The baron, with such a touching confession, could not hide his awkwardness. Cotegipe could discuss any other topic of relevance: politics, economy, international relations... they could discuss any thing else with him! Everything! But these morbid topics...
“I believe you, my lady! God will receive her with open arms in his glory!”
“Amen, Mr. Baron! Amen!” she did the cross sign, acting in deep sadness as nobody else could. “Alma and I are both devastated.”
“And how is your sister-in-law?” Cotegipe inquired, pretending to care.
“Alma? You don’t even want to see her! She is so saddened...Ever since she heard about the sad news, she is inconsolable!”
“How about Atílio? Has he been informed?” the baron asked, curious.
“We already sent him a telegraph. My poor husband, he could not even be here to say farewell to his mother!” she lamented, pretending to clean her nose with her handkerchief.
“Indeed... and Mrs. Lorena, tell me, how did something like this happened so suddenly?”
“It is life, Mr. Baron! One needs to simply be alive... and it can also happen to any one of us.... It was a terrible accident!”
“But we have to say that tripping on the stairway carpet was indeed a misfortune...”
“Indeed! I had been telling her for a while to change it, but she would never listen to me! She thought I was exaggerating and being too cautious, imagine that! And here we are... suffering from this terrible loss!”
Cotegipe, a little lost, pretended to start coughing so that he could walk away from that conversation. Definitely, he didn't like talking about this topic at all! For him, it was better to take care of the Brazilian citizens who are alive! Because they could help the nation prosper...
Among others present were Lorena’s parents; Mercedes and the Romero family; the Abrantes — including Rafael and Carolina; and not forgetting also Frederico and cousin Adelaide, who wouldn’t stop trying to support the inconsolable Alma.
“Don’t cry anymore, cousin! Remember that aunt Veridiana is in a better place now...”
Alma could not control herself, crying compulsively.
“Adelaide! How could such a fatality like this happen to our family? And my poor brother who cannot even pay our mother his respects! Poor Atílio!”
Lorena approached, trying to help ameliorate the terrible state of her sister-in-law’s spirit.
“It is not worth staying like that, dear! We already paid Mrs. Veridiana our respects... It is the cycle of life... Some are born and some die... The service was touching, don't you think?”
Alma stared at Lorena not believing what she was hearing. If she weren’t so sad, she would have reprimanded her sister-in-law for such a spurious behavior.
Across the room, people were already talking about the accident; the Commander Sófocles Galvão and Mrs. Miguelita had also come, and were talking exactly about it.
“Did you see what happens, right, Sófocles? Now, we must be very careful ourselves! Tomorrow I will ask all the carpets of our residence to be double checked!”
“What an exaggeration, woman! We have received so many people in our house and nobody has complained about it at all! When the time to die comes, there is nothing one can do!”
“Then I’m the one who will delay the death clock in our house! No, my dear! Definitely, I want them to change all our carpets!”
Mrs. Miguelita, however, not wanting the others in the room to hear her, whispered something in her husband’s ear.
“Sófocles, and have you noticed how Lorena is acting?”
“What does she have?” the commander asked, observing her from afar.
“Just look at her, Sófocles! She doesn't look sad... I don't know... That face, actually, is of someone who is not in peace!”
“And she has a reason to be! Did you forget she is pregnant and that her husband is out of the country? In her shoes, anyone would get desperate!”
“They say that the two hated each other... And now, just a little while ago, I heard her saying that she considered Mrs. Veridiana as a second mother!”
“Miguelita, but what kind of nonsense is this?!” the husband inquired, outraged.
“Well, Sófocles! You just have to add it all up and you will see that this makes sense! I bet that if she could, Lorena would throw a big party! I’ve always thought Mrs. Veridiana to be too conceited... I remember that she loved to talk about her husband’s possessions... In fact, I don’t even know what we are doing here! I like cheerfulness, merriment; and not funerals! Look how those women over there are praying using the rosary... How morbid!”
“Today you are really unmanageable, Mrs. Miguelita!”
A few days later, after the family paid off a generous amount for divine forgiveness, the requiem mass was performed. After arriving from church, Lorena decided to stay in the library to continue reading one of her books; it was then that someone broke the silence, asking permission to look for a book. It was Donato.
“Forgive me for interrupting you, but it’s just that I’m looking for a book that, if I’m not mistaken, used to be part of this library...”
“Which one would you be interested in, Mr. Donato?”
“The Máximas by Marques de Maricá”, he answered, emphasizing the name of the book.
“Ah, that’s the one I’m reading! I haven’t finished reading it, but I can give it to you later on.”
“I appreciate your offer!”
Lorena went back to her reading; however, Donato continued to stand there, observing her.
“Is there anything else you need, Mr. Donato?”
“Nope, nothing!” he answered, pretending he wasn’t understanding what she meant, with his hands on his pockets.
“So?” she inquired.
“Mrs. Lorena, I don’t even know how to approach this topic, but there is something that intrigued me these last days, and I would like to know your opinion.”
“Well, if I can be of any help...”
“You can certainly help me!”
Lorena set her eyes on him, and couldn’t avoid making her observations. Donato, just like Atílio, was an elegant man, a true nobleman; but the big difference between the two was the stormy genius of the first — impulsive, gallant and obscure; while the second was dominated by austere qualities and patience. Two versions completely opposite and, at the same time, so intriguing...
“Tell me, Mr. Donato!” she insisted.
He lowered his head and smiled. Donato was the sneaky type, but also assertive. He had never humiliated himself in front of his deceased mother-in-law. Now he would have to deal with his sister-in-law and, based on what he had witnessed, he would have to be extremely cautious.
“Actually, I’m afraid I will touch on a topic that will make you uncomfortable...”
“If you are referring to your wife, I can assure you that she is feeling better... Alma is calmer and will soon recover completely.”
“It is not that...”
“What is it, then?” she asked, curious.
Donato approached Lorena slowly, looking her in the eyes.
“I want to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you...”
“For what?”
“For sparing the two of us of that despicable old lady!” he said, quietly and very close to Lorena’s ears.
She got up from her chair, startled.
“But what is it that you are implying?”
“The truth! Or, by chance, do you think that nobody heard you two fighting in your room?”
“You are imagining things!” Lorena answered, disoriented. “What happened that night was an accident, and nothing more than that!”
“Lorena, please, I saw and heard everything...” Donato said, seating on the chair, and putting his feet on the table. “In fact, I even know what the infamous note was all about... About you and Rafael... I still can't believe it is Rafael!”
She had no visible reaction, but her eyes were as wide a
s they could be. So, that idiot had heard everything, huh?
“But don't be worried! As I said, my intention if to celebrate it with you... You did exactly what I always wanted to do, you know? Deep inside, you are exactly like me! Strong! Determined!”
“You have lost your senses!”
Donato got irritated, reacting quickly to Lorena’s dissimulation. Now, the endangered gazelle was trying to scape the lion, but the prey would not get away so easily from the beast’s grip...
“Liar! Do you think I am stupid?” Alma’s husband held her tightly by the arm, while she was trying to get away. “I’m not like Mrs. Veridiana! I know this type of low-class people... You’re an adulterous! You killed the old lady thinking the secret would die with her, but now you realized that your plan failed, you’re an amateur!”
Donato threw her on a chair, blocking her with his arms. Lorena continued trying to push him away with her hands on his chest, while the man was calmly and ruthlessly getting ready to strike.
“You are going to do exactly what I say!”
“And what do you want, huh?” she questioned, challenging him. “Or do you think that I cannot also find a way to get rid of you?”
“Very well, Lorena!” Donato commended her, ecstatic. “I see you are a very strong woman! How different you are from others that I have known! You have passion, vivacity! You are indeed striking!”
“Do not underestimate me, my dear!” Lorena answered, with firmness in her voice. “If you are so sure of what I am capable of doing, just be careful with me, as well!”
That woman’s posture was so superior that it impressed even the cunning Donato. Which gentleman wouldn’t admire such an empowered woman?
“If it gives you so much pleasure to eavesdrop other people’s conversations, I will promise you that if you even insinuate to pass on any of this information to my husband, I will make up a certain story involving your name, and the harassment that I might be suffering because of you and the indifference with which you treat your wife, so that Atílio will want to kill you to save the family name. Just try to provoke me and you will see!”
“Oh, please, we don't have to go that far!” Donato said, backing up.
“Just try it and you will see what I am capable of!”
“You misunderstood me! I want you to consider me as an ally and not as an enemy.”
Lorena laughed.
“And how can I be sure I can trust you?”
“If I wanted to destroy you, I could have announced to everyone what I saw and heard in that room and the scene I witnessed...”
“Or certainly you would like to take advantage of this situation, threatening me!” she retorted, snickering.
“Don't take to heart all that I may say, but I want to prove that I am not like your former governess... for example...”
Fanny! That traitor! Oh, how Lorena wished she could put her hands on that traitor!
“Would you help me find her?”
“This is not a difficult task”, Donato said, leaning on the threshold of the door.
She turned her back to him.
“That miserable woman! She is an important witness in all of this, Donato! I must find her! I’m afraid she may decide to open her mouth and end up turning me in.”
“I don’t believe it! Certainly your governess must be far away, fearing that you may be persecuting her.” Donato loved conjectures. He had a sadistic pleasure in trying to figure out other people’s fears and in reminding these incautions people of their frustrations, their misery... “If you want, I can figure out where she is hiding.”
“All right!” Lorena extended her hand to him, in a resolved attitude. “Let’s make a deal, then! Now, you must tell me what you want from me.”
Donato caressed his chin, saying:
“All in its own time, my little angel! Patience!”
A few days passed by, and the life in the Santiago residence seemed to be back to normal.
In another part of town, more specifically in the surroundings of the Santa Teresa Mount, a simple little house with a colonial style, similar to the ones built in large scale, there was a child of approximately ten years of age who had started to live with her mother again. She was looking out the window when she saw a beautiful victory carriage approaching her house. That type of elegant victory would rarely be seen in such a simple neighborhood.
“Mother, there is a man and a woman outside and they are coming here! She is so pretty, and the gentleman is so distinct! Why don't you come here?”
The girl’s mother was standing by the stove, cooking beans, and thought it was simply another one of the little girl’s make-believe stories.
“Evangelina, come and help me!”
“But, mother, they are already here!”
The woman heard a knock on the door. Her daughter wasn’t lying to her, after all! Who would that be? She walked quickly to open the door to the strangers.
“Stop playing and go wash your hands for supper! Quickly!”
The girl run towards the interior of the house while the mother opened the door to see whom it was. When she saw the couple, the color drained from her face.
“What happened? Did you lose your tongue, by chance? My God, one would think you are seeing a ghost!”
The owner of the house had thought she would never see her again.
“Milady!” she said, startled.
“How do you do, Fanny? I decided to dedicate the day to see old friends. Fortunately, given my state, someone decided to accompany me...”
Donato, who was accompanying her, smiled openly and mockingly and played with the hat he had in his hands, while Lorena was carrying with her a delicate sunshade to protect herself from the scorching sun.
“It is very hot today!” The Countess of Assis commented, fanning herself with her handkerchief. “So, aren't you going to invite us in?”
The historical novel emerged in the XIX century and was consolidated with the publications of the Scottish writer Walter Scott, who made the inter-relation of historic themes to his fictions, creating a narrative model used until today and assimilated and popularized by various authors in various epochs and places. The importance of Scott is such that György Lukács, in his book The Historical Novel, dedicates a whole chapter to the works by Scott, appointing him as the one responsible for the emergence of this genre in England, starting a trend to approach historical and social facts through literary fiction novels.
Based on this model established by Lukács, historical novels present some characteristics that are essential to their concreteness. Thus, the text must represent major historical panels, overarching a certain epoch, a period in History and a collection of events, which must be organized in observance to a certain chronological temporality of the narrated events. Besides, the text must utilize fictional characters, purely made up, throughout the episodes. The historical characters, when present, must be simply cited or integrated in the backdrop of the narrative, as well as all the characteristics and details of the past, which must be used with the intention of adding veracity to what is written, characteristic that makes History unquestionable. The narrator makes himself/herself present, usually in the third person of the discourse, simulating detachment and objectivity, a procedure inherited from the official Historiography. This book by João Paulo Foschi, The Countess of Assis, fits perfectly within the model proposed by Lukács, because it has all the qualities required.
João Paulo Foschi is a young writer who is presenting himself to the public with much maturity. He is a first-class intellectual and avid reader since his teenage years, and it has been a while since João Paulo Foschi, the poet we know, started publishing his poems in anthologies and winning literary competitions. The novelist emerges now in this book, with a lot of vigor and strength, revealing familiarity with the genre and showing a lot of promise as a new novelist in our literature field.
João Paulo writes with naturality, as if he was spea
king, but he doesn't lose the thread. He is a prose writer of undeniable quality, meticulous researcher, expert of national and international literature, novelist with a classic background, of which he is a constant reader and expert.
This book, The Countess of Assis — Romance, Revenge and Ambition during the Second Reign, happens during the XIX century, during the reign of D. Pedro II, when the majority of the reading public of novels and novel pamphlets was composed by women who lived the majority of their lives inside their luxurious residences, single or even married, but always economically, morally and socially dependent of their father or husband. In the eager search for things to compensate a comfortable but plain life, the woman, through her readings, could dream of a world of adventures and possibilities of other fantasies, which did not correspond to their reality.
This affirmation can be applied very suitably to the main character, Lorena Duarte Valão, a rich young lady, the only daughter of a prosperous businessman who belonged to the ascending bourgeois class and an avid reader of novels, fact that will affect her way of thinking and behaving during the narrative. In truth, this book has in Lorena’s life the role of a conductor of her destiny, being something like a confidant and a companion always present throughout her life trajectory.
Lorena is indeed a determined and strong woman. Although she is romantic, brought up in a family who gave her too much care and protection, she breaks away with all the behavior codes of her time to conquer her goals. Winning over the love of her life and experiencing an intense and ravishing relationship is Lorena’s big project throughout the book.
As the novel takes shape, in a time lapse of a few months, Lorena undergoes a rapid transformation, changing from an ingenuous eighteen-year-old girl to a resolved woman focused on gaining the attention of the man she loves and the recognition of a society stained with prejudice. The narrative moves on until it reaches the point where the character arrives at her culmination; changing her secret plan, Lorena is conducted, by the power of the circumstances, to a marriage, based on convenience, to Mr. Atílio Santiago, the Count of Assis, and this gives her what she lacked, a nobility title and the subsequent prestige within the Carioca elite. From that point on, the young woman starts attending the ballrooms of the highest social classes and to be close acquaintances of the Imperial Family, besides having the respect and friendship of Princess Isabel.
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