Callie's Guardian: White Tigers of Brigantia (Book 1)

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Callie's Guardian: White Tigers of Brigantia (Book 1) Page 25

by Lisa Daniels

  “You remember how they are looking for Augustin?”

  “Obviously. What is your point?”

  “Cyprian failed to mention that Noely was Augustin’s charge.”


  “You don’t remember who Augustin was taking care of? The girl whose parents died in Kanza?”

  “Ash, get to the point.”

  “Still have to spell everything out.” He gave his friend a playful punch in the arm. Ailey noticed that Anani rubbed the spot, but Ash was too busy rolling his eyes and acting annoyed. “Fine, I’ll simplify this-”

  “Ash.” There was a hint of warning behind the smile. “You are enjoying this too much.”

  Ash laughed, “I’m trying to give you time to think because I like to see that expression on your face when you put things together on your own.”

  “Alright, if you don’t want my help…” Anani acted like he was going to turn around.

  Ash caught his arm. “You are going to feel like an idiot for not figuring this out. Gods, I did. And I’m going to punch Hisa in the face when I see him because apparently he-”

  “Ash, focus.”

  A smirk slowly crossed Ash’s face, and Ailey found her eyes taking in the beauty of the muscles as they pulled at the different parts of his mouth. “She’s not a sorceress.”

  “Seriously, Ash, I am going to walk out of here-”


  Ailey watched as Anani looked at his friend. “Yes, everyone knows his history with the angelous, but what does that have to do with-” The man’s eyes went wide for a moment. “No. No, that’s not… Oh, gods.” He threw his head back and groaned, “Please tell me you are lying about this.”

  “Work through your desire to ignore it and the stupidity that you feel for having to be told. That’s why you need to spend more time down here. You are losing your touch and ability to think clearly.”

  “Oh, just kill me now. I don’t want to go through that again. How many times-”

  “None. She accepted him. Apparently right from the start.”


  “It’s actually kind of sweet. Shouldn't be as much of a burden to be around. Well, not the kind of burden you are used to with them. I expect you will find their interaction a little sickeningly sweet. You will need to be more careful of the thief traveling with them. That should be ample distraction from the happy couple.”

  “How much worse can it get than those two together?” He gave Ash a scathing look. “I understand why you are backing out now.”

  “Anani, you have no idea what is going on, as you have aptly demonstrated. They are traveling with a mixed blood, primarily kitsune and undine.”

  “That’s a pretty horrific combination. Why don’t you just throw a little human in there to act as the fire for that powder keg?”

  “Now that you mention it…” Ash was smiling at the man.

  “You just said she was undine and kitsune.”

  “I said she was primarily kitsune and undine. A couple of generations back there was a bit of human mixed in. What’s more interesting, she has no idea that she isn’t human.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” There was pain in Anani’s voice as he looked down at his friend.

  “Glad you asked.” Ash clapped a hand on Anani’s back and led him to the table. As they neared the table, Ash called for another dish like his own. The host nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. The remaining guests got up and left, their eyes avoiding looking at the two lively figures animatedly discussing humanoids. The two men didn’t seem too worried about talking openly about their business, which was refreshing after her time in Yuezhi where humanoids had to hide their species. Of course, Ailey could understand why they were unconcerned with being overheard – no one would have any clue what they were talking about.

  As the pair reached the table, Ash held out a hand. “Anani, Ailey. Ailey, Anani.”

  Ailey held out her hand. Anani gave her a beautiful smile as he took her hand and kissed it. She smiled up at him, a little bit of a blush rushing to her cheeks. “It is a pleasure,” he said, looking into her eyes. They were a unique greyish-blue that seemed to shift just a little in the light.

  “Don’t do that to her.”

  “You know I am not interested in that kind of thing with humans.”

  “I know that your misdirected charm makes the wrong impression on women all the time.”

  Anani looked at the medic. “You don’t look like you are so easily taken in, my dear. But please forgive me if my manners have given rise to something more than a pleasant hello.”

  Ailey smiled, “Neither of you need to worry. I am far too old to entertain those kinds of thoughts.”

  Anani raised an eyebrow. Ash’s beautiful face fell into what could only be described as a scowl. “A lovely young woman such as yourself should be entertaining those kinds of thoughts well into her golden years.”

  Ailey gave him a lopsided grin; she had never heard him sound so passionate. “You may live a long time, my pretty boy, but as a human and a medic, I expect nearly every day to be my last.”

  Anani shook his head, “She is a strange one. What are you getting yourself into, Ash? This really isn’t like you. Are you trying to outdo Hisa?”

  Ailey looked between the pair as Ash waved off the words. “You know that I don’t do that kind of stuff anymore. It ended up being far less enjoyable than he claimed.”

  “I am sitting right here, you know.” Ailey knew that she sounded annoyed, and she did nothing to mask it.

  With a bow, Anani apologized, “My sincerest apologies. I did not mean anything against you personally. Just Ash has a bit of a strange history for our kind.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Oh, he spent a bit of time acting rather shockingly like a human.”

  “No,” Ailey gave her head a little shake, “I mean, what kind are you?”

  “If he hasn’t told you what kind of shifter we are, it’s not my place-”

  Ailey stood up. “You are a shifter!” There was obvious shock in her voice, and the innkeeper stepped into the room to make sure everything was alright. Ash gave him a big smile and a wave to let him know that the outburst did not mean trouble.

  Ash pursed his lips together as Anani turned to look at him. “You didn’t even tell her you weren’t human?”

  “That part was obvious.” The newcomer turned to look at Ailey as she spoke. “Purple isn’t a human color.”

  “Oh, well, then that is alright.” With that, Anani sat down, as if the subject was closed.

  “He kept omitting to tell me what he was.”

  Ash’s face was serious as he looked at her. “I wasn’t trying to hide it, there just didn’t seem to be a good time to bring it up.”

  Anani looked between them as they continued to stand and stare at each other. “I don’t know why him being a shifter matters. I mean, he isn’t an incubus or aswang, so you should be fine.” He narrowed his eyes. “Or do you have something against shifters?”

  Ailey sat back down and rubbed her forehead. “I don’t have anything against shifters because, honestly, I’ve never known one. My gods, but you guys are good.”

  Anani gave her a little bow. “We have a lot of practice. Though you’ve probably never met one of our type before, I guarantee you that you’ve met shifters. Especially since you are a medic.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Ash said, trying to dismiss the conversation. “Here comes your food, Anani. Why don’t you-”

  His friend cut into the discussion, “So what did you think he was?”

  “Anani…” There was warning in Ash’s voice, and for the first time, Ailey felt a bit of a chill and she shivered.

  “Don’t try to threaten me, sapling.” Anani looked at Ash, his handsome face entirely serious.

  Ash rolled his eyes and walked around the table. Removing his coat, he draped it over Ailey’s
shoulders and sat back down. “It wasn’t a threat, my friend. I just don’t see why you have to do this now. What does it matter?”

  His friend picked up his fork. “The fact that you are exhibiting emotion beyond a contentment to be alive proves that there is a reason for me to be concerned.”

  “I thought he was a wizard.” Two pairs of eyes turned to look at her. “He used some kind of time magic to get us here from Derbe in less than a day.”

  “Ash,” Anani turned and looked at his friend. He placed a hand on his shoulder. “Ash, don’t do this. We need you.” Ash gave him a vague smile and blinked. “I'm serious. Be careful.”

  The cheerful young man turned and gave Ailey a look of disappointment before turning to his friend. “I know what I am doing, so you don’t need to worry about me.”

  “I am quite certain you do, and that is why I am worried. Remember what happened with your-”

  Ash cut his friend off, “Cyprian is running around with his Noely and a mixed-blood thief, and you think I am the problem?”

  There was a pause as Anani considered. Ash interrupted his thinking, “It was a hypothetical question.”

  “Yes,” Anani finally said.


  “Yes, I think you are the problem. If what you say is true, if Noely is here, then Cyprian will return to the man we need, maybe even more of the man we need him to be. If they find Augustin, that will be even more true. And the thief will be under the influence of Noely, so that will work out just fine. So of everyone, I dare say you are the one who inspires the most concern right now.”

  “Hisa has run off with a half-pixie to Senones.”

  “What is wrong with you guys?” Anani threw his hands up. “I disappear for a few years, and you guys totally lose your sanity? Hisa is at least using-”

  “The half-pixie is male.”

  Anani stopped, his mouth half open. He then seemed to weigh the new information. “I think that will work in his favor.”

  Ash gave a satisfied nod before continuing, “Right, you have entirely the wrong idea of what I meant. Hisa ran off with the guy because apparently the half-pixie hasn’t had any training. And he was Noely’s friend. I don’t know, it sounded like a complete mess.”

  Anani held up his hand. “Okay, let me catch up. Hisa just left the seven kingdoms with an untrained half-pixie and is, as we speak, heading toward,” his eyes darted toward Ailey, “Senones.” It was obvious there was something he avoided saying, but Ailey did not feel like she was part of the conversation. Content to just listen, she folded her arms and sat back. Anani appeared to weigh the news. “Clearly, Hisa is the bigger problem. Gods knows what he is going to do over there. The reds are not going to be happy about this. And there is no way they aren’t going to know he is there. Why did you guys send him?”

  Ash shrugged, “I had nothing to do with it. That was all on Cyprian, and you can no doubt figure out what he was thinking. We were just lucky that the kitsunes didn’t realize there was a half-pixie over here for so long.”

  “No kidding. That could have gotten ugly, especially with the way Cyprian was acting. But Hisa over there now is a much bigger problem. I mean, the kitsune and pixie problem is big, but can you imagine-”

  “I don’t want to.”


  Ailey rested her check on her hand and listened to the friends chatter about things that made no sense to her. After a while, Anani stood up. He looked between the pair, “I will help Cyprian and his crew, but you have to make me a promise.” The shifter’s eyes were on Ailey as he said that.

  “Anything,” Ash replied.

  “No, not you. Her.”

  Ailey raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think that a human would follow through with a promise?”

  The shifter gave a disapproving noise. “Don’t give me that. Some of the best people I have known were human. And you are a medic, so I trust you implicitly.”

  “I cannot make the promise without knowing what it is.”

  “Fair enough,” Anani’s hair moved a little as he agreed. “Don’t let Ash do anything stupid.”

  Ailey laughed before looking at him again. The man’s gaze was serious. “Oh, come on,” she said. “I cannot be responsible for his actions. I have a job to do and I really cannot babysit him. It would be easier for me to move the ground than to try to control him.”

  A slight grin etched into the corners of Anani’s mouth. “Same thing. So, you promise?” The man turned and looked at his friend without giving her a chance to respond. “Please, Ash, after Cyprian, you are my favorite.”

  Ailey leaned forward. “You know that you can’t force him to do anything he doesn't want to do.”

  Anani turned to look at her. “Your words discourage me, mostly because I do not want you to know that about him.”


  Ash stood up and began pushing his friend toward the door. “You are being unimpressively melodramatic. You are needed elsewhere, and we are just fine. She’s heading off to certain death, and I’m thinking about my next move.”

  “Ash,” Anani looked at his friend. “You always make me smile and you are one of the few reasons that make it worth coming here. If anything happens to you…”

  “Aw, Anani, I didn’t realize you felt that way. If you are proposing to me, I will need time to think about it.” Ash’s smile was positively beatific.

  “If that would get you to be more careful, I would be willing.”

  Ash threw his head back and laughed. Anani chuckled a little, then pulled his friend into a hug. For a moment it looked like Anani was going to say something, but he just patted Ash on the back then headed to the door. The sound of it closing echoed around the room as Ash returned to his seat. Ailey noticed how weary the young man looked.

  Rising from her chair, she moved around and put his coat over his shoulders. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

  Ash smiled up at her and allowed her to pull up on his arm for a few minutes before rising.

  Putting his arm around her neck, she walked over to the manager. “Could we please get our room keys?”

  “I’m sorry, but there is only one room available.”

  Ailey turned and looked at the empty room, then back at the single key on the hooks.

  The contented smile on Ash’s face faded a little, as she looked around. When she didn't respond, he removed his arm from his companion and began to protest, “But-”

  “That’s perfectly fine,” Ailey said, handing the innkeeper a few coins. “We are only staying the one night, so it should not be a problem.”

  The innkeeper handed her the key. Holding Ash’s hand, she led him up the stairs to their room.

  Once in the room, Ailey helped him onto the bed and began removing his boots. His voice was soft when he said, “Don’t worry about it. I can manage. You go ahead and get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Oh, have you decided not to go to Melzi? That is good.” He half-smiled at her.

  She gave him a playful slap. “I mean I'm not going to just let you pass out fully-clothed on the floor.”

  “I never said anything about the floor.” Ailey took in his smile as he looked at her.

  Shaking her head, she began to unfasten his shirt. His hands covered hers, “Really, it’s okay.” He pushed her aside and began to stand up.

  “Really, it isn’t.” She moved her body to block him.

  To avoid bumping into her, Ash fell back on the bed. “I’m a bit tired, so if you could just let me go, I will get out of your way. You take the bed, I’ll make do.”

  Ailey looked down at the shifter, his shirt untucked and half unbuttoned. The exposed skin appeared to be unblemished and the muscles were even more defined without the clothing covering them. There was a stunning tattoo just barely visible, a dragon’s head on the top of his pectoral muscle. Fighting the urge to see more of it, Ailey took a deep breath. “You took care of me last
night. Now I want to return the favor.”

  “You are just being stubborn.” Again the shifter tried to stand.

  This time she pushed his shoulders, causing Ash to fall on his back. “Look, I’m the medical professional. I say you stay here and I’ll-”

  A hand reached up and pulled her down faster than she could have expected. Her body hit the soft bed and bounced a little as Ash tried to push himself up and away from the bed.

  She grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down, causing him to spin a little. “Look, you stubborn-”

  Ash completely lost his balance as he fell back onto the bed. Trying to catch himself, he put his hand out and it brushed against her breast. The pair froze as he looked down at her. Slowly, he leaned down, his eyes on her lips. Ailey watched him close his beautiful eyes, and she smiled as she closed hers. When their lips touched, his were soft and warm. Ailey began to kiss him back. He pulled away and looked down at her. Then he leaned forward and began to kiss her again, this time slipping his tongue into her mouth. Ailey brought a hand up to the side of his face and began to gently run her hand around his ear.

  Ash pulled back again and looked down at her, the tiredness no longer visible in his face. His breath was faster than it had been a few moments ago. “Ailey, I want you.”

  The woman smiled up at him. Her hand moved to the back of his neck and she pulled his head down, his lips meeting hers. She felt his hands slip under her shirt, and she immediately began to unbutton the rest of his shirt. Her hands explored the hard muscles as she pushed his shirt off of his shoulders. He tensed at her touch. The shifter brought his lips down to her neck. “Ailey, I want you. Gods, I want you.”

  He tore her pants off and began kissing her inner thighs. “You are so beautiful, so unbelievably beautiful.” Ailey moaned as he kissed her stomach and placed a hand on the small of her back. His other hand ran up her calf and between her legs. Ailey gasped as his hand brushed against her. For all of his words, Ash seemed to be taking his time.

  Finally, Ailey felt that he was just torturing her. She placed her hand under his chin and forced Ash to look into her eyes. “Are you just going to play with me, pretty boy?”


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