Eyes on the Target

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Eyes on the Target Page 7

by Gracie Meadows

  “You, Coffee, ma’am?” he asked using his nice voice. The lady laughed.

  “Me, nah, I’m Rainbow, Coffee is inside, and we just made a fresh pot as well. Come inside, we have a lot to talk about. Oh and wipe your feet, Coffee may be small and quiet, but she knows how to make bodies disappear without a trace and would never get caught if you track in mud.” She smiled.

  Liam stared at her for a moment longer than normal as Preston smacked him, waking him from his thoughts. Who the hell are these women? Not taking chances, he wiped his feet until he thought his feet themselves were getting scrubbed. As he entered he was shocked at how cozy the large house felt. Pictures scattered along the wall, most of her and the girls from the company, but a few of weird articles. Not wanting to spend too much time with them, he continued to follow voices. Turning down a hallway he was shocked when he entered the twilight zone, okay not really, but he might as well have. Looking around there currently were four computer monitors and several laptops sitting along a wall on a table with Bubbles and two other men.

  “Glad you could make it to the party, gentleman,” a small voice greeted them from behind a large chair as fingers flew across a keyboard. The woman stopped for a second as everyone turned and stared at them as if they were on display.

  “Um hi, how can we help?” Bubbles started laughing, and then shut up when Rainbow smacked her in the boob.

  “Well this is fun, let’s start the introductions real quick. You know Bubbles, and next to her are her boyfriends, Dylan and Chance. You already met Rainbow, and I’m Coffee. Now let’s see if I can get you both right, you are Liam and the one standing slightly behind you with a pissed off look is Preston. Great, that was easy. We need your help, men, you got our girl into this mess, now you’re going to help get her out. She was set up, and right now we have our lawyer down at the station trying to get her bail granted. Since they haven’t officially charged her with the murder, they can hold her for forty-eight hours before they have enough to formally charge her. Now let me say they do, it’s all circumstantial at best. Our job right now is to find the shooter. We find him, or her, and then we can set her free. Well, that’s not true either, we know it had to be a hitman, and we have an idea of who it was that hired the shooter, but we have to get hard evidence.” She didn’t say anymore when Rainbow handed her another cup with a large lid on top and Coffee took several large drinks before her fingers went flying again.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” Preston said behind him as he sat down looking at all the papers on the desk.” Once again he nodded and started to look at the evidence one more time.

  Jess sat in a small interrogation room telling the stupid fat idiot everything she knew, even telling him she didn’t shoot Verona.

  “Now, Miss Cooper, you had motive and means to do the job, why didn’t you?”

  “Because I didn’t. I didn’t need him dead. I needed him to lead me to the money he stole from my clients.”

  “But you took one of the dogs. Maybe you’re holding a grudge against him for the so-called dog fighting you said went on there.”

  “It’s not so-called, it happened, I saw the evidence that you seem to want to overlook. Yes, he was sick for doing it, and I agree I did take one, but he wasn’t a fighting dog. Thompson would never hurt anyone.”

  “So you admit you took a dog and tampered with evidence.” Just then the door opened and her lawyer came walking in. Thank the heavens above that Zach was there. He had defended her when she had her original arrest with her ex, and he knew what he was doing. She’d gotten off with a misdemeanor and only had to pay a small fee, which was fine with her, since it was her ex who fucked up.

  “I was assured you wouldn’t be questioning my client without proper representation. Ms. Cooper has done nothing except her job, which you have taken as evidence.” Zach didn’t even sit down just walked over to her staring at the cop questioning her. “I have a court order to release my client over to me, and all questions need to be addressed to me and not my client. Now, if you could remove the cuffs we will be on our way.” Zach didn’t let up his glare making sure they knew he wasn’t kidding. He went on with some more mumble jumble that made no sense to her, but whatever he said worked, and the officer grumbled as he undid her handcuffs and left the room.

  “You okay, honey?” he asked as he pulled her into a hug. He could be scary as hell when he wanted to be, but she knew he was a big old softy. Granted he was just a few years older than her, but he looked after all of them like a papa bear.

  “Yeah, but you know how much I hate cages, and stupid people. So can we get out of here?” She really didn’t want to spend more time there than she needed to. He had her items already in the bag and she was happy to see that nothing looked messed up.

  “Is Thompson okay?” Last time she saw him he was sitting on his bed growling and whimpering. Bubbles had showed up just in time to restrain him as the cop car drove away.

  “Yeah, you will see him in a bit, it seemed he is a big old softy for certain people, and he took a liking to your men.” He laughed as they walked out of the station and down to the car. She was never so happy when he got in and he handed her a cup of coffee and a cheeseburger. The man knew her so well. Quickly buckling, she started drinking and eating, when she realized what he said.

  “Wait my men? What men?” Surely Zach wasn’t talking about who she thought he was.

  “Oh your twins, I think their names were Liam and Peter?”

  “You mean Liam and Preston? They are helping?”

  “Oh, honey, you really have it bad. Just like Bubbles, yes, both are at Coffee’s house and helping save your ass, which I might add, young lady, is in some major hot water. Trent is working with his CIA connections, and your guys are using their FBI, along with whatever else connections they have to keep your ass out of jail. Now, honey, I will let you know right now that it doesn’t look good. I got you out of there on a technicality, but it was more the fact I milked my connections to get a favor granted. Don’t make me regret this and get your ass locked up. I love you, all you girls, but I have no problem putting you over my knee if the need arises. So be a good girl, and play with your puppy, and stay out of trouble.” She sat and listened to his lecture and knew he did this with everyone, he was a big softy, but he was the only man in Heels for Hire, Inc. for so long, that they listened to him without a second thought. Getting out of the car she heard barking and her excitement mounted as she flung open the door. Running to her was Thompson. Dropping down, she grabbed him as he stood there licking her face and wagging his tail.

  “I missed you too, big guy,” she confessed.

  “How about us? Did you miss us?” Looking up she saw both Liam and Preston watching her.

  “Woman, I should tan your ass for the shit you pulled, and not calling us first.” Preston didn’t have to say anymore as he grabbed her and kissed her with such fierceness that it almost scared her. As he released her, Liam was right there gazing into her eyes.

  “You okay, sugar?” She nodded, but wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her soft and sweet. The kiss started to turn hot and heated when Rainbow cleared their throat.

  “Glad you all had your tonsil hockey match, but Coffee found something,” she remarked as they pulled apart.

  Blushing, Jess nodded and went to see what Coffee had found.

  Chapter Eleven

  Preston was pissed as he looked at the information that Coffee had found. How could he have been so blind?

  “So you see the mayor was a pawn in Verona’s organization. He was being blackmailed with sexual photos of him and a younger woman, and I mean younger if you catch my drift. And yes, before you ask I am already trying to locate the girl and the proper authorities. Anyway, it seemed that he used his children’s accounts to move money so no one would question it. It was rather smart of him, because who is going to monitor savings accounts for kids. But what I found interesting was the amount of money that was going into a false comp
any. I did a trace and found the company was set up by the ATF agent working the case on Verona. I say you start there and check him out. I sent the address to your phones. Smokey Eyes, I think you, your bossy twins, and Thompson should check it out. Bubbles is going to check out the mayor, and Rainbow is going to get dinner. We’re all set, right? Awesome. Now go.” The small woman didn’t say anything else, but turned and went back to work on her computer.

  Not having a problem with any of it, he grabbed Jess’s hand and went to leave.

  “Preston, can we make a stop at my house. I want to change and shower. I know we should head over there, but I feel—" she was cut off when Preston placed a finger on her lips.

  “That’s fine, I know the feeling. You shower once we get home and I can take Thompson out for a walk so he is okay for the trip out.” Agreeing with him, they went into the car. She laughed when Thompson climbed in back and Liam followed leaving her in the front seat. She was edgy and nervous. So much was happening and if she didn’t get the right answers, or hell find the shooter, her ass was going to be pinned for the murder. Not wanting that to happen, she was determined to find the one who took the shot.

  Pulling into her house she was happy to see that Bubbles had locked it up and the door wasn’t wide open. However, that didn’t stop the sinking feeling when she walked inside and saw some of her items scattered around the room. She had a feeling this was going to happen and that she would be spending the day cleaning the mess. She wanted to cry. Jess had kept her nose clean all her life, and yes, she had a temper, and she liked things the way she liked them, but damn it, this was her house. Her sanctuary away from everything else, and someone destroyed it.

  “Sugar, go take a shower, and we will clean up some.” She nodded and left to shower. She felt dirty and nasty from being in the cage and questioned. To top it all off, Liam and Preston were both here for her and without questioning if she did it or not. She’d never had that with anyone, well minus Bubbles, Rainbow, and Coffee. Those girls were her family, and in the short time she had bonded with Thompson, and now these men. The reality of it was starting to hit her hard. If they didn’t find this shooter, or the one who sent him, then she would be sent to jail. After all, Verona may have been scum under her shoes, but murder was murder.

  As she stood underneath the spray of the water it was almost too much to bear. The extreme feeling of being cared for, the fear of actually going to prison, especially with people she helped put there, scared her. What would happen to Thompson, what would the girls do? She wasn’t aware of the tears falling down her face until she wiped them away. She never cried, and it was stupid to start now. She wasn’t a girly girl, no, she was the damn ice queen who felt nothing, but that wasn’t true. She was just so used to not feeling because every time she did, she got hurt, or someone left. She didn’t risk it, it wasn’t worth the pain, but somehow these two men stayed with her. Sinking down to the floor of the shower, she silently wept through the pain she was feeling.

  “Jess?” She didn’t hear the door open or even realize that Liam was next to her. Looking up at him, she saw the sadness in his eyes and that made her cry more. “Oh, baby, come here, I’ve got you. It’s okay, nothing and no one is taking you from us.” Those simple words were her undoing. Liam picked her up and set her on his lap. He rocked her back and forth as she clung to him letting it all out.

  Liam’s heart was breaking in two for the small woman who was finally letting go. She had been dealt a shitty hand from the beginning, and now this. He wasn’t going to let them take her. He and Preston had even talked about running with her. He knew she didn’t shoot Verona, but that didn’t change the evidence. He was determined to save her. She looked up at him, and he knew this wasn’t just a fling, but something more, a forever. She was his home. Her green eyes sparkled with the remainder of her tears. Their color changed from the normal mossy green, to more of a jade. He could lose himself just in her gaze. Wanting to see the smile return to her beautiful face, Liam slowly lowered his lips and brushed along hers. A small sigh left her as she pressed her lips to his, kissing softly as she opened her mouth. He slowly worked his way around her mouth and tiny moans escaped. Her hands wrapped around his neck slid up and into his hair pulling him closer to her. The small spark of passion erupted from them like a volcano.

  Jess moved and straddled his legs. He still had on his jeans from earlier and they were now with soaked with water, and Jess rubbing herself along his cock, it made him very uncomfortable. Jess must have thought the same thing as she reached down and tugged his shirt up and over his head, then pulled his zipper down. It was all done while she kissed him, without breaking contact but for a split second. The need bloomed as they sat on the tile floor of her shower. He moved his hand down her to support her while she leaned back so he could suck on her nipples. Taking a sweet berry in his mouth, the small moans of her desire fueled him more. Moving his other hand down the front until he found her pussy. Sliding his fingers back and forth along her lips she whimpered with need, which he was happy to help with. Sliding down further, he slipped a single finger into her soaking cunt. Her breathing patterns started to escalate as he pushed in at a slow pace. Adding another finger, he moved on to the other neglected nipple. Jess was panting, but never said anything, just moved with him. Not able to take anymore playing, he moved her body to where he wanted and he watched as she moved her pussy over his cock and slowly sunk down onto him. Their eyes focused intently on each other. No words were spoken, just two people feeding an inner desire. Her cunt gripped him like a vise that had been in a fire. Hot and tight. She was on her knees now and once she was fully seated with his cock deep inside her she lifted off him, leaving only the tip inside before dropping down again. Wanting to help her keep the slow and steady pace, he gripped her hips helping her rise and fall as the two of them became one. Two pieces of a puzzle fit perfectly into their desired spaces. Nothing ever felt like this. He wanted to throw his head back as she rode him, but he was transfixed on the sexy siren who was riding him, lost in the moment. Her breasts bounced up and down as her skin turned pink and water ran down her. Liam was unable to hold back much longer and the simple sight of her lost in the throes of passion about made him shoot his load. Moving a single hand he found her clit and rubbed back and forth and her pace became choppy, but he could feel her inner walls start to milk his cock. And just like that she shot off, crying out his name, throwing her head back, and he too took off with her. He held her down on his cock as he felt it pulse, and his seed splashed deep inside her body, branding her forever his. Jess fell forward resting on him as her ragged breath started to even out and only the sound of water hitting the tile could be heard.

  With his eyes closed he heard a sound but just kept his arms around Jess as she rested against him. However, Thompson had another idea as he bounced in the shower with them and started licking their faces.

  “I see he found you two?” Preston stated as he looked in the shower. “Dude, seriously, you couldn’t take your clothes off before you got in the shower? Come on, Thompson, let’s get something to eat. And, Liam, hurry up, we need to feed our woman before we have to kick some ass.” Liam just nodded as a wet and happy Thompson bounced out and followed Preston.

  “I’m sorry,” Jess said quietly when it was just the two of them.

  “Sorry for what, sugar? I should be the one to apologize.”

  “No, I shouldn’t have cried like that. It was stupid and well, then I kinda jumped you.

  “Baby, listen to me, it’s okay to be scared and hurt. It happens to everyone, but it’s a lot easier when you have someone to help you stay grounded, and that is what Preston and I are here for.” He kissed her nose before he lifted her off him and grabbed a towel to dry her off. Smiling, she kissed him lightly on the lips before heading into her room to change. Grabbing a towel himself, he headed out as well to find something dry to wear.

  Preston sat on the small stool drinking a bottle of water while he waited for
Jess and Liam to dry off. He admitted this time he wished that Liam had walked Thompson so he could have had some time with Jess, but Liam needed to do this with her. He was the gentle one, and the kindhearted one. He, well, he would’ve made the whole situation worse. Liam came out of the back room wearing a shit eating grin, but covered in a white towel. Preston wasn’t so much a bastard as he pointed to the bag on the couch. It was in their experience to always keep fresh clothes with them for any reason, and right now he was sure Liam was happy for that fact. Grabbing his bag, he dropped the towel and dressed.

  “Everything okay?” Preston knew something was eating Liam when he got quiet, while looking at the closed door of Jess’s room.

  “It will be. She’s scared, and I think it all hit her hard and all at once. She is allowed to feel, Preston. She has a heart, and hell, the damn woman has mine as well.” Preston laughed at his brother’s confession, and Liam that looked at him with skepticism.

  “What? Don’t tell me you don’t feel something for her, because I know you do.” Preston had to stop what he was doing and think about it for a minute. He was an ass for sure; however, could he love the ice queen? Could she love him, and look past all his faults. It wasn’t what Liam had said, or asked. Did he care for Jess? Yes, he did. Something about the woman called to him physically and emotionally.

  “Okay fine, I do feel something for her, and no I don’t know what it is exactly yet.” Preston felt no need to lie to his brother. He was the one person who knew him almost better than he knew himself.

  “See, well we just need to get this figured out and deal with it. If we don’t solve this and keep her out of prison, Preston, like you said, I have no problem running with her either.” Preston nodded just in time to see Jess walking out of her room. He smiled when she walked out in her normal pants, stretchy pants chicks called yoga pants, even though most of them didn’t do yoga. This time she did have on a green tank top that was layered with a white one. He had to admit it the outfit did a great job of showing off her boobs and he wanted to take those beauties and squish them together and rub his face between them.


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