Raise Hell

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Raise Hell Page 15

by Briana Michaels

  Gabe scoffed. This female didn’t have a clue what she was saying. Lilith walked right over and poked Gabriel in the chest, “You have no idea what I’ve done or been through. But know this: I’ve done right by you all.”

  Gabe’s laugh was cold and cruel, “Like drugging the food we gave Lucifer and anyone else who spent time behind bars?” Or ate in general.

  “A small sacrifice of morality made for the greater good. Divinity help you Gabriel, the day you have to choose between doing what’s right and what’s necessary.”

  Eve interjected, “Why won’t you just stay with us, Lilith? If Michael is so awful and is forcing you to do things you know aren’t right, why are you so willing to go back?”

  Maybe Eve wasn’t as naïve as he’d thought. “Yeah, Lilith. If it’s so awful, why don’t you just keep running? You aren’t a prisoner if you could leave his private quarters so easily. Go back to wherever you came from before you decided to slip into the Brotherhood and shack up like a cockroach hiding in our walls.”

  “I told you,” she practically growled. “I’m not leaving there. My purpose is coming. I feel it like a storm approaching the lands. Something big is about to happen and I want to be part of it. I’m meant to be part of it.” Anger danced across her sharp features, “And don’t ever speak as if you know what it’s like in that room with Michael.”

  “And you don’t ever speak like you understand exactly what it’s taken us to become warriors under Michael’s sword.”

  The tension was so thick, Gabe could have sliced it with his blade.

  Lilith’s chin trembled, “I’m willing to go back because my life is more than just my own.” She gave her full attention to Eve again, “You must feel the same things I am, sister.”

  Eve’s wings tightened against her back. “I’m not sure what I—”

  Lilith snatched Eve’s numberless arm and snarled, “Your purpose. What was it?” Eve started shaking her head in denial and Lilith’s expression grew angry. “Speak it, Eve! Own it.”

  They all held their breath waiting for Eve to spill her secret. One second, two, ten.

  Eve refused.

  And after her panic attack over whatever she’d done made Gabriel all the more curious about her.

  Defeated, Lilith whispered, “Whatever caused you to make your way to the brotherhood, Eve, it was meant to be. Just like I’m compelled to go back and stay. It won’t be forever, but it will be for now.”

  “Why?” Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Because I’m where no one else can go. Michael keeps me in his private chambers like a secret. He’s used me the same as he’s used each of you. I’ve been on his table. I’ve drowned, burned, and bled just like each of you. Who do you think laces the waters at your dining tables? It’s not Michael. He’d never show mercy like that. It’s always me. The one who prepares every meal. I slip healing properties into everything so that the brotherhood stays strong and,” she tipped her head towards Constantine, “so that they can heal faster on their own instead of always coming to you for help. You give too much, Constantine.”

  The Angel looked furious and embarrassed.

  And Gabe? Well, if what she said was true, then Lilith here might have just earned a little respect.

  “I’m going back,” she announced, “I will be the eyes and ears for you. And when you return, Gabriel,” she jabbed him in the chest again, “because we all know you feel that pull to return.”

  Fuck, Gabe hated being transparent.

  “I will be there,” Lilith vowed. “I can help you from the inside. And when I tell you Michael is up to something, like I am right now, you better believe you need to be prepared for the worst. Stay away as long as you can. Prepare. Build an army.”

  Gabriel rolled his eyes, “There’s none stronger than the brotherhood.”

  “Then recruit them.”

  “The warriors will stay loyal to Michael.”

  “You haven’t stayed so loyal, have you?” Lilith argued. “And you are one of his favorites.”

  Gabriel’s heart began pounding. His gaze sailed to the mouth of the cave where Lucifer stood with his massive black wings fanned out. The big fucker looked like he was preparing to take flight. He was watching over us, Gabe mused. Even if Lucifer couldn’t do a damned thing to help them from where he stood because he was stuck up there, that honorable motherfucker still wanted to protect and defend them.

  Something strong and hot burned in Gabriel’s veins. He brought his attention back to ground level.

  “Lilith,” Eve said in a calm tone, “thank you for bringing this to me,” she handed the small blade back to her, “but I won’t need it.”

  “You will,” her friend argued.

  “No, I have all I need to keep me protected right here. And if Michael is as cruel as I believe he is, you’re going to need that blade more than I will if you’re going back to him.”

  Lilith’s eyes turned glassy, “They don’t work on him,” her tears rolled down her cheeks. “Don’t think I haven’t tried. No wound lasts long on him. He heals unnaturally fast for an Angel.”

  “Too bad the same couldn’t be said for the rest of us,” Uriel snarled. That Angel knew better than most how unforgiving Michael’s blades could be.

  Just before Lilith turned to leave, Gabriel snatched her arm. Pushing energy into her, he laid a curse upon her should she try to betray them. When she gasped, he sneered, “You understand, don’t you, Lilith? Should you betray us, it’ll be the last thing you do in this realm or any other.”

  She bit her lip and nodded. He hated to curse her. Hated how she paled and eyes turned glassy. But he wasn’t risking his brothers. And he wasn’t risking Eve.

  If Lilith proved her worth, he’d lift the curse. But that was going to take time and proof of her loyalty.

  “Raphael is not dead,” Lilith whispered, “I’m not sure how that’s possible, but… I know he didn’t die. Not completely.”

  Holy merciful Hounds, and she was just now saying this? Gabriel’s tone was glacial, “We’ll be in touch, Lilith.” He snatched Eve and flew away with her before the two sisters could say a proper good-bye.

  Chapter 21

  As Gabriel carried Eve back to the cave, he bit back the roar he wanted to set loose on the world. It would have most likely caused the earth to quake with his rage.

  “Raphael isn’t dead,” his voice was deep and gravelly as he told Lucifer the news. And the fact that Lucifer was relieved only added to Gabriel’s major headfuck. Setting Eve down on the ground, he planned to fly off so he could cool down, but Eve grabbed his arm. “Let go of me,” he growled.

  “You can trust Lilith.”

  “Not on your life.”

  “She has no reason to lie!”

  “She doesn’t need a reason to lie,” he snapped back.

  Gabriel had seen and been through too much to allow one small act of kindness make up for countless acts of cruelty. Some people did things to seem nice, but really, they were faking it to gain your trust so you’d let your guard down.

  He didn’t want to discuss it with Eve or anyone else. He let Lilith go, that act of mercy was all the kindness she was going to get from him right now. And she only got that much because she handed her knife over immediately and Eve genuinely seemed sincere when she vouched for the female.

  In all honesty, Gabe always suspected someone was locked away in Michael’s room. On the rainy days when everything was humid and thick, Gabe would sometimes catch a scent that he now realized was the signature of a female. Eve had a similar fragrance.


  “I can’t believe this,” Lucifer said, breaking Gabriel’s thoughts. “He’s alive. I didn’t kill him.”

  Gabe closed his eyes and breathed through the pain in his chest, “He may be… may be alive. We can’t know for sure, and Lilith may not be truthful.”

  If he sounded like he was in denial, it’s because he fucking was. Raphael’s curse would only be l
ifted when true death claimed him. Until then, he would suffer never running from a battle. If that Angel lost his limbs, he’d have to fight with stumps and his teeth. His curse forced him to suffer and never back down. Never surrender.

  Gabriel’s heart slammed into his chest. Dread so heavy, his wings sagged with the weight of it, Gabriel cupped his mouth. “Oh fuck,” he was going to be sick. Looking over at Lucifer, then the others, Gabriel was seriously going to puke.

  Raphael wasn’t free. He never would be. Because of course Michael would have done something to him.

  I… forgive you. Raphael’s voice lanced Gabriel’s heart. Like a tiger swiping its claws through a skin of wine, Gabriel felt blood gush out of his heart.

  There would be no forgiveness. No mercy. No end to the pain Gabriel caused Raphael.

  Under Michael’s direct orders, Gabriel put a curse on Raphael that turned him into a warrior who never ran from a fight. He faced his foes, no matter the cost.

  Gabriel was never able take the curse away without Michael knowing. Had Lucifer not acted so swiftly with that sword, Raphael would have fought him. There wouldn’t be a choice in the matter. It was fight or suffer a severe agony until he fought twice as hard in the next battle.

  He’s still alive. Grief washed over Gabriel and he broke out in a cold sweat. What had Michael done? What lengths had their master truly gone to in order to have the strongest, deadliest, fiercest army under the sun?

  And what was Michael doing now that Lucifer had escaped?

  Gripping the sides of his head, Gabriel started pacing.

  Michael took four Angels into his lair. Four. Lilith stressed that number so it must have meaning. “Lazarus!” he yelled, “Is the Scourge real?”

  The lunatic looked up from the dying fire, “They are now.”

  Uriel was beside himself and trying to keep his fears silent. Michael was never going to let Lucifer go. He’d hunt that Angel down until the ends of the earth.

  Looking over at Lucifer, Uriel could understand the fear behind a threat like him. Lucifer was a beast. He was fast. Vicious. And he never hesitated.

  Lucy was an extremely dangerous Angel who voluntarily kept his control.

  That Angel might look like darkness with the way it sometimes swirled and dripped down his arms, but he radiated light. He was kind and compassionate – especially with Eve. That shouldn’t have mattered but it did. It really fucking did. His first and sometimes only instinct was to protect. That counted for a lot in the brotherhood.

  If Michael was knocked off his seat of power, Lucifer could easily sit on the throne.

  But Gabriel would never allow it. Uriel understood that too. Gabe had put in the time and his heart was equally big. And fuck if Uriel didn’t feel terrible for him too.

  Michael knew Gabriel’s heart was purely beating for the brotherhood. So, Michael tainted it. Used Gabriel’s love for his brothers like a weapon against him.

  Once Gabe realized he could lay curses upon anything he touched, it scared the piss out of him. His number fading after the first curse nearly broke him, too. Michael saw Gabriel’s remorse as a weakness to prey upon. That fucker would force the guilt factor to multiply with every curse he ultimately commanded Gabriel make.

  Michael called it balance. One should have regret for damning another brother, sure, but Uriel didn’t see it as balance. He saw it as a way to keep Gabriel from rising too high.

  Gabriel’s bark was as fierce as his bite. The warrior was righteous and strong. His heart was always with the brotherhood. He’d watch over those who were recovering from training, and looked out for Uriel when he needed protection the most. It was a kindness Uriel would never forget.

  Fucking Michael. He damned the brotherhood long before Lucifer came around. It was time for that asshole to atone. Repent.

  “Mmmph,” Uriel’s number stung. He looked down with a frown and stared at the 130 scrolled on his skin. He rubbed it and got back to the real issue – The Scourge.

  “What are you talking about with the Scourge?” Eve asked. “I thought they were a myth.”

  “Not anymore,” Lazarus plucked another of his golden feathers and started picking his teeth with it.

  Gabriel began pacing. Constantine ran a hand through his hair. Lucifer looked like he didn’t give a shit.

  “So?” Eve tossed her arms up. “What’s so awful about them?”

  “The Scourge are what Michael used to instill fear into all of us. They are chaos and destruction.” Gabriel choked out a bitter laugh, “All this time I believed him…. I never doubted it for a moment. If he said they were real, they were. I obeyed his every command, scared that he’d unleash those monsters on the brotherhood if I fell out of line even once.”

  Fury rolled off of Gabriel in waves of heat. Oh shit, Uriel hedged closer to Eve, Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Uriel grabbed her arm, gently pulling Eve back behind him. And, just like Uriel knew would happen, Gabriel lost his temper.

  He started slamming his fists in the cave walls and rocks and dirt crumbled down around them. Next, Gabe roared, grabbed his sword, then started hacking at the walls and floor. Stone chipped away and flew everywhere. Blue sparks shot out with every strike he made. He roared and swung that blade like he was going to crack every mountain and reduce it to sand.

  This wasn’t the first time Gabriel lost his temper. It’s what he did when he felt out of control and was desperate. For all the destruction Gabriel felt inside his mind, he lashed out and wrecked the things around him.

  How many times had they replaced the furniture in their dorm room? Uriel lost track years ago.

  Gabriel’s voice was hoarse as he dropped to his knees, “We’re all damned.” He gazed up at Uriel, his chest rising and falling with each ragged breath he took. Then it happened….

  Gabriel sucked in dusty air and let out with a roar so fucking loud it popped Uri’s eardrums. He knew it was coming, so he’d cupped Eve’s ears to save her the pain and took the hit himself. With everyone watching, Gabriel let out a battle cry of a warrior in a fight he was never going to win - One with himself. One with the world. One with fate.

  As Gabe sucked in a breath and punched his fists into the ground one last time, Uriel asked, “Feel better now?”

  “Not hardly,” Gabriel rose on shaky legs, still trying to catch his breath.

  The floor started to shake. Bits of debris rained down upon their heads. “RUN!” Uriel screamed.

  Grabbing their swords, they dodged the debris falling around them. Uriel clung to Eve and shoved her towards the cave’s opening. “Go! Go! Go!”

  Thunderously, the earth quaked. Running as fast as they could out of the cave, dust, rock and bits of earth crashed down on their heads, each piece bigger than the last.


  Uriel turned around just in time to see the cave collapse.

  Chapter 22

  Gabriel’s war cry rocked the marrow in Lucifer’s bones. He never felt anything like it in his life. It shook not just the earth, but Lucifer’s very foundation. Once they all ran out of the collapsing cave, Lucifer pressed against Eve’s back to shield her. Using his wings as a barrier, he took most of the hit while Uriel stood between her and the edge of the cliff. As they perched on the ledge and watched their shelter collapse into ruin, Lucifer couldn’t even be mad about it.

  Constantine and Uriel looked furious though.

  “Nice job, fucker,” Uriel ran his hand through his hair and bits of rock fell out of it. “Now where are we going to hide?”

  “Our location’s been compromised anyway.” Lucifer shook the debris from his wings. “Besides, the cave wasn’t going to work long-term. I can’t just stay stuck in another kind of cage.” And that’s all that cave had been. Without the use of his wings, Lucifer was just as much a prisoner in the cave on a high cliff as he’d been in the cage in that fucking dungeon. Now that he had a taste of sunshine and moonlight, morning mist and salty air, he never wanted to be cooped up ever again. “If w
e’re going to train and prepare to go after Michael, we need a place to do that.”

  “What about the human realm?” Eve asked.

  Constantine shook his head, “The human world is the first place they’re going to look.” The deep cut under his right eye was already healing.

  “Not to mention,” Gabriel added, “Michael’s going to wipe out a good portion of the lands.”

  “Again,” Uriel growled.

  Eve’s brow furrowed, “What? Why?”

  “He’s convinced the souls have tainted everything and have caused an imbalance of sorts. I don’t really know. He’s been wiping entire territories clean in hopes of starting fresh.”

  Lucifer watched Eve’s face pale. “This upsets you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Merciful Hounds, this female had so much compassion in her. Eve’s heart was entirely too big to be Divine.

  “I don’t understand,” Lucifer confessed. “Why does Michael care so much about these souls?”

  Gabriel picked up a rock and chucked it over the cliff, “They’re somehow linked to us, but I never actually understood it. And they roam.”

  “So control them. Learn how to communicate with them and give them guidance.” Lucifer didn’t understand the big deal here. “I hardly see why destroying entire territories is going to help. Won’t more just come?”

  “Maybe,” Gabe nodded. “Fuck, I can’t wrap my head around that shit right now. The souls and humans are the least of our troubles. We need a new place to stay.”

  “Someplace with a field or stretch of beach,” Uriel nodded. “Lucifer’s right. If we’re going to train them to fight, we’ll need space.”

  “I know of one,” Gabriel said, “but it’s risky. It borders the human realm. Michael will make his way there eventually, but it’s better than nothing.” Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck, “My anger gets the better of me. I’m sorry.”


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