Kneel For Me

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Kneel For Me Page 10

by Laura Greenwood

I turned to see all three of them kneeling in a semi-circle, each one wearing a sharp suit and holding a rose. My prince, my childhood friend and my school yard enemy. I couldn't say I'd seen it coming.

  "Please get up. I can't, we've talked about this before."

  "We know," Vincent answered, rising to his feet at the same time as the other two. "But we also know you need an heir and the country isn't ready for the child of an unwed Queen."

  "That's not the point, I'm not..."

  "Open the box, Amara," Albert suggested.

  Nerves fluttered in my stomach, stronger than they had been even on my coronation day. I didn't know what to expect in the box. And I didn't know how it was going to make me feel.

  Slowly, I opened the lid, my hand flying to my mouth as I saw what was within it.

  "It's beautiful," I said after a moment, admiring the stunning ring inside.

  The stunning ring with three different gemstones set into it. But no diamond.

  It was perfection.

  "This way, there's something of all of us," Albert said.

  "Though on paper you're marrying him," Vincent pointed out. "I've grown pretty fond of him, I'd rather we did something to keep him in the country."

  A small laugh escaped from me. I knew it'd be Albert they picked. He made the most sense given he was the one of them I was with according to just about everyone else in the world.

  Though taking Vincent on as an adviser helped explain why he ended up in so many pictures with me.

  It also helped him enjoy his fantasy of sex in as many inappropriate places as possible. We really should stop, but the thrill of getting caught was addictive. I certainly enjoyed it as much as he did.

  Carter we were still struggling to find a place for. I wanted to give him work at the palace, but it'd look more than a little fishy for someone so young to gain that position. It'd take a few more years for that plan to come into motion.

  "She still hasn't answered us," Vincent said. "Maybe we should take the ring back?"

  "No," I blurted, clutching the ring to my chest.

  "That's always a good sign," Carter responded with a smile. "Is that a yes, Amara?" he added.

  "Yes," I whispered.

  "You'll marry us?" Albert asked.

  "Yes, I'll marry you," I replied, my heart swelling at his use of the word us, even when he was the one technically marrying me.

  Carter stepped forward and took the small box from me. Gently, he took the ring out and gestured for my left hand.

  My heart pounded in my chest, excitement flooding through me as I realised what this meant. I was tying myself to all of them. They were mine and I was theirs. Not that it would actually change anything. We didn't need anything to change. If I'd been anyone but the Queen then I doubted we'd have bothered with marriage at all. We didn't need it.

  Alas, heirs were important when in my position.

  The ring slid onto my finger perfectly, and the three gems twinkled in the candle light. I ran my fingers over them wondering which gem was meant to represent each of them. If I was to guess, I would say the ruby was for Vincent, the emerald for Albert and the sapphire for Carter. I'd ask them about it at some point, but I didn't want to ruin the magic of the moment.

  A soft melody began to play and Albert held out his arms to me, I stepped into them and he began to sway back and forth with me in his arms.

  We danced for a few moments, before he spun me under his arm, landing me in Carter's arms. The same happened again, but this time I ended up in Vincent's.

  The perfect balance of the three of them.

  "Are you happy?" Vincent asked as he gazed down at me.

  "The happiest I've ever been," I replied. Even my mother seemed to be on the mend, which was something I hadn't expected. Plus, I didn't have to worry about Margaret now she was locked away.

  "Did you have an idea on a wedding date?" I asked Albert as I ended up back in his arms.

  "I was thinking next summer so all the heavy robes have a chance to..."

  "No," I cut him off. "No way am I wearing those robes again in the middle of summer."

  He chuckled. "About eighteen months from now was what we thought. If that suits Your Majesty."

  "It can't come soon enough."

  The rest of the night was spent between dances and kisses. A perfect evening if anyone asked me. One where I didn't have to be the Queen. I just got to be a woman in love and loved by the three men around me.

  The End

  Thank you for reading Amara's story! I hope you enjoyed it! If you want more steamy contemporary romance, why not check out Heard From Me ( or you can get it as part of a handy boxed set of four contemporary romances ( To stay up to date with future releases, you can join my mailing list here:

  Heard From Me Excerpt

  Chapter One

  The roar of the crowds surrounded me as I left the stage. Just another day at the office for me. Or more likely another day following my dream.

  Reed and Jonas high-fived in front of me and I grinned widely. They were as wired up as I was, which was also normal, they were my band after all.

  “Great show,” Blake grumbled as he left the stage, trailing a hand across my back.

  I shivered. He knew I liked that but would never ever do more than that. He was the worst kind of cock tease. I didn’t even know whether he was into me. Whether any of them were, or if they just saw me as one of the guys.

  To be honest, I’d be surprised if any of them even noticed I was a woman. We travelled together, performed together, lived on a small tour bus or in hotel suites. Basically, I knew them far better than any woman should know her workmates.

  But we were also a band and that came before anything else, including gender.

  “Great going Hazel,” Reed called over.

  “You too,” I told our drummer.

  A boyish grin covered his face. Reed really was adorable. Even when done up for the stage, with grease in his hair and leather clad, he couldn’t be mistaken for anything more than the boy he was.

  I sighed. Forever surrounded by attractive men and forever alone. That was me. No one dared approach me because they assumed I was with one, or maybe even all, of my bandmates, yet none of them touched me either.

  “Want to hit the bar?” Reed asked.

  I nodded. Damn, I needed a drink. The adrenaline rush which often accompanied a show was already beginning to fade, but there was no way I’d be sleeping soon. One of the highlights of working evenings was long luxurious mornings in bed. Followed by a frothy cappuccino or two to get me going in the next morning.

  “Just let me change before we go,” I told him, already heading back to my dressing room.

  I slammed the door shut and shimmied out of the tight black leather I’d worn on stage. While I loved how it looked on me, it wasn't the comfiest clothing choice.

  A sigh of relief escaped me as the clothing slipped to the floor. Fresh air was welcome after the heat of the stage. I grabbed my deodorant and gave myself a spritz. There wasn’t time to properly shower before hitting the bar.

  Slipping on a simple black skater dress, I glanced briefly in the mirror before dismissing myself. I looked good despite the face wiped clean of make-up from the sweat and my hair ruffled from running my hands threw it as I sung. At least, I was pretty sure that's what I did. I couldn't say I'd ever really watched myself on stage, so I had no way of knowing what I looked like.

  I left my dressing room and looked around. Great. Of course they'd left me behind. For a protective bunch, they sure were happy to leave me behind when there was booze and girls waiting for them. Good job this wasn't a very big town.

  It didn't take long for me to reach the bar we'd passed just the day before. It seemed like a safe bet the guys would go there. They wouldn't want to walk too far to get their fill.

  "Hazel!" Reed called from a seat
by the bar. He slurred his words already. Unsurprising. He was a little bit of a lightweight. "I got you a shot."

  I wandered over and took the bright green liquid filled glass from him. It looked vile. Which meant it'd be perfect. I drank it down in one.

  "Another one?" he asked.

  I shook my head. "I'll get it." The green stuff hadn't been quite right. This girl wanted tequila.

  The bartender saw to me super quickly, setting down the shot along with the salt and lime. This really was the life.

  I threw back the shot, enjoying the buzz which came with drinking a little bit more than I should.

  “You okay?” Blake asked, his hand settling on the small of my back again.

  “Mmmhmm,” I replied while motioning for the bartender. I was going to need more if I was going to get through the night. In all likelihood, the guys would take the opportunity to get off with as many hot girls as possible. Not that I blamed them. If it was that easy for me then I'd be doing the same.

  "Don't you think you've had enough?" he asked, taking the next shot out of my hand and downing it himself. I scowled at him. That was not okay. No way was he cock blocking me and stealing my shots. A girl had to be able to have some fun.

  "No." I gesture for the bartender, asking for two shots this time. There's no way Blake can down both at the same time, this way I might be able to have one of them. "Keep them coming," I told the bartender as he sat them down.

  He nodded to me, but I didn't miss the no signal Blake gave him straight after.

  "Will you stop it?" I snapped at him. "I just want to relax and get as drunk as possible," I scolded him.

  "No, it's not safe for you to have this much."

  "What the actual fuck?" I shouted over the pounding music. "Who are you to decide what I do and don't do?"

  He frowned. "Can we not do this here?" Blake asked.

  I stared at him. Was he seriously just considering what his image was like right now? How the hell was he so dense?

  "Fine." I pushed off my seat and stormed off to the back alley I knew was there. That would be the perfect place to start.

  I didn't wait to see if Blake was following me. I just assumed he would. He obviously had words he wanted to have with me. He loved nothing more than being a pushy as hell with me.

  Coming to a stop, I turned to him and started to tap my foot impatiently on the ground. If he wanted to be an idiot, then I wasn't going to help him do it.

  Blake's eyes drew over me, studying my bare legs and travelling up the rest of me. There was something more than friendly protection in them. Almost like he wanted me. But no. That was just a pipe dream I had late at night when no one else was with me. It wasn't always Blake I fantasised about either. Nor any of them solo. If my family knew my desires, they'd probably throw a fit. I couldn't see my conservative mother approving of two men at once, never mind three. Then again, I was already a rock star, she already thought the worst of me even if I was in this for nothing more than the music. We hadn’t made it into the big leagues yet. Maybe we never would. But that was okay by me so long as I could play the shows and make people happy with the music I was making.

  “Well?” I prompted him, hoping he’d take the hint.

  Blake studied me, and I wasn’t quite sure where he was going with it. The glint in his eyes wasn’t something I was used to seeing. It was almost carnal. Like he wanted me, and I knew that wasn’t true.

  He took a step forward, crowding me and making me wish I wasn’t quite so close to the wall. I wasn’t uncomfortable as such. Just acutely aware of my attraction towards him.

  I waited for him to speak, though much to my annoyance he didn’t. Instead, he stepped even closer to me and lowered his face to mine. Our breaths mingled together, almost allowing me to taste the smoky whisky he’d been drinking.

  “Are you going to kiss me?” I whispered.

  “Yes.” His voice came out husky and I very much doubted it had anything to do with the booze he’d been drinking.

  Anticipation thrummed through me as he closed the small space between us. After all this time, I was actually going to get to kiss one of the band.

  One down. Two to go.

  Blake pressed his lips against mine, the pressure exhilarating and sent tingles up and down my spine. It was everything I wanted a kiss to be, and more.

  Cautiously, I ran my hands up and down his chest, appreciating the taunt muscles there. He was all hard man and so perfect for my needs. Hopefully downstairs wouldn’t be too disappointing either.

  His hands roamed over my lower back and I urged them to go lower still. Lower and hopefully under my free-flowing skirt. I’d never been so glad to have put on a dress.

  “Blake,” I murmured against his lips.

  “Hazel,” he responded in kind.

  His lips trailed down my neck, kissing hungrily. But that wasn’t what I wanted. I had no patience for that anymore.

  I slid my hand between the two of us and fumbled with his fly, grateful when Blake didn’t do anything to stop me. He wanted this as badly as I did.

  “Please,” I whimpered, leaning my head back and praying to the god I didn’t believe in, that he’d hurry up.

  His fly popped open and I slipped my hand inside his boxers, palming his cock in my hand and rubbing it back and forth.

  Blake grunted, and a satisfied smile crept across my face.

  “I’d stop doing that if I were you,” he grumbled.

  “Aww.” I fake pouted. Not that he’d be able to see from where he was.

  “If you keep it up, I will explode,” he threatened.

  “I can think of better ways to make you do that,” I suggested, increasing the pace at which I moved my hand.

  Blake made a sound almost like a groan. “Hazel…”

  “Do you have a condom?” I demanded.


  “A condom,” I repeated. “We’re not having sex without one.” As drunk as I was and as much as I wanted him, there were some lines I wasn’t willing to cross. A baby would be the quickest way to sink all our dreams.

  “Shit!” he cried and untangled himself from me, causing my hand to slip from his jeans.

  “Blake?” I asked, my lip trembling. Damn, I missed his touch already. This was almost worse than just wanting him and not knowing what it felt like when his hands were on my body.

  “I’m sorry, Hazel. I’m sorry.” He buttoned himself up and without saying another word, disappeared from where we’d come.

  Well, shit. Now what did I do?

  I sighed and narrowly avoided sinking to the floor. I didn’t want to get my dress too messed up, even if I was feeling low.

  That was it for me for the night then. I needed to get back to the hotel, shower, and then plan Blake’s morning talking to.

  No one left me high and dry. Not even him.

  About the Author

  Laura is a USA Today Bestselling Author of paranormal and fantasy romance. When she's not writing, she can be found drinking ridiculous amounts of tea, trying to resist French Macaroons, and watching the Pitch Perfect trilogy for the hundredth time (at least!)

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  Also by Laura Greenwood

  Books in the Paranormal Council Universe

  * * *

  The Paranormal Council Series (shifter romance, completed series)

  1.The Dryad’s Pawpri
nt (Audiobook Available)

  2.The Vixen’s Bark (Audiobook Available)

  3.The Necromancer’s Prey (Audiobook Available)

  4.The Vampire’s Bite

  5.The Witch’s Stripes

  -The Paranormal Council Boxed Set

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  Fated Seasons: Winter (paranormal/fantasy reverse harem)

  1.Saving Eira (Audiobook Available)

  2.Reigning Eira

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  Fated Seasons: Spring (paranormal/fantasy reverse harem)

  1.Chasing Aledwen (Audiobook Available)

  2.Rising Aledwen (Coming Soon)

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  Thornheart Coven (witch romance)

  1.Witch’s Potion (Audiobook Available)

  2.Witch’s Spark (Audiobook Available)

  3.Witch’s Web (Coming Soon)

  * * *

  Blessed (paranormal post-apocalyptic)

  1.Wolf Blessed (Audiobook Available)

  2.Fae Blessed (Audiobook Available)

  3.Elf Blessed

  4.Frost Blessed (Coming Soon)

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  Paranormal Criminal Investigations (paranormal mystery reverse harem)

  1.Spell Caster

  2.Spell Tamer (Coming Soon)

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  Stories From the Paranormal Council Universe (each story stands alone)

  -Frost’s Forfeit (Audiobook Available)

  -Death’s Choice

  -Stories From the Paranormal Council Universe Collection

  -Blood & Deceit (Audiobook Available)


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