, then kneeled and placed his hands on her humongous stomach. “Hi, babies. Have you been good for your mommy today?” His lips pressed against her belly while he mumbled the words, and the babes started kicking and squirming in response.

  Her stomach growled again, making Jayden laugh and rise to his full height of over six feet. He wrapped his long arms around her girth until his hands rested on her lower back, just above her ass, and began kneading. She groaned.

  “Are you hungry, Erin?” They both knew the question was rhetorical while he applied pressure to her back, pulling her in against him. When hadn’t she been hungry in the last few months?

  Erin moaned once more under the onslaught of squeezy goodness, and her tummy let out yet another rumble that made both of them laugh. He kissed her nose and led her over to the table, where several covered dishes sat.

  “What’s all this, and why are you home early? Where are Kaitlyn and Matthew?”

  “So many questions.” He laughed. “Can’t a man come home early to his wife without needing a reason? You, my beautiful lady, looked so peaceful upstairs that I decided to fix dinner and let you rest. Matthew has a babysitter for the night, so you and I can enjoy a quiet evening.” Lifting the first cover, he went on, “These are just some light finger foods. However, the way your belly keeps going off, I’m now wondering if I fixed enough.”

  “Hey! I’m eating for three . . . I can’t help it!” A pretend pout turned her lips down.

  “Well, far be it from me to keep my family waiting. Let’s eat, and then I have a . . . request to make of you,” he said with a mysterious air, pulling out her chair.

  Hungry and curious, she got settled into her seat and watched while he removed the remaining covers and served up their plates—avocado slices drizzled with olive oil, lemon juice, and black pepper, followed by bruschetta and shrimp cocktail. As if that weren’t enough, there were also fruit kabobs made up of grapes, melon, pineapple, and banana slices, all speared together on sugar cane. The food had been meticulously prepared and presented with class. Erin couldn’t wait to dig in, and she licked her lips while rubbing her belly.

  It was while he poured sparkling water into their crystal goblets that she noticed the vase with a single red rose in full bloom sitting in the center of the table. In the soft light, the petals reminded her of crushed velvet. An involuntary tremor hit her when an image came to mind of being teased by those soft petals while they circled her nipples, then trailed down over her stomach and pussy.

  “That blush tells me you’re thinking dirty thoughts. Or are you just cold, sweet girl?” he asked in a deepening voice.

  Jayden’s words refocused her, while her skin warmed at being caught in her mental wanderings. She tried to play it off and act cool. “Maybe. Not that it matters right now, Mr. Masterson. Can we please eat? I really am starving,” she declared, and her stomach rumbled once again in agreement.

  “By all means, Mrs. Masterson.” He gestured for her to begin, and she dug in with gusto.

  They made pleasant conversation while snacking on the small feast he’d prepared for them. Their discussion meandered from how his workday had gone to the separate phone calls they’d gotten from their parents regarding coming to Dallas to help with Matthew and the twins after they were born. Jillian wanted to get there beforehand, if possible, so that Erin would stay off her feet and rest up for motherhood, while Woody would have to arrange time off to be away from the Flying M Ranch. Malcolm had promoted him from a ranch hand to one of his managers.

  Once she’d thanked him for the meal and pushed back from the table, groaning while her head fell back, Jayden replied, “So glad you enjoyed it, because it was my pleasure doing it for you, A rúnsearc. Now, stay put while I get the table cleared.”

  It sounded good to her. With her hunger sated, she was more than happy to chill. He bustled back and forth for the next ten minutes, clearing the plates and putting away the leftovers, while she sipped her water. When he came back to the dining room after starting the dishwasher, his stance had changed. His posture was straighter, and his eyes had darkened.

  If she didn’t know better, Erin would have sworn her Master had entered the room. A girl could dream, couldn’t she?

  He moved to stand by her and took the rose from the vase. Erin held her breath when the tips of the petals touched the top of her hand that rested on her swollen belly. With an agonizing slowness, he moved the flower up her arm, dipping it along the front edge of her top and then back down the opposite arm. She was ready to start panting, and anger toward him began to simmer for the teasing—for starting something they couldn’t finish.

  “Catherine, I’d like you to go to your submissive room and prepare yourself to be in the playroom in one hour. Your outfit for the evening is on the bed.”

  The woman found herself speechless when He leaned down and gave her the kiss to beat all kisses—deep, hot, and breath hindering—and then strode out of the room.

  Did he say playroom?


  The second Jayden cleared the kitchen doorway, he let out the breath he’d been holding. Part of him, the part that was Erin’s husband, had wanted to stay and gauge her reaction to his instructions, except if he’d done that, it would’ve broken the mood he’d set out to create. Staying would’ve been akin to calling a time-out on the ever-present mind games that were so crucial in a D/s relationship, so he’d played his part and left. Maybe the kiss had been overkill.

  In the end, he’d given in to the temptation for two reasons—one, to give her a taste of what to expect tonight, and two, to convey his love to her one more time before assuming their Master and submissive roles.

  He should’ve known letting down the wall they’d put into place these last months, even just a little bit, was going to send him into overdrive. The man now sported the hard-on to beat all hard-ons, and they hadn’t even started. Knowing it would be an hour before she’d join him and that he would need complete, total control to avoid giving in and ravaging her like a nefarious sex fiend, Jayden headed upstairs to shower and relieve himself.
Perhaps knocking one out before they started would help him keep the beast at bay.

  Positioning his body under the hot spray, he squirted a dollop of body wash into his hand, wasting no time wrapping it around his cock and going to town. Considering he’d become an expert at the quick wank in his efforts to get back to Erin’s side each night, all he needed were a couple minutes of tight, steady strokes, and another batch of his spunk was washing down the drain.

  With that out of the way, blood flow returned to the rest of his body while he washed. In his head, he went over his plans for the night one last time. When it was time to get out of the shower, his erection had returned in full force. Fuck. It was going to be a hard night—pun intended.

  Though ready to get out, Jayden stood under the spray for a few more minutes, willing his cock to deflate. He refused to give in and stroke out another one, not when he was so close to stepping into the playroom with his jewel. With a sigh of relief, he felt the swelling relent at last, and his cock began softening.

  It took him moments to get dried off and go to his closet. Jayden opted for Catherine’s favorite Dom outfit for him—a pair of low-rise black jeans, a fitted black tee, bare feet, and commando underneath it all. Tonight was about appealing to her senses—all of them. Taste already had been handled with the dinner he’d prepared.

  He intended to fill her sight with his image before putting the blindfold on her. Once Jayden took away her vision, he’d then begin easing her into the proper headspace, encouraging her to place all of her trust in Him, thereby bringing her total submission forward.

  After a final look in the mirror, the Dom headed downstairs, pausing outside Catherine’s room to listen at her door. A moment of wistfulness came over him when it dawned on him this was the first time in months that they’d not been attached at the hip when in the house at the same time. Sighing, he rested his forehead against the door and tried to picture her on the other side. That’s when he heard it, a faint “Jayden . . .”


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