Kneel For Me

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Kneel For Me Page 6

by Laura Greenwood

  "Amara," he groaned. "Are you sure about this?"

  "Definitely," I replied. He was nothing like the restrained prince I'd first met and I was glad of that. Nor was he like the flirty chess player I'd gotten to know either. There was something far more physical about this side of Albert, and I loved it. There was next to no risk here for either of us. Nothing could leave our bedroom without it becoming a scandal for us both.

  I let go of his head and began to kiss the side of his neck, nibbling and suckling on the tender skin there. His scent filled my senses as his hands roved over my body, exploring every dip and curve.

  One of his hands touched the outside of my thigh and I shivered, hoping he'd move it inwards and to the place I desired it the most. If he thought he was going to be able to deny me now, then he had another thing coming.

  "Please," I begged.

  Albert gave a dry chuckle, but complied nonetheless, his fingers dancing a path between my legs and against the soft skin there.

  I wanted to beg him again, but thought better of it. All it would do was inflate his ego more and I didn't think he needed it right at this moment in time. He'd already managed to find his way into my bed and ensure I was naked.

  He circled my clit with his fingers, the soft pressure enough to have me arching from the bed and trying to push myself into him. Luckily, Albert seemed to take that as a sign to carry on and the pressure increased.

  He swallowed my next groan with a kiss, though he need not have worried. No one would hear us here. And if they did, then they shouldn't be about in the first place.

  Another gasp came as he drew his fingers down and parted me, before slipping inside and hooking his fingers up.

  My eyes rolled back in my head as he hit the spot which was just right. The one that had me coiling up tightly and praying for release. Sensing my desperation, he quickened the movements of his fingers, placing his thumb back over my clit.

  The added pressure was all it took and everything went black as fireworks exploded behind my eyelids.

  I hovered over the edge of bliss, not wanting to come back down, but knowing we were far from finished.

  Blinking a few times, I focused again, my gaze latching onto Albert's smug grin as he looked down at me. But there was something more than just smugness there too. There was a softness he likely wouldn't admit to yet. Or he might do. It was hard to tell.

  "Are you ready for more?" he asked, his eyes revealing to me that he really meant it and wasn't just asking because he felt he should.

  "Yes," I responded, twisting so I could reach my bedside table drawer.

  Hauling it open, I rummaged around inside.

  "What are you..?"

  "Ah-ha!" I fell back into my position on the bed, a foil packet in hand. "We can never be too careful."

  Albert laughed. "Not ready for any royal heirs to be running around yet?"

  "Can you imagine the scandal? 'Unwed Queen announces pregnancy, who could the father be'? I'd rather not." But I smiled at the thought anyway. Maybe one day I would be having Albert's children. Or Carter's. That was an odd thought. Parenthood would be an issue for certain. We couldn't lie to our children about the way our relationship worked, but equally the world still wouldn't be able to know.

  "It would certainly wake up the world."

  "It would do something," I responded, a smile dancing around my lips just at the thought. I did like the idea of being different from everyone else.

  "We can deal with that later," he prompted. "There are more important things for us to do now."

  A somewhat dirty chuckle escaped from me. "Yes, there are."

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled me to him, pressing my lips against his until he responded in kind.

  Albert spun us around so I was lying on top of him, our bodies still pressed together tightly.

  "I see how it is," I said between kisses.

  "You're the Queen, you really should be on top," he responded.

  I smiled at him, while sitting back and reaching down to take his cock in my hand. I slid my hand down him, causing a series of groans to escape from Albert.

  With a wicked grin, I tore open the packet and rolled the condom onto him, sheathing his cock completely. It might have been kinder for me to do other things first, but I just wanted him inside me. To feel connected to him in a way that I had with very few others.

  I positioned him at my entrance, before sliding down on to him. I moaned and tipped my head back as he filled me, this position letting me feel everything.

  Slowly, I began to rock my hips, Albert moving with me and setting a slow, easy rhythm which was already driving me slightly crazy. I wasn't going to last long. Not unless something changed drastically and, somehow, I didn't think it would.

  I leaned down to kiss him again, but only managed short bursts as he thrust into me, the new angle even more delicious than the last.

  I kissed him again, before collapsing so my head was resting at the base of his neck. I trailed my tongue along the skin there, tasting the sheen of sweat which was covering both of us.

  Albert's pace increased and I pushed back into him, only adding to the pressure as his cock drove into me faster and faster.

  Our breathing became laboured and the tightness inside me began to build once more.

  "Amara," he breathed. "I'm going to..."

  "Me too," I muttered back through my gasps. Knowing he wasn't far off was only bringing me closer too. His moans and gasps drove me higher still.

  His thrusts became more erratic and I knew he was about to come. With one final thrust and moan, he shuddered beneath me, setting off the tidal wave of pleasure within me.

  I cried out as my orgasm crashed through me, taking me to heights I didn't think I'd reached before.

  We collapsed back onto the bed, both of us covered in sweat and more than a little exhausted. But it didn't matter. The bliss was spreading through me and I could already feel sleep starting to take a hold.

  "Would you like me to leave?" Albert asked, hesitation in his voice.

  "Stay," I whispered, all of my conviction poured into my voice. "Please."

  "Of course." He shuffled slightly in the bed.

  "You weren't actually going to leave anyway, were you?" I asked sleepily.

  "I didn't particularly want to, no, but I would have done if you'd asked me to."

  "Thank you," I responded.

  "For the orgasms?"

  "No, for respecting me," I replied, my brain already a little too fuzzy to be having this conversation.

  I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer. If this was how nights with Albert were going to go, I looked forward to many more of them.

  Though I did wonder if they would involve Carter too…

  Chapter Fifteen

  "I don't think that china is the right one," I told my staff. "What about the one with the gold leaf flowers?"

  "Of course, ma'am," the head of catering responded.

  I smiled at the woman. It couldn't be easy for her to have to stand and take criticism from me when all she'd done was stick to a brief. Admittedly, not one I'd written, but still.

  "Other than that, everything seems to be in order," I added. The organisations for my coronation banquet had started the moment my mother abdicated, but this was the first I was really hearing of it. No one bothered me with details like this until close to the end.

  Of course, I had other problems to deal with before then. Most notably, what to do about the fact I needed to marry and that I was pretty sure Margaret was trying to do her best to steal the throne from me. That problem really did need sorting out or I was in big trouble.

  "Your cousin is in the parlor, ma'am," a servant said.

  "Thank you," I responded instantly. Think of the devil and she would appear it seemed.

  I gave the staff a grateful nod and swept out of the room. More Margaret damage control seemed to need doing.

  "Cousin," I greeted loudly as I entered th
e room, taking in the situation as I did.

  She was sat demurely at one of the game tables, with her husband-to-be on the other side, shuffling a deck of cards in his hands.

  "Would you like to play, Amara?" Margaret asked.

  "No thank you, I don't play games with cheaters,” I responded cooly. I watched her face carefully, trying to gauge how she’d respond.

  “No matter, I invited an old friend to play anyway. When I heard he was at court, I knew I had to reach out.”

  Blood rushed from my face as I put two and two together and realised who she was talking about.

  “Good morning, Your Majesty. You look well today,” Vincent said.

  I turned around and gave him the most dazzling smile I could while glaring at him.

  “Good morning, Vincent.”

  He grinned, looking like he was enjoying himself just a little too much for my liking.

  “Why don’t you take a seat, Vincent. We’re just about to play.”

  “What’s the game of choice?” He pulled up a chair as he spoke.

  I bit my tongue, clenching my fists as I did. He really wound me up the wrong way and pairing him with Margaret was only making matters worse. It did make me wonder why she was with the Earl and not Vincent though. Surely the latter would be more helpful to her plans.

  "Are you sure you won't join us?" Margaret asked again.

  "Fine," I muttered, taking a seat opposite her.

  "You never did say what the game was," Vincent pointed out.

  "Gin rummy," she replied.

  Vincent nodded and leaned back in his chair while I sat on the edge of mine, nervous and waiting for whatever scheme had been put into motion to start. Though I would admit, it did seem like a perfectly normal pack of cards to me.

  Earl Andrew dealt the cards, immediately setting some of my concerns to rest. I didn't know what it was about him, but he definitely didn't seem like the cheating kind and that reassured me somewhat.

  "How have you been?" Vincent asked my cousin.

  "Very well thank you, though it's been lonely at the palace. Not much entertainment here," she answered.

  I barely refrained from scowling. She knew as well as I did that there were plenty of things to do here. It didn't matter if she wanted to go horse riding or swimming or go to the library and read a book, she could do it. Though in the case of the latter, she might lack the intelligence to.

  "How long are you staying here?" he asked.

  Why was he so curious about this? Shouldn't he know all of this as a part of her plan anyway?

  Or was it all just a ruse to make me uncomfortable?

  If it was, then he was doing a remarkable job. Right at this second I wanted to run from the room and go find Albert, even if he was out at the Belgian Embassy working at the moment.

  "As long as Amara wills it, I believe. We were supposed to be here for the races, but we weren't invited into the royal box." Margaret pouted slightly, pinching her face and reminding me somewhat of a bulldog.

  "You had perfectly decent tickets for the races," I reminded her. Ones with a view much better than the one Albert and I had enjoyed. That wouldn't matter to her though, it was all about status and where she was seen.

  "The Queen is right, Maggie. We had a great view of the track," Andrew butted in and I had to refrain from laughing at his use of a nickname.

  Vincent didn't manage as well and a small snort escaped from him.

  "Did you have a good day there?" I asked the Earl, hoping for more civilised conversation than I was likely to get from the other two.

  "We did, thank you. It was fantastic weather and the horses were on top form." He bounced up and down in his seat like a child at Christmas.

  I tried not to frown again, but my poker face had always been bad. He seemed like one of the innocent ones. Someone who couldn't do ill if he tried. But if that was the case, what was he doing with my cousin? Had he been tricked into this? Or more likely blackmailed, knowing Margaret. Maybe I should get him on his own and see what he'll spill then. Or get Albert or Carter to do that. Either of them were probably more discreet.

  "I believe there is another race next week, I could arrange for you and the Lady Margaret to go, if you'd like," I offered, giving him a dazzling smile.

  "I would love that. Thank you, Your Majesty." He all but clapped his hands together in excitement, while Margaret looked on with a scowl threatening her features.

  "Would Your Majesty be kind enough to offer a third ticket?" Vincent asked, shocking me with his politeness.

  "Of course," I responded hastily. "I'll just go arrange it now." I rose to my feet, intending to do just that, but mostly so I had an excuse to get up and abandon the stupid card game.

  "Leaving your seat so soon?" Margaret asked sweetly.

  "Yes," I bit out. Short, curt and to the point as that might be, it was how she made me feel most of the time.

  "Are you sure it's wise to leave your chair unoccupied?"

  A cold snap passed through me. Was she suggesting what I thought she was?

  I leveled my gaze at her, trying my best to look intimidating and likely failing miserably.

  "It's hardly unwise to leave a chair vacant in my own palace," I replied. "No one with any sense is going to steal it from me."

  She met my eyes, the steely determination in hers giving me pause for a moment. But I refused to let that intimidate me for long. She wasn't worth my time and attention. Her pathetic attempts to take my crown were nothing more than child's play.

  "That would depend on how many rings you have on your finger," she sneered.

  My blood turned to ice in my veins, or it certainly felt like it did, even if i knew that technically wasn't actually possible.

  Did she know about both Albert and Carter? She couldn't. Could she?

  "I don't know what you're talking about, Margaret. But rest assured, there'll be no stealing under my watch."

  She stood up, kicking back her chair and grasping hold of my wrist. "I know about the marriage law," she hissed.

  "Excellent," I replied. "Now let go of my arm." I let my voice drop low, hoping the implied threat made it through to her. She wasn't going get away with this. Not at all.

  Vincent lurched forward and tore her hand away from me, leaving a red mark on my wrist.

  "Leave the Queen alone," he warned, his tone matching mine in volume. "Don't touch her again."

  I frowned and turned, catching his arm and tugging him towards the door. Seemed it was time the two of us had a talk.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I demanded of Vincent, dragging him around a corner and into an alcove. No one should disturb us here, which was a good thing. I didn’t want people seeing us together and jumping to completely the wrong conclusions.

  “Helping you,” he hissed. “In case you hadn’t noticed, Margaret appears to be after you.”

  “And you’re probably helping her. Just like when we were all children.”

  “You’re not still hung up on that are you?” he demanded. “The time I chose Margaret as my dance partner over you?”

  “That happened?” I arched an eyebrow, not wanting to let him know that I did in fact remember that. Though I was most definitely over it. I wasn’t one to be hung up on a man just because he danced with my cousin.

  “You and I both know it did.” He crossed his arms and grinned smugly.

  “That’s not the point,” I snapped. “What are you even doing here?” He’d been about for weeks, which was weeks too long in anyone’s book. He wasn’t the kind to hang about anywhere long if there wasn’t enough women to chase.

  “I told you, I’m here to help you, Amara.”

  The look in his eyes made me pause. Beyond the man who lived to get under my skin, there seemed to be a real earnestness. Though it didn’t make sense. Did it?

  I stayed silent, not wanting to show any weakness.


  He didn’t let me finish, instead he pulled me to him
and crushed his lips against mine, taking me completely off guard.

  Without fully meaning to, I responded, giving in to his demanding kiss and returning it with some of my own.

  Realising what I was doing, I pushed him away sharply.

  “What was that?” I demanded.

  “I believe they call it a kiss. Princesses are supposed to like them.”

  “Not if they’re coming from a frog,” I shot back.

  “But then, if you don’t kiss them, you won’t know if they’re really a prince.”

  “What?” I spluttered. “Is there a point to all this?”

  “Not all frogs are princes, Amara. But some are. Just think about that.”

  He pushed past me, leaving me more than a little dumbfounded.

  “What are you on about?” I called after him.

  Vincent looked back at me and shrugged. “Tell me when you work it out.”

  I watched as he continued to walk away, completely confused and more than a little intrigued. He hated me. He always had. But then, why was he kissing me?

  Chapter Sixteen

  I paced back and forth, Vincent’s words once again playing in my mind on repeat. He had to be helping Margaret, he just had to be. Otherwise he had no motives at all. But then, why did he kiss me? What did he have to gain from that?

  It was some kiss though.

  I brought my fingers to my lips, brushing them against where his own had been. It really had been a spectacular kiss. I'd happily do it again.


  Were two men not enough for me? Three seemed overly ridiculous.

  "Amara?" Albert asked, striding into the study wearing a formal suit and carrying a briefcase. I wouldn't admit it aloud, but the image was somewhat a turn on. It reminded me that Albert was a powerful man in his own right, even if I was the Queen.


  "Are you okay?" He frowned at me as if taking in the frantic pace at which I was moving.

  I had to admit it was quite impressive given the heels I was wearing and how form fitting my own suit was. These things were decidedly uncomfortable though. I much preferred the summer dresses I got to wear when garden party season came about. But they weren't proper attire for a Queen during the day.


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