Callie's Guardian: White Tigers of Brigantia (Book 1)

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Callie's Guardian: White Tigers of Brigantia (Book 1) Page 84

by Lisa Daniels

  Cora was silent for a moment, causing him to turn and look at her. “I didn’t know about his parents.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. That was not my place to say. I–”

  “No, it’s fine. I always wondered why he chose to live with us all of those years ago, but that makes sense.”

  “There were family members willing to take him in, but he was certain that you were his mate. I think he always assumed your parents were dead, too. Up until your brother mentioned them a few years ago. Silas was so confused, but by then he already knew you guys weren’t going to end up together, so he didn’t bother to ask.”

  “I probably wouldn't have been honest about it, or would have been intentionally vague.”

  Emery nodded, “I am pretty sure he knew that, which was one reason he didn’t inquire. He always thought that you wanted someone famous.”

  “What do you mean?” Cora was a bit upset by that assessment of her character. She never cared for popular people or celebrities.

  “Well, first you were interested in Alaric, who is incredibly famous all around the world.”

  “Oh, and then I was interested in Ryland. Yeah, I guess I can see why he would think that.”

  “But it wasn’t what you liked about them.” Cora nodded at his words. Emery reached a hand out and pushed some of her hair behind her ear, only briefly looking at her as he drove. “You like the fact that they were mature men who might be able to talk to you about what you had experienced. Then you never brought it up.”

  “It was embarrassing. And what if they blamed me for the deaths, too? I couldn’t deal with it.”

  “No one will blame you for being young and inexperienced. Nor will they blame you for being human – that wasn’t your choice, so it’s hard to fault you for it.”

  “Oh, like you guys are perfect,” she reached over and smacked his arm.

  “No, we aren’t. We are very similar to humans when it comes to emotions and errors. A bit of an embarrassment, but–”

  Cora smacked his arm again. “You are being terrible.”

  “You have my apologies. I think I lost a bit too much blood and now I need to go get some sleep.”

  “Oh, well, then why don’t we pull over somewhere and you can get some sleep.”

  “I’m not going to make you suffer because I need sleep.”

  “I really don’t mind. Considering my place is another hour and a half away, getting some sleep would be for the best.”

  “That really isn’t a good idea.”

  Cora looked over at Emery and noticed that his face was a little pink. Suddenly she understood what he meant. “Oh, don’t worry, I can get my own room if you don’t want to share one.”

  “It isn’t a matter of what I want, but what is best for you.”

  “Go ahead and find a place to pull over for the night. I can call Jason and let him know that we had some problems and that I won’t be home until tomorrow.”

  Emery looked over at her. “If you are sure.”

  “Yes, it’s fine. I don’t have any classes tomorrow, it’s been a very long and trying day, and I am feeling rather tired myself.”

  “Okay. If you are tired too, there is a place not far from here.”

  With that, they chatted a little bit. It wasn’t long before they exited the highway.

  Chapter 11


  Cora looked out the window at the huge mansion. “What are we doing here?”

  Emery hopped out and hurried around to open her door. “I think you will find this a bit more comfortable than a hotel room. We know who has slept here.”

  “I don't think I can afford to stay here,” she looked up at him.

  “It’s free. I'm not about to let you pay since you are being kind enough to let me get to bed instead of making me get us all the way back to your home.”

  “I'm not a monster.” Cora got out of the car and found that her eyes kept going back to Emery as he walked beside her.

  “No, that would be me.”

  “I don’t think you are a monster.”

  “Well, you don’t know me that well.”

  “Well enough, I’m sure.”

  He looked over at her and smiled. Taking a step closer to her, he took her hand. It was the first time he had done so without having any reason for it. Apart from wanting to hold her hand.

  She smiled and looked down.

  “Wait a minute,” he stopped and looked at her, then up at the sky. “It’s a blue moon.”

  “Hmm?” Cora looked up at the sky. “Oh, yeah, I guess so. Didn’t realize a whole month had passed.”

  “Not quite a full month.” He stepped closer to her.

  Cora looked up at Emery. He wasn’t as tall as Ryland or as wide as Silas, but she felt far more comfortable around him. Her heart began to race a little faster, and suddenly she realized what was going on. Giving him a smile, she moved a little closer.

  The smile on his face looked simultaneously angelic and demonic, but to Cora it was beautiful. His face neared hers, and before she knew it, he was kissing her. The way his lips felt was surprisingly soft. Cora found herself wanting more, and she opened her mouth a little. The feel of his tongue as it slid into her mouth was both shocking and pleasing. Her tongue began to stroke his, and his arms slipped around her, pulling her body closer to his. Cora’s arms slid around his neck and she pressed her body into his.

  Suddenly her feet left the ground, and she moaned as he carried her to the front of the mansion. Cora didn’t notice anything about the inside of the place as he carried her up the stairs.

  Emery stopped in front of a door and placed her on the ground. Though he seemed resistant to it, he stepped away from her. “This is your room.”

  Cora turned around and looked at the door behind her. “I would rather stay with you to make sure you are alright tonight. Just in case.”

  The way she looked at him, there was no way Emery could miss her meaning. His jaw clenched. “Are you sure? You have never been with a man before.”

  Cora was briefly embarrassed. Her cheeks were red as she said, “I am sure.”

  “It will make it difficult for me to sleep.”

  “That’s the idea.”

  “What?” His eyes were wide when he looked down at her.

  She moved closer to him and put her hands on his chest. “We need to get cleaned up first. It would be best if I make sure you are fine and that you wash the wound properly.”

  His eyes tried to read her face, but Emery couldn’t believe that she wanted anything more than to help. With a heavy sigh, he took her hand and led her to his room.

  “You can shower first. It’s this way.” He led her to the bathroom. Before he could turn around to look at her, Emery felt Cora’s arms move around his body and begin to pull his shirt up. “That really isn’t necessary,” he said, trying to keep his voice level.

  “You are beginning to make me think you don’t know how to shower.” Her voice was taunting as she continued to pull at his shirt.

  “I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

  “Look, if you don’t know how to shower, then I feel I should teach you. I mean, what does a shifter know about cleaning using modern technology?”

  “What?” Emery seemed at a loss.

  Cora continued to talk like she didn’t hear him. “It certainly explains Silas’s habits, though. I guess I should have taught him how to shower during all those years he lived at our place.”

  “Now, hold on one minute,” Emery turned around to look at her. “You shouldn’t go showering–”

  “Good lord, you are covered in blood and dirt. Come on. Let’s get you in some nice hot water before you think you need to go wash off in a cold stream.”

  Emery frowned down at Cora as she seemed intent on treating him like a large child who didn’t know how to wash. “I know perfectly well–”

  Then her hands moved down to his pants. Immediately he stepped back. Cora put her hands on her hi
ps. “Look at how dirty those are. You have to remove those to shower.” Without another word, she reached down and pulled her own top off. “Let me show you how you are supposed to go into a shower.”

  Emery turned his head and held up a hand. “I promise you I already know how to shower!”

  “What?” Cora looked at him. “But you thought it wasn’t necessary to remove your shirt.”

  “That wasn’t what I had meant!” His face was bright red and it was all he could do to keep from looking at her. The sound of water caused him to look up and the sight that greeted his eyes caused him to blush deeper. “Please, I can handle my own shower. Having you in here–”

  “Having me in here what?” Cora had approached him, her hands on her slender hips.

  His eyes immediately began to go over her body, and Emery felt ashamed. Turning his body, he couldn’t think of how to clear up the misunderstanding. Then he felt her hands on his back and her head leaning up against him. “Um, Cora?”

  Her hands moved around his body, and Emery couldn’t help but moan at the soft touch against his skin. Slowly Cora’s hands moved down his stomach, tracing his well-defined muscles. Though it had taken him a while, Emery finally realized that she had been messing with him. “Why you little – oh!” Her hands had slid down the front of his pants and moved along his hips.

  In one movement, Emery turned around and picked Cora up off of the floor. One of his hands worked his pants off as his mouth covered hers. His pants were left behind on the floor as he carried her into the shower.

  “Wait!” Cora’s voice as she pulled her mouth away from his was rich with feeling. “I still have my–”

  Emery did not slow down as he slipped in under the water. One hand moved out and turned on a second shower head. Turning the nozzle down, he pushed Cora against the wall. She gasped as he stopped kissing her, his hand working under the front of her bra and cupping her breast. She pressed into him as he slid her breast out of the cup. His other hand quickly undid the strap as Emery began to suck on her nipple. Cora gasped again, her hips pressing hard into him. Her hands ran through his hair, her fingers causing him to pull her body against his.

  He tore her panties off of her, too intent to apologize for ruining them. She looked down at him as he slid her body down. His dark eyes watched hers as he slid into her. Her head leaned back, and he slid a hand up to protect her head. As she arched into him, her neck fully exposed, Emery brought his mouth down to her neck. Gently nipping it as he slid further into her, Emery was careful not to be too forceful. After a few seconds, her body tensed, and he knew that she was experiencing pain. Pulling her upper body against him, he pressed his mouth over hers and distracted her from the moment of discomfort. As soon as her body relaxed, he began to slide her further down over him. She gasped and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Emery. Oh Emery.” Her voice was like an aphrodisiac, and he began to slide in and out of her. Cora’s supple body was easy to hold and move to bring her to a quick climax. As she yelled out, he pulsed against her, causing her to do it again.

  “Oh God! Emery!” She looked at him, then she pulled his face to hers and she began to move on her own. She slid up and down on him in a way that he could not have anticipated. He stepped out of the shower and carried her to the bed, unable to continue holding back in the name of caution. Once they were on the bed, Emery looked down at Cora with a wide grin. Her smile was beautiful as he leaned over to cover her mouth with his own, their bodies beginning a new rhythm.

  Anya’s Freedom

  Found by the Dragon – Book 1

  by Lisa Daniels

  Chapter One

  Anya wiped sweat from her brow, struggling to stay upright. Her arms ached. Her hands were raw from holding the scythe, which she craved to turn upon her masters.

  She hated working on the plantations. She hated every single cotton plant she saw, and the wheat fields the scythe needed to swipe through. Every human hated this place, if they had any sense in their bodies. But it wasn't like humans had much of a choice, being slaves and all.

  The only thing everyone hated more than the bone-breaking work, the relentless sun beating on them from above, and the muddy ditches for when the rains fell – were their overlords.

  In this world, stuck in the prison of a plantation, being a human meant a life sentence. You worked and sweated until you dropped dead, or when one of the masters got bored and decided they required some sport. An overseer passed the group of humans working now, an apathetic look on his face, steely yellow eyes scouring for signs of slacking. Anya saw his hand twitch slightly to the whip belted at his side. He didn't own any other weapons. He didn't need to. Inside his human exterior lay a monster. A great, fanged and wingless serpent which looked down on all humans it enslaved. A wyrm. All wyrms had the same ominous yellow eyes, and the cruel slant to their faces, as if merely looking at a human triggered the well of hate sealed within.

  They saw humans as stupid, lazy, and disposable, and Anya couldn’t remember a time when the wyrms hadn’t been in power. It seemed to her like the wyrms had ruled the world forever, hurt the humans forever. Her grandpa spoke of his grandma talking about the cruel treatment of their masters. They spoke of how one step out of line might get you beaten to death – and skies forbid that you were an attractive woman.

  If a wyrm decided to take a woman, no one ever saw them again. Anya's mother explained why. She said that the wyrms weren't allowed to have children with women, so the moment one became pregnant, they got executed. Anything to stop their blood mixing with the humans. But not enough to stop them from committing their atrocities in the first place.

  Why can't they just leave us alone? Hideous creatures. Anya swiped harder at the wheat in front of her, grunting as she did so. Others did the same thing on either side of her. Each were careful not to get ahead of one another, in case it prompted their overseer to decide upon defining a new speed. And if someone lagged behind too much... then they risked getting beaten, which would put them behind more. Which might then get them killed.

  Anya bared her teeth, simmering in resentment. Thoughts boiled in her head of the idea of vengeance, of taking up arms, of storming through the wyrm mansions and stabbing them to death as they slept. Of course, those rotten beasts transformed into giant lizards, making it significantly harder to stab anything through them – but if you caught one by surprise...

  She vented out her frustration instead on the wheat. Always careful to not get ahead. Careful, sometimes, to slow down a fraction of a pace if she suspected someone getting too tired. She or someone else would use a special downward stroke signal to tell the others within eyeshot to do the same. The wyrms hadn't figured out the system yet. And the humans did what they could to survive. To keep each other alive for as long as possible.

  Anya also did everything in her power to look ugly, along with the other women in her plantation. The foolish and vain ones got taken first, tossed about in the lordling’s quarters like a doll.

  In a way this helped the humans, since it meant their future generations would be too ugly to be of any aesthetic use to the wyrms. Except some might just choose to fuck with you anyway, because they could. You could never quite prevent everything. Just reduce the chances as much as possible.

  Everything Anya did had been passed to her by her mother and her grandpa. They knew all the tricks, all the ways to make their miserable lives that little bit easier. Anya smeared mud on her face, kept her bucket washes to a minimum, let her hair grow untidy and unkempt, and always slouched and hooded her eyes. She also pulled peculiar expressions whenever a wyrm addressed her, though sometimes it got her whipped. Under the advice of her mother as well as most other women, she bound her breasts, which had started inconveniently erupting out of her chest at the age of thirteen.

  “You have to reduce all signs you’re a fertile, pretty woman,” Kendra would say, perhaps while stuffing wild, repugnant-smelling garlic inside her daughter’s mouth. “Can’t be taki
ng any risks. Don’t want you being taken like my last one.”

  Last one. Humans tried to have as many children as possible because they knew most of them would die. Anya’s oldest sister got taken when she was eleven and never returned. One of her younger brothers died of the illness that ravaged the serf village just outside the plantation, which made the gracious Lord Osmer whip his serfs even harder to get the harvest produce he required. Now Anya’s family – five children, including her – worked extra hard to help provide for their single remaining grandfather. The youngest of course couldn’t work, but the eight- and ten-year-olds could. If the wyrms decided to focus any of their ire upon Grandpa Horace, because he no longer could physically do the work in the fields, he'd die.

  Horace managed to survive in other ways, though. He helped look after some of the youngest children while their parents went out to work. He helped cook in the village. So, although he didn't work on the plantations, they saw him still being marginally useful.

  Anya didn't want to think about the day when her grandpa could no longer hold a stirring ladle properly, or keep a child under control. It might be two months, it might be two years. But everyone broke down in the end.

  She considered now her family. Anya never knew her father. Humans often didn’t form proper relationships, unless they were determined to risk loss for the sake of love. Her mother didn’t mind. It was their way, the way of many men and women here. The ones who did stick together were treated with grudging respect. The ones who lost, however, broke down the hardest. You saw enough people grinding their knuckles into the dust, their eyes bloated from tears, to know the costs. Not all prices were worth paying.

  Their masters, of course, encouraged large families, so they could have more serfs without needing to buy from auctions. It also gave the wyrms something to kill every now and then for entertainment, as the humans struggled to accommodate and feed themselves.


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