Tenderly Beats the Lonely Heart

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Tenderly Beats the Lonely Heart Page 13

by K. J. Janssen

  “The only thing I can figure is that it might have come from the delivery of meat and produce that we’ve been getting from Owensburg Catering.”

  “When did we start ordering from a caterer?”

  “That was the idea of our Chief Dietician. Apparently, there’s a move underway among hospitals to ‘humanize’ hospital food. You know, make it like the food you get at home; hamburgers, hot dogs, Mac and cheese, stuff like that. So far, it’s been well received by patients and is faster for the commissary to prepare. We’ve been on that regimen now for about a month, now. Much of what OC supplies are ground beef and fresh vegetables; the type of food that unfortunately can cause a problem if not handled properly. That’s the only thing I know that we’ve done differently. Notwithstanding that they may be the source of the E-Coli, it was a good thing we have that resource available, since this influx of patients has put a real strain on the


  “That makes sense I suppose, as long as we watch the preparation; especially with the raw beef, however, under the circumstances I think we should suspend any further deliveries from Owensburg Catering until we locate the source of the contamination. They may not be the source, but we can’t take any chances. You should notify them right away of our decision and enlist their help in the testing protocol. You’re going to have to alert Legal too, about what’s happening, and we need to start a dialogue with the CDC and the State Health Department right away. I don’t want to be caught short on this.”

  “Of course, but I’m have an even greater concern.”

  Impatiently, Dr. Owens asked, “What else?”

  “Our commissary chefs took a liking to the convenient packaging of the cuts of chicken and tubs of salads that Owensburg Catering provided, especially with the greater demand for meals due to the accident. They ordered extra of both and mixed it with some of their own meals. I guess what I’m saying is that it’s possible our entire food supply is at risk including the food we send over to George


  “Damn it. That’s all we need now. At least you can distinguish their food by the packaging. Have GB isolate that food in case we have to test it. Do we have any count on the number of patients that could be involved?”

  “I can’t give you an accurate count because we have discharged over ninety patients during the time frame that we were dispensing the contaminated meals. Of course, many of them were not fed during their stay here.

  “We’re dealing with a five to ten-day incubation period. To complicate matters many of the symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue and nausea are common to what we are treating them for.”

  “You need to get stool samples from any patient showing symptoms. Expedite processing with any lab that can do E-Coli testing. Get our lab busy on finding the source. Change the menus to meals from our emergency food supply and any food that is cleared from the lab until further notice.

  “One other thing, I see no reason for this outbreak to be discussed outside of this room. Only discuss it with the Authorities and those that have a ‘need to know’. Any testing or treatment should be presented as part of the standard protocol for the patient’s care.”

  He shook his head. “We need to isolate the cause of this outbreak … STAT.”


  As soon as she came in the door, Walter grabbed Emily and held her tight. “I’m so glad you’re home. It’s been quite a day hasn’t it?”

  “That’s for sure. I caught a little bit of the news on the way home. It’s really bad isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is. So many unsuspecting people were killed. They don’t have the final numbers yet, but I heard that this is the worst single disaster in the State of Ohio and possibly the country. I waited until you got home because I didn’t want to leave

  Louise alone, but I really need to get back out there.

  This situation has left us shorthanded.”

  “Of course, you go right ahead. Where is she?”

  “She went to her room as soon as we got home. She said she needed some alone time. I heard some sobbing going on for about five minutes, but then she probably went off to sleep. She was thoroughly exhausted when we got here, poor girl.”

  “I’ll keep an ear out for her. She may need a shoulder to cry on when she wakes up. You go on now, the town needs you. Just give me a call occasionally so I know you’re okay.”

  They kissed at the door. Walter left with the siren wailing.


  “Get out of my way. I’ve got to see my wife. She’s in there. Her name is Miriam Walton.”

  It was Nathan Walton doing the shouting while attempting to push two orderlies aside. “My wife’s in that room and I want to see her…now!”

  “Sir, you can’t go in there now. Please return to your seat until we call you.”

  “You don’t understand. She’s had a concussion. I’ve been travelling a day and a half to get here. I want to see her right away. Now get out of my way, before I have to get rough.”

  One of the orderlies motioned to a security guard who quickly joined the fracas. “You’re going to have to come with me, sir.” He grabbed Nathan by the arm with just enough pressure to broadcast that resisting might not be in Nathan’s best interest.

  Nathan immediately turned to the man and, under the assumption that he now could reason his way out of this predicament. He repeated his message.

  The guard was unmoved by Nathan’s argument. “When hospital employees give you directions, they are to be followed. We have a hospital emergency on our hands and we won’t tolerate any unruly behavior on the floor. Is that clear?”

  All the fire went out of Nathan and he meekly replied, “That’s clear.”

  The guard pointed to the waiting area. “Now you go on over there, sit down and be quiet until they come for you. If I hear a peep out of you, I’ll turn you over to the Sheriff’s Department and charge you with disturbing the peace and resisting arrest. Got that?”

  A docile Nathan answered, “Yes Sir. I understand.”

  * * *

  Meanwhile in Room 359, nurses and candy stripers were busy handling a case of severe nausea being experienced by the patient in bed 1. Miriam was doubled over holding her stomach as a nurse and a candy striper did their best to steady her and aim the contents of her stomach into a large pan. As they assisted her, another nurse slipped a bed pan out from under Miriam, but instead of taking it over to empty it in the lavatory, she filled out a gummed label noting Miriam’s name and the room number, affixed it to the pan and directed the orderly to take it to the lab down the hall.

  It took several minutes for Miriam to empty her stomach of the previous night’s dinner two cups of water she drank first thing after she arose and some oatmeal and coffee she ate for breakfast but empty it she did. Totally exhausted from the ordeal she fell back against the pillow. A nurse stood next to the bed taking Miriam’s vital signs, made notes on the chart and advised Miriam to try to rest. When the room cleared of helpers, the head floor nurse entered to check on Miriam. The first thing she did is give Miriam an extra blanket. “How do you feel now? Are you up to having a visitor?”

  Miriam’s face brightened. “I’m okay now. Is Nathan here? Is my husband outside?”

  “Oh, yes, he certainly is, and he caused quite a commotion; almost got himself arrested.”

  “I heard some disruption, but I was too busy barfing to pay any attention. You say that that was him making all that noise?”

  “That was him all right, but they finally calmed him down. He’s waiting down the hall.”

  “Oh, please let me see him. The poor man’s been through so much to get here.”

  Unmoved, the nurse replied, “And you haven’t?”

  “Oh, you know what I mean, please let him


  “Okay, but you make sure he behaves himself. The atmosphere at the hospital right now is very edgy. It won’t t
ake much to set off any of the people working here. Keep in mind that we’re all doing our best in what has to be the worst situation any of us has ever experienced in our professional lives.”

  “He’ll be fine, I promise.”

  * * *

  Nathan headed straight for her bed and leaned down to kiss her. “My poor Precious, how are you?”

  “I told you about the concussion. It seems that sometimes you get a bit of nauseousness along with the other symptoms. It held off until this morning and then everything I had in me came hurling up. That happened just a while ago. It felt as if my stomach and intestines were coming up as well. It was awful, but I’m okay now that you’re here.”

  Nathan sat down on the bed and held her against his shoulder. “Well we’re going to get you better and then back home where I can look after you. I should have never left you alone.”

  “That’s nonsense and you know it. You had to go on the trip; nothing short of face to face meetings would have worked. The proof-of-thepudding is that you were successful in setting up the network you wanted and now you’re home safe with me.”

  “I guess you’re right, but I still wish I had been here for you.”

  “Of course you do, that’s natural, but all’s well, that ends well. The important thing is that you’re here now. Right?”

  “I suppose.”

  “You know I’m right. Now, no more of that kind of talk from you. Tell me about your night and the trip here.”

  “You don’t really want to hear about that stuff. Suffice it to say, that this was the worst return trip I have ever been on. Let’s talk about what’s going on with you.”

  “Well, you can see the condition I’m in. I’m so weak that I’d fall flat on my face if I tried to get up. That vomiting took back all the energy I had built up by resting for two days. It’s like setting the clock back and starting over. Aside from that, I’m good. No broken bones or serious lacerations, just that conk on the head from when I was knocked down.”

  “What would you say about our getting an ambulance service to take you to Spartanville General? It would only take a few hours and that way you’d be close to home and be able to settle in as soon as whatever you have wrong with you passes. You’d have Doctor Welch there to treat you, too.”

  “I can’t go back to Spartanville yet.”

  “Why on earth, not?”

  “Nathan, you and I have to have a talk about something and you’re not going to like it.”

  “What are you talking about? Is there something else wrong with you?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that. It’s about the real reason I came to Owensburg.”


  Emily prepared some tea to have ready in case Louise woke up.

  She didn’t have to wait long. Just about the time that the kettle started whistling, she heard the bathroom door close and the water running. She waited until the water stopped and called upstairs. “Louise, I have some tea brewing if you would like to come down to the kitchen.”

  She heard no response for about a minute and then Louise called down, “That sounds great,

  Emily. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  Louise took about five minutes to show up at the kitchen door. She had on a silk robe and a pair of Yogi Bear slippers that Thomas had given her on Valentine’s Day. Her hair had been combed and her face, though washed several times, still showed redness from the cascade of tears that had travelled down her cheeks.

  “Hello, dear. Come on over here and sit down. I have tea and some mixed berry scones”

  “That will be great, Emily. I finally got my appetite back.”

  “Cream or sugar with your tea?”

  “Just some sugar, please.”

  Emily poured the tea, placed two plates, a sugar bowl and utensils on the table and got a bakery box with the scones from the refrigerator and brought it to the table.

  “There we are, help yourself.”

  Emily waited for Louise to select a scone before she spoke. “I can’t imagine what you must be going through. This weekend was to have been so special for you and Thomas…and look where we are.”

  Tears began to well up in her eyes as Louise reflected on the reality of those words. “You’re right. Everything was going along so nicely, and it looks as if Thomas was going to propose sometime that night. And then this catastrophe happens, and Thomas is wrapped up like a mummy, unable to know where he is or probably even know what happened to him. I don’t know how I will be able to endure the coming months not knowing if my

  Thomas will be coming back to me.”

  Emily moved her chair next to Louise and put her arm around her shoulders. “We have to be strong for Thomas’s sake. I know it looks dire right now, but Dr. Freenold assured us that the condition that Thomas is in right now is temporary and that when they bring him out of the coma they induced, Thomas will start on the road to recovery. He’s going to need every bit of our support to get through the ordeal of recovery. He’s strong and he has you to fight for.”

  “You’re right, of course, but it’s so hard.”

  “I know it is dear, but if we all stick together and don’t waver in our faith, we’ll all get through this. Have you thought about what you are going to do?”

  “Only a little, it’s so hard to make any plans without having all the facts. For one thing, I will quit my job, so that I can be here.”

  “Well, of course, you’ll stay with us. Consider the room your using as yours for as long as it takes. It goes without saying dear that you are part of our family now and Walter and I want to keep you close.”

  “That’s very kind of you. I was hoping you would want me to stay here in Owensburg. I’ll call my boss and ask for a leave of absence. I think that under these circumstances they’ll understand, but if not, I’ll just resign. I’ve got to be here for Thomas”

  “Say no more. We’ll do this together.”


  Miriam began, “Nathan, when we first met, you and I agreed not to spend endless hours talking about our past lies. Unfortunately, there was one part of my past that I probably should have revealed to you. I think the reason I didn’t was partly because I wanted to keep those memories suppressed, but also because it was a part of my life that I was ashamed to tell anyone about.”

  Nathan squirmed a bit in his chair. “What on earth are you talking about? What could be so shameful that you couldn’t tell me? Our love for one another is certainly stronger than that.”

  “I believe that too, but what I have to tell you is not a trifling matter.” Miriam decided to blurt it out and end the suspense, “I have a grown son. His name is Thomas Mortinson. I gave him up for adoption when he was born and recently I felt the need to find him and let him know that I was his birth mother.” She stopped to see Nathan’s reaction; it wasn’t good. She knew that look from years of marriage and it meant that he was extremely disappointed in her. I guess that shouldn’t surprise me. He feels betrayed.

  Continuing on, she related the details of Thomas’s birth, her decision to give him up, his eventual foster care by the Peyton’s and then to his accident at the park. “I hope you can forgive me for keeping this from you. I need you understand.”

  Nathan let her speak without interruption, mulling over in his mind the significance of what she was telling him. When she stopped, he lowered his eyes and said, “Miriam, what I hearing from you is that you buried a secret about having a son for twenty-three years, a good bit of that time, married to me and then went about traipsing all over the Midwest to try to find him. You did all that behind my back. I’m very disappointed in your behavior. Do you really expect me to just ignore it, to pretend that it’s okay that you deceived me? Am I supposed to pat you on the head and say, ‘good work Miriam’?”

  “There’s no reason to be sarcastic. None of this was intententional. I suppressed my memory of Thomas for years and it was only because we decided not t
o have children of our own that my thoughts seemed to turn to him. I continued to do nothing for several years until finally, a few months ago, I went to a Family Law Attorney who was able to locate Thomas and authenticate his birth.”

  “Oh, I’ll bet your attorney friend was more than happy to be of assistance. I can just see the two of you making plans to come to this desolate town and uncover your lost son. Is something going on between you two? Is that the next thing that you’re planning to spring on me?” Nathan’s face was beginning to take on a light pink shade.

  “Don’t be silly. I came here by myself, and besides, Mike is a real gentleman and obviously good at what he does.”

  “Mike is it. How cozy. I’d like to meet this joker.”

  “You won’t be meeting anyone with that attitude. You are making no attempt whatsoever to understanding what I’ve been going through. All you care about is your damn ego.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m not the perfidious one here; you are. To think I spent the past 24 hours worried sick about you and all the time you’re playing footsy with some shyster, using the excuse of looking for some long-lost mistake.”

  “Nathan, how can you be so cruel? I’ve told you the truth about everything. I was praying that you would understand and support me.”

  “Are you kidding? You expected me to be a part of this charade? Don’t make me laugh. If I hadn’t ruined your plans by cutting my trip short, you would have gone on with your deception; who knows for how long and doing who knows what. There’s no telling what I would have come home to. Now that I think about it, what other antics have you been up to during my business trips? Got any other surprises for me; maybe another husband hidden away somewhere?”


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