Ballroom Blitz

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Ballroom Blitz Page 10

by Lorelei James

  “Which is great. But Maggie, you shouldn’t be making any career decisions before your first major dance competition.”

  “Maybe I should take it as a sign that I should quit.”

  “You’d be kicking yourself if you didn’t follow through with competing in regionals after all the work you’ve put into it the last six months.”

  “You’re probably right. Anyway. Why are you here?”

  “To tell you I have to deal with some business out of town.”

  She lifted her head. “You’re leaving again?”

  He smoothed damp tendrils of hair from her face. “Yeah.”

  “I thought Sapa was on an extended break and you were taking time off?”

  Jon hated sidestepping the issue, but Maggie had enough stress in her life this week. And he was scared she’d just walk away if he told her the truth. “It’s just…I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye this time.”

  “Thanks for that.” She sighed. “It’s probably for the best that you’ll be gone.”

  “Since I won’t see you anyway because of your intensive rehearsal schedule?”

  “Partially. But also because of this.” Maggie angled her head so he could see the large hickey on her neck.

  “Shit. Sorry about that.”

  “No, you’re not. I’m not either, because last night was incredible.” She pressed her lips to his. “But I will say Seth wasn’t happy about the obvious suck marks on my neck and chest. He warned me that if you continued to act like a horny teen then he wouldn’t allow me to see you at all this week.”

  Jon whistled. “Is he grounding you from TV and your car too?”

  “And he’s taking away my allowance and my cell phone.”

  He couldn’t help but grin that she’d retained her sense of humor even under duress.

  “As you can probably guess, his threat didn’t go over very well. The day started off on the wrong foot and went downhill from there.”

  “So you’re doubly happy I bulled my way in and told him off?” he asked dryly.

  “Yes. Because no one ever sticks up for me.” Maggie rested her cheek against the curve of his neck. “But I am going to miss you.”

  “Same here.” Jon adjusted her position so she faced him with her knees on either side of his thighs. He framed her face in his hands and devoured her with a drawn-out kiss that wasn’t nearly enough. “Don’t overdo it this week, dancing queen.”

  “I won’t. Don’t sweat it if you can’t make it back for the competition on Saturday.”

  He locked his gaze to hers. “I’ll be there.”


  “No buts. I’ll be there. I promise.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Stop fidgeting.”

  Maggie gave Seth a cool look. “Gimme a break. I haven’t competed in years. I’m entitled to fidgeting. And pacing. And pure panic.”

  Seth curled his hands around her shoulders. “Listen to me. We are on top of the world, baby. We make a fabulous team. Some dancers are already asking who we are. We’re the sandbaggers, Maggie.”

  She blinked at him. “Isn’t that a given? Since we’re unknown?”

  “It’s a head game. I saw you eyeing the others’ costumes. Yes, they are much better than ours.” Seth dropped his voice. “Sweetie. That’s intentional. I can get my hands on top-of-the-line costumes, but why overplay our hand? Better to underplay it and have our competitors dismiss us as country bumpkins trying to dance in the big leagues.”

  “I see your point.”

  “These dancers have sponsors. We don’t. Luckily for us, that means when we win this competition, we’ll be attractive to sponsors because no one has heard of us. And the sponsors will look smart for snapping up an up-and-coming dance team.”

  Sponsorship was almost too much to hope for. “Not to put the cart before the horse, but say we win. We score sponsors. Then what happens?”

  Seth adjusted the seams on her sleeves. “Then we have the means to hit more competitions, notch more wins, which will get us invited to dance in exhibition showcases and we both know that’s where the real money is. Plus, we build name recognition while we’re doing it. And fingers crossed…” He paused a beat too long before he stepped back. “Never mind.”

  Her stomach lurched at his vague tone. “What?”

  “I’ve been hesitant to tell you this before now, because I knew it’d freak you out. But if we win, Vladimir Konski has agreed to audition us for possible coaching for nationals.”

  “Seriously? He’s huge. He coached… Well, obviously I don’t have to tell you who he coached.” Maggie narrowed her eyes. “Hey. How did you manage that?”

  Seth winked. “I dated Vladimir’s son Niko when we were in The Will Rogers Follies in New York. Niko and I’ve stayed on good terms and he might’ve mentioned to his father that I’m dipping my toe into the competitive dance waters.”

  Pumped up by the possibilities, she gave him a smacking kiss on the mouth. “Let’s show them how it’s done, partner.”

  Maggie’s butterflies didn’t settle as she checked her makeup. Her hair. Her costume. Her shoes. She glanced at Seth, performing the same rituals.

  Then they were in the chute, waiting for their number to be called. They didn’t speak to anyone, nor did they chat with each other. She mentally reviewed the steps for the first dance.

  Finally they heard, “Dancers in position.”

  Seth smiled, snatched her hand and then it was game on.

  Now they just had to get through the next ten minutes, dance their asses off and blow the other eleven couples out of the water.

  At the start of the music, Maggie became someone else. She and Seth circled each other. Not as dance partners, not as friends, but as potential sexual conquests, turning up the heat as they set their bodies in motion.

  The first dance was the cha-cha, flirty and fun as she made promises with her eyes and her hips. During the second dance, the rhumba, she morphed into the seductress, using sensual moves to entice her potential lover. The third dance was swing, a hopping, energetic show of stamina and athleticism. The fourth dance, the bolero, was filled with passion and longing as their bodies undulated in unison and opposition. And the fifth dance, the mambo, was back to a sexy tease.

  She and Seth were in perfect synch throughout all five dances. They maintained the intensity even during the thirty-second pause between each ninety-second piece of music.

  After they finished dancing, Maggie’s body pulsed with sexual energy and adrenaline. Waiting for the results was excruciating, but at least they were expected to leave the dance floor while the judges made their decision.

  Seth clasped her hand as they dodged other dancers, who were also pumped after their performances.

  By the time they reached the corner they’d staked out in the dressing area, the touch me, fuck me, take me now vibe between them had cooled.

  Or so she thought.

  Seth handed her a bottle of grape-flavored Gatorade and took one for himself, staring at her with an expression she’d never seen directed at her.

  Maggie wondered if there’d be awkward moments in the aftermath of suggestive dancing. She’d become sexually involved with her dance partner in college, so this situation wasn’t uncharted territory for her, but Seth was gay.

  Then Seth allowed her a wolfish grin. “My God, woman, if I was straight I’d be fucking you balls deep against that wall right now. Which tells me our performance was off the charts.”

  That had been the perfect thing to say. She grinned. “It just proves that having the steps drilled into my head works best because I could concentrate on the presentation, not the choreography.”

  Seth nodded. “I don’t want to ruin this beautiful high by dissecting our performance. I want to bask in my foresight for choosing such an excellent dancing partner.” He toasted her with his plastic bottle.

  Maggie blushed from his praise. “I’m grateful you believed there was potential in me.”
/>   “There’s better than potential, baby, there’s heat between us on the floor. I’ll bet Stanis is fit to be tied after our sexy presentation.” Seth drained his Gatorade. “I imagine bad-boy rocker came to support you?”

  “Of course he knows about it, but…”

  “But what?”

  She hadn’t heard from Jon at all the last five days. “I’m not sure if he’s back in town. And I don’t want to pressure him to support me because we’re keeping this casual.”

  “I’ve seen how that man looks at you, Maggie, and there’s nothing casual about it. Johnny-hottie is completely smitten with you,” Seth continued. “So don’t assume he’s only interested in playing a little grab-ass with you before he moves on.”

  “I wish I could believe that.”

  Seth gave her a thoughtful look. “Maybe this will convince you. Do you remember the last week of dance class when newlywed Ashley popped into the gym on Friday night, wearing tiny booty shorts and her tight sports bra that showed off her gigantic fake boobs?”

  Confused, Maggie squinted at him. “I was there? I don’t remember.”

  Seth pointed at her. “Exactly. You were engrossed in working with the scarves for perfecting movement flow. Johnny-hottie didn’t pay attention to Ashley at all; he was absolutely mesmerized by you.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Jon was at our rehearsal?”

  “I’m pretty sure he’d been lifting weights, because his muscles were all bulgy and he was covered in a delicious sheen of sweat.” Seth laughed when Maggie’s eyes widened. “What? I can look. Not that he noticed me ogling him since he only had eyes for you.”

  “Ladies and gentleman, we have our winners,” boomed over the loudspeakers.

  “This is it.” Seth took her hand and dragged her out of the dressing area and into the arena.

  Her gut clenched. Her heart raced. But she plastered on a smile as they lined up on the dance floor.

  The committee chair went on about each judge before announcing their decisions in the top three slots.

  Third place was announced and it wasn’t them.

  Second place was announced and it wasn’t them.

  A drum roll sounded. “The winners of the American Dance Federation Rhythm Style competition, who will represent the Mountain States region at the National Finals in Orlando, are…”

  And their names were announced.

  Maggie was pretty sure her feet didn’t touch the floor as she and Seth performed a sweeping bow and deep curtsey to the crowd before they floated to the judge’s stand to accept the medals, the check and flowers.

  Other dancers surrounded them to offer congratulations—a few remarks were even genuine.

  After the floor cleared, Maggie spun around, her gaze searching the stands.

  Then she saw Jon. The intense way he looked at her put her feet in motion and she tried really hard not to skip.

  Jon dangled over the railing so far Maggie thought he might fall. And that grin. Boy howdy it made her all tingly.

  “You came.” Brilliant observation, Maggie.

  “I told you I’d be here. That was the most amazing dance performance I’ve ever seen.”

  “Man, you guys totally rocked it!” Raven gushed. “You were so much better than everyone else. It was obvious after the first dance that you and Seth were gonna win.”

  Her focus on Jon had been so absolute she hadn’t noticed Raven. She smiled at her. “I’m glad you came. It was nice of your uncle to bring you.”

  Then Seth bounded over. “If it isn’t my two favorite students!”

  Raven started chattering to Seth and Maggie glanced at Jon. He stepped sideways, motioning for a word in private. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She noticed he held a single white rose with pink-tipped petals. “Is that for me?”

  “Yeah. Makes me look cheap, compared to those.” Jon pointed to the bouquet of a dozen red roses in her arms.

  “These weren’t bought specifically for me, like your rose was. So gimme.”

  He laughed. “I was told this color is called minuet, so I thought you’d appreciate that.” He bent down until they were eye to eye. “But the real reason I bought it is because the pink on cream tones reminded me of the color of your skin after you’ve come undone in my arms.”

  The rough rasp of his voice sent sexual heat surging through her.

  “You’re ramped up right now,” he half growled. “I can feel it. Baby, it’s pulsing off you.”

  She turned her head, letting her lips graze the corner of his mouth. “I’d like to drag you off and put this excess energy to good use.”

  “Let’s go. Right now.”

  His warm breath teased her ear and she wanted to feel his whispers drifting over every inch of her skin.


  Seth’s voice pulled her out of the moment, forcing her to step back from the magnetic hold Jon had on her. “Ah. What?”

  “A couple of potential sponsors want to talk to us and we shouldn’t keep them waiting.”

  “Go on,” Jon urged. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  Maggie gave him a promising smile and dashed away with Seth.

  Four hours later, Maggie stood on the front porch of her cabin. The day had been a scorcher and the sudden rainstorm caused steam to rise from the pavement like ghostly fingers.

  Leaning against the railing, she listened to the steady din on the tin roof as raindrops splashed her bare feet. The humid air smelled clean, heavy with the earthy scent of soil and vegetation.

  What a whirlwind week. In addition to hours of rehearsal, she’d decided to meet with that rep from the consulting company based out of Billings. He hadn’t offered her a job, but the interview had gone well enough she suspected an offer would be coming in the next few weeks.

  Would she take it? In the last six months she’d enjoyed having a job and not the pressure of a career. As much as she loved dancing, she didn’t want it to become another obligation she’d resent. But now with this win, she was in limbo for two more months.

  The meetings with potential sponsors had gone better than expected. Evidently word had spread of their couples dance classes at the community center. The owners of a travel agency, big supporters of the arts, offered to sponsor all their airfare expenses for preparation for the national competition in Florida.

  Seth had spent the drive back to Spearfish on the phone with Vladimir, setting up an audition in Salt Lake City next weekend and a backup audition with another teacher in Dallas. Maggie could swing the price of hotel and food costs, but those were a drop in the bucket compared to Vladimir’s fees for private instruction. How would she pay for them?

  She’d cross that bridge when she came to it.

  Speaking of crossing the bridge…headlights bumped up the drive and Jon’s Land Cruiser pulled into view.

  Anticipation rolled through her. She’d missed him more than she thought possible in the last week, not just the sex but talking to him. Jon was a great listener—not a trait she expected from a man used to having people fawning over him. His stories about life on the road entertained her, but also indicated how hard he’d worked to grow his career and showed his joy at the connection he’d built with his fans. He had her laughing whenever he talked about his family and growing up on the reservation. Jon White Feather was a sweet, funny, thoughtful man who didn’t let his onstage persona define him offstage.

  And Maggie was falling for him so fast it scared her.

  Jon climbed out and sauntered toward her. His hot, sensual gaze traveled from her eyes to her mouth, lingering on her chest and then meandering back up to her eyes.

  Maggie felt that erotic caress as if his hands were already on

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