Glazov (Dark Romance Series)

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Glazov (Dark Romance Series) Page 4

by Suzanne Steele

  When he removed his cap and solemnly hung his head, I knew.

  “No, no, nooooooo, Oh God nooooooooooo!!!!!!!”

  I would have crumbled into a heap at his feet had he not caught me. I knew that my husband was dead.

  After that everything was pretty much a blur, I would have to attend his funeral in Russia.


  I sat next to Yafon on a private plane making my way to my husband’s funeral.

  “Missy you need to eat.” Yafon patted my hand as he sat down a bowl of fruit that the stewardess had brought.

  The last time that I was on this plane my husband fucked me over a table. I wonder if that is when my baby was conceived?

  “Yes, Afon,” I stated, picking at the food just to pacify him.

  I knew that I must look horrid with my swollen shut eyes and my red nose due to my constant crying. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I loved my husband and I loved his baby that I was carrying.

  The Captain’s voice interrupted my thoughts announcing our arrival in Moscow. I couldn’t help but wonder why they felt the need to conduct things as if we were on a commercial flight, but right now I was ready to get off of this plane and into a hot bath.

  I was ushered to a mansion and shown into a master suite with instructions to use the intercom to request any needs that I may have. Right now I just needed to get a bath and a bed.

  I was glad to be left alone and the only thing that I found myself wanting was a glass of Merlot and there was no way that my baby was being subjected to that, so I immediately pushed the thought from my head.

  I bathed, dragged myself from the tub, and made my way into the bed. I don’t even remember my head hitting the pillow and I was asleep.


  “Ptichka, my little bird has flown to me. Did you come to tell me the news of my son that you bear?”

  I opened my eyes ready to shake the dream from my head, only to view my husband bent over me.

  “You fucking bastard! You led me to believe that you were dead.”

  By now he was holding me down. He at least had enough sense to know that if I got my hands on him, it would be him getting an ass whipping.

  “Get off of me I’m leaving!”

  “Like hell you are, you will never be able to leave, you are in my part of the world now! Still underestimating me, Ptichka? Do you honestly think that I would let you go? Oh no little girl, all of this has been to solidify your captivity. You have no idea how far I will go to keep you and the baby that you carry.”

  I threw a picture of her sonogram down onto her nude belly. I have been keeping a heavy protective hand over you, my little bird.

  I buried my face into her hair as I spoke, “You underestimate me little one, you underestimate just how far that I will go to keep you safe and out of trouble with law enforcement.”

  I jerked at a fistful of hair that I held, “Don’t ever mistake my obsession for you as weakness. You will be very sorry if you do. I will stop at nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to keep you and to maintain control of you. You solidified that when you married me and became pregnant with my child. Till death do us part my love. Now let me show that sweet little cunt of yours that Daddy’s home.”

  “I’m not letting you touch me! You probably fucked some Russian whore while I was gone. You are not giving my baby some disease.”

  “Shutup Ptichka, my cock won’t get hard for anybody else; so that is not an issue.”

  “Oh, so you tried?”

  “No! Now shut the fuck up or I’m gagging you.”

  “You are beginning to show Ptichka and your tits are bigger.”

  I ran my hands over the body of my wife. My son was already beginning to make his mark on her. He is strong like his father and grower stronger inside of my wife with each day that passes.

  “I have missed being buried deep within you my love. I would be willing to bet that little body of yours has missed me too.”

  “I hate you, Glazov.” She sniffled, she looked much like a little girl who had been betrayed, but that had never been my intent. My intent has always and will always be to keep her safe and with me. She does not realize that growing tired and bored of her will never happen, it simply isn’t possible; my obsession with her runs too deeply.

  “Liar, you missed me and you are angry that you cannot hate me.”

  I ran my hands and mouth over her body taunting her with my tongue and lips.

  I held her face and pressed my mouth into hers and the passion in that kiss clearly let me know that she was mine and would always remain mine. Whether we wanted to admit it or not, we were in love with one another and nothing was ever going to change that.

  The rest of the day was spent in bed making love. I had missed her, I had missed her so very badly and there was lost time to be made up for.


  If I thought that Glazov was obsessed with me before, it was nothing compared to now.

  He literally monitored every move that I made. He had completely set me up with the latest technology to run my business from Russia. Rene was running the office in the states and he kept a very close watch on her through his employees there.

  He had provided me with a digital camera of my choice for my newest hobby, photography.

  My days were spent taking in Moscow and all of the wonderful sites. There was so much to see and photograph.

  Of course Yafon was by my side anywhere that I went. Anytime that my husband could accompany me; he did.

  I knew that he was trying to make up for the fact that he had faked his death to get me here. Even though he pissed me off with his obsessive behavior, I knew that we were safer here and for that I was grateful. My husband ran Moscow and here the lines between legal and illegal were very blurred, so much so, that my husband was rumored to have helped get the President in office.

  I made my way into a small boutique to check out the Matryoshka dolls, better known as nesting dolls. I had begun collecting them as soon as I arrived. I was shocked when the woman made her way over to the door and locked it, turning the open sign over to closed. “Oh, Mrs. Gazov, how can I help you?”

  I looked at Yafon who only eyed me as if I should not be shocked that rumors of the American with fiery hair had reached the locals. Everyone knew my husband and everyone feared my husband.

  I became intrigued with a set of family nesting dolls and purchased them along with a set that replicated Russian political leaders of the past and present.

  I could still hear the shop owner behind me thanking me and telling me to return as she turned the sign over upon my leaving.

  I was gaining a new understanding here in Russia of just how powerful that my husband was. I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that I couldn’t leave here if I wanted to. I also couldn’t shake the feeling that my husband would never let me escape with his child…


  I sat awaiting my wife’s return as I sipped on chilled vodka. I let my mind wander as I awaited her return. Yafon had already informed me that they were on their way home.

  Being away from her had been one of the hardest things that I had ever done.

  There had not been a day that had gone by that I had not felt as if my gut was being wrenched from my core. The woman had an effect on me that none other had ever been able to accomplish.

  I had women that threw themselves at me. They did anything that I wanted them to do without question. It was always the same; they wanted more and I grew bored, until my Ptichka.

  I was obsessed with her and everyday that passed my obsession only grew; until now it was the center of my universe.

  I couldn’t explain or figure how this woman had wrapped me in her web. I was completely and utterly intrigued and taken with her. There was no figuring out the way that she encompassed every aspect of my life, but then again…….I have never been in love before………

  Hers screams of glee broke through my thoughts as she tossed her shopping bags on the b
ed and ran over sitting on my lap facing me.


  I screeched with joy as I entered the bedroom where my husband was seated awaiting me.

  Life size nesting dolls greeted me. They were the largest that I had ever seen.

  Each stood in a line and was a perfect replica of us with three stair step children, two older boys and a girl. The dolls looked exactly like us. They were absolutely exquisite. The time and the detail that had been put into them, was simply remarkable.

  I was thrilled, not only that he had purchased them, but the amount of thought that had gone into having them made; was endearing to me to say the least.

  I jumped on his lap wrapping my legs around him. He nodded at Yafon commanding him to leave.

  I looked into his face and he looked angry as he eyed me. I never could get a read on him.

  His eyes cut through me as unbuttoned my shirt and began pinching and pulling at my tits.

  “Stop it” I whined, “That hurts.”

  He pulled my bottom lip down with his thumb as his other thumb pad was used to bring a nipple to stout attention.

  “You have no idea what real pain is.”

  His hand tugged at a fistful of hair as he gritted his teeth eyeing me.

  He ran his tongue over his teeth making a clicking noise as he stared at me.

  He bent in whispering, “Lift that skirt up, spread those sweet little lips and sit on that thick hard pole of mine. Now!” he growled.

  My hands trembled as I lifted my skirt up and moved my panties over and began slowly sitting down on him.

  His hand wrapped in my hair as he plunged up and into me. “Do as I said or I’m going to. Fucking you isn’t going to hurt that baby.”

  I grabbed his shoulders and began stroking up and down with more force.

  “That’s it, there is that ‘I am going to cum face.’ You better not though.”

  Every nerve in my body was on high alert. The way that was he daring me to disobey him with his eyes and the threats that he whispered and hissed in my direction only served to set me on fire for him. He grabbed my head by handfuls of hair and whispered “cum.”

  His mouth covered my screams as I convulsed on top of him. If sex was good before, then it was off the charts now. Being pregnant only intensified the experience.


  Glazov stood in the ring and stretched his neck back and forth as he sized up his opponent.

  His sadistic need for blood had reared its ugly head and Glazov’s need to feed it was evident.

  He flexed his fists and immediately began ruthlessly assaulting his opponent. Though his opponent was a professional fighter he stood no chance against Glazov. The crunching of disintegrating bone could be heard throughout the ring as Glazov mercilessly beat the man.

  Blood flew only feeding the fuel of Glazov’s sadistic need to hurt. There was a method to his madness, it kept his wife safe. Better to plummet a willing opponent; than to subject his wife to pain.


  I made my way through the mansion being nosey when I happened upon the gym.

  I had brought my camera in hopes of getting shots and what I ended up viewing, was a sight that I never could have been prepared for.

  Blood flew through the air as my husband beat a boxing opponent and showed no mercy. I stood around the corner unseen and clicked shots until I could stand watching the beating no more.

  The pictures would be proof of his brutality; in case I ever needed them.

  I quickly made my way upstairs and put them on a stick deleting them from my camera and hiding the evidence.

  I don’t know what I thought that I could prove with them, it wasn’t like people did not already know that my husband was ruthless, but none the less I had them in case I never needed to show someone just how vicious that he was.

  Agent Turner

  Agent Turner spoke aloud to himself as he eyed the computer, “That guy sure has got it bad for that girl, to fake his own death in order to get her on his stomping grounds is the furthest that I have ever seen him go for a woman. She’ll be back and if she ever needs help getting away from you Glazov, I’ll be here.”

  What agent Turner did not recognize was that he was developing for Kathleen what many Psychiatrists would dub as a ‘Hero complex.’

  He just couldn’t get past the fact that he knew that a woman who would never have had anything to do with the likes of Alexander Glazov, had been forced into marriage and motherhood by him.

  As far as agent Turner was concerned; that poor girl’s life had been ruined. And it was true, he did have a point, her life would never be the same now that Alexander Glazov had gotten his hands on her.

  Glazov and Ptichka

  I rubbed my stomach as my baby kicked inside my womb. I couldn’t help but wonder if my husband would be disappointed if I was pregnant with a girl.

  “What if we find out that I am having a girl today, Glazov?”

  “Then we will add a princess to our family, is it not fun the thought of trying for a boy?”

  “Let’s just get through this first pregnancy.” I groaned.

  “It is a boy, Ptichka, you are too big for it to be a girl and you are carrying him low.”

  “Are you saying that I am fat?”

  “No, I am not and it would not matter, we Russian men like our women big.”

  “Well don’t count on that, I guess that I will have to come down to your gym and work it off.”

  “Yes, Ptichka, we will discuss the gym later.”

  I could tell by the way that he cut his eyes at me that he knew that I had been sneaking around down there. I could only hope that he did not know about the pictures that I had hidden.

  I watched my husband beam with pride as the Dr. informed him that he was the father of a bouncing baby boy. He then eyed him seriously and stated that we needed to be on high alert. The baby was large even by Russian standards. The Dr. was convinced that I would never carry him full term and even then; I would probably need a C-section.

  I can’t say that part of me didn’t feel good about having a C-section, in my mind it would keep everything down there tight, but that was probably just me being paranoid.

  I would wait until we got home before I informed Glazov that I wanted to return to the states to have my baby.


  I breathed in deeply and slowly exhaled to release the irritation that I was feeling towards my wife. I swirled the chilled vodka and finished the glass off before reaching and pouring myself another.

  “You continue to underestimate me little one. You sneak down and take pictures of my viciousness and then hide them in hopes to have proof to use against me. You then have the nerve to ask me if you may return to the states to give birth to my Russian son. Hmm, would you deny him his Russian heritage?”

  When she attempted to answer me I commanded silence.

  “You are three weeks away from giving birth to my son and I have every intention of fucking him from your loins tonight. Hell no, you are not taking my son out of the country! Don’t worry he will have dual citizenship, but if you ever try to escape me and take my son from me, you will be very sorry young lady!”

  I stood taking the memory stick from my pocket as I chuckled, “Do you not realize that the authorities are well aware of how ruthless I am, I own most of them Ptichka. I am the reason the Russian President is in office.”

  I took another large swig of vodka and removed my clothing.

  “Strip Ptichka, and get on all fours!”

  “You are not going to hurt me are you?”

  “I told you that I want to meet my son tonight.”

  I positioned my body behind my wife making her wait; open and vulnerable where I could view her.

  I gently rubbed my hands over her soft ass and smacked down causing her to cry out.

  I placed myself at her opening stroking and toying with her until she began pushing back against me. I smacked down on her ass, “You get that when I
say that you get that!”

  Once again I began teasing her. I would barely push into her and then pull out.

  “You’re a sneaky little bitch, if I ever find out that you turn on me and go to an authority behind my back, you will be in more trouble than you could ever imagine.”

  I guess I teased her too long because she finally screamed out, “Shut up and fuck me!”

  I didn’t want to hurt her; I would save that for after she recouped from giving birth, but I had every intention of fucking her into labor.

  I must have done something right because she woke up that night and we welcomed Alexander Nikita Glazov Jr. into our world.

  True to the Dr’s word she had to have a C-section due to his size. He weighed in at 12lbs 2 ozs.

  He was his father’s son and I couldn’t be more proud.


  I held my son in my arms breastfeeding as my husband sat watching. I rubbed my hand over his strawberry blonde hair and he smiled. My son had been smiling from the moment that they placed him in my arms. The Dr. and nurses said that had never viewed a child that smiled as quickly as he did. A photo had been caught of it and it had literally gone viral.

  My son commanded attention from the moment that he entered the world. I know that I don’t have the typical family and I was not betrothed in the normal manner but this is my life, this is my family and Russia is now my home…

  The End…




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