Kneel For Me

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Kneel For Me Page 8

by Laura Greenwood

  "Is it too soon to interfere yet?" I worried my hands against one another, trying to relieve the stress I was feeling.

  "Yes. She hasn't even left her rooms yet," he reminded me, gesturing to the phone he was almost constantly checking.

  I had to hand it to him, his spy network really did seem to be effective, even if their loyalty was a little dubious. I'd have to make sure the staff members in question were all reassigned once this was done with. There was no place for bought spies in my palace.

  "This was a bad idea," I muttered, more to myself that to him. I wished it wasn't just the two of us alone here. I wished Carter could have been here to comfort me at the very least. But he had to work today, as he did every other weekday. Something I couldn't, and wouldn't, ask him to change. That wasn't my place. I might be Queen, but they had their own lives.

  Vincent rose to his feet and strode over to me, catching me mid stride and looking me deep in the eyes.

  "This isn't a bad idea, Amara. We told Albert what needed to happen and he agreed."


  Vincent laughed. "I think that has more to do with him not wanting to pretend he's into anyone else but you," he pointed out. "You're not a very easy woman to forget. Staying faithful to you isn't a want. It's a need."


  "There's a lot that can go wrong. But do you really think Albert would do anything to betray you?"

  "No," I admitted. "He wouldn't."

  "Exactly." Vincent reached up and brushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear, the movement surprisingly tender. "You inspire loyalty in people, Amara. Whether they're your people, your friends or your lovers..."

  "Never use the word lovers again," I cautioned him while shivering slightly. It was one of the words I really hated.

  He chuckled. "That's what you took away from that?"

  "Taking anything else away from you would imply you're right. I've found that's quite a dangerous precedent to set," I replied.

  "Why, Amara, are you accepting me into your life?"

  I frowned. Was I? I hadn't really talked to Carter and Albert about how Vincent would fit in. If he even would. They knew of his declaration already, so I think they knew it was coming, but like me they were a little wary of the situation.

  "I don't know," I replied honestly. "There's too much at stake right now to make that decision."

  Vincent nodded. "I get that. But I've liked you for years, Amara, and not because you're Queen. I'll wait as long as you want me to."

  "I doubt that."


  "You're not the kind of man who waits, Vincent. You're the kind of man who knows what he wants and goes to get it."

  "That's true. But if things are worth it, waiting can also be good."

  "I suppose."

  "I'll prove my worth to you," he promised. "You'll see. But just trust me for now."

  "I am trusting you. I'm here aren't I?"

  "Physically maybe," he said sadly. "But I know you don't fully trust me yet."

  "Are you surprised?"

  "Eve trusted the snake," he replied.

  "And it got her kicked out of Eden," I responded. "Not exactly a winning consequence."

  "Maybe not all snakes are bad?"

  "Like the snake in your pants?" I teased.

  Vincent gave a dry chuckle. "That snake very much wants you to trust him."

  "He'd be so lucky." I smiled slyly. He wasn't exactly using words that ignited me, but the thoughts in my head were certainly of the steamier variety.

  "I think he looks forward to making your acquaintance."

  "I bet he is," I responded, at a loss for what else to say.

  A loud buzzing sound saved me from saying anything too bad, and the two of us glanced over to where Vincent's phone was lying.

  "I guess it's time," I said, more to myself than to anyone else.

  I just hoped Vincent was right and that this would work out the way we planned.

  "Have a little faith, Amara."

  If only it was that easy.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The door loomed up in front of me, far more ominous than it should be. It wasn't as if I didn't already know what was behind it.

  Even so, I was scared. If the plan had gone wrong, then I was just about to discover that fact in the worst way possible.

  Vincent wasn't with me at this specific moment. I wasn't actually sure where he'd gone, but he'd said he needed to check something out. Hopefully that wouldn't mean he'd disappeared for good and was going to just abandon me to this.

  Taking hold of the doorknob, I twisted it as gently as possible, trying to avoid making too much sound and alert Margaret to what was coming.

  This wasn't the perfect plan to get rid of her for good, that was going to take a little bit more doing. Though Carter had said he'd had an idea about that last night. I just hoped it all paid off.

  I pushed the door opening, my eyes taking in the soft candle light which was spilling from the room into the hall. That was simultaneously a good sign and a bad one. It meant the plan was working, but it also meant my green-eyed monster was in full force.

  It was safe to say there wouldn't be much acting going on once I was fully in the room.

  I slipped off my heels, not wanting to risk the clicking of them against the wooden floors. At least this wasn't a bedroom. I really couldn't have dealt with that.

  A seductive hushed voice flowed through the room.

  "Albert?" I called out, my voice shaking.

  This wasn't real. This wasn't real. This wasn't real.

  Maybe if I repeated it enough I'd actually start believing it.

  The hushed voice stopped and was replaced by the rustling of clothes. A sick feeling settled in my stomach. This wasn't going to be a nice thing to see. And more worryingly, Earl Wellesley hadn't arrived. This wouldn't work unless he saw what was going on in here.

  And if he didn't arrive, then the only threat we had was leaking things to the press. Which definitely wasn't an option I wanted to pursue. There'd be a lot of issues springing up around Albert then. And unlike Vincent and Carter, he had no reason to stay in my country if he wasn't with me.

  Doubt curled up within me, and I wondered whether I should turn back already or not.

  Taking a deep breath, I turned the corner and my eyes fell on an uncomfortable looking Albert with a partially dressed Margaret draped all over him.

  I wanted to be sick.

  I couldn't be.

  I had to get through this.

  "What's going on here?" I asked quietly.

  "Amara, I can explain..." Albert started.

  "No need, I have eyes," I bit out, letting my very real jealousy cause a slight hiss at the end of my words.

  "Amara..." he tried again.

  "Good evening, cousin. I hope you're well," Margaret tried, but I could see the panic in her eyes.

  "I've been better," I responded. "What are you doing here?"

  "I came at Prince Albert's request," she responded.

  Albert's eyes widened and I realised I wasn't the only one feeling very real emotions. He hated this as much as I did.

  "I somehow doubt that," I hissed. "So tell me, what are you doing in my palace, with the man I'm seeing?"

  "I was here to show him what a real woman was like," she responded harshly, rising to her feet and letting her shirt fall open.

  I tried not to look, but the jealousy forced myself to. Damn, she looked good. Much better than I felt I did myself.

  "I find that highly unlikely," I replied.

  Where was the damned Earl? He needed to get here soon. I wouldn't be able to put off throwing her out of my palace for much longer.

  "He was just telling me what a disappointment you were in bed. What was it he said?" She tapped her finger against her chin in an expression of fake thought. "Oh yes, it was like having sex with a sack of potatoes."

  I glared at her as Albert shook his head behind her. I wasn't sure why he felt the
need to tell me that. I knew he'd enjoyed himself in my bed.

  "Are you sure that wasn't what your last victim said to you?" I responded sharply.

  Margaret laughed. "Why don't you ask him. Vincent is rather talkative."

  Rage bubbled up within me. "Get out," I demanded.

  “Jealousy really isn’t an attractive quality, Amara,” she countered.

  “Get out,” I repeated, more harshly.

  A commotion sounded at the door, but I didn’t turn around. It was likely to be Andrew, and if it wasn’t, then I’d deal with it later.

  The horrified look on Margaret’s face set me at ease. It was definitely her husband-to-be standing there.

  “What’s going on here?” Andrew’s voice boomed.

  Margaret opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came up. I didn't mean to, but i felt a sense of dark satisfaction at the situation.

  "That's what I'm trying to find out." That, and how to settle my stomach. But that probably wouldn't go away until after this whole ordeal was done.

  "Margaret?" Andrew asked, a slight note of hurt in his voice. Did he actually love her? Or at the very least, like her?

  "I, I..."

  "She was trying to seduce me," Albert said, his voice so uneasy that I longed to go to him and offer some form of comfort. But I couldn't, not without blowing the cover we'd created for ourselves.

  Plus, I wasn't too sure how I actually felt about the situation still. I was a little uneasy about just how close the two of them had been, even if I knew it was fake.

  "What?" Andrew sounded dumbfounded.

  "She came into the room and started talking about how if she couldn't be Queen in Amara's place, then she'd use me to become a princess by marriage."

  "That's not what happened," Margaret protested. "He came on to me..."

  "Is that why you're the one partly undressed?" I could hear the anger in his voice, which was a little confusing. Maybe he had been using her to get to the crown after all.

  "I want both of you out of my palace and away from court," I said coldly. "And if I see you here again, this will find its way into the hands of the press."

  "You wouldn't," Margaret said, shaking where she was standing.

  "I would. Because as little as I don't want this to get out, you want it to get out even less." I kept my voice low and the threat very real. I would find a away for this to come out without making Albert look guilty of anything.

  "When Mama hears about this..."

  "Are you really going to tell your mother about this?" I raised an eyebrow.

  Eventually, Margaret shook her head.

  "I didn't think so," I responded, turning away from her and dismissing her for good.

  Now I just had to deal with my jealousy and with Vincent.

  That wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

  Chapter Twenty

  I didn’t even wait to talk to Albert before storming off through the palace. We were all supposed to be meeting in my rooms anyway, so he knew where to go.

  But I needed to talk with a certain ex-enemy of mine. Or maybe a current enemy, given Margaret’s revelation.

  I slammed the door shut behind me, making both Vincent and Carter jump.

  Good. Served them right.

  A softer click let me know Albert had slipped in behind me. Good. They were all here. That would make it easier for me to resist Vincent’s charms.

  “How dare you!” I glared right at him, leaving no doubt who I was talking to.

  “How dare I, what?” he returned instantly.

  “You know what,” I hissed.

  “No, Amara, I really don’t.”

  “You let me believe you were different. You let me believe you had my best interests at heart.” I could feel myself getting a little overwhelmed, but at this point, there was nothing I could do about it.

  “Did the plan not work?” he asked, looking between Albert and I in quick succession.

  “It did,” Albert replied.

  “Then what…”

  “You slept with Margaret!” I shouted. “You let me believe you actually liked me. I’d already mentioned you to Carter and Albert, and you do this!”

  Without even realising it, I’d started to cry. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I hated that he’d managed to do this to me. Hated that I could be reduced so small by a man. How had I gotten myself into such a vulnerable situation.

  “What?” Vincent demanded.

  Carter shuffled about behind him, but I didn’t pay him much attention. There was nothing he could do about this situation.

  “Margaret said you slept with her,” Albert supplied as I just stood there crying more. I really couldn’t handle it anymore.

  “What? No! Amara, I promise, I’ve never touched Margaret in that way. I haven’t even held her hand since we were in school. Even that was forced. Please believe me,” he begged, lurching forward as if wanting to come to me but not quite daring.

  “How do I even know I can trust you?” I blurted out. “You’ve done nothing but trick and confuse me at all turns.”


  “No, don’t Amara me.”

  “I think he’s telling the truth,” Albert whispered.

  “How am I to believe that?” My tears were falling thick and fast now and there was nothing that could stop the flow.

  “I suppose you’re not. But ask your advisor about the bribe tomorrow. Then you’ll understand.”

  He didn’t wait for me to respond and brushed past me. He only stopped when he reached the door and looked over his shoulder. “I still want you, Amara. When you realise the truth, I’m yours.”

  The door clicked shut behind him and my sadness increased even more.

  Carter rushed forward and pulled me into his arms.

  “I think he’s telling the truth,” Albert said.

  “Is now really the time?” Carter snapped.

  “Yes. If she doesn’t hear it from us now, then she might let him get away for good.”

  Carter sighed but said nothing.

  “I know you don’t want him now, but if you decide you do, then we’re behind you,” Albert added.

  I sniffed, the tears beginning to dry up. “What?” I didn’t think I was computing what he was saying quite right.

  “We’re just saying that if you decide you want Vincent too, we’re okay with that,” Carter added. He dropped a kiss on my forehead and a peace settled through me.

  I didn’t say a thing, unsure what to do with myself. I didn’t know if I did want Vincent, I just knew that I was confused.

  “You don’t have to decide now,” Albert pointed out. “But don’t hold back on our account.”

  I nodded once. I had their blessing. Only question was if I actually wanted it.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I hadn't slept well, and I could tell. My eyes ached from the crying and my throat was sore for some reason. But just because I was slightly sick, didn't mean that I could stop with what I needed to do. I had to go about my job, because if I didn't, then no one else would.

  "Come in," I called the moment the knock sounded.

  I was already nervous enough for this meeting, I didn't want to prolong it any longer than necessary.

  "You asked to see me, Your Majesty?" my adviser asked.

  "I did." I gestured to the seat opposite me.

  "I have a few questions for you," I started, noticing how much he was wringing his hands. The man was nervous. Maybe Vincent was right after all.

  "Yes, Your Majesty?" The adviser's voice shook as he spoke.

  "When you uncovered the law about marriage, where did you find it?" I glanced down at the blank piece of paper in front of me, hoping he assumed I had copious notes there and would panic slightly.

  "In the constitution," he replied quickly. A little too quickly in my opinion.

  "Really? I was looking over it this morning and didn't find anything. Was it in a newer edition?" I crossed my fingers and hoped he
wouldn't realise I was lying. I didn't want to show my hand just yet.

  "I, I..."


  "I'm afraid I'm not sure which copy of the constitution I found that part within."

  "So there's a chance that it could have been part of an older one that has since been overwritten?" I asked. I had to admit that there was a small part of me that was enjoying asking questions like this and trying to trip the man up. Not in a vindictive way, but in the putting-a-puzzle-together way.

  "I-I suppose so, yes."

  "If we went to the royal libraries, would you be able to show me where you found the law?"

  A bead of sweat rolled down the man's face.

  "I take it your silence is a no then. Thank you for that confirmation."

  "Your Majesty-"

  "How much did my cousin pay you to invent the law?" I asked calmly, not changing from the tone of voice I'd used before. Hopefully that would put him just enough at ease to answer straight off.

  "I can't remember, Your Majesty." He hung his head in shame.

  The lack of amount was certainly interesting. I wondered if it was a shocking small amount of money he'd taken for the deception.

  "Very well. As you may know, the receiving of a bribe in such a manner is grounds for dismissal. Unfortunately, I will be relieving you of your posts immediately. There will be no reference available for you. If I so wished, we could press criminal charges on the grounds of treason."

  "Your Majesty, please, I beg you-"

  I held my hand up to stop him in his tracks. "We won't be pressing any charges if you agree to testify against Margaret in court."

  "Yes, of course, Your Majesty. Thank you, Your Majesty." He leaned back in his chair, relief painted all over his face and posture.

  "Please pack your things and leave. Thank you for your previous good service and I'm sorry things had to end this way."

  He bowed his head as he stood. "I will eternally regret the way things ended, Your Majesty."

  Unsure what else to say, I dismissed him, sending him on his way with one of the palace guards. He'd make sure he actually gave the statement we needed to the police.


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